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Крупнейший аутлет на северо-западе Европы находится примерно в часе езды от Кёльна. Он закрыт всего один день в году — 1 января. Часы работы: по будням и по выходным. Сайт на русском языке подробно рассказывает о выборе, ценах, удобствах таких как бесплатный WiFi, кафе, детские площадки и т. Я отвезу вас из Кёльна, подожду 4 часа и верну вас туда, откуда началось путешествие. Городок Рурмонд — невероятно интересный сам по себе и я предлагаю экскурсию по нему. Либо до и после шопинга, либо вовремя например, для мужчин равнодушных к шопингу пока дамы наслаждаются исполнением мечты. Конечно же вы сможете попробовать а если захотите купить неповторимый в своём вкусовом многообразии сыр, заглянуть в магазинчик с сортами виски, сортами ликера и много чего еще. Сам город также полон магазинов и лавочек на любой вкус и толщину кошелька. О том, что в Нидерландах марихуана продается легально, вы знаете, поэтому изюминка города — coffeeshop вас тоже заинтересует! А запомнить увиденное навсегда вам помогут мои фото, сделанные профессиональной камерой. Ссылку на альбом и пароль к нему вы получите на e-mail входит в стоимость. Описание экскурсии Крупнейший аутлет на северо-западе Европы находится примерно в часе езды от Кёльна. Транспорт: автомобиль Peugeot с вместительным багажником. Задать вопрос. Гарантии ЭкстраГид. В каталоге экскурсий на русском языке от гидов. Популярные категории. Экскурсии в других городах. Похожие экскурсии в Кёльне нет отзывов. Гертогенбош — город И. Иероним Босх, один из самых известных художников в мире. Думаю нет такого…. Индивидуальная Автомобильно-пешеходная 9 часов. Индивидуальная На автомобиле 6 часов. Узнать всё самое интересное о славных веках города на Рейне. Индивидуальная 3 часа.

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Sativa, Indica or a hybrid? Growing marijuana indoors, outdoors, or hydroponics? Production or the connoisseur? Large plants or in a 'Sea Of Green'? Great marijuana pictures. We tried to collect as many growguides as possible. Because they are personal and group experiences of pros and amateurs. They give us perspective and details. What is impossible to find in one guide, there is in another. We all need to learn from each others successes and mistakes. If possible, get some local Germany, Koln marijuana seeds genetics to grow when you are back at home. Original, natural cannabis seeds varieties have unmatched flavour and taste, even if yield is not so high. If you do not want to transport marijuana seeds with you, check out online marijuana seeds offers or my insightful buy marijuana seeds guide. This feminized variety of cannabis seeds strain was especially breeded for heavy smokers that look for strong buds. The flavour is fruity and crisp. Not too hazy, like some Sativas, but much more subtle and juicy. High: Very strong sativa high, followed by a smooth stoney hawaiian mind breeze. Legislation: The posession of marijuana for personal use in Berlin is tolerated, as long as the amount does not exceed a quantity of 10 grams. Nonetheless, I would not suggest traveling around the city with 10 one gram baggies in your pocket. Law Enforcement: The police drove right passt, stopped, looked and kept driving. I wouldnt push your luck though Germans are tough. Where to Buy Marijuana in Bonn: I am from Australia and have been travelling for a while now, I seem to run into some good luck when trying to score. And there are less people who speak good English. Its more of an older persons job to sell the shit and even smoke it, I got laughed at when I asked around outside the Koln central station and the Cathedral. I have found that in order to get info on where to get drugs, drop a few coins into a homeless persons cup and ask them, they usually know where to go and will help give you directions if they an speak any good english, even if they dont, communication is generally ok. If you speak Spanish in any European country you will be OK. Where to score. If you are in the centre of town at the main train station Koln HBF - right next to the cathedral. Take an underground train 2 stops to Eberplatz. Right outside the tation there is a little open space with a big ugly sculpture in it and a few people drinking beer and hanging out. All sorts of people, locals, homeless, oldies, serbians and tourists. Ask one of the beer drinking German locals younger not older if they know where to get Hashish I got this info from a homeless guy sitting at the door to the Koln cathedral, it cost be 20 cents. It paid off. On the weekend, there are some dodgier looking people hanging on the steps to Koln Cathedral that might be worth asking. I was lucky being Australian, they didnt like the idea of us being British and they hated the idea that we might be American. Sorry guys, you have a bad rep! Koln Marijuana Prices: I got 4 grams for 20 euro. Great bargain. Average about 5 euro per gram if they like you. Or euro if they are out to make some money. That is for hashish. Indoor buds might be harder to come across, especially in the winter months About 45mins. And the people to ask would be outside the station in Bonn. We didnt try though. Brands: Hash is the go here. Hydro buds require more effort. More information: Pay repect to the locals, try an speak a bit of German and dont be loud mouthed and arrogant. If they dont like you, walk away, most of the time they are happy for your business. Oh and dont let them know how much you pay in your own country, they might up thier price if you are used to paying more. We are proud to consider cannabis seeds one of most unique Mother Earth creations. Growing marijuana seeds into beautiful potent plants is human priviledge as we are also children of blessed Mother Nature. Let all the people of Earth acknowledge cannabis plant a holly gift from our living Planet. Marijuana Seeds Storing How much cannabis will my marijuana seeds yield? Why shall I use hydro? What is a Marijuana Bong? Cannabis stoned visual effects - On being stoned Legalize it! Legalization of marijuana Why is Marijuana Illegal? Koln If possible, get some local Germany, Koln marijuana seeds genetics to grow when you are back at home. Marijuana and Travel Marijuana Seeds Top of page.

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