Male Chastity Belt Stories

Male Chastity Belt Stories


Male Chastity Belt Stories

Based in Los Angeles, MJ is a journalist and blogger who covers the LGBTQ community. Identifying as gender-queer, MJ focuses on topics that touch on a variety of life issues impacting men, women and non-binary individuals. Look for posts on science, dating, relationships, and culture.

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It’s Locktober and that means it’s time to talk about chastity devices for men. Would you let your lover lock you down until you begged for mercy? Is it really safe to trust your equipment to somebody else?
Well, it certainly requires a level of trust and intimacy that the faint of heart don’t have. If you or your partner are wearing a chastity device, then you’ve just made an undeniable display of fidelity and kinkiness.
Male chastity belts can be a fun part of BDSM play. There’s also something about having your sexual power essentially belonging to someone else that thrills and tantalizes the libido. The device is physically constraining, but there is a definite psychological component to the chastity experience, as well.
It’s all about an exchange of power.
Did you know that chastity belts date back to around medieval times? Crusaders and knights who would ride off to battle would sometimes lock away their lovers’ private parts until they returned safely.
The first historical reference comes from religious texts and a drawing of a metal belt depicted in a book called Bellifortis . It was created by a German military engineer named Konrad Kyeser in 1405. (Figures.)
However, some historians believe that medieval chastity belts were just jokes or purely metaphorical. It wasn’t until the eighteenth and early nineteenth century that people started to put these designs into practical use for medieval reference purposes, pure curiosity, and a bit of kinky fun behind closed doors.
Male chastity belts didn’t become popular until modern times as BDSM toys. However, male chastity belts and devices are far more popular than female versions. Perhaps that has something to do with the prevalence of more men willing to be in submissive roles, (either gay or straight) within the BDSM community.
Essentially, the male chastity device is designed to prevent a man from obtaining an erection or prevent physical contact with the penis. You can prevent someone from masturbating or having direct sexual encounters involving their penis without the permission of the keyholder.
Is this about trust or delayed gratification? Well, it could be either or both.
There are a few different designs out there, but most fall under two types. There’s the cage design which encases a flaccid penis in some sort of elaborate prison for penises and then there’s the plate design which covers the penis so that it can’t get hard.
Some have traditional lock and key components, but you can get really high tech with male chastity belts now.
That’s right. You don’t need a key anymore. Some chastity devices can be locked and unlocked remotely from a smartphone, Bluetooth or Wi-Fi enabled device. That’s certainly a futuristic way to get kinky, but it comes with a new set of dangers.
This is how it works. Basically, the dominant person controls the app. They can monitor the submissive wearer’s time in the cage and unlock or lock them remotely. When engaged, a heavy-duty metal ring closes the device on the user.
Just imagine if your chastity belt was remotely locked by a hacker or your service dropped out and you couldn’t open it? Well, it might seem like something that would happen in a movie, but fact is stranger than fiction.
A security firm in the UK found this exact type of security flaw in a popular BDSM device called The Cellmate . It’s a chastity lock that’s controlled by an app. The security firm, called Pen Test Partners, found that Cellmate could be hacked and remotely operated. The hackers could then prevent anyone from accessing the device. There’s no manual override or physical key.
To be fair, the Cellmate’s designers made an attempt to patch the security flaw. The company in question Qiui made a note on their Google Play and Apple Store page for users “in order to prevent hacker attacks, please review this 2.1.7 version as soon as possible!! ignore version 2.1.4.”
That’s because the problem stems from an outdated application programming interface (API) that is especially vulnerable to outside override from hackers. One disgruntled reviewer still wasn’t entirely happy with his chastity experience with The Cellmate.
He wrote, “App stopped working. Again trouble. Got already stuck twice when wearing it due to the unreliable app. I should not have spent the money for this. Back to normal chastity.”
If you’re new to chastity or you just want to add some kinky fun to your romance, then by all means, take it slow. Try small intervals of chastity and be sure to look closely at reviews before buying any chastity devices or chastity belts.
It can be an enjoyable experience and that builds a powerful bond between dominant and submissive lovers. You might want to carefully consider a physical lock versus a digital app locking device.
Afterall, it’s your junk. You’re just slaving it to someone else for a specific period of time and under a specific set of circumstances. It’s for kicks, but nobody wants to get trapped in their cage while the app updates.
High tech isn’t always the best way to go. Maybe this type of technology isn’t superior to the good old fashion BDSM devices. At least you can be sure that only your dom can lock you down.
Ultimately, it’s up to you. But be safe and have fun.
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Another Saturday night and I was at home, at my computer. It seems that
I live to surf. Being single, and with no girlfriend, I have a lot of
time to myself. Most people would call it a waste of time, but it was
cheap and kept me out of trouble, for the most part. Most people that I
meet in chat rooms are a lot like myself, and there are very few women.
Perhaps many peoples' names would lead me to believe they were women, but
more often than not they are just men in disguise.

