Marijuana Euboea
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Marijuana Euboea
Marijuana Euboea
What is the meaning of the name KAMPIA?
Marijuana Euboea
Euboea and Naxos in the Late Geometric Period: the Cesnola Style
Marijuana Euboea
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Naxos,thetefote,shouldbe consideredas well con' nectedin the LG period sinceseveralof the pot- tery styles are strikingly similat. C P- Descoeudres - R. Keasley, 'Greek Pottdy at Ven: evidenceIor their assumedclosecontactsl. Histod- anotherlook', in 8S,, 19aJ,p. Orlandiri, 'L. For fie possiblelole oI Phoe nicias in the fansfer of Greek vasesin the lre'colonial West Chalcis, Iater acting as mother'city for Sicilian cf. Ridsvay, ' Phoenicians and Greeksin the West, in G. Tsets ,Hadze- F. De Anselis leds. Malkin Str b. IlDvov nvdr. But ' For the foundation of Naxos cf. Rizzo, Naros sbeliota, cf Thucyd. Sicilia, profilo storico', in o. Mdrti, Rom , pp. Naxian larticipation in the foundalion of ; V. L'E'ber e h p6e,z. Attributions to this painter or his ported only vaguelyas consistingof a 'few sherds' t. Pottery in rol backgroundfrom Lherery beginnirg this style had a wide distributionall over the Medi- But it is not in the aims of this oaoer ,' terraneanand a gleat impacton colonialworkshops '. Nayiao parti. Leniini, Le oino. In the uea or trlc the LG period. ColdsEean, Pithclo! Boardn:an,Euboearu votive srele cxcavatedat the deposit of a sanctud , by rhe river Overseas:Problems of Ideari Y , i Etibie. IUnt- naxianzlphsbet Gurducci For numisnaticscf. Kray rins the 81h B. Crielaard,'SomeEuboeanand ' Fo a mjxed chuacter of nost coloniescf. Amslerdan , in BABetch65, ,pp. De Angeln F Gds. Coloritutioh, OxIotd , p. Howcver, lhe dliest greek ri Cf- Coldsreaml9e4b- potteryon the sir. From the rather was a Naxian who emigrated to Euboea,5. At the same time it became apparent variationsin the renderingof birds that constitute that sryle, iconography and fabric artdbuted to this the mostpopularsubjectin the iconographyof these painter should be looked at in more detail and in va. A n'ucL. However,styli also been atttibuted the Delos crarer and the hydria stic attributionsto this workshopvary and the pro' from Chalkis,'. The samples was discoveredir was explainedas Attic and olrly taken from the crater fig. The sameresults further processedby dendro- origin for the vasesin this style continuedto be di- grammslarer and comparedwith the results of analy 1' Coldstream,,Coldstre,m t, pp. Les Jl l l en,p. Andreionenou,Geohetricand Sub-ceomeuic :i Foi \\\\\\\\\\\\\]jsfs cf. Coldstream1t71i BoardmaD,pp. I' CL strpianote 12 ro 5 i P G. Themelis,'Nevs lrom Eu- ' t Cl. S chw enzer 1t71,!. The Cesnolaoeno. The decorativeschemeis very ters that follow neighboudngParian workshopsJt. Pictorial subjectsare not independentstyle. Circlesand linea! The resemblance betweenlocal Na- Tree of Life Iig. This is a very late Atti tery in the Cesnolastyle found at Naxosthough,an cizingstyleftom a conservative workshoprhat has a investigationby optical emissionspectroscopy and limited numberoI mostlyclosedshapes,usuallyam- other techniqueswas conductedat the Institute for Archaeomenyin the NuclearResearchCenter ' De- mokriLos ar Athensi3. For lhis reasonan rxrensive froh theirafticcourerpds Kourou cm nowbe dGtinguished samplingwas undertakenfrom all fabricsrecognised rr Ct. Zaphcirolotlou For rhc potteryfrom Palariacf- wahe. Kdydi Lambrinoudakis ;ider laj Kourou ,1. I' Cf. DlloJ XV,71j Cddshean ,p. Lambrinoudakis r98Ja, fig. Na l Fig. Ahpl,ora nr d,e Bb srllc i. Naxlansherdjn rhe Cesnotasryle N. Ibt Fig. Na xos elrreum. NxrlxD sherd jn rhc Cesnota Fig. However, bdc considetedon statisticalgroundsas local. The resultsof this causethe Naxiar aspectof the Cesnolastyle emer- arMlysishave shown that the clay used for the rhree gedfrom a compatisonof localfabricsin rhemselves. Naxian MG, LG siipped and gularlyusedthe pinkishcreamvarietyof slip, which unslippedpottery shouldbe of local manufacture. At the sametime, it was shown that in the LG ced pottersand painters. Consequently,a technologicalinvestigation of the As the Naxianmaterialin the Cesnolastylehasno slippedgroupswascatried