Mallow R34

Mallow R34


Mallow R34

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Hair test for demiumans in the future (brand-new-animal / michiru, kindred and not many more at the moment)
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i understand this is just a preference thing, but i really wish people would add just pubes and no pit hair as well. it kills the vibe for me seeing pit hair, though I'm fine with pubes I don't know why. Also i actually thought this was dryad til i read the title lol
Mallow or dryad from terraria? Hard to tell, don’t care either way. Good animation.
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The sun shone down on Melemele Island as Ash and Pikachu were racing each other up the road to school. After coming to the Alola region on vacation, Ash had an encounter with several locals and one thing led to another, leading him to enroll at the Pokemon school. Never in Ash's dreams would his journey lead him to from traveling around the world to going to school. But nevertheless, he was having fun, getting stronger, and was making new friends. Ash's group of friends were different than his others in the past, not only because they were attending class with him, but also there were three girls in the group. There was Lillie, a green eyed girl who was probably the smartest one in the class, but for some reason, is unable to touch Pokemon except for her Alolan Vulpix, Snowy. She always wore a white and light-blue dress with a big white wide brim hat. Then there was Lana. Lana was a blue haired, blue eyed girl who probably spent more time in and around water than on land. She has a clam personality and rarely gets upset and angry, with 2 things that set her off: cruelty against Pokemon and when her sisters tease her about being Ash's girlfriend (which she repeatedly says is not true). She loves water types and the ocean and always wears her swimsuit underneath her clothes. Finally, there was Mallow. Mallow was green eyed and green haired. Of all of Ash's new friends, she was the most outgoing, the most adventurous, and energetic to the point that she forgets some stuff and rushes off without thinking. She's also a talented cook, winning praises from friends and family. She wears a pink sleeveless shirt with light teal overalls, as well as light teal denim shorts and green shoes. While all the girls were amazing, in their own way, there was one that stood out to Ash more than the others. Mallow. Mallow stood out to Ash the most. He didn't know why, but whenever he was around her, he felt at his happiest. Maybe it was because she had the most revealing clothes on or the fact that they were the most outgoing and adventurous. All he knew was that he really liked Mallow. What Ash didn't know was that Mallow also likes him. A lot. One day, Ash was walking home from school when he saw Mallow on the trail. "That's odd," he thought. "Her house is in the other direction. Should I talk to her or just keep going or..." "DAMNIT," yelled a voice. Ash was startled to see that it was Mallow. She was now looking very frustrated. Ash then ran up to her. "Hey Mallow, what's wrong?" Mallow was surprised to see Ash. "Oh, hi Ash. It's nothing really, nothing at all. It's just...I can't find the one ingredient I'm looking for." "Well, maybe I can help." Mallow blushed a little. "Wow, he's so sweet...and handsome," she thought, then she shook it off. "Well that would be great, Ash." "So what are you looking for," asked Ash. "I'm trying a new recipe called the Alolan wrap. It's made with fresh pork, cheese, an oran berry spread, and wrapped in Salveyo weed. I've got everything except the Salveyo weed. None of the stores sell it and I can't find it anywhere." Ash pondered on this. Then he remembered. "I know how to find Salveyo weed. I've had to use it before." "Huh," puzzled Mallow. "4 years ago, when I was in the Orange Islands, me and my friend Tracey got sprayed with a Vileplumes stun-spore, and our other friend, Misty, had to find some Salveyo weed for a cure. I believe that they grow at the bottom of lakes. But there are several catches. The lake has gotta be crystal clear and....and...UHHHH....I can't remember the other two." "Perhaps I can help," called a voice. Ash turned around and it was Rotom Dex. "Accessing data...Accessing Data...Data entry found. Salveyo weed is used for medicinal and food purposes. It is only found on the bottom of crystal clear lakes. Additionally, Vileplume must be in the vicinity and Poliwags are also found in the vicinity of this plant." Both Ash and Mallows eyes lit up. "THANK YOU, ROTOM!!" And Mallow grabbed Rotom and pulled it into a big hug. "MY....PLEASURE...BUT...CAN YOU PLEASE LET GO...I CAN'T BREATHE!!!!" "Oh, sorry," and Mallow let Rotom go. "Now all we gotta do is find that lake and we're good to go," exclaimed Ash. "Allow me to help again," chimed Rotom. "There is one lake that matches the parameters of our search. Lake Moana. It's only 3 miles from here." Rotom barely got the words off when Ash and Mallow raced passed it. "Thanks again, Rotom," called Mallow. "Tell Professor Kukui that I'll be home late," called Ash. After a half hour of running, they reached it. The lake was beautiful. The water was crystal clear, with a huge waterfall, and there were trees filled with ripe fruit, seemingly untouched by man. Both Ash and Mallow awed and were happy that they found it with the person they liked. As they made their way to the lake's edge, they decided that they would have more luck finding the weed if they both searched. Since neither of them had a water type pokemon, they would have to do it themselves. "Uh, Ash, I think we may have a problem," Mallow looked a little nervous about something. "What is it," asked Ash. "I don't have my bikini with me. And I don't want to get my clothes wet, cause they take forever to dry." "Well, my shorts act like a swimsuit, so I could go in while you stay here on the shore." Then Ash dove in. He was under water for the