Marijuana Cayo santa maria

Marijuana Cayo santa maria

Marijuana Cayo santa maria


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What you need to know about travelling with cannabis

Crime and Punishment Unless you enjoy eating cucarachas and tasteless rice everyday, don't be stupid when traveling to or while in Cuba. The last place you want to find yourself is in Cuba's prison. There are no health clubs, TVs, movies, exercise time or 'prisoners rights' in here. You will do hard labor, in shit conditions and you will do ALL of your sentence. Drugs Still relatively unheard of, they are slowly creeping into Cuban society more and more each day. It seems Cuba's geographical location lends itself as a suburb smuggling point. I have been personally offered drugs walking along La Rampa. Of course, I didn't even acknowledge their presense, and nor should you. I'm not sure if it was an undercover policeman testing a tourist or a legitimate offer but I didn't care. On a personal note I met a really nice casa owner in Cienfuegos on a trip and we quickly became good friends a common thing in Cuba. On a trip back, I called several times to make casa arrangements to stay there again. To make a long story short, he was caught with some marijuana and is currently serving a 20 year prison sentence! Not your idea of a vacation in Cuba right? Taking pictures of naked Cubana o 's constitutes pornography. Get the idea? The legal age of consent in Cuba is sixteen between Cubans, not Cubans with foreigners. If that, along with your conscience, isn't enough to deter you consider this: In the US, pedophiles are typically separated from the general prison population to protect them from other prisoners. In Cuba, to the best of my knowledge, no such precautionary measures exist. And who said there is no justice in Cuba? The bottom line is that if you get caught breaking the law in Cuba, chances are they have no mercy in their punishment. Sure, you can contact your embassy, but perobably they won't be much help. You are bound to the laws of the country you are in. They tend not to be very sympathetic to your stupidity. No big deal. There's always exceptions, of course, so don't make the mistake of blindly jumping on the 'Cuba Is So Safe' bandwagon to the point where you're being stupid. Sadly, it's NOT as safe as it used to be! Walking through the streets, you might hear, directed at you:' It's most probably a jinetero hustling you to try to either guide you to where you are going or to try to sell you something. They are not above trying to sell you fake Cuban cigars, so beware of these characters. If you accept them as a guide, they'll make a commission at the other end, whether its to a casa, restaurant or bar, this commission will come above the price. You'll never see the 'bill' for services rendered, as the proprietors will pay them, under the table. Since these guys have an official name and license, called 'Gestor de Viajeros' The Gestor de Viajero can be all kind of 'jobs' literally the translation of Gestor de Viajero is 'Travel Manager'. Although they now have a official name, remember they still are the old fashion and former jinetero. This is the female version of the jineteros, they mostly sell their bodies. Though what they do is technically illegal, according to Cuban law, you will see them everywhere. Both the jineteras and jineteros will mostly do you no harm physically. They are just trying to make a living like the rest of us. They've just chosen a 'different career path'. Perhaps I should do the same when my world gets a bit frayed around the edges. But, be warned and don't fall in love! Read the review at this page from Spiros. Violent Crime Still almost unheard of - against tourists, that is. Cuban to Cuban is a different story. Justice is swift and brutal. Result: Your chances of being shot, knifed, raped, car jacked, etc. They were both being very stupid, and put themselves in situations that anyone with the slightest bit of common sense would never consider. Their murders are a complete non-issue to the average, smart traveler. Never carry a camera in your hand without strapping it to your wrist. Pickpockets This is unfortunately now rampant in some areas. A pickpocket has to physically get their hands on your belongings. Inside pockets, properly secured, and measures like money belts, etc. Be prepared, and this very common crime becomes a non-issue. CSI Miami — the crime show — is one of the most popular television programs in Cuba. Please turn yourself in to the nearest police station. Other Thievery Never leave your belongings unsecured. Sitting a purse down on a bench and looking away for a moment is asking for trouble. Most unique bit of thievery I witnessed: A purse stolen because it was left too close to a window — the thieves reached in through the