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Read the history below for more information about why this might be. It is also possible that they are well made but have been exposed to moisture, which causes them to be crumble. Although this batch is known to be dangerous, it does not mean that batches which do not look like this will be less dangerous. It takes about 2 minutes and does not need special equipment. Each of the kits can be used for up to 40 tests. Alpha-PVP is a long-lasting cathinone. It initially has pleasurable effects which lead people to think it is MDMA but these wear off quickly, causing people to take more. As more is taken, the anxious side effects build up. Each dose increases the time which a person will be unable to sleep for by about 6 hours. This is a severe problem as dosing through a whole party can prevent sleep for several days. During this time the person will develop symptoms of severe sleep deprivation such as horrible anxiety, paranoia and eventually temporary psychosis. If you are suffering these effects then it is important to get sleep. These pills contain x the normal dose of alpha-PVP which will massively increase the risks. As a stimulant, doses like this could cause a risk of heart complications as well as the other side effects. UPS ecstasy tablets have been popular for a long time. They were among the first very high strength tablets to emerge in the s and quickly obtained a reputation as being well made tablets with a large amount of MDMA in them. MDMA is the active ingredient that is supposed to be in all ecstasy tablets and people who use ecstasy pills will be seeking out those which contain only MDMA. The market for MDMA tablets is, of course, completely unregulated and uncontrolled and there is nothing to stop sellers from being dishonest. Counterfeit tablets quickly begin to appear after a tablet gains a good reputation as less scrupulous manufacturers try to use the popularity to sell their own pills which might be weaker, may contain no MDMA or may even contain a completely different and potentially much more dangerous drug. Compounding this issue is the ease with which pressing equipment for pills can be obtained. UPS pills are no different. The first test result on Ecstasydata. Fast forward to and the original batch of UPS pills are long gone. Even half sensible manufacturers will not make UPS pills because they know that the reputation has been ruined by pill reports of bad UPS pills. The only manufacturers remaining are the most amateur available, looking to make some quick cash as easily as possible. In the third week of January three teenage boys were taken to hospital in Manchester, UK with severe symptoms, one of which was put into an induced coma due to the risk. The lab was not able to determine the exact amount in the tablets but it is thought to be x a typical dose, which is a huge amount. Even drinking cups of coffee in one go would cause problems, especially for a teenager. Alpha PVP is a stimulant from the cathinone family. While this family includes mephedrone, it is a very distant relative of mephedrone itself and has much higher risks attached. They also significantly increase blood pressure, heart rate and cause sweating. In high doses, side effects become much more pronounced and the body finds it harder to excrete the drug out through its normal mechanisms. This is especially true with cathinones like alpha-PVP. Although the pleasurable effects last for about 2 hours, the drug lingers in fatty tissue for much longer. The more doses that are taken, the longer that the drug has a chance to build up and therefore the longer it is released back into the blood for, after people want the effects to stop. Not wanting the party to stop and unknowingly compelled by the action of the drug on their reward system they take some more. This cycle continues until the party is over, by which time the drug has been building up in the body for hours. This becomes a huge problem as the drug prevents sleep, a vital recovery process for the body. Even without drugs, sleep deprivation can cause severe paranoia and temporary psychosis, but with a stimulant drug on board this happens MUCH faster. Coupled with the horrible comedown that cathinones cause, this can lead to intensely distressing and even very dangerous behaviour. You can see the original warning issued by the Manchester Early Warning System here: N-ethyl-pentylone aka BK-EBDP or Ephylone has caused problems before where it has been sold as MDMA due to the identical visual appearance but this year has seen an increase in the number of cases detected and more alerts have been issued. The Loop has now detected two batches of pills in the UK containing these closely related drugs, as well as a number of different batches of crystals. The mis-selling of pentylone and its analogues is particularly insidious because the effects are initially quite similar to MDMA itself, but the empathogenic effects are not so pronounced and the euphoria fades more quickly. This leads people to redose, but redosing seems to disproportionately extend the time to clear the body and this makes sleep very difficult or impossible for up to 72 hours without further medication. This stimulated sleep deprivation is horrible at best, and multiple cases of temporary psychosis have been recorded. Occasionally, MDMA is mixed with another drug so it is recommended to visually separate different looking crystals in the batch and test them separately. You can see the test results at the end of this post, they are:. They were bought on a Darknet Market. The tablets contain a different drug called 4-FA instead, and although the risks of 4-FA are similar to those of MDMA, the dosage in the pills mg is very large compared to a normal dosage of 4-FA mg. Reagent tests can alert you when a pill contains something instead of MDMA. The pills in question are the orange tesla ecstasy tablets which are in the shape of a shield and have the Tesla logo on the front and a break-line on the back. There is at least one other orange tesla pill with exactly the same design, as well as a number of other tablets with almost identical designs, with some in different colours. The effects are similar to MDMA and it is even preferred by some people due to the lighter effects. It causes an increase in energy and sociability as well as feelings of increased wellbeing. The sociable and euphoric effects are most prominent for the first 6 hours, but light stimulation can persist for 8 hours and some users may find it hard to sleep even when they feel like the effects have worn off. Like all drugs, 4-FA can cause negative side effects, and although the overheating issues are much less prominent than MDMA, they are still a key concern. Similar to other stimulants, 4-FA can cause significant anxiety and even panic attacks, especially during the onset and at high doses. Concerningly, a small number of people report severe headaches and it is thought that these people could be vulnerable to causing bleeding in the brain at high doses. Reagent tests use a chemical mixture that react with drug molecules to create different types of dye molecule. The particular reagent used