


Does anyone else feel like they get mana screwed/flooded a lot more in Arena than in Paper?
Does anyone else feel like they get mana screwed/flooded a lot more in Arena than in Paper?
Comment deleted by user · 4 yr. ago
The subreddit for anything concerning the Magic the Gathering: Arena!
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People are telling you that people are bad at judging randomness.
This is true. For a friendly introduction to the topic, check out "The Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lived" by Leonard Mlodinow. A great way to learn about all the ways human cognition fails in probabilistic environments
Yeah, I actually feel like I get mana screwed less in Arena, and I'm pretty sure the reason I feel that way is actually just because it's less punishing since I don't have to shuffle my deck over again, I just click the mulligan button, and losing doesn't feel as painful since I can just queue up again no biggie.
I feel like this is true but today I pulled 14/24 lands in 14 turns and it just felt like utter shit.
Hand shuffling will obviously not be truly random. There is no denying that. Hand shuffling is arguably superior to true randomness for distribution, so it makes sense for people to feel these trends.
For one, MTGA usually plays faster than paper, so you can just fit in more games in the same time frame, but humans are predisposed to remember negatives more than positives -- your droughts and floods are more memorable than good mana draws.
Secondly, and the most important reason... most people do not shuffle adequately, mathematically speaking. For a 60 card deck, you need to do a riffle shuffle at least seven times to achieve a properly shuffled deck. I've never known anyone to do that in paper, what I do notice a good deal more, is stuff like pile shuffling. Which is more time-consuming than a riffle shuffle, but can also be gamed to give you favourable draws. Whilst in MTGA, the decks are shuffled by the computer, which shuffles your deck adequately (mathematically speaking).
So if anything, MTGA's shuffling is closer to what was intended than what you see in paper.
There's a pretty funny youtube video on how to reverse people's pile shuffles so that if they tried to seed their lands you will put all their lands on top of their deck. I'm too lazy to memorize such things since they will just realize what you did, mull and then probably do a real shuffle. It's pretty funny though because if they called a judge to say you did that then they would be hit with improper shuffling if the judge knows whats going on.
Seven times is the number for a 52 card deck. IIRC, the way the math works out, the extra 8 cards takes it to over 10. I can't remember a source for those numbers, so if I'm wrong please correct me.
I do know that they talk about the 7 for 52 in a numberphile video.
EDIT: I was corrected below with 8 for 60 and 10 for 100.
For a 60 card deck, you need to do a riffle shuffle at least seven times to achieve a properly shuffled deck.
Not only that. The you have to overhand shuffle hundreds of times to achieve the same randomisation. People do at most 30?
People who do not sleeve their cards tend to overhand shuffle because its easier. When in fact, overhand shuffle is basically useless in randomisation.
This. Truly randomized shuffling will result in more groupings than we expect, because having an even spread between land and nonland cards is simply less likely. Players see more even spreading in paper because they often shuffle just enough to spread out specific groupings of cards, but not enough where you get truly randomized results.
I've never known anyone to do that in paper, what I do notice a good deal more, is stuff like pile shuffling. Which is more time-consuming than a riffle shuffle, but can also be gamed to give you favourable draws
Is that relevant if it's not being intentionally gamed to give favorable draws?
I'm reading this as "paper Magic opens up opportunities to intentionally rig your shuffles." But if that's what you're saying, then it's completely irrelevant for anyone who's making this complain about Arena but not intentionally rigging their shuffles.
Tournament rules state pile shuffling does not count as shuffling. You are only allowed one pile shuffle per game and it cannot be the first or last shuffle you do. Wotc states it’s for card counting only to make sure your deck had adequate numbers.
You sir, and your comment, are the real hero
pile shuffling is fine as long as you do it face down. make five piles (good for counting you have the correct amount of cards in your deck in a competitive ruling environment) and riffle shuffling piles together.
