Manila Girls

Manila Girls


How to Get ANY GIRL You Want in Bed (CRAZY Secrets)
My names is Sebastian Harris and I'm the author of the bestselling book Rise of the Phoenix: Global Seducer is the place where I show you how to attract the hottest girls around the world. My channel is all about actionable pickup tips and dating advice for men. I share my experiences, my failures, and my success with you because I want to help you, motivate you, and inspire you to become one of the greatest seducers of all time. So if you want to have the skills and the power to approach women without fearing rejection and to know exactly what to say and do next when you are on a date with a girl, you have to subscribe to my channel right now. It's up to you if you want a girlfriend or if you want to explore different types of relationships. It's my job to help you to achieve what you want to achieve and to turn you into an amazing seducer and an even better man. Hit that subscribe button and start your transformation!

If you are looking for the best places to meet girls in Manila or a dating guide for this city then you are in luck. OK, maybe luck isn’t the right word, you just know how to use a search engine and found your way here.
Either way this post is going to have all of the info you need on the subjects at hand. Many guys know by now that this is a great place to be single. Filipina women have become famous online for being fun loving and easy to hook up with.
Are the rumors true? Is it really as easy to get laid here as most travel bloggers say? Or are they just boasting to try to make themselves sound like total studs?
You won’t know how things will play out for you until you try, but it is true that when foreign men come to town meeting single girls in Manila and getting dates with them should not be a problem. Some are also pretty quick to want to get laid as well, though it may not always be for the reason the guy thinks it is.
We will start out by breaking down some of the best nightclubs and pick up bars that you can find around the city. After we cover the singles nightlife we will move on to day game, and this is one of the best cities in the world if you prefer day game over the club scene.
Even better than the day game would be the amazing online dating scene. If you pipeline for a week on Filipino dating sites you could easily double the amount of contacts in your phone before you hop on the plane.
Once we have covered all of the best ways to meet women here the Manila dating guide section will begin. We will break down some of the best date spots in town and mention how you can easily have a cheap date that will be fun for the both of you if you are on a budget.

After that we will give some very important tips for any tourists or new expats that are reading this. Not only is the dating culture a little different here but so is the overall culture, and the Philippines can appear a lot rougher than it really is to a first time visitor.
By the time you finish reading this guide you will be fully prepared and ready to have a great time. In fact this is probably the longest dating guide for Asia we have written, partly because we have a lot of info on the place but also because so many guys will be coming here.
We will break this down into different nightlife areas. Currently some of the hottest clubs in The Fort for hooking up are:
Remember that when you are researching where to go in this city The Fort, Bonifacio Global City, and BGC are all different ways to refer to the same place. These clubs turn over all the time, if these names aren’t the same when you arrive just go to The Palace in BGC and you will find good nightlife for singles at whichever new club has taken over.
Makati is located nearby and is another good place to party, though there aren’t as many clubs here. There are some more local style pick up bars, but you probably will want to stick to venues like:
It definitely needs to be pointed out that Makati is a major area for sexpats and  freelance prostitutes to meet. We will get more into this later, but if you pick up a girl in Makati do not be surprised if she wants to get paid at some point if you do hook up.
Quezon City is another great area for nightlife and to meet Manila girls. Plus it is a bit outside of the city where most foreign men don’t go. That means you will stand out, and that there are probably less hookers around.
If you are staying in The Fort or Makati it can be a bit of a pain to get to, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth checking out. Some of the current best Quezon City clubs are:
A few more nightclubs around town that you may want to visit are:
There is a very good nightclub scene here, but finding good pick up bars in Manila isn’t as easy. A few more casual places to meet girls would be:
We don’t try to be hyperbolic in our posts but we can’t really help it in this one. It really is just that great when it comes to meeting single girls in Manila. If you like nightclubs they can be great, if you like day game this is one of the best spots in the world, and the same can be said for online dating.
No matter what your fancy is you should be able to succeed here. Many guys love to party so we always like to start off with the singles nightlife, and Filipina girls love to party as well.
For most their favorite activities would include singing and dancing, so going to a packed club with loud music and getting drunk is as fun as it gets for them. If you can hook up with girls from singles bars or clubs in other countries you should clean up here.
For the most part the nicest clubs in the city are in The Fort (Bonifacio Global City/BGC.) This is one of the more expensive areas you will find in town, a hotel will cost quite a bit (for the Philippines) but it will be worth it.
This way you will be close to the place where you pick up girls so they will be more likely to go back to your place. On top of that you won’t have to deal with the horrible traffic this city is known for.
