Male Chastity Enforcement

Male Chastity Enforcement


Male Chastity Enforcement

Enforced Male Chastity - How to Deal With a Whining Man

MLA Style Citation:

Jameson, Sarah "Enforced Male Chastity - How to Deal With a Whining Man."
Enforced Male Chastity - How to Deal With a Whining Man .
5 Sep. 2012
9 Sep. 2022 <­Male-­Chastity-­-­-­How-­to-­Deal-­With-­a-­Whining-­Man&id=7268360 >.

APA Style Citation:

Jameson, S. (2012, September 5). Enforced Male Chastity - How to Deal With a Whining Man .
Retrieved September 9, 2022, from­Male-­Chastity-­-­-­How-­to-­Deal-­With-­a-­Whining-­Man&id=7268360

Chicago Style Citation:

Jameson, Sarah "Enforced Male Chastity - How to Deal With a Whining Man." Enforced Male Chastity - How to Deal With a Whining Man .­Male-­Chastity-­-­-­How-­to-­Deal-­With-­a-­Whining-­Man&id=7268360

Sarah Jameson  |  

Submitted On September 05, 2012

What do you do if your man is locked in strict male chastity, suffering long-term orgasm denial... and he's got to the point where he's constantly pestering you for attention and to let him orgasm?
Enforced male chastity - the downside
Yes, this is definitely one of the downsides to male chastity. It's annoying, to be sure, but in the interests of making the male chastity lifestyle work for you both, a little understanding goes a long way.
The first thing to understand is your man can't help whining like this, in the same way we women can't help being bitchy when we're pre-menstrual or completely obsessed when we desperately want a baby.
We are slaves to our hormones, alas.
Now, this does not mean you should just give in and let him orgasm, because that not only means he's not getting what he really wants - strict long-term orgasm denial - but it also means you're not getting your half of the bargain, too.
And believe me, he really does want the denial. He's begged you for it, most likely, and he's been thinking and fantasising about it for many, many years, most likely.
So I recommend you sit him down patiently and remind him this is what he begged you for. Tell him he can stop right now if he wants to, BUT if he does, then YOU stop playing the game, too.
It's important he realises this IS a game and a game requires at least two people to play it. More to the point, as with any rational people acting in their own self-interests, there must be quid pro quo - meaning you are both entitled to get something out of it.
What that 'something' might be is a matter strictly between the two of you, but it comes from the answer to the question, "what's in it for me?". Male chastity is a lot of hard work for a woman, and she's entitled to her own reward.
This refusal to play is the ultimate sanction, and one of the most powerful ways to apply is it to remove his device hand him the key, and tell him he now may masturbate to orgasm - but if he does, then the game is over.
Faced with that, no man I am aware of has ever taken than option. They have always sheepishly put the device back on and handed back the key - and I have suggested this to many women by email and those who have done it tell me it's worked like a charm.
The really important thing is NOT to get angry with him. That doesn't help either of you and often ends up spoiling an extremely enjoyable game for no good reason.
There are many pitfalls, blind alleys, and dead ends when it comes to enforced male chastity, and that's why a little help from an expert can work wonders.
So... click the blue link and claim your FREE male chastity guide and discover the truth about enforced male chastity [].
But HURRY! I'm giving away this Guide to anyone who visits my website. So if you're serious about enforced male chastity, be sure to get it as soon as you can.
Your FREE guide is waiting for you here: []
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I’m in a D/s relationship. I’m not submissive around the clock, but my partner owns my cock. We’ve purchased several male chastity devices, but I can pretty easily get my cock out of them. My partner did some investigating and learned that the only effective devices work with a Prince Albert piercing—a ring through the head of the penis that locks into the device, preventing the sub from pulling his cock out. My partner now wants me to get a PA. I don’t want to get my cock pierced and I’ve said so, but I haven’t safe-worded on it. I would very reluctantly do it to please her. My partner made an appointment for a piercing three months from now, on our second anniversary. She told me that we can cancel it if I can find an effective chastity device that doesn’t require a piercing. Do you or any of your contacts in the fetish world know of any devices that are inescapable?
> Piercing Appendage Unnecessarily Scares Eager Sub
“I’ve never come across a standard male chastity device I couldn’t pull out of,” said Ruffled Sheets, “so PAUSES’s partner has obviously researched regular chastity devices well.”
Sheets is an IT consultant who lives in the United Kingdom with his partner of 15 years. Male chastity devices have fascinated him for more than two decades and, as of this writing, he owns 37 different kinds of cock cages. His partner frequently keeps his cock locked up for weeks or months at a time—and if there were such a thing as a commercially available male chastity device that was inescapable, Sheets would know about it.