You say adequately, but wouldn't it be fairly easy to do the necessary number of riffles programmatically? I'm not going to assume WotC has built their own methods for doing so, but it would be possible.

Trump is dragging down everyone around him — including his wife
This Nation Is Beginning to Realize the Full Extent of What It Did to Itself in November 2016
Pardon me? No, Trump won’t get away with it.
Comment removed by moderator 4 years ago
A Michigan Republican keeps falsely accusing his Democrat opponent of ties to the Muslim Brotherhood
The House Floor Just Broke Into Chaos After Congressman Tries to Play Audio of Detained Children
Protesters wake Kirstjen Nielsen with audio of detained children outside her house
Paul Manafort is having a very bad month — and the odds of him flipping on Trump just keep getting higher
Comment removed by moderator 4 years ago
In reversal, Trump suddenly calls on lawmakers to stall immigration action until after midterms
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How much lower can you go than gutter-slut?
I'd argue 40% of this country is proud of it....
Where does that 40% come from? I dont mean the people, we all know is a garbage dump, I mean the percentage.. it doesnt seem correct at all.
Donald Trump's approval rating is between 40-45% depending on the source.
I hear its really difficult to poll millennials.
Hahahahahahah! Oh wait.. youre serious? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Just slander in return. "My opponent is the pedophile behind pizza gate, he is funded by Soros and the Clintons and that Ben Ghazi guy".
Of you can factually say that his opponent supports the caging of babies.
whats up with democrats and passive-aggressively breaching congress's rules of decorum as political stunts? Warren's impugning motives flap was enough nonsense.
You know, it's possible for someone to be evil, but not compare them to the mean Harry Potter lady.
Its a pretty damn good comparison tho
That woman had balls; "You don't get to be a part-time neo-nazi."
We like our Nazis in uniform. That way we can spot 'em
Can we take turns? We can set up some batting cages.
Then why is President Trump still in office?
Justices wheels turn slow. It will happen, and when it does I hope you stay away from bridges, pills, rope and firearms. You dont owe him anything.
I suggest you take you own advice about bridges, pills, rope...etc when we elect him for a third term.
I will. When we come for him it will be with handcuffs.
So whats the game here? Are they trying to avoid a loss to possibly get some grounds in the midterms? I really cant understand this play, unless Trump literally has the election rigged and know Rs will win a lot.

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That's some fuckshit ! Or This is some fuckshit!
by T-Rowdy and EllRiot September 5, 2011
A phrase that entails the other speaker in the conversation to elaborate on their point. It is usually used to propel the energy of the conversation. Similar to the phrases " dayuum ", " sheeeet " and "preach brotha"
"You're so fucking dumb that you think "Mytosis" is another way to refer to your own toes.
" ooooh damn speak on that"
" yeh "
by The main diddler November 25, 2013
Word describing a brief flatulatory experience. ( Farting )
Bobo had a bummer of a Shanksgiving in jail, but at least he didn’t get shanked .
bruh, belly nipples are so gross.
belly nipple?
an outie belly button
noun; A fit of violent anger by an office worker due to nonperformance by equipment. Normally directed at printers, computers, phones, etc. Similar to: road rage .
The printer is jammed and Susan has a meeting in 10 minutes . She's got a horrible case of office rage today.

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Daily Kos moves in solidarity with the Black community.

Yeah, this is all clearly one giant practical joke y’all are pulling on me. You're pumping nitrous oxide into my apartment and hacking my tablet to redirect my news searches to Lewis Carroll's unpublished archives, aren't you? Shit cannot possibly be this cray in real life.
(Anyhow, as usual, this post originates on Shower Cap’s blog, which is cooler than you could possibly believe. A click away, at: )
Well, in the interest of getting the small stuff out of the way up front, it looks like members of the Shart Administration have been doing their damndest to secretly ship American nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia, in Are You Fucking Kidding Me-level defiance of the law.
