Man Eating Pussy Good

Man Eating Pussy Good


Man Eating Pussy Good
Many people supplement their diets with probiotics, but you can also find this type of 'good bacteria' in the human body тАФ specifically in a woman's vagina . Instead of shilling out for bougie probiotic yogurts or drinks, why not take a trip south of the border ?
The vaginal ecosystem contains lactobacillus, a bacteria that grows to regulate vaginal pH, according to the Pharmabiotic Research Institute.
Lactobacilli produce lactic acid, keeping the pH in vaginal fluid at a healthy 4.5 . Vaginal secretions typically contain Lactobacillus crispatus , Lactobacillus jensenii , Lactobacilus iners , Lactobacillus gasseri and can also contain Lactobacillus reuteri.
Recently, the company Order of Yoni brewed a beer that contained vaginal bacteria.
One woman even used her vaginal secretions to make yogurt, and described her culinary endeavor in a 2015 post on Motherboard.
Lactobacillus is also present in your gut, where it is usually termed 'probiotics,' Broadly pointed out. Probiotics aid digestion, allowing good microorganisms to balance out your gastrointestinal system, according to Medical Daily.
Eating probiotics can prevent illness, the Cleveland Clinic reported. They can also boost your mood and help alleviate depression , according to Medical Daily. Sounds good, right?
Broadly asked the Mayo Clinic's Dr. Helena Mendes-Soares if it was possible to gain these benefits from giving a woman oral sex.
"I think it would be possible, but probably unlikely," she said. "I don't know of any study that [has] addressed it."
Some people even believe that probiotics you can buy over the counter aren't particularly beneficial because they aren't the same species as natural bacteria present in the body. "Compared to the complexity of the GI microenvironment, probiotics contain just a few bacteria, and not even the most common bowel organisms. It is safe to say that the тАЬgoodтАЭ bacteria so highly touted in probiotics are but a minor constituent of a complex flora," Mark Crislip, an infectious disease doctor and probiotic critic, wrote.
Dr. Mendes-Soares explained that a gram of vaginal fluid contains 100,000 to 100 million Lactobacillus cells, depending on the woman. In order to reap the health benefits of probiotics, one would have to swallow between "ten and 10,000 grams (10 kg) of vaginal fluid," Broadly reported. Hey, it's worth a shot.
It's worth noting that a serving of lady juice doesn't just contain helpful nutrients, but can also transmit harmful bacteria and STIs, so it never hurts for both partners to get tested before going down.
As ATTN: has previously reported, the female orgasm also benefits your mental and physical health . An orgasm releases oxytocin , dopamine , and endorphins, which elevate your mood and can even alleviate pain тАФ if you're feeling period cramps, take note.

If you eat pussy, what does it taste like? Why do some guys and girls like eating pussy? Is it the flavor?
What does pussy taste like? Why do guys like to eat pussy?
Guys, what does pussy taste like to you?
Guys, how does the pussy taste? Is it really enjoyable eating her out?
Why does everyone say that "pussy tastes sweet"?
Why do some guys love going down on a girl so much?
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It's definitely not the flavor lol I think there's just a pleasure in giving... The way I like to think about it is like two kids in a kitchen... a boy and a girl... Imagine the girl wants a cookie, and the boy can give her the cookie, but there are many ways this can go down, making both people feel very different: 1. The girl can emotionally blackmail (i. e., shame, guilty trip, b*tching at the boy, complaining, making the boy feel bad) the boy into giving her the cookie... the girls ends up enjoying the cookie, and the boy ends up feeling like he's satisfied some "obligation" ... and then maybe days later... when he's had more time to rationalize the transaction, ends up feeling used and manipulated. 2. The girl can "ask" the boy for the cookie... and now the boy will feel good for being able to give her the cookie and make her happy... BUT... the girl will feel sort of bad for having to ask the boy to give her the cookie instead of the boy wanting to give her the cookie willingly and happily on his own. 3. The boy can happily and willingly and enthusiastically and lovingly give the girl the cookie on his own initiative, without her having to ask him for it... and then... she feels great... and he also feels great for making her free great. I don't know. Maybe that's just me being crazy, but that how I think about eating p*ssy. It's not about the p*ssy... it's about the other person and the pleasure of giving. What's that saying? Giving is its own reward?