When trying to get laid in The Fort you will find some of the sexiest ladies in the country. However many of them will know it, and while Filipina women aren’t known to be bitchy and blow guys off in a rude manner if it is going to happen BGC will be the spot. Don’t worry about it, just move on to the next one.
The second best city to meet Filipina girls is Cebu City but the nightlife there isn’t even close to this level.
If the Philippines isn’t the best place in the world for day game then we don’t know what is. Why do we say this? Because you can go to any mall at any time and find plenty of single girls walking around with nothing to do.
Many of them speak at least a little bit of English and many also have a pretty big time interest in dating foreign men. All you need to do is walk up to them, smile, and introduce yourself.
Be kind, speak slowly, and try to use easy words that they will have a better chance of understanding. If they look very tense and like they have no interest just back off. Often times they will smile and be up for a chat, and you can just go from there.
There are other places than malls that can be OK as well, but the malls are by far the best place to do it. They naturally draw in women, and the women inside will feel more relaxed. If you walk up to one on the street she may not feel comfortable chatting with a stranger and be more on guard.
There are so many huge malls to meet girls in Manila. In Makati alone you have:
Glorietta, Greenbelt, and SM Makati are all located right next to each other making a huge shopping district. One important note about this area is that there is a major freelance prostitute bar called Cafe Havana located at Greenbelt outside on the patio.
If you try to pick up girls in Greenbelt on this patio there is a good chance they will be freelancing hookers who are making the rounds near Cafe Havana, especially after dark. Over in The Fort you can find SM Aura and also Bonifacio High Street which is a very nice area for shopping, cafes, and restaurants.
Then there are more massive malls spread around the city like:
There are plenty of options, if you want to day game do it in a nice air conditioned mall, not on the rough streets in the heat and humidity. It will be more comfortable for you and the ladies will feel more comfortable when you approach them.
What if you are reading this post from outside of the country and want to start chatting with Filipina girls before you arrive? What if you just don’t like to go to nightclubs or approach strange women at malls?
Meeting single girls in Manila online is going to be the easiest way and the most efficient use of your time. While they are very approachable in public they are even chattier on dating sites, and some of the ones who might be too shy to chat you up in a crowded mall might have no problems setting up a date or quickly hooking up after a few messages have been traded online.
There are plenty of dating sites you can use, in our opinion the two best are Filipino Cupid and also Pina Love. Which one is better will come down to personal preference, they both are very user friendly and have plenty of single Manila girls who are ready to mingle.
When a foreign man sets up a profile and puts his location in the Philippines he will get a lot of attention. Not only will Filipina girls be replying to a high percentage of your openers, but often times they will be the ones to message you first. That is pretty rare in some parts of the world, but not here.
When online dating in a foreign country where the locals may not have a great grasp on your language the best thing you can do is keep it simple, and that will be a phrase we are going to start repeating a lot in this dating guide. Send them a polite opener, ask them a few questions, and then get their number.
You can chat with them on different apps, Whatsapp and Viber are probably the two most popular. People here also text through normal phone number texting, when you arrive buy a sim from Smart or Globe.
Keep your messages short and sweet, be a gentleman (ie don’t be a pervert) and invite them to meet you at one of the date spots we will mention next. You will have no problems finding girls to date in Manila on Filipino Cupid or Pina Love.
It does need to be pointed out again that there will be many hookers online, and they don’t always make it clear that they want to get paid when they let you get laid. But that will be covered in depth at the end of this post.
We just said that we were going to start repeating keep it simple often, and that will be the main point to take from this Manila dating guide. When picking up girls you don’t need to try any intricate gaming tactics, you just need to be here and be friendly.
Don’t neg them, don’t follow some ‘game technique’ you read on a PUA blog, that stuff will have as good of a chance of messing things up as it does of helping you succeed. The one exception might be if you are dealing with the stuck up rich girls at nightclubs in The Fort, but they are certainly the exception and not the rule.
Also, when looking for date spots in Manila keep it simple and go to the malls. When you first arrive in this city you may feel like it looks like a war zone if you don’t have much foreign travel experience.
The streets are dirty, smelly, falling apart, and over crowded. But then you reach one of the nice shopping malls and they feel like a palace. They are clean, air conditioned, safe, and have plenty of places to eat, relax, and enjoy some entertainment.
That is the perfect place for a cheap date, yet the girls won’t consider it a cheap date at all. Our top date spot in Manila would probably be Bonifacio High Street, there are many nice restaurants here and while they might be a bit more expensive than other places for a westerner they still fit most budgets.
