Марихуана Мурсия

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Как попасть в ассоциацию каннабиса туристу? Клуб курильщиков марихуаны El Circulo находится в самом центре Борна напротив французского вокзала. Он существует уже несколько лет и плотно завоевал позицию одного из лучших каннабис-клубов города. Идеальное место для тех, кто любит покурить качественную травку в приятной обстановке. Эта ассоциация для многих стала вторым домом, потому что здесь все направлено на то, чтобы гостю было комфортно и уютно. В Эль Сиркуло вас ждет любезный персонал, удобные диваны и самая лучшая музыка. Здесь часто проходят концерты живой музыки и выступления диджеев. Стильное помещение утопает в приятном полумраке, плавно текут беседы, на нескольких экранах проектируются самые фриковые фильмы и андеграундные мультики. Не обходится без трансляции самых важных футбольных матчей. Внутри ассоциации работает бар, где можно заказать свежевыжатые соки, десерты, чаи, кофе, вино или пиво. Клуб сотрудничает с несколькими соседними ресторанами, так что если вы проголодаетесь, можете оставаться на месте, вам принесут любое блюдо на ваш выбор, включая свежие устрицы. В меню сортов марихуаны здесь есть, чем себя побаловать. Только не забудьте, что вы рассчитываетесь вашей клубной карточкой, на которую заранее на входе вам зачисляют любую сумму. Внутри ассоциации деньги не существуют. Не забывайте, что для того чтобы стать членом клуба, вас должен привести в ассоциацию человек, который уже является его членом. Вы не можете прийти просто так с улицы, это незаконно. Для оформления членства не забудьте паспорт или водительские права, чтобы доказать свое совершеннолетие. Для отправки комментария вам необходимо авторизоваться. Адрес: Carrer Rec Станция метро: Barceloneta. Время работы: Каждый день с до часа ночи. В избранное Поделиться Твитнуть. Добавить комментарий Отменить ответ Для отправки комментария вам необходимо авторизоваться. Born Борн Другие места в этом районе:. Бары Барселоны , Бары и Кафе в Барселоне. Бары и Кафе в Барселоне , Бары с террасой. WOK китайский шведский стол , Рестораны Барселоны. Бизнес ланчи , Бранчи , Рестораны Барселоны. Достопримечательности Барселоны. Недорогие трасферы из аэропорта Барселоны Ресторан Granja Petitbo. Copyright Happyinspain

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In fact, you only need to confirm you are welcomed to visit the club. Meaning, they are supposed to reject new membership applications. Therefore, the systematic registration of new members is frowned upon by the authorities. Even though a few clubs still issue cannabis club invitations explicitly, lawyers advise against it. Clubs are no longer allowed to issue a cannabis club invitation. However, they can instruct you to visit them at the reception desk with your ID. Then, you complete a quick interview so the club can endorse you. Contrary to what is commonly assumed, you no longer need an intermediary to endorse you. Not all cannabis clubs are open for new members. It is always best to contact them directly to confirm you can show up. Or, you can also rely on affiliated websites to confirm they are available. Any reply from a club that implies a face to face meeting at their reception desk is a cannabis club invitation. Regardless, is it always best to contact the cannabis club in advance. They would either tell you not to come, or they would welcome you to meet them at the reception desk. You can fill out the form on their website or you can send them a private message to their Facebook page. A cannabis club making new members will normally reply:. No cannabis club invitation guarantees membership registration. Most cannabis clubs reject membership because of direct advice by the lawyer. Lawyers can send instructions with no prior notice for clubs to cease membership registration. Therefore, be kind and go to the nearest cannabis club in case you get rejected. The most common mistake everyone makes is simply ringing the doorbell of all the clubs without contacting them in advance, hoping to get accepted. The second most common mistake is to go without having everything required for membership registration. Cannabis clubs change their membership registration policy on short notice, so never assume that a positive reply from a club guarantees membership registration. Cannabis clubs are constantly being surveilled by police because the government has failed to regulate their activities, leaving this task to the police force. Cannabis clubs reject new membership applications during police surveillance. Most members wait after the surveillance is gone because dispensaries are normally closed anyway. Free guests or visitors are not welcomed. In other words, anyone wishing to enter a cannabis club must complete full membership registration. Which means they all have to:. Your membership application may be rejected if you are caught leaving anyone waiting nearby. Moreover, if you dare to exchange money in front of a cannabis club, you could be charged with drug dealing which is a serious crime in Spain. Any communication can be considered promotion, which is a crime. You can ask many questions at the reception desk if the receptionist is not too busy. There are no cannabis club invitations for tourists. If you contact a cannabis club and they reply with instructions to visit them, stop wondering and follow the instructions. All the clubs that used to do that got shut down for breaking the law. WARNING: For your own safety, stay away from street promoters or any stranger who offers to help you find the club you are looking for. They are scam artists, thieves or pickpockets. They would persuade you with cheap memberships or free weed to take their advice. Every year many tourists end up in hospital for taking drugs sold by fake cannabis clubs or narco pisos. Every time you accept help from a stranger on the street you are financing illegal drug trafficking and criminal organizations. Barcelona has over cannabis clubs but less than 20 may be worth visiting. They are not stores, nor coffeeshops, they are private cannabis associations. Anyone wishing to enter must complete full membership registration. However, not all cannabis clubs are open to new members. If you wish to know the best clubs available right now , click on the bottom below. Members of cannabis clubs must show their ID at the reception desk to prove they are a legal adult 18 or Pictures of the ID on the phone or printed copies are not valid forms of identification. Cannabis Club Endorsement Clubs are no longer allowed to issue a cannabis club invitation. Important Notice. Cannabis Clubs Available Today. The most common steps are the following:. Contact the club or any affiliated website. Use Google Maps to find the club. Show a valid ID at the reception desk. Complete a quick interview 5 min. Sample of Cannabis Club Invitation Any reply from a club that implies a face to face meeting at their reception desk is a cannabis club invitation. The Most Common Mistakes The most common mistake everyone makes is simply ringing the doorbell of all the clubs without contacting them in advance, hoping to get accepted. Membership Rejection. For Members Only. Which means they all have to: Fill out the form on the contact page of the website of the club or any affiliated party. Bring a valid form of ID any government issued ID. Copies or pictures are not valid. Discounts or free entrances are illegal. Invitation for Tourists. Join a Cannabis Club Today Barcelona has over cannabis clubs but less than 20 may be worth visiting. Your Name required. Your Last Name. Your Email. Your Birthday required. Your Phone Number. Which city do you live in? Which country do you live in? When are you planning to come? What type of user are you? Recreational Medical Both. I agree to the terms and conditions. Who can join the Clubs. Who Can join a Club. When are Cannabis Clubs Open. When are the Clubs Open. Where are the best Clubs.

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