“However, all is not lost,” said Sheets. “Piercing is one of two ways to ensure the penis cannot escape. The other is a full chastity belt. Now, full belts aren’t without their drawbacks: they are generally more expensive, are harder to conceal under clothes, and take longer to get used to, especially at night. But they are secure. I have three custom-fitted chastity belts and, once properly fitted, they’re inescapable.” Sheets’ chastity belts were made for him by Behind Barz ( ) and Fancy Steel ( ).
But if most commercially available male chastity devices aren’t inescapable, what’s the point? Why would a person bother to wear one?
“You can only partially escape,” said Sheets. “It’s possible to pull out the penis but not remove the device,” which is anchored around the balls and base of the shaft. “And a partially removed device is awkward and uncomfortable.”
For many male subs and their Doms, the symbolism of a male chastity device is what matters most, not its inescapability. And as with other forms of sex play and most aspects of healthy relationships, the honour system makes it work.
“As in any negotiated relationship, you can cheat,” said Sheets. “But why cheat? They’re easy to keep on if you’re genuinely interested in submitting.”
Fun fact: locking a guy’s cock in an inescapable device doesn’t prevent him from coming.
“A device can be locked in place with a belt or a piercing, but orgasms are still possible,” said Sheets. “I’ve yet to discover any kind of device that can prevent the wearer from achieving orgasm if he’s holding a powerful wand massager against it, especially after weeks without coming.”
So if your Dominant is locking up your cock to prevent you from coming, PAUSES, she’ll also need to lock up her vibrators.
There are two other things Sheets wanted you to be aware of as you begin to explore male chastity, PAUSES.
“Lots of men are shy about being submissive,” said Sheets, “so they’ll say things like, ‘I’m normally dominant in real life,’ kind of like PAUSES opened his letter by saying he isn’t submissive ‘around the clock’. I just wanted to make sure he understood that chastity is a long-term game. For most of us in chastity devices, it’s a 24/7 affair—literally around the clock.” If you said you weren’t submissive around the clock because you didn’t want to admit that you are, in fact, submissive around the clock, PAUSES, chastity play won’t be a problem. But if you meant it—if you’re not capable of remaining in a submissive headspace for more than a few hours—you’ll need to ask your partner, before the padlock clicks shut, just how long she intends to keep your cock locked up.
“Being locked also has another side effect that you wouldn’t perhaps anticipate,” Sheets added. “Whenever you become turned on, you feel your cage or belt against your penis. It can be anything from a gentle reminder to a vicelike grip, depending on your arousal level. And whenever this happens, your mind automatically turns to your key holder, even if they’re not around.”
Ruffled Sheets blogs at , where he reviews male chastity devices and other sex toys. Follow him on Twitter @ruffledsheets .
My girlfriend of four months has unofficially moved in with me. We began as a long-distance thing; I live in New York City and she lived in the Deep South. What began as her visiting me for the holidays ended up with her staying with me indefinitely. She comes from a very poor family, and going back home means sleeping in her grandma’s living room. Things are going well, but we are moving fast. I’m not sure how I feel about this. On one hand, I’m loving it and loving her. On the other hand, I feel like she could be using me. She has found part-time work. She hasn’t pitched in for rent—I also have a roommate—but she has pitched in for groceries. Do I ask her for rent money? Do I send her back to her grandma’s place? I don’t know what to do because I feel like I am housing a refugee.
Instead of ending things now to protect yourself from retroactively feeling shitty about this relationship if it ends at some point in the future, SHIN, you should have a convo with your girlfriend about rent, reality, and roommates. Tell her that it can’t go on like this indefinitely—living in your apartment rent-free—as it’s unfair to your roommate and that kind of support is too much to expect from someone she’s been seeing for only four months. Tell her you appreciate the ways she’s kicking in now—helping with groceries—but eventually she’ll need to start kicking in on rent, too, and then set a realistic date for her to start paying rent. You should also encourage her to think about getting her own place. Not because you want to stop seeing her—you’re loving it and loving her—but because a premature commitment (and cohabitating is a commitment) can sabotage a relationship. You also don’t want her to feel so dependent on you that she can’t end things if she needs to. You want her to be with you because she wants to be with you, not because she’s trapped.
You ran a letter from a man whose wife wouldn’t let him spank her. I’m a woman whose husband won’t spank me. I found a man like WISHOTK, and we meet up for spanking sessions. Neither of our spouses know. It’s only spanking, no sex. How bad should I feel?
> Really Erotic Dalliances But, Um, Married
Very bad. In fact, REDBUM, I think you should be spanked for getting spanked behind your husband’s back—then spanked again for getting spanked for getting spanked behind your husband’s back. And then spanked some more.
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MLA Style Citation:

Jameson, Sarah "How to Punish a Man in Chastity."
How to Punish a Man in Chastity .
1 Mar. 2011
9 Sep. 2022 <­to-­Punish-­a-­Man-­in-­Chastity&id=6021751 >.

