Male Super Orgasm

Male Super Orgasm


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Home Maintain Better Male Sexual Health Tips What Is Dry Orgasm or Multiple Male Orgasms and How To Achieve...
The term dry orgasm is common in both medical realm and penile enhancement topics.
We will be referring “Dry Orgasm” in this article for achieving male multiple orgasm or MMO.
However, it is essential to be able to differentiate how it is used in medical term and male orgasm respectively.
The definition of “Dry Orgasm” are valid regardless whether it is used medically or orgasmically. When conducting an online search of the term “Dry Orgasm“, it leads to different sources and one source leads to another.
In medical terms, “Dry Orgasm” means a man reaching orgasm to the point of ejaculation but nothing comes out of the penis, hence dry or better known as retrograde ejaculation. On the other hand, dry orgasm has a different meaning when it comes to male multiple orgasms.
As a quick overview, retrograde orgasm occurs when the sperm’s ejaculatory pathway in the penis has an obstruction, or due to a malfunctioning bladder sphincters.
Therefore, the sperm simply goes back into the bladder instead of ejaculating it off the penis.
Moreover, this can also happen to young males that have ejaculated numerous times in a short time interval.
If this the case, there may be not enough time for the testicles to produced enough sperm, and simply no sperm is spurt out during ejaculation.
Young males who masturbate or perhaps have sex numerous time in a single day.
When it comes to achieving male multiple orgasms, this simply means reaching an orgasm to the point of ejaculation but holding off ejaculating.
This technique takes some time to master and can be achieved by stopping the expulsion point during ejaculation through numerous contraction of muscles using Kegels, or reverse Kegel holds.
Perhaps, there may be some unexplored process of achieving this to achieving MMO, but Kegels is used to achieve this commonly.
There are 5 types of dry orgasms in which 3 out of 5 are not ideal and only two are the ideal way of achieving DO. Firstly, it is essential to know some of the things necessary for achieving DO such as;
Now let us explore some of the non-ideal dry orgasms. These are the types of DO you should be aware of. Knowing them allows you to find solutions such as talking or consulting with your physician.
This occurs when Kegel hold is not strong enough to hold and stop DO. This is bad as it will end up all the sperm coming out slowly, and resulting to normal ejaculation eventually. The good news, this is harmless.
Additionally, this can also occur when there is an imbalance within the pelvic floor such as reverse Kegels is stronger than Kegels, or Kegel is simply weak.
This occurs when the attempt to hold DO is not proper timing, and part of ejaculation get throughout to the penis while part of it goes into the bladder, or does not and simply reabsorbs depending on strength and technique employed.
When retro ejaculation happens at this point, the penis can go flaccid quickly and hardly get back to getting aroused and erect.
When there is no occurrence of retro ejaculation, one may feel a slight discomfort as well as lose a bit of arousal and erection.
Even if this seems to feel good enough, avoid being comfortable achieving just this one.
As mentioned above, retro ejaculation is a medical condition within men. However, this can also happen in men while attempting to achieve dry orgasm.
It happens when the technique used is not good enough, or the timing is simply off completely. In fact, many men who attempted achieving DO, end up achieving this.
This should be avoided at all costs since it can result in injury. Most of the time, it can cause discomfort as well as drop both arousal and erection substantially.
When in doubt whether you have just experienced retro ejaculation, urinate in a clear cup or glass. If the urine is very cloudy having some semen-like color in it, retro ejaculation has just occurred.
If there is just a little or no cloudy color, this means there is a little amount of precum or sperm within the Urethra, and there was no retro ejaculation occurred.
Now let us quickly explore the good dry orgasms, which are the ideal ones. These are the types you should aim if you want to achieve multiple orgasms.
This is the ideal way to achieving DO, and you should aim this one. Clean DO requires enough Kegel hold strength, proper timing, and technique.
When one achieves clean Dry Orgasm, there will be no feeling of discomfort, although it drops erection level due to Kegels, but arousal level and sexual desire will remain at its peak.
When reaching the point of clean DO, one has choices whether to take it slow, perform another clean DO, or simply ejaculate.
At this point, more or less there will be 3 or fewer spasms happening that is decreasing in strength.
The first spasm is one transformed into Kegel hold, the next one happens if the Kegel hold is strong enough, which is barely noticeable, and the last one is almost unnoticeable.
This technique requires practice to master and achieve clean dry orgasms. When it happens, it gives a unique feeling or sensation that you simply recognized you have just done it.
If clean dry orgasm is ideal, this is the perfect form to achieve. Achieving perfect DO involves using a specific technique and strength along with specific timing.
