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Марихуана Рейкьявик

Марихуана Рейкьявик

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Марихуана Рейкьявик

Published February 21, The common denominators are various: the men in question usually have both a job and a family and they often rent offices in work buildings to accommodate their workshops. These grow rooms are not so large that they attract attention, but large enough to employ more than one individual. These are no hobbyists, but oftentimes they are also not in need of the extra money. In the hopes of finding a way to alleviate the pain, he opened his workshop and kept it running ever since. His is a kind of civil activism—a silent campaign that aims to push through some changes in the law. While talking to Siggi, the reporters also got the opportunity to check out his grow rooms. The majority of the turnover is going into cannabis. It goes without saying that if done properly and over long period of time, growing cannabis can become quite a remunerative business. However, this being an illegal business, violence is not uncommon. For Siggi, legalisation could easily become a solution to solve both these financial and social issues. Go travel with Grapevine tried and recommended tours by Grapevine. Fund Grapevine journalism by booking with us. Everything you need to know. Alice Demurtas. Photo by. Book your day tours in Iceland right here! Any travel style works -Economy -Small Group -Exclusive. Go travel with Grapevine. Tried and recommended tours by Grapevine. What is your travel style? News vine. Latest Latest. Show Me More! This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Accept Read More. Necessary Always Enabled.

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Based on single-payer, universal healthcare. And: For the first time in history, U. Return to top. Or: Table top. Or: News. Or: Home. It has now been 19 years since Portuguese decriminalization in Wage slave waking up. See: News sources. Facebook: GCM Social media: Tags. Vote out most Republicans! Ballotpedia issues: marijuana and minimum wage. It is not socialist. It is Common Sense. See: List of minimum wages by country. And: Medicare-for-all, like Canada, is not socialist either. A record. Republican state governments in 28 states passed laws to prevent cities from raising the minimum wage. Far-right talk radio helps Republicans do this. Republicans block cheap municipal broadband in 26 states. Another example of hair discrimination, some say. Like other countries. Cannabis is Safer. And Republicans keep blocking all cannabis rescheduling bills in the Senate. As in parts of Sweden. Sanna Marin 34 is the youngest female head of government worldwide. Plus map showing lower minimum wages in Republican states. Wikipedia: John Sinclair poet. This is what happens when you vote in a Republican Senate:. See median-wealth chart. Do not buy most most cannabis stocks. There is a huge inventory of unsold cannabis:. Democrat Gov. Jan 29 - Feb 2, Chart from: 16 July Scotland has highest drug death rate in EU. BBC News. Data is latest available at article publication. CBS News. The Washington Post. From the article: 'The top families have more wealth than the bottom 60 percent of households, while the top 0. New York Times. Legalisation is killing our market, say small-scale dagga growers. And Facebook video and comments. Top law enforcers say yes. Coalition of Liberals, Social Democrats, Greens. Her breast cancer fight. The state of the nation. Global Cannabis March and President Vladimir Putin. Screwing up elections at home and abroad. Wikipedia: Moscow City Duma election. And: Wikipedia: Moscow protests. And: Moscow Mitch blocks election security bills in the US Senate , and nearly all cannabis reform legislation! Quezon City, part of Metro Manila. US Republican leaders are out of touch with mainstream Americans and Canadians. THC slushies, pirate radio, and cannabis-driven boom in a Mohawk community. Time magazine. Veterans Equal Access Act. Descheduling or rescheduling cannabis. New hemp laws temporarily halting marijuana-related arrests. And China is heavy into hemp. Medicare spends less than 2 percent on bureaucracy. See chart. We need Medicare for All. Nearly a third of our health care dollars go to something other than health care. See also:. Lowest in history for a first-year President. Bring back democracy: Remove Presidential veto power. See: More News. And: Cannabis is safer. And: Cannabis polls. Vote out most Republicans and their cannabis war. Enter address. Scroll down. Run mouse cursor over Presidential charts. Updated continuously. This news feed may have long lapses. See Global Marijuana March map. And: event lists. Wikipedia: