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Marijuana Krk island

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Marijuana Krk island


Marijuana Krk island


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Marijuana Krk island

Everything described in these general charter conditions represents a legal obligation for the client, as well as for The Charter Company. These conditions are the foundation for settling any eventual disputes between the client and The Charter Company. The stated prices include a technically adequate, clean boat with a full fuel tank, usage of the boat and its equipment, compulsory and hull insurance, accident insurance for the crew covering disability and death , mooring in the home marina, Croatian sailing permit, and a concessionary approval for the boat. The stated prices do not cover the costs of mooring and taxes in other marinas during the charter, fuel costs and costs of other necessities, car parking, and medical insurance for the crew. The remaining amount up to the complete value of the charter is paid at the latest 3 weeks before the beginning of the charter. The client can only take over the reserved boat under the condition that all necessary payments have been properly made. In a case when client wishes to change the charter characteristics or cancel the charter, this must be done in writing e-mail, fax, or post. In a case when cancelling client manages to find a substitute client, who is willing to take over his rights and obligations, The Charter Company only charges the direct costs caused by the client change. The Charter Company does not assume responsibility in case of changes or cancellations, which are due to force majeure higher reasons or forces of nature war, riots, strikes, acts of terrorism, extraordinary sanitary conditions, natural disasters, extreme sea or weather conditions, interventions by competent authorities and the like. The Charter Company obliges to provide the client with a technically adequate, completely equipped boat with a full fuel tank, clean and tidy, ready for sailing, after Before takeover, the client is obliged to provide the The Charter Company base with a verified voucher, which indicates that the total charter amount has been properly paid. The client leaves The Charter Company a compulsory security deposit, which guarantees the compensation of all eventual losses or damages during the charter, even if they are not covered by the insurance policy. The deposit is made in cash, with a blank credit card slip, or with an automatic preauthorization. The deposit is refunded to the client in full, after The Charter Company representative ascertains that the boat was returned at the agreed time to the agreed place, tidy and undamaged, with a full fuel tank, and under the condition that no claims from third parties are placed, or are expected to be placed, against the client in connection with his use of the chartered boat. The deposit is obligatory even in cases when a boat is rented with a skipper provided by The Charter Company. In case the client, without previous notice, fails to take over the boat within 48 hours after the agreed check-in time, The Charter Company is authorized to one-sidedly terminate the charter contract, and the client does not have the right to subsequent reimbursement claims. If for whatever reasons The Charter Company is unable to hand over the boat at the agreed time and place, The Charter Company is given a time limit until In a case if The Charter Company fails to do so, the client is authorized to terminate the contract and is entitled to a full reimbursement of payments made to The Charter Company. In case the client decides to wait for a substitute boat outside the agreed time limit During the takeover of the boat check-in , the client is obliged to verify that the actual condition of the inventory and equipment is according to the existing check-in list. All eventual complaints are to be done exclusively before the beginning of the charter. The client has no right to claim any reimbursement for defects on the boat or its equipment, which could not have been known to The Charter Company at check-in, as well as defects or damages which arose after the check-in and could not have been anticipated by The Charter Company. The client is obligated to handle the above mentioned documents with care and return them to The Charter Company at check-out. The client is obliged to return the boat to the agreed place at the agreed time - Before the CHECKOUT, the client is obliged to take garbage and waste off the boat and leave it at the designated place in the marina and to take their own luggage off the boat. In case the boat is not returned to a port appointed by the charter contract till If for whatever reason further sailing during the charter is impossible or an excess of the agreed return time is inevitable, the client must contact The Charter Company and the base manager for further instructions. Undesirable weather conditions are not an acceptable reason for a delay of the return. For lateness over 4 hours, the client pays a daily charter price for every started calendar day. All costs arising from the excess of the agreed check-out time are covered by the client. Digressions from this rule are possible, but only in accordance with a previous agreement between the client and The Charter Company. When the boat is returned check-out , The Charter Company representative checks the general condition of the boat and its equipment, and compares it to the check-in list, which was signed at check-in. The client is obliged to report any eventual damage or loss to The Charter Company representative. If the damage or loss is confirmed by such inspection, the costs will be charged to client In case the boat is not returned with a full fuel tank, the fuel, as well as the service of filling the tank, will be charged to the client. The insurance companies will not cover the damages under influence of drugs or alcohol. Leaving Croatian territorial waters is only allowed upon previous written consent from The Charter Company. The Charter Company renounces any kind of responsibility towards state authorities; the client takes sole responsibility for law violations and crimes committed. The Charter Company is obliged to repair the defect within 24 hours from receiving the notification. In case The Charter Company repairs the defect within 24 hours, the client has no right to compensation. No pets are allowed on board, without preliminary agreement. The client is materially and criminally responsible for his actions during the charter. The Charter Company may ask the skipper to demonstrate his knowledge and skills at sea, in the presence of an The Charter Company representative. The time used for this testing is included in the time of the charter. In case the client does not accept the appointed skipper, The Charter Company has the right to forbid the client from sailing out with the boat, terminate the contract, and