Male Tease Denial

Male Tease Denial


Male Tease Denial

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There is nothing better than climax, is there? However, many people face difficulty ejaculating with the slightest efforts like dry humping or a simple hand-job. When a guy stays erect for too long without actually reaching climax, the feeling of pleasure can turn into a painful erection for him, and this is known as blue balls. The easiest way to get him out of this pain is sex, but sometimes giving somebody blue balls can make him feel better when ejaculating. So how to give a guy blue balls intentionally?
Our bodies work in amazing ways. Men's reproductive organ, for example. Within a few seconds of arousal, his penis changes in shape, becomes hard, and expands up to inches! All this magic that goes on is simply the blood coming into his penis with more and more pressure than before, and not going back out because the veins that allow the blood from his penis to flow back swells and constraints it. The pressure and the increase of incoming blood in his beloved organ against the decrease in outgoing blood is why the organ expands and hardens (Many people refer it to as a "boner"). When a boner has been up for quite a while, all the pressure built inside it and his balls starts to hurt the man. He needs to get rid of the pressure to get rid of pain, which is done by ejaculation, which opens the veins again to let blood flow out as his muscles relax and he lets it go.
The best way to give a guy blue balls is by locking his little soldier up in a chastity device, so that all your hard work does not go to trash. To explain how, it is really easy: try to bring him to climax and then suddenly stop, you leave him hanging and begging for it, of course, with blue balls. However, you must both be at consent with this kind of seduction because this act of leaving him hanging at the edge can irritate him and be painful for him. Many couples try the chastity device and it pleases them as the woman decides when or not to unlock his penis. Men are usually the ones who dominate in bed, and this can bring a twist in your sex life.
Now that you know what causes blue balls and how to give a guy blue balls, you should know that even though men might take advantage of this situation and convince a girl to have sex to relieve them of the pain, it is definitely not necessarily the girl's task. If you have not caused his blue balls, you are not restricted to make it go away. In fact, according to a doctor, having blue balls is nothing to be afraid of as it does not cause any damage. A man can get rid of his blue balls simply by masturbating till he ejaculates.
In the world of medicine, doctors and other professionals disregard blue balls as an ordinary situation, and many even consider it only a myth. No real consideration of this situation has been made in years, and it was only realized when a young boy came across this problem. However, and as we know, his problem was solved once he became sexually active with his girlfriend.
To talk about practical solutions, there are some. It is already discussed that the swelling of the veins restricting the blood flow out of the penis causes this painful condition. So, to get rid of blue balls, we must reverse this biological trap made in the penis, that is, we must open those veins again. This can be done by ejaculating either by masturbation or whatever way the man may choose; or, alternatively, like we unclog our ears in an airplane through forcing air, a man may use a Valsalva Maneuver to force an exhalation to open the veins. 
All concerns about reproductive organs are extremely sensitive and it must not be concluded that any pain caused during an erection is the pain from blue balls. While it may seem unlikely to you, there may be underlying medical conditions like urinary tract infection or such, that may be causing the pain. In such cases, obviously sex or ejaculation is not the answer. It is best to be safe, and hence, get checked if the pain is recurring. Knowing how to give a guy blue balls and how to release it, you can also help rule out whether your boyfriend is having blue balls or a medical condition.
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A Woman’s Guide to Training a Man in Her Female Led Relationship Home > FLR Guides/Info
A man with a brain to think 11 Oct 2020 Reply
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     In order to train you will need to establish the things you want him to learn. You can get some from your list of relationship ideals such as fidelity and intimacy or some from your life direction goals and his cry for help. If you have not yet read “A woman’s guide to motivating a man in her Female Led Relationship” we recommend you do so. If you have no female led relationship agreement or relationship strategy you are not ready for training unless you just want to play.
     Generally what you want your man to learn in your female led relationship and what he wants to learn are very different. You want him to learn to overcome his bad habits, work independently, find fulfillment in growing, gain confidence in your leadership and participate as your supportive follower. He want to learn how to serve your body, obey your commands, please you sexually, humble himself and learn what it is like to surrender. Because of the difference and size of the task at hand you must choose your targets. In management 101, when faced with a large number of tasks you must prioritize them, take the top ten and do as many as you can. Delegate where you can and just maintain a list of the ones that don’t get done. There is, however, the added complication of keeping both of you motivated.
     In level 1-2 relationships you are not going to be doing much of any training, but in level 3-4, it will be expected. He wants you to do it. At the end of this article there are 3 additional articles for more advice on reshaping self-image, non-punishment correction, and alternatives to physical punishment.
     When faced with lots to do and a sense of weakness, think of delegation. When you delegate, you still have to supervise the one you delegated to and you cannot let it go on its own. What you delegated should have been on your “top ten” list and ranked as important. You can use technology, make him create the curriculums while you just reorganize it, or you can seek help from a friend or expert (consultant).