security bars with a long stick, and silently spirited it away. Money Exchange Take a calculator with you so you know the exact amount of Convertible Pesos coming to you. Ripping off tourists during money exchange transactions has become a very common occurrence. Lots of Cubans working money exchange scams, including the flight check-in personnel at the airport. It goes without saying that any traveler is an idiot to exchange money anywhere except at a proper institution, or between trusted friends. And as noted above, even at the bank you have to be frigging careful. To familiarize yourself with how the money looks, and the security features, have a look here Credit Cards Never let your credit card out of sight, and always keep your carbon copies. I discovered it when I tried to book a flight, and my credit card was maxed. Restaurants and Bars Never run a bar tab — always pay as you go. Keep a menu so you can compare the final bill against the real prices. Fake Menus The Bar Nepuno in Havana is a typical Cuban bar of very questionable repute, just down the street from my casa. Always ask the price, before you buy! By the way, I reached behind the bar once and stole the fake menu. The metered rate is the same as anywhere else — simply what the meter says, and no more. Some taxi drivers will try and convince you the tariff rate, kilometre rate and the taxi rate has to be added together. Pretty funny, actually. Cuban Customs Regulations are quite simple and straightforward. Waving a copy of the Regulations and not speaking Spanish is actually an advantage in these situations. I derive perverse pleasure from hassling crooked Customs Agents. Believe me, the Cuban check-in agents would never try to pull this stunt on a plane full of Italians!!! They were not taken from the factory, they are counterfeit. No matter how well you know your fren, they are counterfeit. It all boils down to one simple thing Cuba is NOT a difficult destination as a matter of fact, it's incredibly easy to travel there but always Stories from former travelers about crime and scam in Cuba Tell us your experience about crime in Cuba. They looked at me and I looked back at them. Soon we were chatting on my side the sidewalk. To minimize that chance of aggravation from the police, I agreed to go first and they followed me at a distance. At the building's entrance the nondescript black girl walked away after exchanging a few words in Spanish that I could not understand. Prostitution is technically illegal in Cuba. In practice, foreign johns are never bothered but the girls are harassed for bribes. Deeper understanding: Right from the beginning, the mark is compromised: he may be married, in Cuba illegally, tired, unable to understand street Spanish, and woefully unaware of the level of corruption and dishonesty which thoroughly permeates every aspect of life of these miserably poor people. The black side-kick took note of where I was living before wandering off. I proceeded to craftily sneak this woman into to my apartment Working as a pair is perfect for these criminals. Two women walking together at night is much less suspicious than a single gal out alone. They go from bar to bar trying to get themselves picked up by one or two men who will take one or both of them to his place for drinks and conversation. At any time one woman can distract the victim s or obstruct the view while the other spikes the drinks with a powder or prepared solution. They probably each carry enough drug to knock out two men. The drug acts quickly. Once in the living room of my apartment with the door locked and the keys in my pants pocket, the young woman cheerfully let me photograph her as well as both sides of her official identity card el carnet. Cubans are conditioned to not object to showing their ID which they must always carry around with them. I offered her a variety of drinks; she chose rum with cola and ice. This was unusual. Previous visitors had always chosen fruit juice or pop. I put two identical glasses with ice on the living room table along with a can of cola and a liter bottle of Havana Club. Knowing that women are nervous about getting drugged, I opened the can and the bottle in front of her. I asked her to give me mostly cola and then excused myself to go to another part of the apartment where the bathroom and bedroom were located. I placed the camera out of sight on a high shelf and look a leak in the john. I washed my hands and tidied up the bedroom. She was alone with the drinks for about 2 or 3 minutes. As I returned to the living room, curiously I thought, she had not yet finished preparing the drinks. Before my eyes she poured lots of cola into my glass and then dumped at least three ounces of rum into her glass holding the bottle high in a dramatic gesture. She was an excellent conversationalist. Deeper