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From the sixteenth century it was grown nationwide on a small scale for local use, in gardens and orchards, but it was only in the 18th century that the Rif region in the far north became a noted center of production, as it is now recognized in modern times. In the s and s, an influx of young Western tourists had a profound effect on cannabis in Morocco. Prior to this, cannabis was produced in small quantities, and smoked as kief , female flowers unpollinated mixed with black tobacco. In response to massive demand from tourists and smugglers, Moroccans growers adopted larger-scale techniques to replace artisanal ones. In traditional production, cannabis stalks are cut from the field in autumn and stored indoors to dry for a month. The cultivators then place the dried stalks onto a fine fabric stretched across a metal basin, and beat the stalks, causing the THC-laden trichomes to fall into the basin for collection. The first kif beaten from the stalks is of the best quality, and the stalks can be further beaten a second and third time, however, continuously producing a lower-quality product. Some of the trichomes are packaged as-is, or they can be repeatedly pressed and heated to form dense slabs of hashish. Hashish slabs are often marked with a signature emblem indicating its producer, such as an abstract design, number, or imitation of a commercial logo. These symbols have no standardization or consistency season-to-season, but serve in the short term to mark the current output of a given producer. With the increasingly publicized worldwide consumption of cannabis, Moroccan citizens have capitalized on the feasibility of the production of this drug in the mountainous Rif region, as well as the interest in cannabis from tourists. The area itself does not produce many crops other than kif, the Moroccan name for cannabis, creating ample space for tours of the region to take place. The cities of Chefchaouen and Ketama have become a hub for cannabis tourism in the past decades. Cannabis tourism has grown to become an important and dominant source of wealth for growers, dealers and unofficial tour guides alike. Tours are not officially advertised, and mostly occur by word-of-mouth. Hash pressing, tours, consumption of the drug, and sales are still illegal, but unofficially, the combination of these services has made the North African region one of the largest exporters of hashish, which is a produced from female cannabis plants through compression and heating of resin glands known as trichomes. This cash crop has provided a stable income and reliability for more than 90, households. As Moroccan law officials continue to debate over the legality of producing cannabis for public use, production has started to become less criminalized. Recognizing that no other crops grow in the mountainous region, other than cannabis, the Moroccan government has been forced to allow farmers to continue their small production businesses. Producing hashish for European exports and visiting tourists provides a consistent form of employment and income for the farmers in the Rif region. The further a site of production is from cities, the fewer distributors are needed, thus allocating all funds from sales to the growers themselves. Taxes pose a threat to the security of income that growers rely upon as their few means of economic gains. Prior to the internationalization of the cannabis trade, Moroccan kif was consumed locally, smoked in a long sebsi pipe or mixed into food, and was also used occasionally in Sufi religious rituals. Cannabis was banned in Morocco following independence, however, the traditional tolerance for its production in the Rif region, plus the recognition that cannabis makes up a large share of the national economy, has led to debate in favor of legalizing cannabis. In , Fouad Ali el Himma received multipartisan support amongst Moroccan politicians for his proposal to re-brand cannabis as a traditional Moroccan herbal remedy rather than a dangerous drug, and called for national debate and reduced prosecution of farmers. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved 5 August CTV News. Retrieved 4 August The Economist. Apr 12, Archived from the original on 14 April Retrieved 15 April Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. Stylus Pub Llc. Beyond Hercules: An inside story of the Moroccan hash trade. Indie Publishing Limited. Grove Press. Red Eye Press. Morocco World News. Archived from the original on 4 March Retrieved 28 July Archived from the original on 18 May Zehmer 22 May Kif: Hashish from Morocco. Perspectives Chinoises. Retrieved Economic Botany. Middle East Report : 30— Review of African Political Economy. Boston: Brill. Conversations with Paul Bowles. Caponi-Tabery, Gena. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi. Foreign Policy. Archived from the original on The Globe and Mail. Archived from the original on 30 March Retrieved 24 April Cannabis portal Morocco portal. Adult lifetime cannabis use Annual cannabis use Legality of cannabis. Legal history Legality by jurisdiction Marijuana Party. Legal history Timeline Medical Non-medical Legality by jurisdiction. Cannabis political parties Timeline of cannabis law. Categories : Cannabis in Morocco. Hidden categories: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. In other projects Wikimedia Commons. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

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