Management 👨‍💼 Consultants Acceptance of Internet Technology. An Empirical Study of the Determinants of Web 🕸️ Analytics Technology Acceptance

Management 👨‍💼 Consultants Acceptance of Internet Technology. An Empirical Study of the Determinants of Web 🕸️ Analytics Technology Acceptance

👓 Kennedy K Amofa PhD

Management 👨‍💼 Consultants Acceptance of Internet Technology. An Empirical Study of the Determinants of Web 🕸️ Analytics Technology Acceptance

Management 👨‍💼 Consultants Acceptance of Internet Technology. An Empirical Study of the Determinants of Web 🕸️ Analytics Technology Acceptance✅ The Internet continues to offer businesses 👨‍💼 new 🆕 tools 🔪 to enhance infrastructure-and ➕ new 🆕 Web 🕸️ analytics technology (WAT) is helping organizations aggregate and ➕ integrate online user behavior data for management 👨‍💼 operations and ➕ strategic planning. This research study developed 👨‍💻️ a model based on unified theory of acceptance use of technology (UTAUT) premises to provide empirical evidence 🧾 to support management 👨‍💼 consultants acceptance of WAT. The study sought input 🔣 from almost three 3️⃣ hundred 💯 management 👨‍💼 consultants, and ➕ the results show a positive correlation among the determinants, including effort expectations, performance 🎭️ expectations, social influence, facilitating conditions, and ➕ behavioral intentions. In fact, performance 🎭️ expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and ➕ facilitating conditions can 🥫 predict sixty-two 2️⃣ percent of the behavior intention of management 👨‍💼 consultants to accept WAT...


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