understanding: Phase one was to get my complete confidence. Here I was with one little giggly girl who was about to get plastered. I had her ID and picture. She really liked me! How long are you staying in Cuba? You seem to be so intelligent. You look so much younger than your age. You look so healthy, do you take any medicines? Before I could process this information, she placed her alcohol drenched lips on mine and gave me a long, deep kiss. I just thought how lucky I was to have this gorgeous young woman dying to get at my body. She smiled and giggled and kept staring into my eyes. I took a second gulp and once again was rewarded with a long, wet, wonderful kiss. Deeper understanding: Phase two was to start the intoxication. The kissing worked against me in so many ways. It totally distracted me from thinking about how my drink tasted. Maybe she even had kept a bit of her strong drink in her mouth. She rubbed strong alcohol on my lips and tongue which made it difficult for me to judge the strength of my own drink. The kiss was a Pavlovian stimulation to get me drinking even more. Of course most of my thinking was revolving around the pleasures yet to come. I turned on some romantic music for slow dancing. She put her arms around my chest and pushed her breasts onto me. I felt great. What a lucky guy! After one dance she quickly sat down to continue the mutual drinking. I explained that I did not care for alcohol. I felt really great. I drank some more. Deeper understanding: Within 5 minutes of taking the first gulp on an empty stomach, the drug s started to hit me but at the time, and this is important, I did not notice it. I was too interested in putting on some better music and dancing some more. The slight odd feeling could be passed off as a little bit of alcohol effect or an episode of postural hypotension. Alcohol, especially in combination with a sedative drug, can have an initial excitatory effect. I was hypomanic without realizing it. A person in a manic state is less inhibited. So I went ahead and drank more of the alcoholic beverage which is something I ordinarily never do. She never let the drinks out of her sight. Had they been switched, she would have known immediately because hers was so much stronger than mine. I figure my first drink contained a lot of sedative and just a little bit of rum. We danced some more. A wave of dizziness came over me and for a split second I wondered if I was being drugged. Curiously, this idea did not trigger other related thoughts. I simply forgot about it! I turned down the lights. There were more important things going on: great music and a beautiful girl who didn't mind my wandering hands. I felt very relaxed. I was just enjoying the moment; my mind was empty. I was not keeping track of who was drinking what. Maybe I drank more, I don't remember. Even though we were just slow dancing back and forth, I became unable to stay on the beat. Deeper understanding: Phase three was getting enough drug into me to make me stupid. I was now incapable of having complicated thoughts. Her gentle suggestions became unquestioned commands. The most unbelievable thing is that I did not realize that I had become a helpless moron. By the third or fourth dance I became more relaxed than I have ever been in my entire life. She started rubbing her hip against my crotch. We sat down again. She asked if I felt tired. I said no. She announced that we were out of cola so I went into the kitchen to get some more. I think we continued drinking but my memory of events from here on is poor. However, I do remember her putting her hand on my groin and sweetly asking if women ever touched me there. I did not answer because by that time speaking seemed to require a tremendous effort. It seemed to be her way of communicating that she wanted to get into bed with me. I stood up, took her by the hand, and lead her to the bedroom. There was no resistance. I flopped down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. Oh, did I feel relaxed! I wanted to rest a little before proceeding with the main attraction, fully confident of my abilities. Somehow I felt certain that I was not going to fall asleep even though my eyelids were very, very heavy. Deeper understanding: Maybe more drug got dumped into my glass after I denied feeling tired and went into the kitchen to fetch a second can of cola. She tried various indirect strategies to get me into the bedroom. Apparently the idea is to give the mark one last big dose, get him comfortable, and reduce external stimuli so he will fall unconscious quickly. While he is drifting off the girl can rinse out the glasses, rub off fingerprints, pour some liquor down the drain to make it look more like just excessive drinking, and start to inventory the valuables. If someone else arrives, she just explains that