Manufacture and ➕ process control 🎛️ of Sugar

Manufacture and ➕ process control 🎛️ of Sugar

👓 Nandaniya Ram,Pada Ranjit,Ram Pravin

Manufacture and ➕ process control 🎛️ of Sugar

Manufacture and ➕ process control 🎛️ of Sugar✅ Technical control 🎛️ in the process of sugar manufacture is aimed at attaining highest possible efficiencies and ➕ recovering maximum sugar from the raw material which exhibits varying compositions from period to period as well as from field 🏑 to field 🏑 in a crushing 🥰 campaign while at the same time ⏱️ maintaining the desired rate 🐀 of production Control 🎛️ of the process encompasses wide areas right ➡️ from receipt 🧾 of cane to storage of sugar and ➕ as such various operations involved need careful 💅 observations and ➕ supervision in as much as the fall in efficiency or productivity at any station 🚉 would adversely affect the overall performance 🎭️ of the plant 🌵 to the detriment of the overall economy of the organisation The main task of the technologists 👨‍💻️ engaged in the process operation is thus to ensure effective technical control 🎛️ employing the systems evolved in the past for achieving the ultimate 🥏 object of reducing sugar losses and ➕ cost of production in the manufacturing process.


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