Anyway, let's move on to Jussie Smollett. Can you belie-actually waitasec. You're telling me the organized(well, kinda) crime ring squatting in our White House has been trying to sell NUCLEAR TECH to the genocidal, journalist-dismembering, monsters of the House of Saud? That confessed felon Mike Flynn was at the center of the scheme? That perpetually-out-of-his-depth-while-simultaneously-dangerously-in-debt Jared Kushner is involved? HOW IS THIS NOT THE BIGGEST SCANDAL IN THE FUCKING WORLD RIGHT NOW?
Folks, the boiling frog thing is real. At this point, the frog has been boiled into frog steam, and the atoms of the frog have journeyed throughout the universe, finding new homes everywhere from the hearts of far-flung stars to the cells of entirely new frogs, which are now boiling in entirely new pots of water. Have we grown so numb to the cascade of criminality that we now shrug at illicit nuclear deals?
Speaking of What the Fuck Will it Take to Get This Motherfucker Impeached news, the Failing New York Times walked us through the Kompromat Kid’s long, often bumbling but consistently corrupt attempts to derail the various investigations into his favorite hobby, which is committing crimes. Donald Trump spends so much time and energy obstructing justice, that he literally brings a statue of Lady Justice with him when he goes to the movies, then deliberately sits in front of it wearing a a top hat.
With the battle to rescue American democracy from the tiny-fingered clutches of a mad would-be tyrant heating up, you'll no doubt be pleased to learn that CNN has hired a right-wing, conspiracy-theory-peddling hack, with zero journalistic experience, to serve as political editor during the 2020 Presidential race. Don't worry, I'm sure Sarah Isgur, who until recently spent her time vomiting up Breitbartian propaganda on a taxpayer salary as Jeff “Too Racist for the 80's” Sessions’ spokesmonster at Justice, will be both fair and balanced at all times.
Certainly more balanced than our ol’ chum, Tucker Carlson. He invited Dutch historian Rutger Bregman on his show, and when the guest refused to play by the house rules, Liar Tuck melted down in what's sure to make all the year-end Best Tantrum lists. Like all bullies, Carlson is, of course, a coward at heart. Anyway, he was right back to pimping white supremacists, live on tv, before the dust had settled.
Clarence Thomas thinks the First Amendment has gotten too big for its britches, and needs to be tied to a stake in the yard so as to keep it from snapping at the famous and powerful.* Since Justice Thomas is famous for speaking very little from the bench, I think it's rather thoughtful of him to take the time to remind us that he's awful.
Nancy Pelosi is once again breaking out the spritzer bottle she uses to keep the Manchurian Manchild from jumping up on the kitchen counter, scheduling a House vote next week to block his emergency declaration for that wall thing that he openly admitted wasn't an emergency. And of course he's being challenged in the courts as well.
On the other hand, perhaps Pelosi needn't bother going to all this trouble; it seems a significant chunk of the funding Weehands McNodick was hoping to unconstitutionally repurpose for his Big Dumb Wall has, rather amusingly, already been spent. Heh. You might have to break open the piggy bank where you keep the Secret Service’s pay-to-pee money, old man.
Well, I hope the bullies on the North Carolina Board of Elections are proud of themselves! They've reduced poor Mark Harris, who only wanted to steal a U.S. House seat from the voters of the NC 9th, to tears! Mark was extra sad that his son refused to lie under oath (an oath presumably taken on that Bible that “Pastor” Harris so famously misunderstands) for him, and so he wept, for he had been caught defying a subpoena, and lying about it under oath (“So help you God,” Pastor?) about it.
But now a fresh new election has been called, and Mark Harris will not be a U.S. Congressman, and the Shower Cap did look upon this turn of events and say, “It is Good.” And while the Big Blue Wave of November, 2018, saw the Democratic Party pick up a nice, even, 40 seats in the House, 41 would be...well, it'd be one more, wouldn't it? So let's all pitch in and help Dan McCready win this one, huh? I for one am not yet tired of winning.
