Man Of The House Veronica Date

Man Of The House Veronica Date


Man Of The House Veronica Date

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Here you can find a solution for the Date with Veronica. All possible Variations are included.
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Read point 1. at the Preparation 😉

@Xenthius use the Train Option for travel and jumb from Location to Location then you can unlock the casino ( it’s random)

Hi, about Veronica's date, I start it in the right mood but I don't get the first "Heart". Any idea why?

I am stuck on the source of money, how can i find where she gets the money.

In reply to some of the Questions here, when she's doing house work. You'll need to be in the appropriate room at noon (12).

what does it mean by thinking of future
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About Miguel Sancho 4375 Articles
Helping gamers with walkthroughs, guides, cheats & console commands and codes lists since 2005
Welcome to Man of the House Veronica Guide & Walkthrough, where we will provide you all the tips and secrets to reach the highest levels in your relationship with Veronica
If you are also interested in other character’s walkthrough, or you want to know how to earn money, visit Man of the House Guide & Walkthrough
(*) Only once a day, otherwise you will lose points
(*) Only once a day, otherwise you will lose points. And there are 3 chores, choose one each day, and go to talk with her when she is doing the chores (1 or 2 hours later) until you unlock “Make her work”
(*) Only once a day, otherwise you will lose points. And there are 3 chores, choose one each day, and go to talk with her when she is doing the chores (1 or 2 hours later)
Step by step Date or Ending Walkthrough :
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Man of the House Claire Guide & Walkthrough
I love the guide, it’s really well done and labeled off as for how accurate the timings are I don’t know I’m still playing, However I do have to throw some critisizm out there when you randomly start mentioning some girl named “Claire” when their is no Claire, and I don’t know what a Whatsapp is but it does not exist in this game, why not just call it messages like it is in the game or a txt like an actual human being calls it. I spent 2 hours trying to find out what the fuck a whatsapp is just to realize its a real program that no one in the world uses
Sorry, but about whatsapp, it’s an app from facebook and is the most dowloaded menssage app in the world and it’s counts with more than 100 millions users arround the world.
Also, yeah, whatsapp is super popular, moreso outside the US. But he called it that because the icon on the phone in game is the whatsapp icon.
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