Male Orgasm

Male Orgasm


Male Orgasm
Male Orgasm: What It Feels Like & How to Intensify It

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Male Orgasm: What It Feels Like & How to Intensify It


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Before the scientific advances that led to the development of in vivo fertilization, the male orgasm was directly responsible for the existence of every human being in history.
Of course, without eggs, wombs, birth canals, midwives and everything else that goes into growing a sperm into a living human, none of those orgasms would have amounted to anything. But it’s still an interesting thing to consider, and helps explain, perhaps, the intense importance that many men place on their orgasms.
Of course, modern-day sex is very rarely about procreation. Even so, we’re not exactly looking at a shortage of humans being born, so the importance of a guy ejaculating is quite likely as low as it’s ever been. But it’s still worth asking the question — what is the male orgasm? Why is it such a big deal? How, if at all, is it different from the female orgasm ?
We spoke with two doctors who specialize in such things — a urologist and a sex therapist — to help get to the bottom of all this.
In most mainstream pornography, the male orgasm is the literal and figurative climax of the story, acting as the goal towards which all the participants are working. In real-life sex, that’s often the case, too, but it doesn’t need to be. It is something that requires work, however, since you can’t just orgasm accidentally, First, you need to enter into a state of physical arousal, i.e. achieve an erection.
Then, what happens next relies on your brain in a big way.
“The male orgasm is a sensation that is basically driven by the sympathetic nervous system, activated by your five senses,” says Dr. Koushik Shaw, MD of the Austin Urology Institute . “It is a complex interplay between your brain, your brain stem and your spinal cord. It can be heightened through your sense of touch, smell, and visuals. All your senses can activate the sympathetic nervous system, which in turn helps trigger the sensation of orgasm.”
And how long does this sensation last?
“That is going to be varied between different people and across various excitement states,” says Shaw. “Usually between a few seconds to 30 seconds.”
“Most people describe it as a pulsing, wave-like release of pelvic tension, associated with high levels of sexual arousal and pleasure,” says Dr. Jason Winters, founder and director of the West Coast Centre for Sex Therapy . “It's the release.”
That being said, when you experience an orgasm, you’re not “most people” — you’re you . So your specific experience of orgasm can differ from other people’s.
“This is different for each person,” says Shaw. “It could be a feeling of euphoria, or just a general ‘feeling great.’ Your blood pressure can go up, your heart rate goes up. There could be a tingling sensation in your spine or your brain. It can really be a multitude of sensations and is different for each person.”
He also notes the “release of endorphins and enkephalins — the same hormones that give you a runner's high or are released when you win a prize” that you feel during an orgasm.
“They are the ‘feel good hormones’ that will be released during an orgasm,” he adds. “So, in short — you'll know because you'll feel good.”
You’ll also likely know because you ejaculate — that is, shoot a quantity of semen, a white-ish sticky liquid out of your urethra — though sometimes younger boys can achieve orgasm before they begin producing semen to go with it.
Are there kinds of orgasms you’ve yet to experience, new and unexplored forms of orgasm?
“In terms of what's going on in the brain, no,” says Winters. In short, an orgasm is an orgasm. But, he notes that “from a sensory point of view, however, any add-on sensory stimuli can make the experience feel different. This can be from stimulating other parts of the body (i.e., other than the penis) during orgasm, for example, or different ways of stimulating the penis.”
Basically, an orgasm you get from masturbation might feel different from one you get from a blowjob, which might feel different from one you get from penetrative sex, which might feel different from one you get from a handjob with additional prostate stimulation.
Apart from that, Shaw notes that your orgasms are likely to change slightly as you age.
“Orgasms are generally better when you're younger, and not as strong as you get older,” he says. “Also, heart disease, diabetes, a high-fat diet, lack of exercise and anything that can affect your neurovascular system and sensation pathways negatively can diminish your sense of orgasm.”
While most people associate orgasming and ejaculating together, they’re actually different things. Though this might be relatively rare cases, it is possible to ejaculate without orgasming, and also to orgasm without ejaculating.
“Orgasm without ejaculation is called 'dry orgasm',” says Winters. “It's achieved by flexing the PC [pubococygeus muscle] during orgasm. This pinches the urethra shut, preventing ejaculation.”
