Man Has Two Dicks

Man Has Two Dicks


Man Has Two Dicks





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By Libby Birk
- August 31, 2017 03:41 pm EDT

Diphallia is a rare developmental abnormality that causes a male to be born with two penises. It affects one in 5.5 million men in the United States, and those born with it usually experience other kinds of anomalies or spina bifida. Infants born with it have a higher death rate due to the complications it brings — but in one rare case, a man was born with diphallia and had hardly any other complications. He goes by the name of Diphallic Dude and opened up on Reddit for an Ask Me Anything (AMA) session.
In his AMA session, Diphallic Dude described what life is like with two functioning penises. He explained that they're both the same size and sit next to each other side-by-side. As far as functionality goes, he wrote that he urinates out of both penises. (And if you have to see for yourself, click here .)
"...Because I have one muscle that controls my piss, it lets the stream flow out both my d---s," he wrote , adding that he tends to avoid public restrooms — and if he does use one, he goes for the stall rather than urinal.
"I've gotten stares and even had a few guys at various times go, 'Holy s--t,'" he said.
And while many guys may say they need a lot of special solo sessions, Diphallic Dude says he medically has to masturbate daily or every other day. When asked if any complications ever arose from his condition, he wrote "my prostate gets inflamed if I don't ejaculate enough. I'm probably the only guy with a legit reason to orgasm at least once every day or two days. My prostate gets stimulation from both [penises] and creates a lot of seminal fluid, so when I [orgasm] it has to be squeezed every few days to get all the excess out. Otherwise, it feels bloated and painful."
While we're on the topic of sex, Diphallic Dude says his right penis is more "sensitive" and easier to work with in the bedroom. "The left one just takes more effort to get the orgasm," he wrote . "The right one seems to be a little more sensitive."
He also writes that he was bullied in high school for having two penises. While at first he was seen as cool, it quickly "became a joke and guys immediately thought i was gay, because ... you know I guess I CHOSE to have two c---ks..."
Diphallic Dude, who says he is bisexual and in a committed relationship with a man and a woman, says that the reaction his penises get can vary from person to person.
"I've been in a serious relationship with a girl and a guy for a while now. I call it monogamous because we are exclusive," he wrote. "She enjoys it. The three girls before her enjoyed it. It's sort of, made a few run screaming in the past. Usually the ones I get to know well before we date are cool with it. I dont talk about it otherwise, like if im not going to have sex with you, you wont know i've got two d--ks."
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It was once written (in the Bible, maybe?) that "two are better than one" and it's a statement true enough for a lot of things. It's true for cakes, kittens, Weasley twins, bongo drums, socks and chopsticks, but is it also true for one man with two penises? Apparently, it is — at least according to one individual who has two dicks and totally happens to love it.
"DoubleDickDude" (probably not his legal name) is a man who was born with Diphallia, a rare condition where a male infant is born with two penises. If you want to see photos of what Diphallia looks like on a grown man, DoubleDickDude has provided them and, obviously, they are NSFW . Here they are flaccid and here they are erect .
Late last night, DoubleDickDude bravely waded into the muddy waters of Reddit to conduct an AMA , which resulted in a Q&A that surprisingly ended up being educational, fascinating and bizarrely uplifting.
Let's get some of the more obvious questions out of the way immediately. Yes, both dicks are functioning. Yes, both can pee. No, he cannot helicopter them. Yes, he uses them both during sex and both can ejaculate, although he favors the right because it's more sensitive.
Now, onto the more interesting parts (because apparently we're already bored with the guy with two wangs). DoubleDickDude, who is bisexual and currently in an exclusive polyamorous relationship with a man and a woman, is — on Reddit at least — is completely and refreshingly comfortable with his condition — so much so that he's completely grown to love it.
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"I was born with it for a reason," he responded to a question about why neither he nor his parents ever seriously considered having one of his penises removed. "My mom admitted recently she had no idea what that reason was, but it's there so it stays there. Glad she did, after everything because I really am one in millions. Besides the ego boost, it really makes a person feel special knowing there is likely no one else like you alive right now."
According to DoubleDickDude, the only time he ever wished he was different was when he was in high school and other boys would make fun of him.
"...It became a joke and guys immediately thought I was gay," he said . Ah, the sound logic of high school assholes.
You might think that the response from the Reddit community would be along the same lines, but in reality, most of the Redditors just seem excited, curious and even a little envious of DoubleDickDude's condition.
A lot of questions focused on the reactions of DoubleDickDude's sexual partners when they first discover his...erm...assets.
varies from girl to girl. Some have been like WOW. some have been like THATS FAKE! some have freaked out like, called me names. Most are pretty curious, but i dont have casual sex anymore, i stopped a few years back. Didnt like the empty feeling inside after a 1 night stand. did a lot of those in my late teens. A LOT of them. but for the most part, girls were nervous and some changed their mind at the last minute. dudes NEVER change their mind, they always want it even if they're freaked out a little. lol
Q: seems like a stupid question but when you have sex, can you do all the position, because i guess you must use only one of your penis and the other one must be kind of in the way if its also hard.
A: my bf and gf can take both in them, so it's pretty standard. but in the past with partners who had smaller or tighter holes, i had to start off using one but by the time i was done i had used both. ;)
Again, it's pretty refreshing how confident and comfortable DoubleDickDude is with his double dick circumstances and even more so that he's found partners who are equally down and don't make him feel fetishized.
Thought for the night, I really wanna give James Franco a facial. lol