Cannabis by country. Search for: marijuana march videos. And more. Find GMM graphics and other event graphics. GMM years signed up. Google site search no longer works well. It does not find all the yearly city lists containing a city name. Special:Search works well. Click: 'Global Marijuana March maps'. This is an advanced search of main pages and templates. This will pull up all yearly maps in which the city is listed. Except for , , or in which only countries were listed for the most part. Putting quotes around multi-word city names helps focus the search: 'New York City'. Yearly maps: 41 nations participated on April 20 and May 4, , or thereabouts. GMM: photos , basic city lists , maps , detailed city lists , years , regions , nations , links , graphics. Google images: Crowds, flyers: Marcha da Maconha. And: Marche Mondiale du Cannabis. And: Marcha Mundial de la Marihuana. And: Global Marijuana March. Add city name to searches. See signup. And: Facebook hashtags: \\\\\\\\\\[80\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[81\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[82\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[83\\\\\\\\\\]. Twitter hashtags: \\\\\\\\\\[84\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[85\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[86\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[87\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[88\\\\\\\\\\]. Google Plus searches: \\\\\\\\\\[89\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[90\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[91\\\\\\\\\\]. Pinterest: \\\\\\\\\\[92\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[93\\\\\\\\\\]. Global Million Marijuana March. GMM Facebook pages. GMM yearly city totals. Many GMM links. See also: event lists. And: More cannabis-related links. And: Google News archives. And: GMM on Wikipedia. Google add name of city to searches : \\\\\\\\\\[94\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[95\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[96\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[97\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[98\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[99\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\]. Google maps : city, state, nation. Photos, graphics, and image searches. Share link: Image search. Marijuana March: \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\]. Marihuana March: \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\]. Marcha Marihuana Spanish : \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\]. Marche Mondiale Cannabis French : \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\]. Marche Mondiale Marijuana French : \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\]. Marcha Maconha or Marcha Marijuana Portuguese : \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\]. Google Advanced Image Search. And: Flickr advanced image search. Has 'date taken' search too. Pinterest: \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\]. GMM Blogs : \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\]. Travel blogs with photos: \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\]. Wikipedia : Legality of cannabis by country : Erowid. Old Yahoo Groups : \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\]. Basic city lists by year. Marijuana polls. And: Wiki upload posters, flyers, and banners. See also Wikimedia upload. See: and Global Cannabis March event lists by year. See also: City list page editors. See closed GMM group only members see posts in closed groups. For the rest of the world see the yearly GMM lists , short , , short , , , , , etc. They list some of the many other GMM and Facebook pages and groups from around the world. Ask any of the local and regional GCM and organizers for help about anything. Search Facebook. You can add links directly to the country , state , province , and city pages no log-in required. Share link: signup. Invite people to GCM and events: Tag some of your friends in comments on relevant Facebook event messages and images. Yearly event links in most cases will no longer be added to city pages due to the amount of work involved. Such links are found in the yearly city lists and maps. Graphics and crowd photos will also no longer be added to city pages in most cases. Graphics and photos can be found in this alphabetical flat list. See article: Cannabis is safer. Share link: Obama. See longer article: Cannabis is safer. Above quote is from Sanjay Gupta interview of Obama on April 15, Interview aired on CNN on April 19, There were 70, overdose deaths in in the US under the Republican-led drug war under Trump. Multiple drugs were