When these 3 factors are working harmoniously, it stops all the other spasms right after the first one occurred stopping the ejaculation completely.
When this happens, one will experience an orgasmic sensation without any drop in erection level, arousal and sex drive are both in its peak without any loss.
Achieving this level of dry orgasm takes practice. First, aim for a clean DO, and once you’ve mastered clean DO, aim for perfect DO. It is all about technique, perfect timing, and strong enough Kegel hold.
On the other hand, this level of orgasmic sensation might be encountered by accident on individuals who have premature ejaculation issues performing Kegel hold with start-and-hold.
The goal of dry orgasm is not to ejaculate in order to achieve multiple orgasms in one session whether doing masturbation or having sexual intercourse.
During the initial stages of practicing DO, it is vital not to ejaculate as much as possible. Ejaculating as many times while practicing DO might seem pointless and difficult for one to achieve a clean or perfect DO.
However, ejaculating makes sense when it comes to male sexual health. It is the process that offers many benefits to the body.
More importantly, ejaculation cleans up the prostate and pipes within the penis. Hence, long-term perspective ejaculating is very vital to one’s sexual health.
Over time, when one gain the ability to achieve a clean or perfect DO easily.
There are those who think it might seem pointless to ejaculate since controlling ejaculation is a piece of cake.
At this time, the brain is now well-trained in mixing the signs coming from the need to ejaculate and sensation of dry orgasm.
Here are some important points to remember when to ejaculate normally. This is to put an acceptable balance between a good dry orgasm and how often to perform normal ejaculations.
Am an older guy. Am 73. About when I was 60, noticeable physical/sexual chances in my body occurred where I lost the ability to ..think.. an erection into being. Ever since I was a teenager, all I had to do to bring on an erection, was think about it – but after I aged into my early-60s, that `capability’ was lost. Oh I still have the other functions, & once interests & stimulations are ignited, I can still perform reasonably well. Am still Very Interested in the female form & still very much enjoy playing w/ the female body.
However in the last yr or 2, my ….execution….. has slowed. It is taking me more & more effort to achieve full release. A lot more effort. I wouldn’t say I am alarmed as much as I would term it – frustrated. My partner REALLY tries to cooperate, but also is not a young-one & either suffers loss-of-lubrication at some point, or exhaustion before I have completed my `mission’. I have learned to accept a lesser achievement of my role, & show graciousness & immense gratitude to her for allowing me the wonderful privilege of being intimate w/ her. I back off. She is 10yrs my junior & still has wondrous powers of performance & Will.
In learning to adjust to my older body that can no longer “nut” = 17days since I last did, w/ 8 hard strenuous sessions attempting-to again since then = has rolled-up a score of something like …. 35-0 between her & I. (We are both retired, & in this era of COVID, otherwise healthy, what else is there to be doing?) Oh but ==== eventho I do not ejaculate – am always dry – I am witness to some fantastic sensations!!!! My body may not `ship’ ejaculate-fluids, but ALL, I mean ALL…… of the other responses are there!
The phenomenon of The Dry Orgasm has gotten my attention.
110%-erection, testicles that draw-up sensationally into the perineum, full-body twitches & sensationalized shakes & jerks, uncontrollable rolling of hips & audibilizations, & internal structures pleasure signaling that goes on & on way longer than my old orgasms uses to …. Orgasms used to last .. mmm-m 12 to 15seconds. Really delightful but now, … it is like my body knows it is not sending squirt or it is reporting to my brain a marvelous phantom-load is coursing thru my urethral pipe so it tries longer. It keeps going. The (dry)orgasm-response now seems (in my mind) to continue on for 30, 40, 45seconds where I’m in a rapture!!!! And, knowing it is not sending squirt, as soon as I can catch my breath = it’s ready to go again. Stiffy remains firm. Right back up to the previous RPM. !!! I’m at full urgency for 6-8minutes. Then another 6-8minutes. Then another. I have a strong heart, a strong back, & no issues w/ high blood-pressure. My ladyfriend is all-in for me getting more & more practice at being .. dry.
Years ago I was married and often didn’t get as much sex as I wanted. By trial and error, with no intent to accomplish what I did, I learned to produce dry orgasms and, ultimately, multiple male orgasms with a single final ejaculation. While masturbating in bed next to my sleeping wife, typically I stroked slowly to minimize shaking the bed, but stopped stroking immediately when I was just at the point of orgasm. I would have a sense of orgasmic release and contentment but no ejaculation. Soon the desire for more was back. Over time I was able to do this repeatedly, as many times in a row as I wanted, until I decided to continue to ejaculation. That ejaculation was totally toe curling, so powerful I was surprised my wife never woke up as it really shook the bed. After I divorced I stopped doing this practice as I was able to get plenty of sex and shaking the bed was no longer an issue.
