Managerial Communication for the Arabian Gulf

Managerial Communication for the Arabian Gulf

👓 Catherine Nickerson,Chrysi Rapanta,Valerie Priscilla Goby
Managerial Communication for the Arabian Gulf

Managerial Communication for the Arabian Gulf

✅ The Arabian Gulf comprises some of the most thriving economies of the world 🗺️. Since the discovery of oil 🛢️, the openness 😃 to commercial activity ⚽️ has attracted many MNCs and ➕ this has led to a proliferation of activity ⚽️ in both the industrial 👨‍🏭️ and ➕ service sectors. The region also boasts one 1️⃣ of the largest contemporary expatriate communities, resulting in a dynamic and ➕ multicultural managerial environment. The complexity of this workforce and ➕ its inherent diversity, made 🛠️ up ⬆️ of more than two 2️⃣ hundred 💯 different national cultures, present 🎁 managers 👨‍💼 with a considerable communication challenge. This volume provides an accessible ♿️ introduction to managerial communication in the region targeted 🎯 at practitioners, managers 👨‍💼, and ➕ students 👨‍🎓️. It provides extensive practical advice as well as insights from current academic 🎓️ thinking 🤔.


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