involved in many of the deaths. Vote out most US Republicans and their cannabis war. Prosperity for all is not sustainable without universal healthcare, progressive taxation, higher taxes on the rich, lower taxes on the middle class , a high minimum wage, and a sustainable population. Racist Republican state governments in 28 states passed laws to prevent cities from raising the minimum wage. Money wasted on health insurance companies, drug wars, and most ground wars , helps no one. Holy War on Drugs, Conservative-led global incarceration. See also: Cannabis is safer. Register and vote for cannabis. Trump vetoes democracy. No European democracy has such authoritarian executive vetos. Their kings, presidents, and prime ministers were stripped of such power. Life for Pot. Under Trump. GOP Senate blocks cannabis. The Republican US Senate is a pseudo-democracy. A minority of Republicans block federal rescheduling or descheduling of cannabis. They block many bills that have majority public support. See Wikipedia: Nuclear Option. Stop the: Republican Senate filibuster against rescheduling or descheduling of cannabis. Still true. OECD developed democracies. Incarceration rates in chart below. See source info. And: Wikipedia:List of countries by incarceration rate. And: Wikipedia: Comparison of United States incarceration rate with other countries. See: Portugal. Cannabis-related links. USA had overdose deaths per million people. From chart in article. Also, see chart below. Portugal had 6 overdose deaths per million people. Chart of the day: Drug overdose deaths per million persons. Can the US learn something from Portugal? By Mark J. See chart:. By Chris Brown. Apr 25, See: Cannabis is safer. Chart is for regular marijuana and cigarette use by 12th graders in the USA in the past 30 days. For cigarettes actual daily use is measured. For marijuana it is for use on 20 or more occasions in the past 30 days. Green line is for marijuana. Percent of 12th graders using over the years. Note the drastic and welcome drop in cigarette use. Marijuana use has stayed relatively low and steady. See the numbers for the various drugs in the chart just below. Chart source. Among the more than 70, deaths in , the sharpest increase occurred among deaths related to fentanyl and fentanyl analogs synthetic opioids with 28, deaths. Total US drug deaths by year. The 2 lines are for male and female numbers. See: Canadian healthcare myths. A higher minimum wage is also not socialist. Canada has a higher minimum wage than the US. See: Wikipedia: List of minimum wages by country. See chart in previous section. Canada has a much lower homicide rate, and a much lower rate of handgun ownership. Even clueless Trump pinheads might figure out the connection. It is that simple. See: Canadian single-payer healthcare and Portuguese drug decriminalization. We need to look at Portugal , where their overdose death rate, HIV, and hepatitis rates, were all drastically reduced after decriminalization and a public health, universal healthcare , treatment-for-all approach. It has now been 18 years since Portuguese decriminalization in Share link: longcanada. Total healthcare cost per person in Canada and Europe is half of what Americans pay per person in taxes, deductibles, copays, and premiums. This is because health insurance companies have much less to do with healthcare there. Drug prices are negotiated. And universal healthcare is about prevention and keeping people well, and not about continually 'treating' them and keeping them profitably sick. See info, charts, and videos in this article:. On 60 Minutes. CBS news. From article: 'But 1, generics, many of them the most prescribed drugs, jumped on average more than percent in a single year. Los Angeles Times. Bloomberg News. Health Care. Medicare spends only 1. Related charts. See image source on Facebook. Cost of Republican-led U. On HuffPost. Peace-keeping forces are much less expensive in money and lives. They actually prevent US involvement in ground wars for the most part. The US should not be fighting the ground wars of others. If that happens it often means the US is propping up authoritarians, dictatorships, fake democracies, and corporate wars. See: Wars, drug wars, black sites, and dictators on demand. By Matt Taibbi. Rolling Stone. Facebook video with captions. A teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg called out world leaders in December at age See comments and number of views by clicking on the video after it starts. Another popular version. Her videos have many tens of millions of views. See the full version on Youtube. It has a transcript in the description. There are many versions online. Feb 15, Many photos. Darwinian evolution turning