Male Female

Male Female


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Перевод "male or female" на русский
This Law defines a juvenile as any male or female under eighteen years old.
По определению, содержащемуся в Законе, несовершеннолетним лицом считается любой мужчина или женщина в возрасте до восемнадцати лет.
Under Roman law, a hermaphrodite had to be classed as either male or female.
В соответствии с римским правом гермафродит должен был классифицироваться как мужчина или женщина.
The law punishes a person who uses force against a male or female defendant to compel the defendant to confess.
Законом предусмотрено наказание для лица, применяющего силу по отношению к обвиняемому мужского или женского пола в целях принуждения обвиняемого к даче признательных показаний.
In the first phase of student selection for faculties, no privilege is given to male or female candidates.
На первом этапе отбора кандидатов на зачисление на тот или иной факультет преимущество не отдается абитуриентам мужского или женского пола.
She still holds more distance and speed records than any pilot living or dead, male or female.
Ей все ещё принадлежит большее количество рекордов дальности перелета и скорости, чем у любого другого пилота, мужчины или женщины.
No more body or spirit, pen or sword, male or female.
Больше нет тела и духа, пера и меча... мужчины или женщины.
Currently, any Afghan citizen, male or female, can voluntarily receive a national ID.
В настоящее время любой афганский гражданин, мужчина или женщина, может добровольно получить национальный документ, удостоверяющий личность.
In companies that employ at least 100 people, each employee (male or female) having worked for one year with the same employer is entitled to receive "parental leave".
В компаниях, где заняты по крайней мере 100 человек, каждый работник (мужчина или женщина), проработавший не менее одного года у одного и того же работодателя, имеет право на получение "родительского отпуска".
Скоростной поезд, мужчина или женщина?
The truth... is my daughter was an exemplary pilot, as competent and capable as anyone out there, any age, male or female.
Правда в том, что моя дочь была образцовой лётчицей, грамотная и способная, как никто другой, любого возраста, мужчина или женщина.
The one exception is that a government of Pakistan employee (male or female) may not marry a foreigner.
Единственное исключение состоит в том, что сотрудник правительства Пакистана (мужчина или женщина) не имеет права состоять в браке с иностранцем.
Refusal to hire or subjecting offers of employment to condition of gender (male or female) is a discrimination that shall be punished as a crime.
Отказ в трудоустройстве или увязывание возможностей трудоустройства с признаками пола (мужчина или женщина) представляет собой акт дискриминации, подлежащий наказанию в качестве правонарушения.
a. The male or female insured person reaches the age of 60 years.
а. Застрахованное лицо мужского или женского пола достигло возраста 60 лет.
Article 2: The retirement age shall be the age at which a male or female insured person is pensioned off.
Статья 2: Возрастом выхода на пенсию является возраст, в котором застрахованное лицо мужского или женского пола увольняется на пенсию.
Accordingly, prior to marriage, a natural person (male or female) forms part of the family of his or her parents.
Соответственно до вступления в брак физическое лицо (мужчина или женщина) является частью семьи своих родителей.
Can't even tell if the driver's male or female.
Невозможно сказать, кто был за рулем, мужчина или женщина
Excuse me but are F1 racers, male or female?
Простите, но гонщики Ф1, мужчины или женщины?
Artists can use either male or female models.
Художникам разрешено использовать как мужские, так и женские модели.
Adopters can be a couple or single, male or female.
Усыновителем может быть супружеская пара или один родитель, будь то мужчина или женщина.
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A gender symbol is a pictogram or glyph used to represent biological sex and gender in biology or medicine, in genealogy, or in the sociological fields of gender politics, LGBT subculture and identity politics.