the guy drank too much and leaves, having apparently done nothing bad at all. Phase four was getting me unconscious and proceeding with the robbery. She had so cleverly positioned me in the place where I normally fall asleep, far from the door through which she would later exit, facing a blank wall so that the chances of me opening my eyes and seeing her leaving with my valuables would be minimal. Most likely, as soon as she was certain that I was completely incapacitated, she quickly gathered up the booty and vamoosed. There was only a short interval when she was obviously doing something illegal which would justify an arrest. Cash and hard-to-get electronics like computers, cameras, and cellphones are prime targets. I had a pile of money in a wall safe; had I not been deeply unconscious when she discovered the vault, she might have been able to trick me into opening it. Total time spent in my apartment, less than an hour. No damage was done to the residence. She had placed me on my side to reduce the chances of death by inhalation of vomit. No point in doing anything that might trigger a serious police investigation, is there? I awoke nine hours later when a friend knocked on my door. I thought I was fine: no nausea, no headache, still very relaxed. Pleasant memories of a delightfully flirtatious young woman circulated in my head. I was not outraged when I noticed the computer and camera were gone. Material things can be replaced I said to myself. I did not immediately realize that numerous other items had also been stolen. Deeper understanding: Still semi-stuporous, I thought there was no point in calling the police; they might even have been in on it. I have heard many stories in Cuba about how thieves give part of the booty to the police and are then allowed to continue on their way. Anyway, did I want a big investigation with possible embarrassing publicity? Friends noticed that I was staggering around and repeating the same questions. The drug continued to impair my thinking but, as before, I was unaware of my weakened condition and did nothing to increase the chances that the thief would be caught. I did not write down important information or collect evidence. Does the fact that I was affected for several days provide a clue as to which drug it was? At no time did I experience anxiety or hallucinations. My first drink could have contained any one or two? I am guessing that it might have been 30 - 50 mg of nitrazepam, a prescription drug used for insomnia in Cuba with a suggested night-time dose of 5 - 10 mg. In only a few minutes, my thinking was seriously impaired. Then alcohol alone was probably used as needed to potentiate the effect and tip me into unconsciousness. It is best for the criminals if the incident appears to be nothing more than binge alcohol consumption. If I consumed half of the ml missing from the bottle of Havana Club, that would have been four one-ounce shots or 48 ml of pure alcohol. Maybe I drank almost all of the ml of rum. In an ice-cold alcoholic drink which may contain salt, lemon, herbs or other flavoring ingredients, the drug can be imperceptible. Pharmaceutical companies sometimes add mint or other flavorings to make their preparations more palatable. Strong alcohol in the mouth dulls the taste buds. The drug itself soon makes any drink no matter how strong seem like water. In fact, smell, hearing, and vision quickly become muted in an indescribably weird way as the higher brain functions start to shut down. If you are consuming an alcoholic beverage, it will not be easy to recognize the extra intoxicating effect of a surreptitiously added drug. Surprisingly soon your thinking will be cloudy without you realizing it. This lack of insight plays a very important role in the drugging process. Your pupils may be abnormally small or abnormally large, something a friend theoretically could notice. But within a few minutes you are too obtunded to worry about anything. You keep drinking. Your goose is cooked. Have someone who speaks Spanish dial The moral of this is to be very, very careful when drinking with strangers. The circumstances will be arranged so as not to arouse any sense of danger on your part. Do not underestimate how greatly drugs can impair your thinking without you being aware of it. Since the chance of getting caught is minimal, drug-facilitated robbery is likely to become more common. Cuban criminals will read this article and further refine their techniques. You have been warned. Yo sabia que tu no tenias gorra, porque cunadome fui solo te quedaba la blanca y debe estar toda ripia, jejejeje. Se como te debes estar sintiendo tu , pero no es sobre tus hombros ue esta toda la responsabilidad que siento sobre mi, es mi familia, tu que eres la persona que quiero a mi lado , es todo , es el futuro , el tiempo, la edad , son muchas cosas y mi mente funsionando , me uelvo loca y lo ceo todo difisil , tu no lo entiendes tal ves, pero no es fasil. Solo tengo claro que te amo y que te quiero , mas nada , pero al mismo tiempo , no se si tu vas a tener la fortaleza que se necesita para soportar esto, eres joven lo se y por eso temo , te quiero , pero no puedo obligarte a nada. Date: Author: Carly Country: Canada. I was in Holguin in February. Sitting in the Park de Flores one day I was approached by a real smothie. Hair oiled back short and a bit to slick for my liking. He told me there was a terrific Cuban restaurant in the Park, called , but only Cuban could enter and they pay in Pesos but he would tell them I was his friend and if I met him that evening outside the restaurant he would arrange for me to dine there. Little did I know that the restaurant in question is open to all, Cubans and tourists alike. I was curious and wanted to experience a typical Cuban restaurant so i turned up at 7pm. After a long wait we entered. I kid you not he ordered everything on the menu. Moros y Cristians, Pork Serdo Plantain, beer, salad, soup, desert. I was not particularly hungry and just had some chicken. The bill came to Cuban Pesos. Despite the fact I had eaten lightly and the pollo amounted to 20 Pesos, with a beer at 10 it came to I placed 25 pesos on the table and he looked at me in surprise. Awaiting his share of the bill he stared at me blankly and said he had no money. This creep had invited me to the restaurant, eaten his way round the menu to the tune of 70 pesos. On principle I would not pay his share. He departed the restaurant like a rat, mumbled about coontacting a friend who would pay. Of course he did not return. The restaurant manager followed him but the rat who claimed to be a magician from Matanzas was nowhere to be seen. A genuine guy from the region of Mayari who was in town for a few nights to work on the local festival had come into contact with this parasite so offered to pay for him. A word of warning, if you meet small oily greased back smooth talkers in Holguin or Matanzas who rave about a local restaurant that only they can get into, avoid at all costs. He's a hustler who will eat at your expense. In Santiago we were approached by a tout who told us his 'Tia' had a great casa with roof terrace. Weary and sweaty after five hours on the road we agreed to have a look. Casa Vivian did have great mountaiin views even if the room was very basic, and was that a cockroach I saw scuttling across the kitchen floor. Too tired to check out other casas we booked in. First morniing we encounter an elderly French man on the terrace, entertaining a very young Cuban girl. He's about to depart for Haiti by boat he tells us, sans the ginitera. That afternoon Gennaro checks in. To our amazement he's got a 15 year old stumnner on his arm. Young enough to be his grandaughter. After 30 minutes we hear her sobbing in the hall. He has not paid her, but she's not a jinitera only needs the fare home. After five minuted Gennaro returns without another ginitera, again young enough to be his grandaughter. Picked her up in the Calle he bragged for 10 Euros and a shirt for her son. Feeling somewhat uneasy we went downstairs and told Madam Vivian we no longer felt comfortable with this constant flow of traffic. On the defensive she yelled at us that we were lying, and no we had booked for 5 days so we could not have a refund. Her partner Jorge worked for Cubanacan as reception manager. Club Los Amigos was mentioned. All very convenient for directing horny old men who wanted a night with a local girl. We packed and left for Holguin. Cleaner, hustler free and friendlier. We were very disappointed with Santiago, found it to be smell, full of rubbish, and geriatric Italians and Germans with Cuban girls young enough to be their granddaughters. Shame on you Castro. Clean up Cuba and rehabilitate those youngsters. They deserve better than to be selling their bodies for 10 Euroes to ugly old Italians!. Although they claim it's safe for tourists that was not our experience. She received excellent treatment from the Police who appeared most concerned. The attack happened in front of lots of people and many kind persons helped her while I attempted to chase the thief. I hope the Police get him before he really hurts someone as he uses excessive violence. The problem was of course no one spoke English and we had to wait two hours before they managed to find a member of our hotel staff who spoke a small amount of English and who was able to explain the story. The hospital staff were kind and understanding and treated her well with the limited resources they had. She was of course in shock. She has now fully recovered and we were determined not to allow this incident to spoil our holiday in Cuba. Sadly she also lost