lol what is this from? also i really like what you said :3
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Every pussy tastes a little different. Most taste like ocean water, salty with some special ingredients mixed in. I like to eat pussy for two reasons. 1-I like the taste of my woman and want her juice. 2-I get off getting her off. I love to have her cum while I am licking her.
there's a stereotype that white guys love eating pussy. So I guessed you were white, and I was correct lol
If other guys won't do it, then it leaves more for me! YUM Do you like to be eaten?
Yes. I hear white guys give good oral because they enjoy the taste and the pleasure they give her. Both are arousing
Not really. People say im pretty but my boobs are too small. My kind of guy is anyone who can at least accept small boobs, even more if he finds them sexy, and loves to eat pussy. Hard to find.
What a coincidence. I love small boobs, too. They are so sexy. Petite is sweet! But this could be a problem, as I wouldn't know where to put my mouth! Any suggestions?
I dont believe you. I haven't met any guy who thinks small breasts are attractive.
I do love them Look at any of my comments on other girls questions about it. Most of my girlfriends were A or B size. So pretty and firm. I can pleasure them for hours, licking/sucking/caressing them. I feel bad that you haven't found a guy that likes smaller chests. They don't know what they are missing!
Well at least not all of my hope in the male race is lost. At least i know that there's one guy I've ever heard who thinks small boobs are sexy. You are a unicorn lol probably will never encounter another like you whos attracted to small boobs
Don't lose hope yet-there are plenty of guys that like smaller boobs. Can you say what size yours are?
Every girl tastes different. some guys like doing it to please a girl some actually like doing it and the taste. How you taste depends on your hygiene and your diet. I feel bad for guys that have had a bad experience going down on a girl or have tasted many disgusting tasting pussy and think it is normal. I tend to taste sweet and tangy kind of like a good salad someone said lol but that is because I have been eating clean mostly
Like others have said it depends on if the girl takes care of her self (especially down there) or not
It's not the flavor. Pussy doesn't taste like ice cream or whatever. It's not an objectionable taste, but it's also not something you taste the first time and think "wow, that's just DELICIOUS!" We do it because we enjoy giving a girl pleasure, and (at least for me), being IN CONTROL of that pleasure in a very direct way. Many of us grow to enjoy the flavor, but it's an acquired taste, and we mostly come to like it because we associate it with HER pleasure, which we enjoy.
It tastes like pure sex. To try and explain is just about impossible. There is nothing else in the world like it, people talk about peaches and figs being like it. Not a patch they are cold but do have some of the other characteristics wet and soft but that's it. For me firstly your woman has to let you , it very symbolic but the act of a woman opening her legs for you , to let you is just so erotic. It is sexually using everyone of your senses ( organoleptic). The scent of a woman has been very much overlooked in our modern hygienicly sanitized society , but it has a massive effect on a man and some don't even know why. Filling your nose with the heady scent of a woman wanting sex, it just fires your brain to another level of your own sexual arousal. Next is the view to be given the chance to look at a woman's inner beauty is amazing especially when they are aroused opening slightly lips swelling clit sticking out and wet all be cause of what we we are doing to them. Then there is touch our lips and tongue have the most nerve endings in them so is the best way to feel anything. The heat from a warm Wet Pu##y is amazing, the feel of the soft folds of flesh is exquisite the hardness of the clit and again the warm slick feel of her sex mind blowing. Finally not to be overlooked the sound a wet , aroused Pu##y makes as you lick it wonderful. Put all this to gether and you begin to just understand why we like it. The feeling you get from doing it to your woman is an ever increasing spiral of sexual excitement. She writhes and squirms with pleasure , her oohs and aaaahs only serve to drive you on and the more she gets turned on the more her body rewards you with her nectar. As she gets closer to her orgasm the harder you try and when she does the quivering flesh the heat and wetness is just exquisite as about as close to your own orgasm as you can get for pleasure with out coming.
