Market Research Report on Beer Market

Market Research Report on Beer Market


Beer is one of the most popular alcoholic beverages throughout the globe. Since the first references of Beer, it has been something almost everyone cherishes. The present scenario of Beer consumption throughout the globe is extremely positive for any Beer Project report to be formulated.

Beer is the product of the fermentation of Barley grains, though it can be obtained from other grains but the most popular and extensively used one is Barley.

Current situation of the Indian Beer Market

Well studies show that the Beer Market in India is still in its growing stages but it would be an understatement to say that the beer Market ain't good enough. Though the major producers as well as consumers of beer are the western countries; Nevertheless, India is catching up fast.

Market share analysis shows that one of the leading and more popular Beer brands is Kingfisher, followed by Tuborg and Carlsberg differing from Budweiser which is one of the leading Beer names in the world.

With increasing adoption of the western culture, the beer consumption by the Indian is sure to increase in the near future.

In fact, market trends show that beer with more than 5% alcohol content is more popular amongst Indians than lighter versions of the same. Thus proving that the market analysis supports Strong Beers.

Also Read: How to set up a Brewery Business?

Setting up a Beer Manufacturing Plant

Beer production mainly involves Fermentation of Grains. Though this ain't the only process which goes into beer production. There is a chain of reactions which involve Fermentation, carbonation, etc for the manufacturing process of Beer to be completed.

Beers manufacturing takes place in breweries and most of them are autonomous bodies which only rely on the grain supplies.

Breweries need permits and licences which need to be obtained from the government. Besides this there is initial capital investment which is required and the feasibility study of the beer Market suggests that the major deterring factor is the initial investment.

The best ways and means, along with the most suitable conditions for best results need to be analysed for higher profits.

Breweries deal with Saccharomyces cerevisiae also known as the Brewer's Yeast for fermentation. The bottling is also done in the same plant. Then the beer bottles are transported to their destinations.

Project Report on the Beer Industry

The beer industry is gaining a lot of popularity. Changing lifestyles, globalisation and the increase in advertising have been the strongest growth drivers of the beer industry.

A project report mainly consists of salient features, aspects and technicalities involved in making a project successful.

A Project report on the beer industry would not only consist of industry analysis reports which talk about the growth of the industry but also various Target research analysis to increase the production and the demand worldwide.

Market research analysis states that the lager bear is more common in India. Therefore giving a basic idea of what is in demand.

As mentioned earlier the setting up of a brewery involves certain technical and legal aspects which need to be mentioned in the report. The initial investment is the most important and the most crucial one.

It's extremely important for a project to consist of ground realities regarding the topic in hand. Therefore conducting market research and adding the data to the project would make it better.

Manufacturing process in the Beer Industry

This is the first broader step which sees Batley grains turn into malt after being treated with hot water, heat and dry conditions

  1.  Mashing

The starch released is then broken down into sugars which can be easily use fermented further

2. Lautering

Lautering is the process where the sugar rich liquid is strained and taken to the next step

3. Boiling

The sugar rich liquid is boiled to remove unwanted Flavours and chemicals

4. Fermenting

This is the most famous step wherein the yeast works on the sugars producing alcohol

5. Conditioning

This process involves carbonation, and giving the final touches to the beer we know.

6. Bottling

When the finished product is ready, it is bottled and then transported. Though the process of Beer manufacturing is a lot more complex, this is a simpler explanation for the same.

Growth Drivers of Beer Industry

Beer has been extremely popular in countries in the west. The lifestyles, earning patterns and globalisation has effected the consumption of beer greatly.

Market Analysis of the beer industry show that, it's going to increase further in coming years due the growth drivers.

It's important to understand that the growth drivers have been showing positive response in the last two decades. With western culture taking centre stage, people have preferred beer for outings, game days, etc. Even the number of license applications for beer has gone up in recent times.

India is one of the fastest growing Beer markets in the world and with breweries eyeing indigenous production, it is a no brainer to guess that the Indian Beer Market is going to see a rise in the near future

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