There are simple ways
to find out whether someone is truely a woman. A question like:
"What is the difference between a size 7 and size 8?"
If they reply: "1." It's probably not a woman.

Most of the people out there are searching for some sort of "net-sex".
It's amazing, really. Nearly always, the first question a stranger will
ask is: "R U M or F". The translation of this message is: "Are You Male
or Female?". By using letters instead of words, these people can
literally save hours of typing every night, since they ask this question
several thousand times to every new person they encounter.

Over the years, I find myself drawn to the female domination groups.
Although it's often difficult to tell who is who, it can be interesting
at times. Generally there will be a bunch of guys and what appears to
be a few dominant women. Whether they're women or not is hard to say
(see earlier paragraph). I am never very aggressive in the channels,
and I usually just watch in the background. If I find what appears to
be an interesting woman, I may send a private message to her introducing
myself and trying to strike up a conversation. Many times they will
reply with some silly answer in the public channel for everyone to see.
An example might be:
"radman, talk to me in public channel. Don't send me private messages.".
I never quite understood why they would do this, when they could simply
ignore me if they wished not to converse. But the Net is often a
pretty silly place.

My personal information which anyone chatting could see points to the
web address of my own personal web page. I've included about everything
describing myself and even my name, phone number, and address. It seemed
to me that if someone visited my page and learned that I was near them,
they might like to meet. Nothing ever came of it, but I thought I had
nothing to lose trying.

One of my favorite topics of discussion was chastity belts. I've read
many stories of men and women wearing them, and have always wondered
what it would be like to wear one for myself. The good belts (from
what I've read) are a bit costly, so I've usually decided against getting
one for myself. Besides, it would take another person to measure me for
a correct fit, and I had no other person. I've had several public
discussions and conversations with people in the channel indicating my
interest in chastity belts, but I never met that dominant women who I
always dreamed would have me wear a metal chastity belt for her.

Friday finally arived and the week finally over. It was good to finally
get home; the week had been a bit rough and I'd been looking forward to
a nice quite weekend since about Tuesday. When I got home I found a
package at my door, with no return address or postal information indicating
an origin. I picked up the package and entered my apartment. Since I
was not expecting any packages, I was a bit curious as I immediatly headed
for the kitchen to get a knife.

I sat down on the living room floor and opened the package. Finally
getting to the contents, I couldn't believe my eyes. My hands were
shaking like never before as I pulled the 2 metal pieces from the box.
It was a chastity belt! The design was unfamiliar to me, but I knew
it had to be a chastity belt. It was shiny silver, and extremely
smooth with no sharp edges at all. The thickness of the pieces was
probably about 3/8" thick. When I lined up the 2 pieces they fit together
perfectly, but there was no locking mechanism to be found. There were
no hooks, notched surfaces, or holes which would keep the belt together.
The 2 pieces slid into each other about 1/2", but there was no lock to
be found. When I held it together, it looked like a pair of briefs,
except the back was not completely covered; there was an eliptical
opening at the bottom. The front piece was flat, and inside was a hole
molded into the surface which was actually a tube which went downwards
do a small hole at the very bottom where the 2 pieces would meet. From
my knowledge of other belts, I deduced that this was for the penis to
slide into and point downwards if the belt were worn.

I brought the pieces together once again, trying to understand how they
would lock together, but after about an hour gave up.

There was nothing else in the box which might explain the function or
how the belt would lock.

The whole time I examined it, I was getting quite turned on. I wanted
to try it on, but I couldn't get the thing to lock shut. Finally, I
decided to try it on and hold it in place to see how it would feel.
My heart was racing as I undressed commpletely. Being fully errect
would make it impossible to slide myself down into the hole in the
front, so I tried to relax a bit. Finally, after about 15 minutes,
I was limp enough to give it a try.

As I held the front piece to my crotch and tried to insert myself into
the hole, it appeared that it was going to be a snug fit. Setting down
the front piece, I went to the bathroom to get some lotion. I returned
to the belt and applied a little bit to the inside surface of the
tube. It was time to try again. This time I was able to slide myself
down into the tube completely. If felt so slick and snug I felt
myself beginning to get hard again. I held the front piece tightly
against myself so that my errection wouldn't prevent me from holding
the 2 pieces closely together. Then I picked up the 2nd piece and
reached behind myself to hold it in place. The 2 pieces were just barely
touching each other. I knew I'd have to push harder to get the extra
1/2" to make the 2 pieces come completely together, but it wasn't a
simple task. Finally, I leaned against the wall to hold the back
piece as I pressed with both hands firmly against the front piece.
It was working! The slots lined up better and I finally knew how
it felt. If only there was some clasp to keep it in place! It
was difficult to hold the pieces together. After about 30 seconds,
my arms were getting a bit tired. Just as I was beginning to
release the pressure, I felt a vibration and a humming sound from
the belt for about a half second. Immediately following that, the 2
pieces quickly tightened together and clicked loudly as the metal
pieces came together.