keep the full paid amount. The client has no right to reimbursement. If the client knows in advance that he will need skipper services, he should notify The Charter Company upon reservation or make his own skipper arrangement. All yachts are properly covered with liability insurance and comprehensive coverage for charter business. The boat also has hull insurance in the amount of the reported boat value, for risks stated in the insurance policy. The hull insurance covers damages that exceed the amount of the deposit, but not intentional damages or damages caused by brutal negligence. In case of serious damage or accidents in which more than one vessel is involved, the incident must be reported to the competent port authorities, who must provide proper report documents, which subsequently need to be handed over to the insurance provider. In a case when damages covered by the insurance policy were not properly and timely reported to The Charter Company, the competent authorities and the insurance provider, even though all necessary documentation exists, will not be covered by the insurance provider. In this case, the client is fully responsible for the damage and will be charged accordingly. When the boat is damaged, the client is obliged to cover all costs according to the conditions of the hull insurance, but only up to the amount of the security deposit. The sails are not insured, the costs of eventual damage are covered by the client. Engine damage caused by an insufficient oil amount is not covered by insurance and is covered by the client in full, as well as any damage resulting from the engine damage. All damages and defects that have occured on boat while chartering, and which are not a result of natural wearing out of the boat, are paid by the client. Before making any repairs or purchases, the client is obligated to contact The Charter Company and agree on the technical compensation of the repair and the manner of payment. Before making any repairs, the client is obligated to make an agreement with The Charter Company about the technical and financial compensation of the repair. The client will cover the bill in this case, on spot, if necessary, and obliges to keep the invoice, so that the The Charter Company can refund the payment in full upon check-out. The client obliges to notify The Charter Company about any breakages and damages, immediately after they occur, and no matter what the cause is. The Charter Company will instruct the client about the proper course of action. Unauthorized repairs and equipment replacements will be paid in full by the client. The client may demand a proportional reimbursement, but only if a written complaint is lodged upon check-out, and all necessary documentation is provided. A written complaint must be signed by both parties — by the client and an The Charter Company representative. Subsequently received or incompletely documented complaints will not be taken into consideration by The Charter Company. The Charter Company is obliged to provide a written solution of the received complaint within 14 days after receiving it. The Charter Company is allowed to postpone the time limit for an additional 14 days, if gathering information and checking the complaint claims with the people involved is necessary. The client renounces the right to arbitration by a third party, competent authority, or law institution, or releasing information to the media, until The Charter Company has reached a solution of the complaint. Provided that the client acts contrary to this regulation, he loses the right to compensation, because of violation of the procedure. In this case, The Charter Company has the right to ask the client for compensation of eventual damages caused by such an action. The highest compensation can be equal to amount of the part of the service which was an object of the complaint. The client has no right on compensation for services that have already been used or for the whole amount of the charter price. This also excludes any rights to compensation of non-material damages. For cases like this and other cases of disputes between clients and The Charter Company, the jurisdiction court is in Rijeka, applying Croatian law. Any changes and additions to these general conditions are only valid in written form and with agreement from both parties. Угол для пользователей. Cookies помогают нам предоставлять наши услуги. Используя наши услуги, вы соглашаетесь с использованием наших cookies. OK Подробнее. Charter Истрия и Кварнер Парусные яхты. Bavaria 31 C - Данные о судне. Описание Возврат наверх. Техническая спецификация Возврат наверх. Год производства: Ширина: 3. Резервуар: Boat layout Возврат наверх. Койки в салоне: 2. Кабины с двухъярусными кроватями: -. Каюты с 1 кроватью: -. Местонахождение Возврат наверх. Отправить запрос. Количество недель. Депозит можно оплатить наличными или слипом кредитной карты, и он будет полностью возвращен клиенту только в том случае, если не произошли никакие повреждения судна и задержка возвращения судна, если от третьей стороны не поступили никакие сообщения о возможном повреждении судна во время аренды и т. В противном случае Чартерная компания удержит часть депозита в размере причиненного вреда. В случае повреждения судна процедура такая же, что и при оплате полного размера гарантийного депозита, с той лишь разницей, что удержанию подлежит только меньшая сумма. APA можно оплатить наличными средствами в базе. За счет данных средств покупаются продукты питания для клиента и покрываются расходы на топливо, стоянку и т. Окончательный список расходов представляется капитаном в конце путешествия, а неизрасходованные средства в полном объеме возвращаются клиенту. Если денежных средств недостаточно, капитан об этом своевременно проинформирует клиента, тогда как оплата дополнительных расходов будет произведена по окончании срока аренды. Депозит Сумма денег, подлежащая возврату - 1. Обзор цен. Плата за все опциональные услуги с пометкой 'за неделю' будет взиматься за каждую неделю аренды. Payment type. In case I decide to book, I would prefer to pay with:. Bank Transfer With credit card via PayPal. Возврат наверх. Удобства и остальное. День: суббота Время: PM. День: суббота Время: AM. First Bavaria 30 C - Krk - Marina Punat. Changes and cancellation of the charter In a case when client wishes to change the charter characteristics or cancel the charter, this must be done in writing e-mail, fax, or post. Takeover of the boat CHECK-IN The Charter Company obliges to provide the client with a technically adequate, completely equipped boat with a full fuel tank, clean and tidy, ready for sailing, after Boat insurance All yachts are properly covered with liability insurance and comprehensive coverage for charter business. Damages and defects during the charter All damages and defects that have occured on boat while chartering, and which are not a result of natural wearing out of the boat, are paid by the client.

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