I see Vlad Putin is strutting around, making nuclear threats like some cut-rate Rocky and Bullwinkle villain. It's fun to imagine the earth-shaking fury President Hillary Clinton would have unleashed on that cheap thug for pulling that shit, though of course we all know he wouldn't have dared. Instead, we have to picture Little Donnie Two-Scoops, hiding in the bathroom while he sends his boss pleading texts, begging him not to nuke Europe until at least after the next election.
Federal agents arrested a white nationalist Coast Guard lieutenant (wow, this sentence sucks already) before he could carry out his planned act of terrorist mass-murder (and it got worse in a hurry), finding him in possession of a cache of narcotics and a substantial arsenal (thanks, NRA!) as well as a spreadsheet listing desired targets, which just so happens to align neatly with a list of those President Crotchrot has targeted in various Twitter rants. Yeah, another white domestic terrorist, radicalized and incited to violence by the President of the United States, isn't that swell?
This horrific near-miss gave Sarah Huckleberry Slanders yet another opportunity to whine that her dirtbag boss is unfairly maligned JUST because he uses Stalinist language to rile up hatred of the free press. "He is in fact a great man of peace, and if there were any sort of prize for that, say a Nobel one, he should totally get that prize."
I have to give credit where credit is due, and so when Team Shitforbrains announced William Happer as the chair of a new committee on climate change, what can I do but tip my cap? There are some grade A morons in the climate denier community, but only one who claims CO2 is actually persecuted, just like “the poor Jews under Hitler.” I mean, that's a true masterstroke of idiocy. It's like making Jenny McCarthy your Surgeon General, or appointing Pam Geller as Secretary of State. I'm honestly in awe.
After two years of more or less constant failure, Il Douche frequently resorts to simply fabricating accomplishments, which you'll have to admit is much easier than actually accomplishing things. The latest, possibly most pathetic, instance came this week, when he tweeted out five-month-old footage of repair work on existing border barrier as evidence that his Big Dumb Wall was already under construction. Crrrrrrrrrrrrringe! Maybe he should just force the White House press corps to sit through a screening of the failed Matt Damon vehicle, The Great Wall, declare total victory, and move on.
In a Horatio Alger story for the 21st century, Alex Acosta proved that in America, even a lowly U.S. Attorney can, if he rolls up his sleeves and works really hard, rise all the way to the Cabinet, if he's just willing to break the law on behalf of a wealthy child sex trafficker, so long as that wealthy child sex trafficker happens to be a Republican donor. Anyhow, “illegally greasing the skids for a serial child molester” does not seem to be a deal-breaker for continued employment in the Drumpf regime. Ethics, as we are all aware by now, are for cucks.
Roger Stone fought the law, and the law gave Roger Stone an atomic wedgie, stole his lunch money, and sent him back out into the world wearing a Kick Me sign. Seems the judge overseeing his case was somewhat less than amused by Roger's wacky, tweeting-out-death-threats antics.
It sure was fun to watch Rog scramble n’ flail, though. When you best defense is “At 66 years of age, I do not know what crosshairs are, Your Honor,” you know you're in for a long day. Stone's spin was that he thought it was just some sort of exotic, magical, Celtic symbol, and that his intention was merely to summon Larry Bird, who would then challenge Judge Amy Berman Jackson to a game of Horse, in which he would inevitably humiliate her, potentially forcing her into hiding. Anyhoo, he's got a full gag order now, which must be absolutely killing him. Heh.
A Manhattan residential complex voted to take scrape the “Trump Place” name off their building like so much bird poo, because residents had grown weary of retching every time they came home.
Also, a Manhattan residential complex voted to take scrape the “Trump Place” name off their building like so much bird poo, because residents had grown weary of retching every time they came home.
What? Jesus, Cap, how drunk are you tonight? Didn't you notice you accidentally posted the same paragraph twice? Thing is, these really are two different stories about two different buildings. Yes, Virginia, th
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