You can find bars and nightclubs here after your meal, or just stroll around outside as this is a well kept area. The Greenbelt patio and terraces also have many nice restaurants for a good meal, they won’t exactly be cheap but you can find a place that isn’t too expensive.
Remember to try and avoid the Cafe Havana area if you do bring a girl here. The A Venue Night Market in Makati near Century City Mall would be a great spot for a cheap date, there will be live music and lots of local food stalls.
Black Market bar that we mentioned before is not only a good place to pick up, but can also be solid for a date. If you wanted to visit some romantic restaurants outside of malls you could try:
If you really wanted to make sure your Manila girl has a great time on your date take her out for karaoke. Earlier we mentioned that Filipinas love nothing more than to sing and dance, karaoke is pretty much at the top of their wish list.
Remember to take them to a ‘family KTV’ and not an ‘adult KTV.’ Some we would recommend are:
If you find a girl you really like and are looking for a weekend getaway take her to one of the great beach destinations in the Philippines like Palawan, Boracay, or Bohol. Or for an outside the box idea check out this list of things to do in Baguio.
Lastly we want to do a bit of a expat and tourist dating guide. This will partly be about travel and partly be about how to act when dealing with Manila girls. Lots of this stuff has already been mentioned briefly throughout the post but is important enough to stress one more time.
Lets get the travel guide part out of the way first, the local currency is the peso and you get roughly 50 pesos for every $1 USD. This can fluctuate a bit, but you will see money changers around that will have signs with the current rate when you arrive at the airport. Though like always you will get a worse rate at the airport and may want to wait to trade your money at a money changer in the city.
If you are a first time visitor definitely take the common advice and stay in Makati or The Fort at first. Sure, it costs a bit more money, but this city has a sketchy look to it and if you choose the wrong neighborhood you may not feel very safe.
Being in Makati or The Fort will make things a lot easier when you want to invite girls over for a date. Then if you want to move to a cheaper area go check it out first before you book the room. To get around town you can hop in a taxi or download the Grab App. You could also use the MRT, or if you want to go very cheap you can try and learn the jeepney routes which are like buses.
Even though the city looks sketchy it is a lot safer than you might think. Don’t flash cash, jewelry, or walk around holding a $500+ phone carelessly and you should be fine. Certain areas of Malate and Ermita (like near Robinsons Mall) are best to be avoided after dark, but for the most part violence is rare here, pickpockets are the main worry.
Now lets talk about the Filipina dating culture. If you are a foreign man trying to date Manila girls you need to realize that you already have a major advantage, and instead of trying to ‘win them over’ you need to be focusing on ‘not messing it up.’
How do you mess it up? By being a pervert and asking them to send you nude pics after you first meet them online. Or by trying to talk about sex with them before you have already hooked up before.
By not understanding the Asian culture of always smiling, being positive, and having a good time. When they do something that annoys you don’t get angry, just let it go. Never raise your voice, just let it go.
It is also important to note that Filipina girls will almost certainly be late every time you meet them, and some of them may not even show up at all. Just because you invite them and they say yes it isn’t a 100% thing by any means. They are extremely flaky, you just have to take the good with the bad.
That is why it is important to put in a lot of work pipeling on Filipino Cupid and Pina Love, so that you have back up plans when your first option doesn’t show up. This next part is a little tricky, but there are lots of freelance prostitutes around, or full time prostitutes that won’t really admit it.
Remember that the Philippines is a very poor country and most locals make under $200 a month if they have a job at all. They assume all foreign men are rich, and one of the easiest ways for them to make money is to sleep with them.
The problem is they don’t always tell guys this because they are shy and hope the guy will know. But how is a guy supposed to know the girl wants to be paid if he gets laid unless she asks him to do so?
We said this is a little tricky and it is an understatement. An out of shape 60 year old man might hook up with a 19 year old sexy Manila girl who is (no offense) way out of his league and she may not want any money at all. Then a young, good looking guy might sleep with a middle aged woman who he isn’t even that attracted to and the next day she might text him asking to borrow money.
This is just part of the hook up and dating culture here, and how you handle it is up to you. Just don’t be surprised when your ‘free date’ ends up asking you to help her at some point.
Hopefully we have covered everything you need to know to have a great time here. Dating Manila girls is about as good as it gets for a single guy, you can play the field and hook up with lots of sexy ladies and it is also extremely easy to find a sweet, caring, and loving long term girlfriend.
Just remember to follow the KISS system, keep it simple stupid. If you read around the internet you will see much of the advice we listed here is also being touted by most blogs. Once you are on the ground and have spent some time here you will understand why.
That wraps up our best places to meet girls in Manila and the dating guide, hope you enjoy your time here.
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