Not sure what that means? Essentially, you’re performing the same move you’d do in order to stop peeing. If you know how to do that, you already know how to flex your PC muscle — now it’s just a question of trying to do it during your orgasm. Easier said than done, perhaps, but still possible if you’re willing to put in the effort.
However, in some cases an ejaculation-free orgasm might be an accident rather than an intentional outcome.
“Alternatively, it can be the result of a problem called retrograde ejaculation (ejaculate goes up the urethra into the bladder, rather than out the urethra),” says Winter. “It's also possible to ejaculate without orgasm.”
Shaw notes that ejaculating without having an orgasm could occur post-pelvic surgery.
“Prostate surgery can have this effect,” he says. “In other words, some medical procedures can have you lose your orgasm, but still ejaculate.”
And on top of physical procedures having an impact, chemical ones can affect your orgasm, too.
“People on certain antidepressants may keep their erection for minutes or hours and potentially delay their ejaculation for quite some time,” explains Shaw. “Sometimes, we use low-dose antidepressant medication to help treat people for premature ejaculation .”
When it comes to sex, particularly between a man and a woman, people often focus on the differences between the male experience and the female experience.
But when it comes to the difference between the male orgasm and the female orgasm, apparently, there’s not much to focus on.
“There isn't really much [difference] at all,” says Winters. “The few brain-imaging studies that are available show wide-spread activation of a whole bunch of regions of the brain in both males and females. There isn't really much to differentiate the patterns of activation when you compare the sexes.”
That being said, what’s going on in the brain and what’s going on in the rest of the body are different things.
“If you compare female orgasm with male orgasm and ejaculation (which is a separate, but related, process), then differences emerge,” says Winters.
Which isn’t to say that women can’t also ejaculate — but female ejaculation is a wholly different phenomenon.
Perhaps the main difference between men’s orgasms and women’s orgasms is how many they’re able to give themselves.
While men might have a hard time giving women orgasms, women are quite good at giving themselves orgasms, courtesy of an elevated capacity to be multi-orgasmic.
“Some people have the capacity to be multiorgasmic,” says Shaw. “Women tend to be more so than men, however, men can definitely have multiple orgasms.”
If you don’t have a ton of orgasm experience (or even if you do), that may be news to you. After orgasming, most guys experience “a refractory period, which is ‘how long before you can go at it again’” notes Shaw. “That can be anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours when you’re younger to a few days as you get older.”
During the refractory period, Winters says “the body enters a state of sexual inhibition.”
“Arousal can't continue or happen,” he states. “This is why guys typically lose their erections after ejaculation and no amount of stimulation will get them hard again.”
So are multiple orgasms on the table at all? Well, it seems to all come down to your ejaculation.
“The refractory period can be circumvented by preventing ejaculation during orgasm,” says Winters. “This can be achieved by pinching the urethra shut with fingers, or by learning (i.e., training) to flex the PC hard enough to prevent ejaculation.”
Regardless of whether you ever achieve multi-orgasmic status, if you’ve had enough individual orgasms, you’re likely to realize that some of them feel more intense than others. Which raises the question — why? And the follow-up question: Can I make my orgasms more intense ?
For starters, orgasm intensity is, according to Shaw, “complex, and also affected by testosterone.”
“Higher testosterone levels at a younger age can lead to a more intense orgasm,” he says, while “age-related lower testosterone, stress, lack of sleep, etc. can affect it negatively.”
As a result, “it is important to take good care of your penis and your sexual life, along with your health, to maximize the quality of your orgasms,” he adds.
That being said, it’s definitely possible to amp up certain factors in order to make your orgasms more intense. For one, using an erection-enhancing sex toy like a cock ring could potentially help. But more broadly, a lot of orgasm intensity is tied to build-up. Meaning if you just came a few minutes ago, having another orgasm not long after is likely to produce a relatively weak one. If you’re orgasming several times a day, you’re likely to have weaker ones in general.
Staving off orgasm over a long period, whether by avoiding masturbation and sex or by using a technique called “edging,” can help produce an extra-powerful one when you do.
At the end of the day, everyone’s orgasm will be a unique experience brought on by a combination of factors — their sexual triggers, their surroundings, how much stimulation they’ve experienced since the last orgasm, and so forth.
But no matter the exact feeling, weak or strong, having the opportunity to bask in one of the best sensations known to humankind isn’t so bad, is it?

