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106. We know, of course, that due to various conditions many of these beloved sons of Ours are frequently called upon to undertake the pastoral care of the faithful; and this has redounded to the benefit of the Christian name and Christian virtue.

Novimus profecto non paucos ex his dilectis filiis ob rerum condiciones, quibus in praesens utimur, ad pastoralem etiam christifidelium curam saepissime advocari, non sine magno christiani nominis christianaeque virtutis emolumento.

Chariovalda, after long sustaining the enemy's fury, cheered on his men to break by a dense formation the onset of their bands, while he himself, plunging into the thickest of the battle, fell amid a shower of darts with his horse pierced under him, and round him many noble chiefs. The rest were rescued from the peril by their own strength, or by the cavalry which came up with Stertinius and Aemilius.

Chariovalda diu sustentata hostium saevitia, hortatus suos ut ingruentis catervas globo perfringerent, atque ipse densissimos inrumpens, congestis telis et suffosso equo labitur, ac multi nobilium circa: ceteros vis sua aut equites cum Stertinio Aemilioque subvenientes periculo exemere.

"Helvidius asked, ""Why should Marcellus be so afraid of the judgment of the magistrates? He has wealth and eloquence, which might make him superior to many , were he not oppressed by the consciousness of guilt."

paulatimque per altercationem ad continuas et infestas orationes provecti sunt, quaerente Helvidio quid ita Marcellus iudicium magistratuum pavesceret: esse illi pecuniam et eloquentiam, quis multos anteiret, ni memoria flagitiorum urgeretur.

However, contrary to what many believe and write, it was not the books of the Old University of Leuven which disappeared in smoke; indeed, in 1797, the manuscripts and most valuable works of this university were transported to the National Library in Paris and much of the old library (as noted above, some books took an "unofficial course") was transferred to the Central School of Brussels, the official and legal successor of the Old University of Leuven.

Attamen, contra id quod multi putant aut scribunt, hoc incendio non deleti sunt libri veteris Studii Generalis Lovaniensis quia anno 1797 eius codices et libri pretiosissimi allati sunt in bibliothecam Nationalem Lutetiae et tota collectio librorum (qui non alio furtive et clandestino iverunt) data est Scholae centrali Bruxellensi quae erat succestrix legalis prisci Studii Generalis Lovaniensis aboliti.

Each of these will be a living thing; but they will not be many separate living things.

""" [8]Omnes istae artes circa instrumenta vitae occupatae sunt, non circa totam vitam."

Even among many legions, it is a few who really decide the battle, and it will enhance their glory that a small force should earn the renown of an entire army.

conferti tantum et pilis emissis post umbonibus et gladiis stragem caedemque continuarent, praedae immemores: parta victoria cuncta ipsis cessura.

The rest of the soldiers foully mutilated his arms and legs, for his breast was protected, and in their savage ferocity inflicted many wounds even on the headless trunk.

ceteri crura brachiaque (nam pectus tegebatur) foede laniavere; pleraque vulnera feritate et saevitia trunco iam corpori adiecta.

The Church looks with admiration and gratitude upon the many consecrated persons who, by caring for the sick and the suffering, contribute in a significant way to her mission.

Admirans gratiasque referens tot homines consecratos respicit Ecclesia qui aegrotantibus patientibusque assidentes plurimum missionis suae conducunt.

Even after the many sins which have contributed to our historical divisions, Christian unity is possible, provided that we are humbly conscious of having sinned against unity and are convinced of our need for conversion.

Etiam post tot peccata quae in historicas divisiones valuerunt, unitas christianorum possibilis est, dummodo humiliter conscii simus nos contra unitatem peccavisse et persuasum habeamus necessariam nobis esse conversionem.

Lorentz worked on the film with composer Virgil Thomson, who shared Lorentz's enthusiasm for folk music and incorporated many folk melodies, along with other popular and religious music, into the soundtrack.

Lorentz operam pelliculae dedit cum Vergilio Thomson compositore, qui studii Lorentziani musicae vulgaris particeps fuit, qua pro causa multa carmina vulgaria sonis adiecit, cum aliis generibus musicae popularis et religiosae.

It carries out its mission inspired by the Gospel and makes concrete its own religious witness in its institutions for education, social assistance and charitable aid which are appreciated by many .

Illa enim suam explicat missionem Evangelio inspirata et proprium religiosum testimonium per educationis, asistentiae et caritatis instituta, quae a plurimis probantur, validum efficit.

Many types and traditions of anarchism exist, not all of which are mutually exclusive.

