Male Chastity Enforcement Act

Male Chastity Enforcement Act



In the gynarchy, politics, leadership, law, and management will be the realm of women. While the support of enlightened men will be important to the transition to gynarchy, ultimately the ability of men to vote will be logically removed. Some laws will need to be enacted to ensure the total compliance of men to the new order. Absolutely essential to bringing about the gynarchy and all it's benefits are three laws: Barring men from voting and holding office, chastity belt enforcement for adult men, and the right to spank men. Removing the ability of men to vote, or hold office, is important for its symbolism, but also vital to removing the male ego from ruining the world through greed and violence. This will also make bringing about other important changes to law much easier. It would be irresponsible of women not to insist on universal male chastity. This will not only help reign in men who were raised in the declining years of the patriarchy, but will also be the essential carrot by which the man is kept in check in all aspects of society. This will lead to a massive decline in STDs, rape, infidelity, relationship problems, and macho male behavior. Additionally, sexual harassment of women by men, as well as speaking or showing disrespectful behavior towards women, will be forbidden and made legally punishable. On the other hand, sexual harassment of men by women will be legally protected, and generally encouraged in society. Additionally, the right of women to spank men, within legally described limits of safety and situation, will be fully protected. On the other hand, violence or physical force of any kind against a woman by a man will carry heavy punishments. While different places may have additional gynarchy based laws, these simple changes will be all that is necessary to bring about the positive social effects the gynarchy can bring. Little else will change, but crime, poverty, war, and many other social problems will be drastically reduced or even eliminated all together. It seems a very small price to pay for an end to so much human suffering. Men will still be totally free to make life choices for themselves, and to come and go, within the limits of their own lives. As in any society, there will be some people who don't agree with the principles of the culture, and imagine that things would be better without the gynarchy. Due to female supremacy education, and the great benefits the society imparts towards women, few women will feel strongly enough this way to undermine the gains of the gynarchy. Similarly, most men will realize the great virtue of female leadership, and will be increasingly raised to find it normal and preferable. Nonetheless, there will be male agitators and an undercurrent of 'male liberation' gender equality supporters. While any agitators will be given a stern response, peaceful male disagreement will be tolerated, albeit widely ridiculed in culture and public discourse. Due to the end of male suffrage, and the teaching of history showing the horrors of the patriarchy, these ideas will not be widespread or ever achieve any meaningful political traction.

Female Supremacy Politics

Global Gynarchy Government

Male Suffrage

Leadership & Authority

Female Vigilance

Universal Male Cage Chastity Laws

Police & Law Enforcement

Police Proceedures

State Security & Armed Forces

Courts & Legal System

Court Ordered Punishment

Male Retraining Institutes

MRI Introductory Processing

MRI Therapy & Treatment

MRI Patients' Life

MRI Re-Training & Re-Education

MRI Patients Reformed & Cured


Men's Lib & the So-Called 'Equality' Movement


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Enforced Male Chastity - How to Deal With a Whining Man
By Sarah Jameson  |  Submitted On September 05, 2012
What do you do if your man is locked in strict male chastity, suffering long-term orgasm denial... and he's got to the point where he's constantly pestering you for attention and to let him orgasm?
Enforced male chastity - the downside
Yes, this is definitely one of the downsides to male chastity. It's annoying, to be sure, but in the interests of making the male chastity lifestyle work for you both, a little understanding goes a long way.
The first thing to understand is your man can't help whining like this, in the same way we women can't help being bitchy when we're pre-menstrual or completely obsessed when we desperately want a baby.
We are slaves to our hormones, alas.
Now, this does not mean you should just give in and let him orgasm, because that not only means he's not getting what he really wants - strict long-term orgasm denial - but it also means you're not getting your half of the bargain, too.
And believe me, he really does want the denial. He's begged you for it, most likely, and he's been thinking and fantasising about it for many, many years, most likely.
So I recommend you sit him down patiently and remind him this is what he begged you for. Tell him he can stop right now if he wants to, BUT if he does, then YOU stop playing the game, too.
It's important he realises this IS a game and a game requires at least two people to play it. More to the point, as with any rational people acting in their own self-interests, there must be quid pro quo - meaning you are both entitled to get something out of it.
What that 'something' might be is a matter strictly between the two of you, but it comes from the answer to the question, "what's in it for me?". Male chastity is a lot of hard work for a woman, and she's entitled to her own reward.
This refusal to play is the ultimate sanction, and one of the most powerful ways to apply is it to remove his device hand him the key, and tell him he now may masturbate to orgasm - but if he does, then the game is over.
Faced with that, no man I am aware of has ever taken than option. They have always sheepishly put the device back on and handed back the key - and I have suggested this to many women by email and those who have done it tell me it's worked like a charm.
The really important thing is NOT to get angry with him. That doesn't help either of you and often ends up spoiling an extremely enjoyable game for no good reason.
There are many pitfalls, blind alleys, and dead ends when it comes to enforced male chastity, and that's why a little help from an expert can work wonders.
So... click the blue link and claim your FREE male chastity guide and discover the truth about enforced male chastity [].
But HURRY! I'm giving away this Guide to anyone who visits my website. So if you're serious about enforced male chastity, be sure to get it as soon as you can.
Your FREE guide is waiting for you here: []
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MLA Style Citation:
Jameson, Sarah "Enforced Male Chastity - How to Deal With a Whining Man." Enforced Male Chastity - How to Deal With a Whining Man. 5 Sep. 2012 2 May. 2021 .
APA Style Citation:
Jameson, S. (2012, September 5). Enforced Male Chastity - How to Deal With a Whining Man. Retrieved May 2, 2021, from­Male-­Chastity-­-­-­How-­to-­Deal-­With-­a-­Whining-­Man&id=7268360
Chicago Style Citation:
Jameson, Sarah "Enforced Male Chastity - How to Deal With a Whining Man." Enforced Male Chastity - How to Deal With a Whining Man­Male-­Chastity-­-­-­How-­to-­Deal-­With-­a-­Whining-­Man&id=7268360
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