not only money, but also her passport that was in her hand-bag. We ended up spending half a day in the embassy in Havana arranging an emergency passport so she could get out of Cuba, in fact, the embassy were incredibly helpful and understanding. However, when we tried to return to the UK she was detained by a Cuban emigration official who detected she was leaving on a passport that was not the same one as that she had arrived on, giving me more worries when she didn't appear through the door into the departure lounge. I had to wait 40 minutes whilst they carried out more checks before letting her proceed. What worried me was that as she had lost her money and credit card, she was not in a position to be able to support herself if they had prevented her from leaving Cuba and referred her back to the embassy. They wouldn't let me back in through the emigration doors in order to support her. Having said all of that, we met so many lovely friendly people, visited many interesting museums and saw many beautiful buildings. We also stayed in some of the best hotels that I have ever stayed in and had a lot of fun, although we would never go back again there were some wonderful moments such as when we discovered the beauty of Trinidad with its magnificent sugar plantation houses and its lovely Caribbean beaches. You just have to be very careful and ladies - don't carry a handbag! Date: Author: Ozilla Country: Canada. This is not a scam, but is definitely a type of fraud. There is a man at who is PR for one of the big resorts in Varadero. He is, of course, very friendly, interested in you and very likeable. He can arrange to take you to Havana or on other tours in either a car you rent or a car he's had another guest rent and is using for the day it's highly likely the tourist who rented the car has no idea YOU are being guided about in their car. We were there to meet this person on a recommendation from a friend. He needed a job in Canada, we had a job to offer in an industry that is suffering a great worker shortage. He picked us up from our hotel in a vehicle that turned out to be rented by another tourist. Over the week he managed to talk us into letting him use our rental vehicle to go home and yet returned each day empty of gas. He always needed CUC to get through the pay toll gate. He never really explained but rather, got insulted when I asked where he'd been to use so much gas when supposedly he's only going home and back to get us. He was touring around other tourists for money, driving his friends to and from work, for money, ect. I'm so glad our trust and car could make him such a profit. We found all this out once it was too late. My husband decided to put all this to the side and continue with the job offer, he figured he'd learn that you can't scam people this way in Canada and that he was only doing what he had to in order to survive. We did the paperwork for the job offer and over time it was accepted by the Canadian government and all was done except for the Cuban consulate. Then he needed money for a passport, money for a medical exam; money for this, money for that. He got many of his Canadian friends to send him money for these things, using the same story with everyone and eventually people had handed over thousands of dollars. One woman in Manitoba is very ill, she was in Cuba for what may be her 1st and only trip in her life and this man managed to talk her out of 0. She gave it, thinking the job offer was still open when in fact, we retracted the offer after he kept trying to get more and more from us and we found out he was using other tourists as well as friends we sent down there for vacations for more money. Eventually many of us found all this out and figured out how much money he was making off the big hearts and good nature of the Canadians he met in his resort. He's bought a car although he lied and said he inherited it to us, he told many others about it's purchase , gotten laptops, portable hard drives ect including all this cash. The most interesting thing is that he has two houses side by side. One is sparsely furnished and is the one he takes tourists to 'meet his family' and the other, where a friend caught him one day, is fully furnished with stereo's; computers, ect. I am going back to Cuba soon and plan on filing a formal complaint of fraud against this person. He continues to use a 'job offer in Canada if I only had a couple hundred bucks to go' fraud with people. If you meet someone who tells you he has a job offer in Canada, and shows you the paperwork; he DOES NOT, we withdrew the offer last year but he uses our old paperwork to continue to bilk tourists of their cash! DO NOT give him money for airfare, medical, passports ect! He is scamming you! Date: Author: servox Country: Kanada. I am gay and I been in Cuba a few times and I