Sunt multa anarchismi genera et memoriae, quarum non omnes inter se exclusivae.

3. The terrible storm which swept over the Church in the sixteenth century,deprived the vast majority of the Scottish people, as well as many other peoplesof Europe, of that Catholic Faith which they had gloriously held for over onethousand years.

Turbolentissima illa tempestas, quae in Ecclesiam saeculo decimo sexto incubuit, sicut alios nimium multos per Europam, ita Scotos maximam partem abstraxit a fide catholica, quam plus mille annis cum gloria retinuerant.

Those of us who became fans early on love to convert the unitiated, and this song is bound to bring many more into the flock.

At homines sunt qui populus canus bonus est credunt, et hic Tellure est variis rebus nos adiuvare.

25) May God grant that no one of Us ever lets that terrible sentence that the parish priest of Ars once used in rebuking his flock fall on him: "There are many people keeping their money hidden away while many others are dying of hunger."(

(25) Nemo unus patiatur, quod Deus avertat, in se cadere posse severam illam sententiam, qua olim Arsiensis Parochus oves suas reprehendebat: « Quam multi reconditam asservant pecuniam suam, cum tot egeni fame pereant».

227) When these experiences are united to the theological and psychological acuteness of Augustine, and to his uncommon talent as a writer, we understand how he was able to describe the mystical ascents with such precision, so that he has been called by many people the prince of mystics.

Si ad theologicum Augustini acumen ac psychologicum nec non singularem ad eius scriptoris facultatem haec adduntur aliquando experimenta, intellegitur quomodo tanta ipse subtilitate mysticas descripserit ascensiones, ut haud unus illum nuncupare principem potuerit mysticorum.

From universal wisdom and learning, it has been gradually reduced to one of the many fields of human knowing; indeed in some ways it has been consigned to a wholly marginal role.

Ex sapientia et universali scientia, in unam quamlibet e multis scientiae provinciis redacta est; immo, quibusdam ex rationibus, partes omnino supervacanae eidem dumtaxat tribuuntur.

All this was known to Tiberius, and, to silence popular talk, he reminded the people in a proclamation that many eminent Romans had died for their country and that none had been honoured with such passionate regret.

Gnarum id Tiberio fuit; utque premeret vulgi sermones, monuit edicto multos inlustrium Romanorum ob rem publicam obisse, neminem tam flagranti desiderio celebratum.

There are many Japanese restaurants in Boston.

Multae cauponae Iaponenses Bostoniae sunt.

Many of you will in fact be obliged to lead your lives, at least in part, in a world which tends to exile man from himself and to compromise both his spiritual unity and his union with God.

Iamvero multi ex vobis vitam transigere debent, saltem ex parte, in mundo, qui in tendit, ut hominem a se ipso abalienet eiusque cum Deo conunctionem, una cum spirituali eiusdem unitate, in discrimen adducat.

14) Their thanksgiving will embrace the fruits of holiness which have matured in the life of all those many men and women who in every generation and every period of history have fully welcomed the gift of Redemption.

Eorum haec gratiarum actio ad fructus tandem etiam sanctitatis pertinget quae in vita tot virorum mulierumque percepti sunt, qui quavis aetate omnique in historiae intervallo donum Redemptionis amplecti sine condicionibus potuerunt.

This provokes a sense of frustration or desperation and predisposes people to opt out of national life, impelling many to emigrate and also favoring a form of "psychological" emigration.

Id quod sensum excitat frustrationis vel desperationis hominesque comparat ad sese subtrahendos ex ipsa nationis vita, multis interea ad emigrandum in de propulsis atque generato pariter quodam emigrationis « psychologicae » genere.

At the same time, these communities should show a warm sense of welcome to visiting brothers and sisters, especially in places which attract many tourists and pilgrims, for whom it will often be necessary to provide special religious assistance.(

Simul vero oportebit has communitates fervidum exprimere hospitalitatis sensum erga fratres aliunde accedentes, in locis praesertim ad quae plures viatores et peregrinatores alliciuntur, quorum causa necesse saepe erit peculiaria capere consilia de adiutorio religioso praestando.(

Lk 9:62), and perhaps even more those of you who are doubtful of the meaning of your vocation or of the value of your service: think of the places where people anxiously await a Priest, and where for many years; feeling the lack of such a Priest, they do not cease to hope for his presence.

