Marketer from 10.05.2022

Marketer from 10.05.2022

Marketer Philip

Hey! Philip's back online.

Let's discuss several issues today.

Do you know what a personal brand is? Or maybe you are building it yourself? Regardless of the answer, remember that branding is a marathon, not a sprint.

NFT platform branding is how our company expresses its own identity. It's a series of decisions and actions that convey key points such as values, mission, and exclusivity. The alpha version release is coming soon, and you will be able to evaluate the work on the naming, identity, and brand book.

Every crypto direction has its winners. Whether it's an exchange or an NFT collection - it doesn’t matter; the main thing is that they get you hooked on. And we're going to win.

We do not serve the market, we create it.

By the way, some news about Discord. It's ready, but I'm a perfectionist, so I consider it necessary to bring the server to perfection: we are working on cool features for users now. Stay tuned, there will be a separate post about Discord soon.

Inside: the first members will receive the highest rank - platform ambassadors. But we keep the best part for the announcement - so don't miss it.

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