     Let’s say you decide your top ten list looks like the list below and your priorities are clear. You are in a level 3 relationship and have your agreement in place. Your agreement gives you full control of the 5 food groups and you agreed to moderate kink and some forms of punishment. Think of this as a first list as a leader. The day is Saturday and Friday night you completed your relationship agreement together. In the task list below you can see I have delegated many things and I am thinking about finding another women to help me with the initial phase where I am weak or don’t have time. The most important thing for today is to keep him motivated and least important (yet ultimately more important) is creating a map to our relationship closest to our measurable ideals. The lower 4 items are hardest to do so they will take time.
     A positive learning experience provides rewards for goals met, praise for active participation and goal achievement. If you want your man to do the laundry to your standard, joyfully invite him to see how you do it. Explain what you are thinking as you go and have him repeat what you did giving him only positive reinforcement for what he is doing right and showing him what he needs to relearn. The goal is to learn how to do the laundry. Once he does give him affection and praise.
     Learning goals and rewards begin with your selecting what he is to learn. He will ask for a reward of his choosing (you can limit his choices by using a list). You will teach him and watch his progress. When he learns the task, he has met his goal and is to be commended. When he shows prolonged retention of that learning he gets the reward.
     Coaches demonstrate the task or have it demonstrated then guide from the sidelines watching the learner and continuing to participate in their learning. Coaching as a style should be authoritative. The reward is getting the coaching and getting to participate.
     Consider getting help from another woman or man who is more dominant than you. You play the good leader and she/he plays the strict disciplinarian. You will need to coach at the same time but the tag team approach gives the learner plenty of focus time on his fantasy and reinforces the woman’s leadership and superior role.
     Boot camp is an intensive approach. It works best when there is more than one trainer or the trainer has a lot of time. The idea is to break down the learner, break them of their will, then instill new values in them. It is a form of programming used by the military and law enforcement. This might be the ultimate fantasy for him.
     The trainer is always greater and over the trainee. She uses his fantasies and motivation to his advantage, which ultimately speeds up the learning curve.
All very good information, but what about her bad habits? She’s human and she’ll have them too. Will she be able to “man up” and honestly say she may not be the best at handling money for example? Or will she just not say anything and head to the casino for a gambling spree? The latter is more likely – and on that one point the whole FLR plan falls apart. Partners need to be well aware of each other’s capabilities and the best person for handling each task. It still may end up with him doing household chores, but at least he is an equal partner instead of a slave. He doesn’t have to lose his self respect.
Any man who has a fantasy about domination may not necessarily enjoy being dominated. He may want out when reality sets in. He’ll want out and with all the freedom she has – to come and go as she pleases, she won’t want to stop. Result: divorce or he continues without his consent just to keep her happy. The whole “FLR is about equal partners” or “in an FLR the man’s opinions matter, too”. Both of these are false. It’s more like: An FLR starts out where they are true, but with him chaste she uses his horniness to get him further and further into submission both statements become invalid. At this point in controlling him, there is nothing she cannot make him do. The “healthy” relationship becomes more an owner – slave relationship. Her power is all encompassing, she is domestically assaulting him. Who keeps her in check? Herself? Unlikely, how many men have told their battered wife “I’ll never hit you again.”. They always do and she lives in fear of his next beating. Battered men’s shelters will soon start appearing. Is this to be the bright shining future of a female led society? Or is it merely revenge for “because men did it to us”.
Gerry B, In most productive societies/tribes men do not complain and struggle with his female dominant. Granted there are mistakes on both ends, the struggle you’re speaking of is derived from patriarchy. To each his/her own, using discernment is best. Whining is not productive or sincere.
My dear, very interesting when it comes to your comments to Gerry B. To each his own, using discernment is best. Whining is not productive or sincere. I find your comments with questions in reference to your words, “Most productive societies/tribes men do not complain and struggle with his female dominant.” May I inquire with you as to a reference of evidence when one uses the terms most productive societies/tribe where men did not complain or struggle with female dominant. Why do I inquire with you, your comments seem to come from knowing some history and then I look to the naiton of the United States, I look and see a very productive nation in the history of the world, and I believe it was as we have heard, a male dominant society. So please do provide some data on my above questions.
Using American history as an example. Not a great idea. Yes it was very productive and also built on the backs of forced free labor. So whose point are you trying to make? Because it sounds like your saying slavery works. I thought we joined this site because we want and crave this.