I find the taste unique, but I would add it is a fun array of sensations. Done well, your girl is relaxing and getting hers in a good way, you are having fun doing it, maybe she is controlling a bit if she is into it, you geta rush and arrousal, when she is finished you get that elongated set of moments where she is erupting, (we used to call it the fountain) and that time at the end where yo uare communig, i am content to lay my head on her lap and ret for a bit. so yes the taste but so much more
I think about how she is moaning under my tongue, and how great it is going to be when she cums. The reasons I eat pussy: 1=she likes it, and I like to please her 2=I get off getting her off 3=I love her taste, and how I can get more of it to flow out
I like eating pussy for several reasons. One, I like the taste. Two, I like to make the girl squirm, moan, and scream. It's a power thing, I guess. You control her orgasms. Hold on and let her try and get away. Lol. I made my wife beg me to stop one time after she came five times. She said she couldn't take anymore. Only thing I won't do is eat her while she's on her monthly visit. Also, while I do like the taste, one girl I knew while in college tasted like cotton. To this day I don't know why. Was she not excited enough? She seemed to enjoy it. I honestly don't know. Good luck.
It's not the fact that I like the taste, it's really just the way it looks, sounds, smells, tastes and feels that just really turns me on. On top of it, the pleasure that she gets from it turns me on even more. I'ts not the "flavor" that attracts me it's just that part of the body really arouses me.
I love eating pussy because of it's beauty, it's sweet aroma, and it's lovely taste. I am obsessed by it and outlast the woman which is a downer wish she would just say tongue the hole my clit is too sensitive and let me lick til my hearts content but no they say stop licking and want me to fuck them!
I can't really say exactly what they taste like. Finger yourself and I paste it. It is the thought of the feeling it gives you that turns me on when I eat pussy. I love to feel her body quivering from the excitement and orgasms. The more wet it gets the better it taste, when she cums it taste so great both in flavor and accomplishment. Sex is so much more enjoyable of you lick of first and know she came at least once (hopefully more) before intercourse... Damn now I am horny..
It tastes like skim milk with a pinch of sea salt. Some more milky, some more salty. Some are more naturally tangy, as if a few drops of lemon juice were added. What do i think about? There is some arousal but mostly I think about making her come.
Doesn't really taste like much. Depends on how well she keeps it. Some guys like it because they feel they need to return the favor, however some will do it because it's fun (like myself). No, it's not the flavor. I didn't know it was supposed to have a flavor
It's amazing but mostly because it gives a woman pleasure. Why do girls suck dicks? And let them finish in their mouths? I don't get it but I just know that's how it works.
It tastes, salty and sweet. We like it because it is the power of making you cum with just our tongues
The main reason most guys enjoy eating out pussy is that they're making their girl happy. I'd say that's the extent of it for the large majority.
Freshly wet, clean pussy tastes like skim milk with a pinch of sea salt. Some girls are milkier. Some are saltier. Some are more tangy like a spritz of lemon juice has been added. A sour, fishy pussy is the result of poor hygiene.
pretty much like skin but slightly more salty. we don't lick it for the taste tho. we lick it for the feeling of intimacy and to hopefully make her feel good.
It's the same more or less why women give BJs... it can feel good, not in a sexual sense, but then it can be comforting... seems weird to describe, but then I mean tactile.. And it pleases the partner...
As long as she is clean it taste like what she cleaned it with for the most part why because a real man will want to give his woman that pleasure and I don't think I ever had sex with a woman that did not love it if done right...
I love it right after a shower! Nothing like it. Can't explain it.
Tangy. My ex said it was because she ate a lot of fruit.