MM Confessions: Our most embarrassing sex moment.
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There’s no creative way to package this so we’re just going to tell it like it is and know that you’ll keep reading because there is literally nobody who wouldn’t want to keep reading this:
A man in the US was born with two penises .
He went on Reddit and did an AMA session (‘Ask Me Anything’) and graciously answered everybody’s curious questions. And there were about 12,000 questions. Literally.
He has a condition called Diphallia, a very rare occurrence in which a male is born with two penises. Both are functional – meaning both can pee and both can ejaculate . No, he is not ashamed. Yes, he uses them both during sex, sometimes in the same hole at the same time (he’s bisexual , and both men and women have been able to take both at once).
Watch Mamamia staff reveal their most NSFW sex moments below (post continues after video).
Here’s some of the other questions people asked “DoubleDickDude” (probably not his real name):
Have you ever had any special reaction from a doctor with this?
DDD: Yeah, one grabbed like five others in the building. That was the last time my mom let anyone examine me for any reason besides personal check-ups. She said “my son is not a freak show” and slapped one of them. lol
Do they both hang to one side of your pants, or do they split the seam?
DDD: when i go commando, which is almost always except in winter, they take their own sides. the seam can be a pain sometimes because the skin between them is a little delicate and sensitive.
Has having both ever landed you in a situation where you wish that you only had one normal penis?
Are there any medical complications?
DDD: My prostate gets inflamed if I dont ejaculate enough. I’m probably the only guy with a legit reason to orgasm at least once every day or two days. My prostate gets stimulation from both cocks and creates a lot of seminal fluid. So when i cum it has to be squeezed every few days to get all the excess out. otherwise it feels bloated and painful.
Are you a Ghostbusters fan? Have you ever crossed the streams?
DDD: HAHAHAHAHAHA. you can never cross the streams, it would be bad.
Do you shower at the Y or wait until you get home? How do you deal with the triple takes? I’m assuming you get stares and not just sneak-a-peaks.
DDD: I generally avoid public bathrooms and if I do use one i try to use the stall and not a wall urinal. There’ve been times where I’ve had to use the urinal and because i have one muscle that controls my piss, it lets the stream flow out both my dicks. so unless i pinch off one of them it comes out both and that doesnt feel good. So I have to take both out to pee. Yeah Ive gotten stares and even had a few guys at various times go HOLY SHIT.
DDD: Yes. the right one. The left one has a grudge against me for it too. lol
Was there a reason your parents didn’t consider having the ‘second’ one removed when you were a kid?
DDD: Yeah. Because I was born with it for a reason. My mom admitted recently she had no idea what that reason was, but it’s there so it stays there. Glad she did, after everything because I really am one in millions. besides the ego boost it really makes a person feel special knowing there is likely no one else like you alive right now.
It is so fantastic that he is comfortable with who he is and willing to answer everybody’s pretty personal questions about being a man with Diphallia. He’s so comfortable in fact, that he has provided pictures.
And because we know you want to see said pictures, we have provided links (all in the spirit of education of course).
Now, obviously, these photos are extremely NSFW. Click here to see the penises flacid. Click here to see them fully erect.
What would you ask the man with two penises?