APA Style Citation:

Jameson, S. (2011, March 1). How to Punish a Man in Chastity .
Retrieved September 9, 2022, from­to-­Punish-­a-­Man-­in-­Chastity&id=6021751

Chicago Style Citation:

Jameson, Sarah "How to Punish a Man in Chastity." How to Punish a Man in Chastity .­to-­Punish-­a-­Man-­in-­Chastity&id=6021751

Sarah Jameson  |  

Submitted On March 01, 2011

Many men who beg for male chastity prove recalcitrant and - in short - behave badly just so they'll get 'punishment'.
And the good news is, there are a few of things you can do, all depending on how annoyed you get with him.
They are all something he's really not going to like, but one is a bit more drastic than the others, and it's something I'd recommend only in the extreme.
Let's get the extreme and least-fun one out of the way first.
It's simply this: give him the key back and refuse to play the game.
In other words, treat him just like you would a child by withdrawing your attention from him.
I guarantee this will bring him into line very quickly.
If he's in chastity then the thought of being allowed free and just left free will stop him dead in his tracks.
But because it's quite an 'unfriendly' thing to do, I'd really do this only if it truly went beyond the pale and he simply wouldn't behave.
I don't expect my husband to be at my beck and call 24/7, even though we are in a female led relationship, although we do practice strict male chastity; but I do expect him to recognise and respect the effort it takes for me to keep him under lock and key and happy with it, and to accept my authority and obey my rules.
This is the killer - and I can guarantee when you read what it is, you won't think it's punishment at all.
Until you try it on him and see how he reacts.
It's simply this: give him a ruined orgasm.
It's easy: you just make sure his hands are restrained so he can't touch himself and then you treat him to a low, sensuous and deliciously torturous tease and denial session.
Only this time you're going to let him orgasm... BUT the instant he begins to orgasm, with the very first spasm, you let go of his penis and give him NO further stimulation whatsoever.
He will buck and moan and groan and beg, but you must NOT touch him.
Now, this is one of the worst things that can happen to a man, because while he gets the post-orgasm letdown, there is NONE of the pleasure normally associated with an orgasm.
I know this from experience - because my husband, John, occasionally has to suffer ruined orgasms and he gets only one proper one a year.
And if you really want to turn the screws and make it almost unbearable for him, you can give him several ruined orgasms in a row, one after the other. I guarantee, when your man has had three, four, six, ten ruined orgasms in a row, he'll have achning balls and will be on his best behaviour for some considerable time.
Now, if you're sick and tired of the hype and nonsense you read on the 'net about male chastity and orgasm denial, and you're really looking for safe, sane and realistic advice and information, then it makes sense to get it from a genuine 24/7 couple who are living the lifestyle for real, doesn't it?
More recently, since we have transitioned into a female-led relationship and John is bound by the oath of obedience he gave to me, I have started caning him if he displeases or disobeys me.
Now, John is not one of those men who enjoys this, so it's not a "funishment".
I restrain him on the bench and then cane him hard and without mercy so he understands the error of his ways (a minimum of 36 very hard strokes, and no warm up).
This is perhaps further than some people will want to go, but it works well for us, and it has definitely improved his behaviour all round.
If you'd like to know more about how to punish your man in chastity from a real woman who's living the lifestyle, just click the blue link and claim your FREE step-by-step chastity guide and discover the truth about male chastity and punishment .
... because right now I'm giving away this free Guide to anyone who visits my website, but this free offer won't last forever.
So if you're serious about strict and uncompromising chastity, be sure to get it as soon as you can.
Your FREE chastity guide is waiting for you here!
Sarah Jameson is the creator and host of the highly regarded Male Chastity Blog , which is rapidly becoming the principal source of sound, factual, and usable information about male chastity on the Internet.
She is a happily married woman and freelance writer who has kept her husband in ultra-strict long-term chastity and orgasm denial for the past 13 years and now shares her experiences to help other couples embrace this deeply satisfying and rewarding but frequently misunderstood lifestyle.
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