I find the article interesting, although it’s confusing. What’s the difference between retro ejaculation and a dry orgasm? Where does the sperm go in the second case?
I have had two incredible dry orgasms that have occurred when my sexual partner has given me a handjob rather than a blowjob, and I have to say they were the most mind blowing full body orgasms. Experiences far more wonderful than ordinary ejaculation.
This is perfect! I’m not interested in experiencing it, but very helpful for the topic I’m working on at school. Of course, as a guy, I wouldn’t disregard the idea especially if it’s about pleasure and giving pleasure to the partner.
i have never heard of it before, now i’m curious to learn more about it… interesting read, btw.
Dry orgasm the right way can be advantageous to your man. Why? He can last longer and perform better, perhaps…satisfying you more in bed. This takes time to master and need practice on a man’s part. So, it’s not that easy, but it’s possible.
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Almara AbgarianWednesday 31 Jul 2019 4:35 pm
It’s National Orgasm Day and in honour of the occasion, we’ve explored the many ways men can climax.
Most people are familiar with a standard ejaculation during sex or while masturbating, but there are other options to try – some of which could intensify your experience.
Get comfortable and settle in for some educational fun that could boost your orgasm game, with top tips from Annabelle Knight, sex and relationships expert at the sex toy website, Lovehoney, on how you can get yourself off.
Are you a woman? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered as well (and lucky you, because you have 12 types of orgasms to choose from).
The ejaculatory orgasm can happen during both sex and masturbation, and is essentially the bog-standard climax that most men know and love.
But have you ever wondered what actually happens in the penis when a man comes?
‘When a man is stimulated physically or psychologically, he gets an erection,’ Annabelle tells
‘Blood flows into the corpora – the spongy tissue running the length of the penis – causing the penis to grow in size and become rigid. The testicles are drawn up toward the body as the scrotum tightens.
‘Semen – a mixture of sperm (5%) and fluid (95%) – is forced into the urethra by a series of contractions of the pelvic floor muscles and prostate gland and then leaves the penis in a process called ejaculation.’
It’s not as difficult as you might imagine.
A blended orgasm is essentially when you climax while several areas of your body are being stimulated simultaneously.
For instance, if your partner is playing with your nipples, clitoris or G-spot all at once and you orgasm as a result, but are unsure which area is responsible for the delicious feeling.
‘They can occur when you’re in the middle of fast-paced sex, or when you’re slowly building up to the main event,’ said Annabelle.
‘This is a great way to get loads of erogenous zones lighting up all at once.’
There is a myth that wet dreams only happen to teenage boys during puberty.
While this is usually the case, adults – both women and men – can have them too.
The dream does not need to be erotic for this to happen (only 8% of dreams feature sexual content) so don’t be alarmed if you wake up in a small puddle of sperm after having a dream about running through a field, dressed as a flamingo.
There are two types of multiple orgasms and not all men have had them.
The first version is where you climax, take a break – to hydrate, most likely – and then do it again.
However, if your tank is dry, you might find that you orgasm without a release of semen, which is completely normal.
The second variation is the holy grail of orgasms, as they just keep on coming with no resting period required.
‘If you’re hungry for more, try sequential style first,’ said Annabelle.
‘Orgasm, then take a 30-minute to rest (known as the refactory period when the male body recovers post-orgasm, this time lapse increases as men get older) and enjoy the extra oxytocin (known as the love hormone, it is secreted during sex) flooding the brain.
‘Then go back for round two! Two-thirds of men (67%) have experienced multiple orgasms, according to a survey of 1,000 men by Lovehoney.’
To achieve a pelvic orgasm, you’ll need to work for it.
This can be done through a method known as edging, where you bring yourself to the, well, edge and then stop.
The aim is two-fold; to gain better control of your orgasms and to increase the intensity for when you finally do decide to let go.
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Both men and women have a G-spot that can be stimulated for extra pleasure – but where is it and how should you play with it?
‘The male G-spot is the prostate gland, also known as the P-spot,’ said Annabelle.
‘This pleasurable point is a small walnut-sized gland that is accessed through the anus.
‘It sits inside the body at the base of the bladder and can be most easily stimulated by a partner with a lubed index finger or P-spot toy. It is ultra-sensitive and men can orgasm through it being rubbed gently.
‘Prostate stimulators have been developed specifically for prostate pleasure.’
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