and the drug determine the colour of the dye, and so we can use the colour of the dye to see if the pill contains what we expect. Using a second reagent helps give us confidence about the first result — three reagents is the recommended minimum. This is very useful if you have crystals that you can separate with tweezers. You can get a variety of different reagent tests in our shop. Four people were hospitalised around Manchester on Saturday and a further four were hospitalised on Sunday, but a simple home reagent test could have prevented this for all of them. In this diluted form the effects are slightly like cannabis but with much higher risks. In their crystalline form, an amount the size of a match head can cause serious harm, as has been seen here. The crystals had the same appearance as MDMA, but those who know their chemistry will be all too aware that many chemicals look incredibly similar and just a small impurity can change the appearance as much as switching two completely different compounds. Appearance is not enough to identify MDMA crystals — you must test for substitutes if you want to be safe. Therefore the only reliable way to distinguish compounds when a mix-up like this occurs is to test, either using a lab test or a home test such as the MDMA reagent test multipack. A home test like this takes about 4 minutes and gives a triple black reaction for MDMA, but a completely different colour reaction for ALL different kinds of cannabinoids and other possible substitutes accidental or deliberate. The Mitsubishi print is one of the most well known presses of ecstasy tablet, dating back to the s when MDMA first became popular. Many batches of the tablets have been produced over the years in varying quality but generally at the lower end of the spectrum because sophisticated manufacturers do not want their products tainted by the hit-and-miss reputation of the logo. This year brings nothing different, and the Spanish testing service, Energy Control, have detected a green mitsubishi pill which contains a cathinone stimulant called a-PVP with no trace of MDMA. You can see the image Energy Control provided below. The tablet is 4. The amount of a-PVP inside is not known. You can see the original post by Energy Control in Spanish here. PMMA has been responsible for a number of deaths over the years but it typically only shows up in very isolated batches. Unusually, TWO separate batches have been identified in the last few days, leading Dutch authorities to launch a warning campaign to keep people safe. The pills concerned are pink superman pills and red ferarri pills , both pictured below. The pink superman pills are reported to have the superman logo on both sides, with an appearance similar to the batch that killed 4 people in the space of 2 weeks at the end of It only contains PMMA and the dosage in a single pill could be lethal. Pink Superman Ecstasy. It was detected by EcstasyData and was purchased in Germany. It only contains PMMA. A test takes 60 seconds to carry out and could prevent a ruined night out — or worse. When MDMA releases serotonin this enzyme breaks down some of it to keep levels in check and reduce the chance of overheating but high doses can still override this of course. This is where serotonin prevents normal regulation of temperature, and coupled with the stimulation from the drugs, the body goes into overdrive and overheats. The pills will react bright yellow with the marquis reagent, whereas MDMA goes black so these ones are easy to spot as rubbish. Pentylone is slightly like mephedrone but lasts longer and is much less enjoyable. Because it is less enjoyable but does have an effect, people tend to think they just have weak pills and need to take more to get the buzz they want. This results in a very high dose of pentylone, which prevents sleep for hours after it wears off, and along with its stimulant effects can cause paranoia and psychosis, as well as totally ruining your night. For the second time in two weeks, Manchester police have issued a warning about high strength MDMA pills circulating in manchester after two women in their twenties collapsed early on Saturday morning. Sadly this is another low quality image which appears to have come from social media! With that said, both variations of the pill are professionally pressed, and likely to be very strong. Again, this is extremely strong, with a typical dose of MDMA being mg. What can we learn from this? It appears to be another case of illness due to large amounts of MDMA in hot environments so:. Manchester police press release. Facebook link Reddit discussions on 4-notch lego blocks: They have accompanied this with a photo of the affected batch, which do appear to show the popular pills. Accompanied is a professional image from pillreports. A typical single-dose of MDMA for a teenage girl would be under mg, which makes these a really strong pill. The police do not comment further on the matter but it seems likely that this is a tragic case of overdose from the extreme strength of the pills, most likely compounded in a hot environment. You can buy an MDMA test kit here to help inform you about pills and powders, but please always remember to use the CrushDabWait method when using a new batch, even if you have already tested them. Police have urged anyone who has taken the pills to seek medical attention, even if they are not under the effects of the drug. An anonymous source is reported to have sent the tip-off claiming the pink tablets are stamped with the brand name. Though red Chupa Chups tablets have been circulating for some time, a recent round, pink chupa chup pill has also recently surfaced and has had a questionable reputation from the get-go. Pictured below, courtesy of pillreports. An image of the suspected PMA containing pills. Users are being urged to exercise extra caution until more information is known — uncorroborated tabloid rumors can turn out to be just that, but for the cost of a few pills it might be worth picking up an MDMA testing kit just in case, regardless of the pill logo. The more well known brand of Chupa Chups pill. You can see the test results at the end of this post, they are: The potentially lethal ecstasy tablets. We have also detected purple and pink Heisenberg pills with pentylone in them. Avoiding this press completely is recommended. Pentylone is class B in the UK. It appears to be another case of illness due to large amounts of MDMA in hot environments so: Use the CrushDabWait technique to avoid a strong pill or powder taking you by surprise. Scales are cheap, brains are not! Avoid taking other drugs at the same time — this can really complicate things and make it hard to know how much is too much. This includes alcohol — keep it to a couple of drinks. Stay cool — take regular breaks from the dancefloor to cool down for 5 minutes. Have a chat in the smoking area ; Hydrate sensibly — take sips of cold water, drink a sensible amount for the activity you are doing. No matter what, they WILL keep you safe. The more well known brand of Chupa Chups pill Sources: We use cookies to help understand how people use the site. Accept Privacy Policy.

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