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My DP fantasy without the headache of a second guy <3
Sorry to disappoint him but even though he is special and unique so is everyone else. For him to think otherwise is re-dick-ulous. Not that I have penis envy, but just how big are they?
Whatever the number, a guy needs to keep it healthy. Regular use of a quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) with amino acids, vitamins and moisturizers helps.

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Medically reviewed by Karen Gill, M.D. — Written by Scott Frothingham — Updated on June 26, 2018
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Medically reviewed by Karen Gill, M.D. — Written by Scott Frothingham — Updated on June 26, 2018
Medically reviewed by Graham Rogers, M.D.
Medically reviewed by Daniel Murrell, M.D.
Medically reviewed by Daniel Murrell, M.D.
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© 2005-2022 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. All rights reserved. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. See additional information .
Diphallia is a genetic condition present at birth in which a person has two penises. This rare condition was first written about in a report by the Swiss doctor Johannes Jacob Wecker when he encountered a cadaver exhibiting the condition in 1609.
Diphallia only affects about 1 out of every 5–6 million baby boys. In fact, only about 100 cases have been recorded over the past 400+ years since it was first medically recognized.
The condition of having two penises is alone not dangerous. However, diphallia is associated with many other conditions that do cause medical problems. People with diphallia often experience other congenital defects, including digestive and urinary tract problems.
When a baby boy is born with diphallia, doctors may note abnormalities in his penis, scrotum , or testicles. Below are the two most common ways that this condition manifests, according to The Human Phenotype Ontology. Between 80 and 99 percent of people with diphallia exhibit one or both of these manifestations:
Additionally, this condition manifests in several other, less common ways. Between 30 and 79 percent of people with diphallia exhibit one or all of these manifestations:
Below are some of the less common manifestations of diphallia. Only 5–29 percent of boys with diphallia experience these:
Diphallia is a congenital genetic condition, which means it’s caused by hereditary factors that are out of one’s control. There is no single known factor that plays into a baby boy developing with this condition, nor are there preventative measures that pregnant mothers can take. Doctors and scientists simply don’t have enough cases available to make definitive statements.
Any person who exhibits signs and symptoms of diphallia should see their doctor as soon as possible so that they can be examined for common related conditions. Even if a person’s diphallus doesn’t bother them in daily life, it’s important to check the health of the rest of their body, especially their gastrointestinal system .
In developed countries, doctors will usually detect this condition in an infant at birth. However, the severity of the condition is part of a diagnosis. Severity is determined by the level of penile or scrotal separation that each person exhibits. One way of doing this is using the three-level Scheneider classification: glans diphallia, bifid diphallia, and complete diphallia.
Surgical intervention is the only line of treatment. Surgery usually involves cutting off the extra phallus and its urethra. Doctors aim to take the least obtrusive route possible when helping patients, so diphallus surgery may not always be required.
People born with diphallia can live to a normal age and enjoy rich, fulfilling lives. Diphallia is not terminal, and it can be fixed. It’s almost always noted at birth, and a plan for treatment can be started in infancy. Patients with this condition should talk to their doctor about the best way for them to move forward if they wish to treat their condition.
Last medically reviewed on June 25, 2018

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