Maniac Naked Girl Poster

Maniac Naked Girl Poster


Maniac Naked Girl Poster

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30s , 1930s , vintage , classic , horror , nudity , sexploitation , grind house

Rare trailer (albeit incomplete) for the notoriously awful "Devil Monster" (1946) with stock film of topless South Seas native girls. A Mexican-American co-production released originally in 1935 as "The Sea Fiend" and "The Great Manta". Eleven years later it was re-edited with more nude scenes and reissued as "Devil Monster", most likely for use on the adults-only roadshow circuit. After that are clips from "Maniac" (1934) with perhaps the earliest use of nudity in an exploitation film. An astonishingly bizarre and lurid horror movie with terrible over-acting, nude scenes, and an obvious rape-in-progress sequence (too dark for my mpeg converter) that amazingly escaped censorship. Plus a totally gratuitous scene of floozies in skimpy lingerie that has nothing to do with the story. The last bit shows a nice fantasy transition special effect and superimposed scenes from the 1922 silent film "Witchcraft Through the Ages" to illustrate the mad scientists insanity. The inclusion of numerous title cards with clinical descriptions of mental illnesses gave this film a pseudo-scientific documentary appearance. Thus, the pretense of being an educational film made it possible to screen it, with all its outrageous scenes intact, on the exploitation circuit. Director Dwain Esper was pretty much the Ed Wood of the '30s. He gave the world the exploitation classics "Narcotic" (1933), "Marihuana" (1936), and "Sex Madness" (1938) -- the latter two also have nude scenes and are available in this archive along with the complete "Maniac" and "Devil Monster".

