Marijuana Hair

Marijuana Hair

Marijuana Hair

Marijuana Hair

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You smoked with your friends last weekend, but in the cold harsh light of Monday, you might be having regrets — especially if your employer conducts drug hair tests. But exactly how long does weed stay in your hair? The dreaded hair test is one of the most used tests for finding drug users. Along the way, some of the cannabinoids — metabolites of psychoactive THC are what most tests look for — enter the blood vessels that feed the cells of the scalp. There, at the interface between the vessel and the follicle cells known as the hair papilla , THC jumps the gap, entering the matrix, where actual hair growth occurs. Over the next couple of weeks, the hair from the root sprouts upward, carrying THC past the scalp, where it becomes fair game for testing for the next three months. The most commonly cited number for the amount of time marijuana can be detected in your hair is 90 days. That time frame is calculated on the basis of how long it takes for hair at the root to grow past the scalp, and it takes into account the part of the hair that drug testers sample. According to Quest Diagnostics , one of the premier drug testing labs in the United States, it takes five to 10 days before hair at the root pushes out past the scalp and into the world. In a drug test, samples are usually taken from hair 1. Since hair grows at about 0. Usually, that solution is put through an ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay screen, a laboratory procedure that uses specific antibodies to bind the target molecule of choice — in this case, THC. The final concentration of the chemical in a sample of hair gives the final verdict. There are a lot of variables in hair testing for marijuana that make it a very controversial way to decide whether or not a person is fit to have a job. As mentioned above, false positives are very possible. Hair color — that is, hair melanin content — seems to alter the sensitivity of the test, with darker-colored hair being more sensitive to the test, according to a report from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. There has also been some concern about gray hair frequently turning up false positives, though more research is needed to explain why this happens. Science How long does weed stay in your hair? Science explains the answer. Yasmin Tayag. How does weed get in my hair, Anyway? Active compounds from marijuana travel in the bloodstream to a strand of hair via the hair papilla in the hair follicle. ELISA assays use specific antibodies to look for marijuana compounds in a sample of digested hair. Related Tags Health Drugs Biology.

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