into US Republican politician evolution:. Democrat Congresspeople in the US support cannabis reform and the environment much more than Republican leaders. Republican misogyny as represented by Donald Trump is only matched by Republican misogyny for Mother Earth. Partly due to Trump the number of Democrat women in Congress increased in record numbers after the midterm election. The number of Republican women in Congress declined after the election. See Wikipedia: United States elections. This was partly due to voters dumping the Trump morons Republican leaders who opposed recreational cannabis. Nevada legalized recreational cannabis in Overpopulation is the main driver of global warming. Free birth control is part of the solution. The Little Ice Age is believed to have been partly due to the reforestation that occurred during the hundreds of years of lower human population caused by the Black Plague worldwide. Free birth control. July 5, By Tim Dickinson. From the article emphasis added :. By Kyle Jaeger. January 7, Marijuana Moment. From the article: 'Both believe that marijuana should be legalized at the federal level'. Ocasio-Cortez floats 70 percent tax on the super wealthy to fund Green New Deal. And: Haters. And: Dancegate. He participated in one of the greatest eras of economic prosperity-for-more in the US in the s. That era had lower overall taxes on the middle class. Overall taxes on the middle class in the US were lower in the s. Income inequality and drug war. Rich get richer; while middle class wages are flat inflation-adjusted , and the federal minimum wage inflation-adjusted has declined. Ryan R-Wis. See: Under Trump , inflation-adjusted real wages are flat. Homelessness is increasing under Trump. And: Inflation-adjusted wages are flat. The top line in the chart below is for hourly wages adjusted for inflation: Bottom of chart below says: 'Data for wages of production and non-supervisory employees on private non-farm payrolls. Inflation-adjusted federal minimum wage over the years. See Wikipedia: List of minimum wages by country. Senator Bernie Sanders. Read the heartbreaking comments. By Venessa Wong. BuzzFeed News. See Wikipedia: Student debt. Roughly 1 in 4 adults. No bankruptcy rights. Much higher interest rates. Lifetime debt. Modern loansharking and predatory lending , approved by Republicans. See: Wikipedia: Age of majority by country. Wikipedia: Voting age. Voting age of 16 in many countries. Scotland: Adult at age Prolonged forced adolescence is a waste of time and money. Increased agency is better. The money now spent for high school between the ages of 16 to 18 could be set aside for 2 years of college tuition, room, and board. See: Scotland. What can I do at my age? See Wikipedia: Household debt. US household debt at all time high. Chart is in the PDF linked from that page. Total household debt timeline. Total Household Debt by Type:. See: Cannabis polls. By Gallup Poll. This is after decades of activism such as cannabis marches, events, education, referendums, and more. See: cannabis polls and activism. The majority of US Republicans now support full cannabis legalization , but many Republican leaders do not. We march until all the anti-cannabis US Republican leaders are removed from office. Vs USA. Medicare-for-all is single-payer, non-socialist, non-government-owned, Canadian-style healthcare. Canada got better outcomes, spent half as much per person , and thus has a higher median wealth. Country Median wealth per adult US dollars Healthcare cost per person. US dollars PPP. Canada spent See: info, charts, videos exposing US Republican myths about Canadian healthcare. Country Life expectancy 2 Under-5 mortality rate per live births. And He is actually an old-time progressive democrat who wants universal healthcare and progressive taxation. Like Roosevelt and Truman. Truman, a Democrat, followed by Eisenhower, a Republican, had steep progressive taxation where the middle class had less taxes, and prospered the most they ever have in US history. Truman and Eisenhower both increased the minimum wage , which inevitably pushes up middle class wages. Cannabis is safer \\\\\\\\\\[ edit \\\\\\\\\\] Return to top. Vote out most Republicans \\\\\\\\\\[ edit \\\\\\\\\\] Return to top. US Republican cannabis war \\\\\\\\\\[ edit \\\\\\\\\\] Return to top. By Tom Angell, Jan 16, From the article emphasis added : Of the governors who received passing grades in the new scorecard, 22 are Democrats and only five are Republicans. Meanwhile, percent of those who got A grades are Democrats. On the other end of the scale, the 15 who got D grades and the four who received an F are all GOP governors. No Democrat got less than a C. How Congress scores on marijuana. Of