2010-10-18 16:04:50


4 minutes 42 seconds


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on October 18, 2010

Published April 20, 2016 6:40pm EDT
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Exactly how far did director Lars Von Trier go with his racy film “Nymphomaniac?”
Newly released posters for the movie show A-List stars like Shia LaBeouf and Uma Thurman naked and in the heat of the moment, but did the actors actually have sex while filming to make the movie?
LaBeouf implied in an interview with MTV, during the film’s production, that the actors we’re definitely going to have sex on screen.
“There's a disclaimer at the top of the script that basically says we're doing it for real,” he told MTV News . “Everything that is illegal, we'll shoot in blurred images. Other than that, everything is happening.”
But according to the Hollywood Reporter, body doubles were used for the actual sex scenes.
“Nymphomaniac” producer Louise Vesth told the site, "We shot the actors pretending to have sex and then had the body doubles, who really did have sex, and in post we will digital-impose the two. So above the waist it will be the star, and below the waist it will be the doubles."
So did they or didn’t they? Guess we will have to see the film to find out. But that may be a while... No U.S. release date is currently set for “Nymphomaniac.”
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Hair: DOUX - Demon horns, DOUX - Natasha
Makeup and eyes: [Conviction] - Maniac Eyes & Makeup
Collar: AsteroidBox. - Aluna Collar
chains and underwear: V /. VoluptasVirtualis - [Livia] - {Black}, Bellis - Pantes.
A boy's best friend is his mother. It's not like my mother is a maniac or a raving thing. She just goes a little mad sometimes. We all go a little mad sometimes. Haven't you?
Umm, Norman.. No. Your mother's dead, I'm normal and you're a complete freak. Kinda cute, but a damn freak.
March 13, 2015 at the Psycho Chaos sim in Second Life (no longer exists).
I'm not the sex maniac! I'm only the insect peeper huhuhu. Can you imagine how the butterfly at the below hanging? Without hand or leg up there? hhhmmmm
PLEASE, no multivitamins in your comments :D Thanx for all comments and faves, all the best. Have nice days ahead! We're all belong to each other and came from same father and mother (Adam and Eve), so peace and justice for all :)
"O God You do not create this to waste , The Exalted One please protect us from hellfire" Subhanallah .......
Quick joke portrait for a friend :D
She was dressed in a very modest way, but I'm a sex maniac so this is what happens when you let me take random snapshots around XD
Pose: Eternal Dream Poses - I don't know wich one I'll ask her later
She’s worried by him. He's not looking happy. He seems lost in thought, his mind in a far off place. Yes, she's been watching him, Mrs Claus has. And he's taken to drinking on these long dark nights.
For him, Christmas is complicated this year. The job has always been pretty easy for as long as he can remember. Which is several hundred years. Ever since he took over the job from St Nicholas. But now, and very suddenly.....he's getting cold feet! Of course he tends to the reindeer through the year, and relaxes through the summer with lazy days sitting in the sunshine on the mountainside, cuddled up to Mrs Claus. She's his soul-mate and kindred spirit and they are very much in love. The elfs work away happily in the workshops nearby. There's a great spirit between them and they have a boisterous party in the end hut every Saturday in the summer months, with singing and dancing, and perhaps too much beer.
But all is not well. And it’s not just Christmas 2018 on his mind. Already he’s worried about Christmas 2019 too. Word has it that the major toy suppliers are stockpiling already, causing a shortage of product that’s affecting him now. And what's he going to do if there is a hard Brexit? All the children's gifts are going to be stopped in the French ports it appears . And even if they get through they are warning of long delays and higher prices. Christmas might have to be postponed, or even cancelled. It’s not just about the toys. There’s the staff issue too. He would like to employ more elves to make more toys but his cheap labour of Polish and Romanian elves (There’s also a Syrian elf pretending to be Croatian) will have been forced to go back to their own countries. For God's sake he might even have to employ British elves but they will want higher wages, and manufacturing quality will fall (But at least he can put labels stating "Made in Great Britain" on them to cover up the faults and cracks in them). So many problems. Lord knows, he's even heard that he won't even be able to fly his sleigh across the sky on Christmas Eve because Britain has left the EU. And he will have to pay money for a visa. And the reindeer will need to be quarantined each time they cross a border. And Customs will want to inspect his sack. It all seems so nightmarish.
Yes, Brexit is one headache for Santa, but there's a greater problem on his mind. He's dedicated his life to giving presents to boys and girls all over the world. But this gender equality thing is really vexing him. He is Father Christmas. Yes, a slightly rounded, pale skinned mature gent who loves nothing more than to go He-He-He and make people smile. But he doesn’t adjust to change easily. He’s heard some folk are questioning him. Why does Santa have to be a man, they say? OK, he’s tried to get with this new way of thinking, even suggesting that Mrs Claus comes along on Christmas Eve and helps him get the presents out. A bit of sex equality. He would love her to be there but SHE insists it is a man’s job and she wants to stay in and get the ironing done before they go on holiday on Christmas Day. He’s further stressed that they are asking on social media why he only employs elves and not elfettes? And if he did would they get the same pay? Some are branding him sexist and a misogynist. For generations he has given dolls and more feminine toys to little girls, and cars and construction toys to boys. But now he's not even allowed to think of the children in terms of girls and boys. Who is he to assume they identify with being one or other and give them toys historically associated with their gender? But bad as that is, now there are the ‘others’: neither male or female, despite outward appearances, some who were boys last Christmas, and are now girls....and some who haven't decided yet. How can he possibly plan ahead? Another problem is that there is falling demand for the traditional toys he normally delivers. Kids are so demanding and the number of texts and emails he gets from children demanding…yes DEMANDING the latest smart phone or Playstation console depresses him. Where do they think he will get the money from? And so many have the gall to complain when they don’t get what they want! They even ask to know his Formal Complaint Procedures !!! Who do they think Father Christmas is? The way things are now is just insane for a middle aged gent who has always generously thought on the romantic side of tradition and tried year after year just to make people happy.