outtr. The useof the slip in well stratified context dating dependsentirely on itself doesnot necessarilyimply any particular stylistic style. The drawingof the pottery with the white slip affinitie'or varicrior. The style,a white slip 2. The fabric of all the leature that doesnot survive the LG Ib periods'- The samplestaken wasfired to over degreesC. It is the main featureon two vascstbat belongto the Throughthis projecrthe Naxianver,ion nucleusof the style, the ctater lrom Kouion and the 'cientific of the Cesnolastylecameout as an independentlo- hydria ftom Chalkis. But the trce shownon the Nnian cal workshop and this was made possibleby compa- sherdhas the form of three leafu shootsof a bush ra- dson with other Naxian and not Euboeanfabics. R9tbatr d6 Ttu. Mk de h RCP,83, Lyan ,pp. Lamblinoud,kis, fis. For the Naxos anphor. Aloupi DiIr XV,7r. J4i Board! G'inank a alii r. Attic vasepainting early in rhe LG period on vases The difficulty, therefore, seems to concenttatc mostlydecoratedin a metopalstylet3. The b'estrco- mainlyon the three name-pieces of the style,the va. Direct deriva- has a light red colour 2. Unlike the vcry like the metopewith a quatrefoil hatched pattern Iil, distinctive fine fabric in a pale orangecolour of 1edby dottedrosettesamongthe leaves. The subject Athenianvases,claysfrom other partsof Atrica have is extremelycommonin Attic vasepainting of this a paler or a more enhancedpinkish colour65and a period occurring mostly on small and medium size wider range of fabrics, including somevith mica. By vasesdecoratedir a metopal style outside the classi contlast to LG Athenian workshops,which avoid cal tradition of the Dipylon Painter6oand deriving sJipping the vase surface, conremporaryAttic directly from the Hitschield painte! The slip usedfor chaeological Museuminv. It is certainlyprematureto comioentfirrther on the the fabric of the Kourion crater without additionel The Attic background oI the Cesnola Sryle scientific investigation and comparisonsto the righr Euboeanand Attic wares. But it is importantto em. However,on statistical cleaningand for permit to exaninetbe vase,whichwill be soon fully published by Profesor Mary Moore. Chdironidis, 'nalivn Imr. Jones,'creek potrcr'6 ' Coldstred lr94a. Flo Fig 1i. Attic kinduros fron Kiriotr. The Cesnola style has recognisably many Atic ele Eubocan fabrici,, as are similar finds in Eastern and ments thought to derive from the Dip''lon painter 67, Western Mcditeranean, l,here the sryle had quite a but the Kition kantharcs fig. It has been pointed out that pottery and its many Attic connecrionsshould now many pattems or lilling motifs of the Cesnolasryle de, be seen not as a votkshop's or painrerk production, dve ftom an Attic workshop atrributed ro the non- but simply as a St1'le, a kind of LG partial hoiltc classicalHirscflJeld Painter6e. The Hirshfeld painter and his lollowcrs rn nr- Euboeanorigin, the style seemsbasicallyto have flou rica appear to be ke1' personalities in the develop- rished at Euboea and NaxosTr. Isolated examples mcnt of rhe Cesnola style, as they had an equally known from Andro. Colds t r. Martelli, tu Ceranicattlel; Lrt-! Aloupi E. BoardM J. Popr - L. Robdtson cd. Feltyhnft E. Intsratiooal Ve SymposiumAmst. RDAC, ,W. Kouoo 1t Kouou N. Italy', in TsetskhladzeG. Anelllh 91, pp. Kourou Kouou N. Uu losiatior, Oxford , pp- G6onibiq , Atb. Arloio ror q M. Rougemont cds. Lanbliroudakh B. Lyo , W- Gislerl98t Gisls JR. Lobrioouabkis B. Gtim nh et atii Glinanis A. Malkin Mdk'tr,l. Rclizio, asd Calohtzatiai i,1 likoslouV. E didon Gtu d. Ii colonitr. B;- lgdt FK. Nq4otoad,o', b AftbW 29, r97t, tzt-t r. PrulMorel, Eub6ens,Phoc6ens, combat? Nuovi elementi i i Michalir A. Tiverios, The ancient setlemen! Euboean Pottery Overseas 10th to 7th cent. More Cups for 'Dionysos'. Download pdf.
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Euboea and Naxos in the Late Geometric Period: the Cesnola Style
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Marijuana Euboea
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What is the meaning of the name KAMPIA?
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Marijuana Euboea
Marijuana Euboea