I jumped away from the wall and looked down at the belt. It was
staying in place, without my hands holding it! It was quite snug
and recessed into my skin. I tried to pull the pieces apart, but
they wouln't budge. There was no way to get my fingers under either
piece for leverage to pull. It was locked tight. As I struggled
with the belt, I could feel myself getting quite turned on inside
the tightness of the belt, but the belt was holding me down tight.
There was no relief for myself.

I ran into the kitchen to get my toolbox. There had to be something
to help me pry the belt open. Searching for the right tool, I
found a pliers. With great difficulty, I managed to insert one of
the handles under the edge of the belt. But there was nothing to
pry against. Withdrawing that, I tried for a different tool. There
was a flat screwdriver, which I tried to insert into the crack between
the 2 pieces, but there was no room to insert.

Everything was happening like in some of the fiction stories I read
on various chastity belt pages. I couldn't even think straight.
Finally in desperation I found the hacksaw and tried cutting into
the side of the belt. I sawed for about 20 minutes, but there wasn't
even a scratch on the shiny surface. After trying several other tools
to scratch the surface, the only option left was a drill. My hands
were shaking as I plugged the drill into the outlet and began drilling
downwards into the surface of the belt. Several minutes of drilling
yielded no success. Not even a scratch was left on the belt.

I laid in bed unable to sleep. This was too much for me to take.
I reached down and felt the hard slighly curved surface; my heart
began to race again. After several hours, I got out of bed and
powered up the computer to log into my chat channel, hoping to
find an answer. There were the regulars. Didn't these people
ever sleep? Nothing unusual happening here. No strangers except for
the occasional net-sex-seeker popping in and out. Finally, I crawled
back into bed around 4am and fell asleep.

Around 10:30 I woke up and instinctively went to the bathroom.
As I stood at the toilet, I was reminded of the belt. It wasn't a
dream. The chastity belt was tightly wrapped around my waist and
crotch area. From the stories I've read, I knew I had to sit to go
to the bathroom now. Still in disbelief over the whole thing, I sat
down and tried to relax. After a few minutes I was able to begin to
go to the bathroom. It felt strange sitting and having this tight
device around me, yet going to the bathroom. I reached for the
toilet paper and dried a small few drops along the bottom.

There had to be someone on the Net who had the answers, and I
had to find out. The computer was still on from last night, so I
joined my chat channel. There was a chastity belt conversation going
on, so I observed as I usually do. The conversation was starting
to turn me on a bit but I was quickly reminded that I couldn't get
errect. Reaching down to grab the front of the belt, I pulled and
tugged -- trying to get some stimulation. It was useless. For
over an hour I tried to get myself off, but the belt was too tight
and no stimulation was possible. I was unable to have an orgasm as
long as this device remained on me.

The weekend passed with no hint of a solution to my dilemma. Several
futile attempts were made to pry the belt loose, but it wasn't going
to come loose. When Monday came, I was wearing my slacks over the
top of the belt and heading for work.

The day was very unproductive. My mind was not on my job, but on
my belt. I was scared to death, trying to figure out how I was going
to get it off. I couldn't seek help anywhere or it would all be public.
Besides, I tried some serious tools and couldn't even scratch the thing.
I did my best to get through the long day.

When I arrived at home, there was a letter at my door. No return
address or postage marks. I quickly entered my apartment and locked the
door behind me. My hands were shaking tremendously as I tore open the

"Thank you for putting on the chastity belt I designed for you. I was
hoping you would. There is no way for you to remove the belt. Accept
it. Your life will be different now. I own you. I know where you are
at all times. You will receive a demonstration of my power over you at
5:30 today."

I quickly looked at my watch. It read 5:15.

My head was spinning as I collapsed to the couch. This had to be a
dream. How could anyone create such a device? There is no such metal
that can't be cut! What is this? My thoughts ran as I kept track of
the time. One minute to go. I sat and waited for my fait. Then, a
few seconds later, I received a shock in my crotch. I screamed and
reached down for my crotch, but it was no comfort. The shock continued
as I beat my fists against the front of the belt. Never before have I
felt such pain. Then after what seemed an eternity, the pain stopped.
Only 1 minute had passed.

After I was able to think straight again, I went to my bedroom and
removed my clothes. There was still a dull pain in my mid section as
if someone had kicked me. The words in the letter were going through
my head as I reached down to feel the belt again. The hard smooth
surface pressing tightly against my body. What was I going to do?
There's nothing else I can try. Who owns me? Why?

The next few days were quiet. There were no letters, no packages, no
word from my "owner". Several times every day I tried something
different to get the belt off, but they were all in vain. The letter
was right; there wa
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