longest time, but Mallow was able to keep an eye on him as he finally found the weed. He then shot back up to the surface. "Mallow, I got it. You can make the...MALLOW, LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU!!" But it was too late. Mallow stepped back and tripped over a giant Vileplume, which released stun-spore, sending Mallow to the ground. It then looked like it was going to use a Bodyslam attack when Ash tackled it. "STAY AWAY FROM HER." "VILEPLUME!" The Vileplume was about to release another stun-spore, but Ash was quicker. He went over to his backpack and grabbed a Pokeball. "Litten, I choose you." And the fire cat popped out. "Use Ember on that Vileplume and hurry." "LIT-TEN!" Within seconds, hot embers poured out of Littens mouth and on Vileplume. The grass and poison type ran off, crying. "Thanks, Litten." Ash then turned his attention to Mallow. "Mallow, can you hear me? Mallow? Mallow?" She looked ill, but she managed to open her eyes, barely. "A-Ash, w-wh-what happened? I-I can't move any part of my body." "You've been hit with stun-spore. Try not to talk, I'll take care of you." "I feel so warm." "That's a side effect, now try to lie still. I'm gonna get you some water and a cool washcloth." As Mallow baby sipped the water, she began to act weird and loopy. "You know...Ash...has anyone ever told you that you're cute? Because I think you're cute. You're cuter than cute." Ash had to bite his tongue to keep from laughing. Mallow was funny when she was loopy, but she was also right, and Ash tried to hide his blush. "Not only that, but I really like you, Ash. You're so tall and brave and handsome and cute and tall and brave. I-I don't just really, really, really, like you, Ash. I think I really, really, really, love you." Ash gasped at this. "S-she loves me? I had no idea...but wait, is this the truth or just the stun-spore talking?" While Mallow rested, Ash was able to go through her bag and found a small pot. He then remembered the Salveyo weed. "Perfect." He had Litten make a little fire and he had gathered sticks and found some rope in his bag and hung the pot from the makeshift tripod. Eventually, the water was boiling and he added the weed. Eventually, the cure was done. "Alright, Mallow, drink up." Mallow gulped down the cure, then fell asleep again. About an hour later, she opened her eyes and got up slowly. She looked over at Ash who was gathering some more Salveyo weed from a shallow spot. "Ash?" Ash turned to see the girl of his dreams awake. "Mallow, you're okay." And he rushed over to her. "How are you feeling?" "A bit groggy, but otherwise fine. So how come I'm feeling better?" "I boiled some Salveyo and gave it to you. I was afraid I didn't use too strong a batch and..." Before Ash could finish, he was tacked to the ground by Mallow in the biggest hug of his life. "Oh, Ash, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you." Then, she blushed and looked away. "Did I say anything weird or embarrassing to you, while I was paralyzed?" "Well, not really." Ash lied because he didn't want to embarrass Mallow. "Well we still got a good amount of Salveyo weed. Why don't we head back?" At the exact moment Ash finished his sentence, this huge crack of thunder ripped through the sky. Ash and Mallow hadn't payed attention to the weather and it was on the verge of storming. "If we leave now, we'll be caught in that storm." "Look, there's a cave over there. Let's take shelter and ride it out." The two sat in the cave in silence as the rain poured down. They were dry and with a fire, thanks to Litten, they were warm. Ash couldn't take it any longer. Finally after an eternity, he spoke. "Mallow, I'm sorry." The cook looked confused. "Sorry for what?" "Earlier when you asked if you said anything weird, I lied. You did say something. Something that's been eating up inside me and I can't stand it anymore." "W-What did I say?" "You said that you....loved me." Mallow gasped and covered her face. "Mallow, I didn't say that because I was trying to hurt you. I said that because I think....NO, I know that I love you." Mallow looked up at the young boy. "However, I understand if you really don't feel the same way and what you said was just the stun-spore talking. So if you don't feel that way, then I complet----." Ash was halted mid-word when something smashed up against his lips. He blinked to see that it was Mallow who rammed her lips into his. After 1 minute, Mallow broke the kiss. "Ash Ketchum, I love you with all my heart. That wasn't the stun-spore. That was my heart." "And I love you, Mallow." They leaned in again for another kiss. 3 weeks later. Ash and Mallow walked into the classroom as they'd been doing everyday for the past 3 weeks: holding hands, giggling, feeding each other sweets, and would sneak in the occasional kiss when Professor Kukui wasn't looking. And at the end of each day, when the road would split, they would look into each others eyes, simultaneously say "I love you with all my heart," then end each night with a long, loving, kiss. This continued every day until graduation, when giving his salutatorian speech, Ash got down one knee and popped the question to Mallow. And the best part: she said yes. 

"How did we ever get into this mess," Max asked himself. Ever since he and his best friends Zoe and Rex found a mysterious meteor, their lives had been turned upside down with the appearance of dinosaurs, the evil Alpha Gang, and now with the fate of the universe hinging on them, Max and company find themselves traveling through time searching for the Cosmos Stones.

Max was the unofficial leader of the D-Team, the name of their little group. He was a brave leader, but not the brightest, but always willing to learn. He wears a red short-sleeve T-shirt with a yellow collar and a black fanny pack around his tummy decorated with a dinosaur to
Say what you're gonna say. I personally like Mallow as the main girl over Lillie and Lana.
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