To the man “with a brain to think” dated 11 October 2020, amen!! Yes, the U.S. has always been a male-dominated country!! Having said that, I am a woman, who thrived in the U.S. military for 33 years prior to retiring. I love the men in the service, they were totally awesome! You have to know the lay of the land and the honest facts to best accommodate those you work and play with. You have to know the rules of the game! I am here trying to figure out the rules of the FLR game, which seem to shift like the wind and dunes of sand. Gerry B might want to sit back and think before making unsubstantiated and false statements, however, I am sure Gerry’s heart was in the right place. Heck, look at the bible, they used to stone us women, and in some countries, they still have some pretty barbaric customs when it comes to how women and girls are treated! Go figure! It is always important you know where your land mines are, least you lose a leg or other body part in the process. Most Kindly, J
My mother warned me about such women as you.
Maam Thanks for your comments here. I am new here seeking to learn Respectfuly Glen
I am in a 30 year marriage that we now know has the name of FLR. My wife reined in my chaotic life from the beginning. She saved me from bankruptcy. I was a gambler, a drinker and a whoremonger. She willingly took on my debts and weaknesses when we married and immediately took over everything from money to household decisions to sex decisions (when where how) and I was ok with it. We discussed it before marriage. I had a good job but I was failing in many facets of life. I believe I still have a good career thanks to my FLR. Who knows? I may still be alive thanks to the leadership of the woman in my life.
On many sites it seems predicated on the assumption that the male is hornier than the female. I think it is the other way around. Why do the sites all require the female to be sexually satisfied and the male gets nothing or worse? Or just maybe FLRs are all one big kink? I know I haven’t seen this kind of sex talk in partnership in models or male led relationship. I was asked to look up information by my girlfriend and I am reporting back the kink. We don’t need it!
And? What if she is hornier than the male? It’s a Female Led Relationship. She gets what she want when she wants. How many times has a woman had intercourse and been left unsatisfied. For decades in male led relationship we thought the female orgasm was a myth. So we didn’t have to try very hard. I look forward in looking up and seeing a smile on her face.
i would rather eat glass than be in a FLR relationship. Women can be the worst creatures on earth and once with power usually abuse their men in one form or another- the same as some men do with power. Were all sinners and prone to this. The first person to ever abuse me was a woman-A Nun of all things when i was a 6 yr old boy. She taught me a woman can be cruel. She took delight in this. When this happens it leads to a lifetime of abuse by other women who look for those who have been scarred by this and even are no nice for a while until the real them shows their ugly side. No thank you .I am 65 now with 2 children and now i have peace and would rather be alone than be treated like shut by a woman
Lou your issue is the Catholic religion…not women. Not all women abuse their authority just like not all men do. I can assure you my female partner does not…our relationship is dramatically better with her steady and consistent leadership and I am a much better version of myself with her guidance. Most men that desire FLR have difficulty leading and managing their own daily live in productive and consistent ways. I struggle with ADD and social anxiety and being aware of social boundaries. I’m highly intelligent but I’m a scattered mess at time. FLR has given me a structure I desperately needed…she’s helped me in so many ways I never could have done myself…she’s made me a better person. So maybe this isn’t for you…I don’t expect or think anyone should eat glass when they don’t want to. I would suggest you consider not everyone is like you, has your back ground, your socialization or religious indoctrination. I know about the nuns. They are brutal. But they are usually sexually repressed, self denying bitches who are angry at the world for decisions they made a long time ago. I’d blame the church first…but that’s my opinion. I know their are great caring nuns who aren’t bitches…although I have yet to meet one. Good luck to you and I hope you are and remain happy.
Marshall you are so no way can you compare a religious(Catholic Nun’s situation) to FLR relationship(s).It is unfortunate that Lou has had a very bad relationship with females at such a young age.FLR realationship(s) as all different,need to be something both agree upon.I was in a 24/7 FLR relationship for years and it worked very well for me .I need that dominant type of leadership in my life on a regular basis.I need both a consistent lifestyle along with my finances and social activities managed.Presently I am now single and hoping to find a mate.FLR is not for everyone and in no way can you say all women are man haters in FLR relationships.FLR seems to get a bad rap at times by the wrong people.
I am wondering why anyone would be posting here if they aren’t interested in FLR, kinds weird. I personally love men, especially when the are on their knees lol
This is one thing I want to learn more about is a reason why I am here not to waste peoples time
Rowan Thanks for your comments still learning. It is hard to post here with the Robot Verifier Sincerely Glen
I am here to learn about this lifestyle not to waste peoples time
I am looking for an online Mandarin language FLR forum. Anyone aware of any?
I am so Enjoying studying this lifestyle that I was always curious about, yet waited so long to implement, or at least give into, and now am just here to discover possibilities – because I am still alive and to perhaps actually have a chance to enjoy the feeling of being in such a relationship. Thanks aboutflr for supplying the format to help me discover more and learn more about
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