the Republicans in Congress, members Republican mass incarceration \\\\\\\\\\[ edit \\\\\\\\\\] Return to top. Incarceration rates compared \\\\\\\\\\[ edit \\\\\\\\\\] Return to top. US spent See: info, charts, videos exposing Republican myths about Canadian healthcare. Country Per capita spending on health. Public and private costs. Canada spent half as much per person , and got better outcomes. Country Life expectancy years. Australia More info. Median wealth per adult. Credit Suisse. Country links are to Wikipedia articles. Click red column headers to sort. Country Median wealth per adult. Categories : Cities Global Marijuana March. Namespaces Page Discussion. Views Read Edit View history. More Report a problem. Navigation Home. Site navigation USA. A-Z GCM nations. Suggest links. Try editing sandbox Ibogaine heals News. Many links All cities. Many events US states International links -- by country -- by region. State of the nation Vote for cannabis Vote out Republicans Wars on demand. Help and tools Admins. Flat list Upload file Upload log. Thumbs Upload multiple files. Return to top Return to top. This page was last edited on 5 July , at Privacy policy About Cannabis Terms of use Mobile view. Nations with better and healthier quality of life: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Wage slave waking up US. Inflation-adjusted wages are flat. Especially for Republican states that have low minimum wages. Universal healthcare , minimum wage , median wealth , homicide rates , handgun ownership rates , overpopulation , and quality of life are rarely compared by country by NPR News and other mainstream US media. Decades of ignorance, isolationism, and xenophobia. Source and comments. Crowd photo from Mexico City , May 4, Ever-increasing US household debt under Trump , and his huge tax breaks for the rich, but not for the middle class who need it the most. Huge medical and student debt. Low minimum wages in many Republican states. See map. Wikipedia: Alcohol and cancer. And: Cannabis is Safer. Republicans have declared War on the Middle Class. The guy is such a moron. Why are US presidents given such power? In the 21st century. The Scotsman. Daily Record. Links to many articles on decriminalization of drugs in Portugal. Germany has a much lower murder rate than the USA. Also, Germany has better health indicators, and its healthcare cost per person is half US cost all costs, public and private. Of the governors who received passing grades in the new scorecard, 22 are Democrats and only five are Republicans. View: Full site. Mobile site. Search: Wikipedia. First Saturday in May or thereabouts. Some Facebook links of native speakers of various languages below. More to come. Facebook pages, etc.. Native languages indicated. Aron Kay \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] USA. Max Stone Australia. Quanita Booley \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] South Africa. Andre du Plessis South Africa. Timeshifter USA - wiki , 2. From South Africa. German: Martin Steldinger Germany. Steffen Geyer Germany. French: Allu Marine France. Farid Ghehioueche France. Norwegian: Piotr Gleichgewicht Norway. Danish: Klaus Trier Tuxen Denmark. Czech: Robert Veverka \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] Czech Republic. Italian: Giovanni Foresti Italy. Filipino: Maria Noriza Philippines. See talk. Share links: facebookgcm - gcmfacebook - facebookgmm - gmmfacebook. And: Short version. And: Facebook events. International GCM group. Europe GCM group. Facebook tags: \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\]. Instagram: \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\]. Twitter: \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\]. Searches: \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\]. Add year to searches. Use the advanced search filters to narrow the date range further, search for an exact phrase, and so on. Organizing is your legal free speech right in most of the free world. But buying cannabis the kind that gets you high over the internet is usually not legal. Do not buy most cannabis stocks. Obama helped turn around the Reagan-Bush War on Pot , mandatory minimums , mass incarceration. See: US incarceration peaked in American farmers will be able to plant and harvest hemp. Wikipedia: Population milestone babies. Hong Kong. New Zealand. United Kingdom. South Korea. United States. Republican Party. Greed, ground wars, drug wars, and mass incarceration. See: map source. Map of states with higher minimum wage than the federal minimum wage. Note that slavery still exists in the Republican South. Wage slaves. Wikipedia: Minimum wage in the United States.

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