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Types of Male Orgasms, Health Benefits, and More
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Medically reviewed by Kristin Hall, FNP
Believe it or not, orgasms aren’t a one-size-fits-all deal, fellas. There are several different types of orgasms, achieved in different ways, utilizing different techniques, even with the intent of delivering different results. 
Before we dig in, we think it’s worth noting that, as you would imagine, there isn’t too much scientific research out there about these types of orgasms (who knew that researchers aren’t foaming at the mouth for the opportunity to explore the once-mythic “Prostate Orgasm”?) , and these aren’t all the different types of orgasms you can experience throughout your sexual escapades.
These are just some of the more common and talked about ones. Either way, you get the point.
This is your standard orgasm. You stimulate the nerve endings in your penis to your liking orgasm while ejaculating in the way we all know and love, and then enjoy the blissful afterglow. There’s not much else to say here.
A pelvic orgasm is achieved through a technique called edging — a sexual technique we’ve actually talked about at length. 
Essentially, edging is a sex technique that can be done solo or wither a partner where you stimulate yourself right to the edge of climax, but don’t actually finish. Once you come close, you stop, allow yourself time to settle down and then repeat the process.
Proponents of the edging technique claim that orgasms are eventually much more intense and pleasurable.
While every other type of orgasm on this list is fun and/or safe, retrograde orgasms aren’t a good thing and may require medical attention.
With a retrograde orgasm , you stimulate yourself to climax, and when you come, instead of the semen exiting your penis, it somehow makes its way back into the bladder — resulting in a minimally, if not entirely, dry orgasm.
It’s technically considered a sexual dysfunction, and if you’re experiencing these, it’s worth contacting a healthcare professional immediately.
Colloquially called the P-Spot , your prostate gland is a little walnut-sized object located just beneath your bladder, and it essentially surrounds the top part of your urethra. 
Basically, it produces a large portion of what comes out of us when we ejaculate. 
Accessible through the anus — yup, the butt — many men find that when pressure is applied to the prostate through either indirect or direct pressure, the pleasure is intense enough to achieve orgasm without penile stimulation. 
We know. Like, what? But also… Hmmmm…
Now that you know what a prostate orgasm is — and how it differs from a regular orgasm — let’s blow your mind a little more.
You can combine the two. That’s right. It’s called a blended orgasm. Stimulating your p-spot while stimulating yourself conventionally, if timed right, can yield two separate and intense orgasms at the same time . 
This is where things get somewhat mythical. We’ve all heard the idea of Tantric sex — the idea of concentrating enough energy in the mental area of the sexual experience to climax without classic physical stimulation.
Essentially, this is what an energy orgasm is. In the Tantric community , it’s an achievable, common thing that requires patience, practice, and training. 
But in the scientific community, the research is much less concrete. In fact, we couldn’t find anything outside of anecdotal evidence. Take that for what you will.
The Shangri-La of the male sexual experience, being able to pull off the mythical “multiple orgasms” is a big deal for guys.
Essentially it’s achieving the ability to climax multiple times in quick succession. Sounds impossible, right?
That’s because men have what’s called the refractory period . Essentially, it’s the time between when we climax and when we can achieve an erection again. Every man’s refractory period is different and depends on several factors.
That said, being multi-orgasmic involves finding a way to orgasm without ejaculating the first time, therefore sort of sidestepping our refractory period. Of course, it’s way, way easier said than done, and like most of the other entries on this list, the science on it is lacking at best .
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Sex is great, especially when capped with a happy ending (an orgasm, not an X-rated massage). An orgasm is a phenomenal health-boosting event, according to many studies.
An orgasm can boost your immune system by increasing the number of antibodies in your bloodstream, relieve your stress and help you sleep by releasing large amounts of oxytocin and other positive hormones, improve your self-esteem, and even may reduce your risk of prostate cancer — if you ejaculate often enough.
Unfortunately, many people — most commonly (but not always) women — don’t get to enjoy these health benefits as often as they might want or deserve.
We know what you’re thinking: what’s the difference? When we orgasm, we ejaculate, right?
Well, that’s exactly it. Orgasming and ejaculating are two separate physiological processes in our bodies. Even though they usually happen succinctly, they’re still two separate things.
Orgasm is characterized as an intense culmination of peak pleasure as a response to physical stimulation of the penis. Ejaculation, however, is simply the process by which semen is expelled from the penis. 
And although they commonly occur together, their relationship isn’t mutually exclusive. You can have an orgasm without ejaculating, and likewise, you can ejaculate without orgasm.
And since we’re talking about all this, we figured we might as well give you the short-and-sweet on how to achieve your own orgasm. After all, you know what they say: “practice makes perfect.” 
An orgasm all starts with arousal. When your brain sees something sexually attractive to it, it’ll send signals down your spine into your sex organs, which leads to an erection . 
After your penis is erect and is stimulated in one way or another, you work up to what’s called the plateau — the moments leading up to climax, in which your muscles in your pelvic region tense, your heart rate increases, and pre-ejaculatory fluid may be present. 
Finally, we have the orgasm. Once you’ve reached peak stimulation, your body enters what’s popularly called the “point of no return,” whereby semen is deposited toward the top of your urethra, until it is expelled as your penis muscles contract rapidly.
What’s the best way to improve the likelihood of reaching orgasm for both you and your partner? A great orgasm, like a great relationship, is built on communication.
There’s no one-size-fits-all solution to the orgasm gap because everyone is different physically, psychologically, emotionally, and yes, sexually. 
But communicating openly and honestly with your partner can go a long way towards ensuring both of you have an enjoyable and orgasmic sexual experience.
In study after study after study , couples that communicate more effectively have been found to have more satisfying sex lives and a higher likelihood of reaching orgasm consistently.
This lines up with data from Durex’s worldwide study, which showed that feelings of respect, intimacy and excitement during sex are strongly correlated with sexual satisfaction. 
Sexual satisfaction, in Durex’s study, is also strongly correlated with how comfortable someone is about telling their partner their sexual preferences.
Communication might involve a conversation about each others’ sexual wants and needs, paying closer attention to your partner’s verbal and physical cues during sex or guiding your partner’s hands on your body — you know, like Patrick Swayze did with Demi Moore and a chunk of clay in that movie no one remembers anything else about.
If you can identify particular physical issues, such as erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation , hindering you and your partner’s sexual satisfaction, there are multiple ways to address those issues
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