In his Mantissa Plantarum (1767) and Mantissa Plantarum altera (1771), Carl Linnaeus regularly used ♂, ♀ and (briefly) ☿ (subsequently ×) for 'male', 'female' and hybrid plants respectively.[1]
Pictograms used to indicate male and female public toilets became widely used beginning in the 1960s.[2]
The three standard sex symbols are the male symbol ♂ and the female symbol ♀, and the hybrid symbol ×. They were first used to denote the effective sex of plants (i.e. sex of individual in a given crossbreed, since most plants are hermaphroditic) by Carl Linnaeus in 1751.[1] The male and female symbols are still used in scientific publications to indicate the sex of an individual, for example of a patient.[3] In biology, Linnaeus initially used the mercury symbol, ☿, for hybrid but abandoned it in favour of the multiplication sign, ×, and this is the style used today (for example, Platanus × acerifolia for the London plane, a natural hybrid of P. orientalis (oriental plane) and P. occidentalis (American sycamore).[4][5])
Pedigree charts published in scientific papers now more commonly use a square for male and a circle for female.[6]
These symbols are derived from the initial letters of the Ancient Greek names of the classical planets Mars, Venus and Mercury and associated with the alchemical elements iron, copper and quicksilver (mercury), respectively.[1] Joseph Justus Scaliger speculated that the male symbol is associated with Mars, god of war because it resembles a shield and spear; and that the female symbol is associated with Venus, goddess of beauty because it resembles a bronze mirror with a handle.[7] Later scholars dismiss this as fanciful,[1][a] preferring "the conclusion of the French classical scholar Claude de Saumaise (Salmasius, 1588–1683) that these symbols [...] are derived from contractions in Greek script of the Greek names of the planets".[1][b]
The use of shapes as gender symbols may have originated from kinship diagrams in anthropology,[9] where a circle represents a female and a triangle represents a male.[10] The earliest form of kinship diagram that displays this is from 1871: Morgan's System of Consanguinity and Affinity of Human Family.[11] W. H. R River's system migrated to big letters for male, small letters for female, while in algebreic-type equations, the numerator denotes male and the denominator female.[12] Later, in C. G. Seligman's 1910 Dance Diagram, outlined circles illustrated females and shaded circles indicated males.[13]
Gender pictograms are frequently used to mark public toilets.
Non-AIGA women's public restroom symbol
Non-AIGA men's public restroom symbol
Since the 1970s, variations of gender symbols have also been used to express sexual orientation and political ideology. The first instance of this was the use of two interlocking male symbols to represent male homosexuality.[14] Since the 2000s, numerous such variants have been introduced in the context of LGBT culture and politics. Some of these symbols have been adopted into Unicode (in the Miscellaneous Symbols block) beginning with version 4.1 (2005).
for information on entering these symbols in a document, see Unicode input
Male and female;[15] intersex;[15] androgynous;[15] hermaphrodite (in entomology).[15]
Assexuality, sexless, genderless; engaged, betrothed.[17]
Man and woman symbol with divider; unisex restroom.[20][d]
^ The visual equivalent of a backronym
^ Thouros (Mars) was abbreviated as θρ, and Phosphoros (Venus) by Φ, in handwriting.[8][1]
^ These are the meanings associated with the glyph by the Unicode Consortium. Meanings that other organizations have associated with them subsequently, are not included.
^ This symbol is often seen on an outer door leading to separate facilities behind inner doors
^ a b c d e f g Stearn, William T. (May 1962). "The Origin of the Male and Female Symbols of Biology". Taxon. 11 (4): 109–113. doi:10.2307/1217734. JSTOR 1217734. S2CID 87030547. The origin of these symbols has long been of interest to scholars. Probably none now accepts the interpretation of Scaliger that ♂ represents the shield and spear of Mars and ♀ Venus's looking glass.
^ Sex-segregated public bathrooms existed since at least the 1880s, originally labelled in writing. The stick-figure pictograms were popularized with their introduction by British Rail in the 1960s. The genius behind the stick figure toilet signs, BBC Future (2014): "One of the best early examples of intuitive global signs for public lavatories was that created for British Rail in the mid-1960s. [...] In the 1970s, the British example was developed on a more comprehensive basis in the United States. In 1974, the US Department of Transportation commissioned the American Institute of Graphic Arts to create a set of pictograms to be used throughout public transport networks whether road, rail, air or sea." "In Poland, meanwhile, you can come across lavatories indicating 'gents' with a triangle and 'ladies' with a circle, while in Lithuania men are represented by an inverted pyramid and women by a pyramid standing the right way up."