Christ! The maniacs in charge of the asylum have already driven him to drink and now they might make him swear in front of Mrs Claus. WTF is going on? How can he single handed keep children's dreams alive when these do-gooders and very unseasonal snowflakes stupidly destroy everything that creates happy, well-rounded children? They will eventually kill Christmas if they get their way. As far as he is concerned if things don’t improve pretty darned quick, he’s had enough and he’s buggering off and he will just find a part-time log cutter’s job somewhere out of the way in Finland. Somewhere he can have a nice quiet, happy life with Mrs Claus and no more late night’s out on Christmas Eve.
Here's wishing all my flickr friends a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year. I hope 2019 smiles better.
(PS I had to put a couple of extra stone on just to look more like the real Santa, and just let my body go. I think it is quite a good likeness now)
Thank you very much for the visit and comments. Cheers....from a walk in the Oxley Creek Common at low tide. Oxley Creek Common is home to a remarkable variety of birds. An experienced observer can find as many as 70 species in one hour of observation during the spring – about 10% of all Australia’s bird species and several times the diversity one could find walking the suburbs. In the past eleven years over 190 species have been recorded on the Common. (Source: University of Queensland)
Description: The Striated Heron is a small, squat water bird with short legs, a black crown and a small, drooping crest. There are two colour morphs (forms). The grey morph has a grey face, throat and neck streaked centrally with black, dark brown and white. The dark grey upperparts have a metallic green sheen and pink-brown to grey underparts. The wings are also green grey, with each feather outlined yellow. The eye is yellow outlined with dark grey, the bill is black and the legs and feet are orange in breeding season (otherwise, dull yellow). The rufous (reddish) morph is similar, but has rich rufous or cinnamon brown underparts and the upper wing feathers are outlined rufous to cinnamon brown. Young birds are darker and heavily streaked and mottled. This species has a characteristic hunched posture, pulling its head closely into its body, and flicks its tail downwards as it stalks prey on mudflats. It is also known as the Mangrove Heron or Mangrove Bittern.
Similar species: The Striated Heron is similar to the smaller (30 cm) Little Bittern, Ixobrychus minutus, which is more chestnut brown with orange-brown wing patches. Striated Herons are also found in mangroves. like Black Bitterns, but Striated Herons are smaller (up to 49 cm) and are lighter grey with a black cap
Distribution: The Striated Heron is found along the coast of mainland Australia, from Shark Bay, Western Australia, across northern Australia, to Cape York, Queensland, and south to Mallacoota, Victoria. It is more common in the north, with numbers falling abruptly south of Sydney, New South Wales. It is also found in North and South America, Africa, Asia, New Guinea and Pacific islands.
Habitat: The Striated Heron is found in mangroves and intertidal flats. It can become tame around marinas and boat ramps.
Feeding: The Striated Heron feeds on crabs and other crustaceans, as well as molluscs and small fish. It stalks prey slowly, either standing and waiting for prey to emerge or may sometimes plunge at it from a perch, before stabbing it with its sharp bill.
Breeding: The Striated Heron nests in mangroves, building rough, flimsy stick platforms about 3 m to 9 m over water. Both sexes share nest-building, egg incubation and care of young. Two broods may be raised in a season.
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I feel a bit of party pooper as I have been mentioning how much I've been looking forward to going back to Northwich once our sauna club parties resumed. But even though I've patiently waited over a year to have some varied sex fun I decided to skip it this the first week. Despite appearances I'm not really a sex maniac I just try to enjoy life but to be frank in the summer even though they now have a few fans it is more than hot enough in there especially right above the sauna and a heatwave makes it ten times worse. I'm not a great one for high temperatures and even though I thought I might go just for a couple of hours before the weather at least really heated up but in the end decided against it. and besides I'm covered in stings and bites and some of them are like red blotches and quite sore. I don't go too often anyway so I can leave it till next week and if it's good and I want to catch up go the following week too. But yes I did leave the car on the drive ready for a quick early getaway but had an extra hour in bed instead. You are the unfortunate ones as being still here at home you have to look at more posts I put on including this my Pull and Bear dress which with my hair like that has an elegant old fashioned classic feel. Indeed I look quite severe so when I find who has turned up the heating they are in for beating.
IT CAN NOW BE REVEALED that the father of Bristol Palin's love-child, Tripp, is in fact God's own true Holy Monkey, Bubbles - Michael Jackson's chimpanzee friend - and that poor young Levi is just a ringer.
Bubbles was sent down from Heaven to father an homonculus Saviour Child with the Righteous Hockey Mom Sarah herself, who would then thwart Satan's evil plans on Earth in these "End Times" .
But unfortunately for the Palins and their fundamentalist beliefs, cross-species human/animal copulation/marriage was made illegal in Alaska in 1978, after it was discovered that the true mother of future US President [and Anti-Christ] Damien Thorne was not the wife of the US Ambassador to England, but an italian jackal! And that the father was old Beelzebub himself!!!
So even when preparing for "good" bestiality, Sarah (the "whack job" ) and Todd wouldn't be able to reverse these crazy "human only" marriage laws until after she became US President, and they'd get to run The World together (the way they did Alaska) and use nuclear weapons to rid it of of all the Evil Demons of Satan camping out in every dark corner, everywhere.
So... a few years ago , after being abandoned at a deserted Neverland, a sad, sick and confused Bubbles was bought by Madonna in a child/monkey adoption auction on eBay for her kid collection, and taken to her huge stone castle in the remote & bleak Highlands of Scotland ( geography note - opposite direction from Russia, Sarah! ).
But her cockney gangster [ex] husband Guy Ritchie is a weird sicko, and friend of Dick Cheney, who behind Madonna's back used to
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