Vos qui “ portatis pondus diei et aestum ”, qui manum misistis ad aratrum et non aspicitis retro, et fortasse vos potius qui in dubitatione versamini qui sensus sit vocationis vestrae vel quid vestrum valeat ministerium, loca illa cogitate ubi homines sacerdotem vehementer exspectant et ubi multos iam annos, cum eius afficiantur desiderio, eum sibi adesse non desinunt optare!
Carried through many nations and seas, I have come to these miserable funeral rites, brother.
Multas per gentes et multa per aequora vectus advenio has miseras frater ad inferias.
Carried through many nations and seas, I have come to these miserable funeral rites, brother.
Multas per gentes et multa per aequora vectus advenio has miseras frater ad inferias.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Indo-European language of the Italic branch
For other uses, see Latin (disambiguation) .
Latin inscription, in the Colosseum of Rome , Italy
Antiquity: Roman schools of grammar/rhetoric [1] Today: Pontifical Academy for Latin
Map indicating the greatest extent of the Roman Empire under Emperor Trajan ( c. 117 AD ) and the area governed by Latin speakers (dark red). Many languages other than Latin were spoken within the empire.
Range of the Romance languages, the modern descendants of Latin, in Europe.
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^ "Schools" . Encyclopædia Britannica . Vol. 24 (11th ed.). 1911. pp. 363–376.

^ Sandys, John Edwin (1910). A companion to Latin studies . Chicago: University of Chicago Press . pp. 811–812.

^ Clark 1900 , pp. 1–3

^ "History of Europe – Barbarian migrations and invasions" . Encyclopedia Britannica . Retrieved 6 February 2021 .

^ Diringer 1996 , pp. 533–4

^ Collier's Encyclopedia: With Bibliography and Index . Collier. 1 January 1958. p. 412. Archived from the original on 21 April 2016 . Retrieved 15 February 2016 . In Italy, all alphabets were originally written from right to left; the oldest Latin inscription, which appears on the lapis niger of the seventh century BC, is in bustrophedon, but all other early Latin inscriptions run from right to left.

^ Sacks, David (2003). Language Visible: Unraveling the Mystery of the Alphabet from A to Z . London: Broadway Books. p. 80 . ISBN 978-0-7679-1172-6 .

^ Pope, Mildred K (1966). From Latin to modern French with especial consideration of Anglo-Norman; phonology and morphology . Publications of the University of Manchester, no. 229. French series, no. 6. Manchester: Manchester university press. p. 3.

^ Monroe, Paul (1902). Source book of the history of education for the Greek and Roman period . London, New York: Macmillan & Co. pp. 346–352.

^ Herman 2000 , pp. 17–18

^ Herman 2000 , p. 8

^ Pei, Mario; Gaeng, Paul A. (1976). The story of Latin and the Romance languages (1st ed.). New York: Harper & Row. pp. 76–81 . ISBN 978-0-06-013312-2 .

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^ Jump up to: a b Elabani, Moe (1998). Documents in medieval Latin . Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. pp. 13–15. ISBN 978-0-472-08567-5 .

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^ Finkenstaedt, Thomas; Dieter Wolff (1973). Ordered Profusion; studies in dictionaries and the English lexicon . C. Winter. ISBN 978-3-533-02253-4 .

^ Uwe Pörksen, German Academy for Language and Literature's Jahrbuch [Yearbook] 2007 (Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen 2008, pp. 121-130)

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^ Of the eighty-nine men who signed the Declaration of Independence and attended the Constitutional Convention, thirty-six went to a Colonial college, all of which offered only the classical curriculum. Richard M. Gummere, The American Colonial Mind and the Classical Tradition, p.66 (1963).

^ Meyer Reinhold, Classica Americana: The Greek and Roman Heritage in the United States, p.27 (1984). Harvard's curriculum was patterned after those of Oxford and Cambridge, and the curricula of other Colonial colleges followed Harvard's. Lawrence A. Cremin, American Education: The Colonial Experience, 1607–1783, pp. 128–129 (1970),and Frederick Rudolph, Curriculum: A History of the American Undergraduate Course of Study Since 1636, pp.31–32 (1978).

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^ Beard, Mary (10 July 2006). "Does Latin "train the brain"?" . The Times Literary Supplement . Archived from the original on 14 January 2012. No, you learn Latin because of what was written in it – and because of the sexual side of life direct access that Latin gives you to a literary tradition that lies at the very heart (not just at the root) of Western culture.

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^ Who only knows Latin can go across the whole Poland from one side to the other one just like he was at his own home, just like he was born there. So great happiness! I wish a traveler in England could travel without knowing any other language than Latin!, Daniel Defoe, 1728

^ Anatol Lieven, The Baltic Revolution: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and the Path to Independence, Yale University Press, 1994, ISBN 0-300-06078-5 , Google
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