^ Zhigang, Zhigang; et al. (25 September 2009). "A HIV-1 heterosexual transmission chain in Guangzhou, China: a molecular epidemiological study". Virology Journal. BioMed Central. 6 (148): Figure 1. doi:10.1186/1743-422X-6-148. PMC 2761389. PMID 19778458. (Mars male gender symbol) indicates male; (female Venus gender symbol) indicates female
^ McNeill, J.; et al. (Barrie, F.R.; Buck, W.R.; Demoulin, V.; Greuter, W.; Hawksworth, D.L.; Herendeen, P.S.; Knapp, S.; Marhold, K.; Prado, J.; Prud'homme Van Reine, W.F.; Smith, G.F.; Wiersema, J.H.; Turland, N.J.) (2012). International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Melbourne Code) adopted by the Eighteenth International Botanical Congress Melbourne, Australia, July 2011. Regnum Vegetabile 154. A.R.G. Gantner Verlag KG. ISBN 978-3-87429-425-6.
^ "'Columbia' and 'Liberty' Planetree" (PDF). U.S. National Arboretum. 1999. Retrieved 19 March 2017.
^ Schott, G D (24 Dec 2005). "Sex symbols ancient and modern: their origins and iconography on the pedigree". BMJ. British Medical Journal. 331 (7531): 1509–1510. doi:10.1136/bmj.331.7531.1509. PMC 1322246. PMID 16373733.
^ Taylor, Robert B. (2016), "Now and Future Tales", White Coat Tales, Springer International Publishing, pp. 293–310, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-29055-3_12, ISBN 978-3-319-29053-9
^ H W Renkema, Oorsprong, beteekenis en toepassing van de in de botanie gebuikelijke teekens ter aanduiding van het geslacht en den levensduur, in: Jeswiet J, ed., Gedenkboek J Valckenier Suringar. Wageningen: Nederlandsche Dendrologische Vereeniging, 1942: 96-108.
^ "Kin Diagrams". Retrieved 2019-12-02.
^ "Kin Diagrams". Retrieved 2019-12-02.
^ Morgan, Lewis Henry (1870). Systems of consanguinity and affinity of the human family. University of California Libraries. [Washington, Smithsonian Institution.
^ Wilson, Ara (2018-07-24). "Visual Kinship". History of Anthropology Review. Retrieved 2019-12-02.
^ "C. G. Seligman". Retrieved 2019-12-02.
^ "Symbolism". LGBTQA+ WebCenter. Eastern Illinois University. Archived from the original on 12 February 2016. Retrieved 31 December 2015. Double interlocking female symbols are often been used [sic] to symbolize lesbianism, but some feminists have instead used the double female symbols to represent sisterhood among women and three interlocking female symbols to denote lesbianism. In the 1970’s, some lesbian feminists used three interlocking female symbols to represent their rejection of male standards of monogamy.
^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s "Gender symbols". Retrieved 2020-06-28.
^ "Unicode Utilities: Character Properties". Unicode Codepoint 263F. Retrieved 2020-05-03.
^ a b "Miscellaneous Symbols – Range: 2600–26FF – 26AA" (PDF). Unicode Consortium. Retrieved 2020-07-01.
^ a b "Transport and Map Symbols – Range: 1F680–1F6FF – 1F6B9" (PDF). Unicode Consortium. Retrieved 2020-07-01.
^ a b "Transport and Map Symbols – Range: 1F680–1F6FF – 1F6BA" (PDF). Unicode Consortium. Retrieved 2020-07-01.
^ a b "Transport and Map Symbols – Range: 1F680–1F6FF – 1F6BB" (PDF). Unicode Consortium. Retrieved 2020-07-01.
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