It tastes good, like our pre-cum. But it's funnier to taste other person's warm liquid...

i can not understand this...plz what is it that guys like to eat pussy? is it because its even easier to give a girl a orgasm? plz why is this popular?
okay its starting to make sense, seeing ur girl twisting and turning is hot I can dig dat. but people a LOT a stuff goes on down there haha da coochie is wonderful, the periods and the discharge etc. Don't you think about it when ur down there?
Simple Question... Why do guys like to eat pussy doggy style?
What does pussy taste like? Why do guys like to eat pussy?
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If your girl takes care of herself, and keeps herself clean, then you have nothing to worry about. Some guys even dig going down on their girl when she's on her period (Red Wings). Ain't my thing, but some guys do. For me, I just get off on watching her face while I'm tonguing her clit, feeling her squirm and shake, humping and grinding her p**** into my face. I'm a tease, though. When I'm heading down, I take my time, give lots of attention to every part of her body. Lips, neck, nipples, belly button, then kiss and lick up and down her thighs, lightly brush the crease where the leg and groin meet, blow some cool air on her clit as I go across to the other side, until she's begging me to dip my tongue into her. When I finally do, it's like...Nirvana. Elysium. Heaven. Take your pick. It's just amazing. Knowing that I can make her come with a couple of finger twitches inside her while I'm sucking her clit? Major turn on. I'm probably an older guy than most of the guys on here, 42, but I first ate p**** when I was 14, and I've never looked back. I have yet to be intimate with a woman whose p**** I wouldn't eat. I've only had two that didn't enjoy it, and one of those I turned around by being patient and gentle. Turns out, a previous boyfriend had done a piss-poor job of it (pun intended), and turned her right off of it. She told me that if she'd known what she was missing, she'd have been getting her p**** eaten all the time. While she was with me, she did. Basically, if you're willing to stick your d*** in there, don't be afraid to get your tongue in there. My current lady, my fiancee, never had a guy go down on her until me. She can't get enough of it. Sometimes, when I'm sleeping, she'll get up above me, and start gently rubbing her p**** against my lips to wake me up. That's an amazing wake-up call, guys. Absolutely nothing like starting your day off with p**** on your face.
I enjoy it soo much!! Everyone has different desires but I just love it! Get her to straddle/ grind my face, lick her clit and rub her g spot with 2 fingers and my last girl could squirt all over me!! It relaxes and satisfies me soo much knowing the girl I'm with is really enjoying herself! It's really intimate! Its a huge turn on and girls' orgasms are so much crazier compared to guys. Sometimes they taste sweet when they orgasm. Also, girls have an exceptional variety of orgasms and most girls can't orgasm through sex alone! I donno where suspected fishy taste came from because none of the ones i've been with have tasted like fish or tasted bad. Every girl tastes different but sometimes it depends on her cycle, diet and hygiene. Periods are easily avoided just don't go there during that time lol actually might be a good idea to avoid the girl entirely haha!! So why do we do it, because we love it, we love teasing them, making them scream, moan and clench our faces between their legs and we know they'll be coming back and begging us for more!
im a girl and to be honest. I don't really like it. now I have had guys who can give a powerful orgasm but I still idk. but I'm with a guy who had only done once before and who don't really like doing it but he did the other day. I guess it makes a difference a little when there is really love in the mix. I also had no idea it was coming because he always said he would never do it. but we had been fighting a lot lately and I'm wondering if this was his way of showing me he really does love me he just full of mistakes.
Why wouldn't you? It's intimate and sensual - it's warm wet and juicy~! The view from down there on your lady is amazing. The way a women arches her back while your down there, the way her breasts fall, the way her thighs squeeze tight around you while she is having an orgasm. It's beautiful and when you have sex with her afterwards she is primed and ready! She's wet, excited, stimulated, tight from contractions and she wants you, bad by that point!
Lol aaaaahhh babe you couldn't have said it better!!!! The way it makes her fee
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