Making Requests

Making Requests


[2019 Update]

Hi guys, I have some bad news. All audio-book requests are indefinitely suspended until further notice. You will have to rely on our members to help you out with any requests you have, because our admins will not work on them. This might be the case from here going forward because of the workload and also because the requests have just been increasing in frequency even as we too get busier with other tasks. I am sorry for any inconvenience, but in the unlikely event that we do resume handling audio-book requests, you will all be formally notified. We hope you continue sticking with us as we continue sharing more awesome audio-books with the world. The rest of this post is relevant for anyone who still wants to request for an audio-book in our chat room - @audoroom.

Hi Fam!!! You can send us requests for audio-books and eBooks... This post will explain to you the procedure...

  • You should know the author and the title of the book at this stage
  • All requests should be sent to the chat ROOM @audoroom ... Any requests sent to @dalibrarianbot will be ignored starting July 22 - 2018

Step 1: Search our main channel for the audio-book you want shared, if you find it shared then just listen to it or whatever, but don't request it again please, unless you find a problem with the upload, in which case you notify the librarian. Feel free to take a screenshot or forward the files with an issue...

Step 2: Send your #request to the @audoroom in the format of:

title and author of the audio-book you want shared preceded by #request ...

as an example, if I wanted to request for The Secret History by Brandon Sanderson, I would not, because searching for it shows that we already have it... but just for explanation I would send the following message to the chat ROOM...

"#request The Secret History - by Brandon Sanderson" Easy Peasy

All requests by default are treated as audio-book requests, so if you want ebook please add e-book at the end of your request

Step 3: Because neither me nor fellow admins will be handling user requests from now on, we would advice you try to ask our members to help you out with any requests. You can also search online for any public sites that share audio-books or you can even buy the originals at Amazon or other sites.


Only English audio-books are shared in this channel.
All audio-books that are requested are easily searchable with the #requested tag
We will do our best to share audio-books without any censorship, however audio-books will have tags that highlight any controversial themes eg #romance #feminism etc
E-book requests should be sent to the group, and the procedure is similar to this, the only difference being you have to specify it's an e-book you want, eg #request Title (eBook/audio) - by Author... also specify preferred format in the case of eBook, whether PDF, epub, etc

Really, that's all... You can also leave your feedback with the librarian, and rate our channel by clicking this link ...

Oh, and if you find a problem with any of our uploads, or the audio quality is low you can comment, or send a message to the @audoroom

Happy listening

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