just adore that country music, people, Malecon, bars, Mulatos, Chinatown, etc. I am heading back again in January for another wonderful experience. I had three bad experiences in Cuba that I want to share with whoever reads these postings. I always bring things of that nature to Cuba, and at that time I brought too much. I did not pay any money and they let me go. Another time, two of my friends and I went to Havana for Christmas and we had a wonderful time. However, one night we ended up at a bar where local construction workers, welders, etc go for drinks, socialize, etc. We wanted to experience Cuban people from a perspective obrera blue collar , and we met three Cuban males who appeared very interested in us as gay professionals; after sharing a lot of drinks we decided to walk back to our apartment we rented one entire apartment for a week and they were more than happy to join us and keep drinking there with us. However, once we arrived at the place, the Cubans threatened us to break the windows, mirrors, antiques, TV, etc in the apartment if we did not give them some cash. We were in the 11 floor in a downtown building and we were very scared. Cuba is wonderful and I am glad I experienced much more positive experiences than negative ones. People are friendly, musical, warm, etc. However, just be cautious not to drink too much, as people can take advantage of you. Otherwise, set your alcohol limits and have a wonderful time!! I was in Havana in March 08 by myself, I found everyone friendly and I felt safe from real crime. The bigest scam I found was that people wanted to be my friend for a beer or two, for me that was a fair price for someone to talk english to. I am thinking of going back near the end of December Currency change scam in Havana I was in Cuba about three weeks ago and the following scam happened to two guys I met while there and I heard of it happening to at least one other group of people. Cuban guy gets friendly on the street as is common and from my experiance most of them are genuinely interested in chatting and friendly- information seems to be tightly controlled for them He brings up the topic of the different currencies and the fact that things are much cheaper if you have the local curreny. After this, I heard two variations of the story. One was that the guy told the tourists that there was a third currency that only locals could get in the banks. The tourists weren't going to hand over cash to this guy and he eventually left. A few minutes later another guy appears starts chatting and just happens ot start talking about the third currency and how much can be saved if the tourists just have a small quantity of this currency. The guys haven't figured out that the guys are working together and eventually decide to get this guy to change some CUC for them. They go to the bank with him, he goes in and comes out a few minutes later and hands them two or three hundred Cuban Pesos for the CUC they'd asked him to change. They chat a bit, part ways and a while later the guys realise that there are only two currencies and that the exchange rate is 24Cuban pesos to 1 CUC and that anybody can change them! The second was very similar except that there is no third currency. The tourists don't know the exchange rate, go with the guys to the bank and hand over a few hundred CUC and get approx double that amount in CUP from the guys when thay come out of the bank. I also heard that these guys target young Americans in particular because they can't or don't want to take money out of their american bank account in Cuba and so carry a lot of cash with them. This I just heard from a guy in the street, the two scams I'm sure about. Otherwise Cuba is fantastic and in fairness I think you'd have to be pretty unprepared and gullible to fall for either of these. Crime and Scam in Cuba Crime and Punishment Unless you enjoy eating cucarachas and tasteless rice everyday, don't be stupid when traveling to or while in Cuba. Jineteros Gestor de Viajeros Walking through the streets, you might hear, directed at you:' Although they now have a official name, remember they still are the old fashion and former jinetero Jineteras This is the female version of the jineteros, they mostly sell their bodies. Warnings against crime and scam in Cuba 1. Accept this, get over it, and enjoy them! Date: Author: David Country: United Kindom Although they claim it's safe for tourists that was not our experience. Date: Author: Ozilla Country: Canada This is not a scam, but is definitely a type of fraud. Date: Author: T Currency change scam in Havana I was in Cuba about three weeks ago and the following scam happened to two guys I met while there and I heard of it happening to at least one other group of people. T Sent us your review.

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