Making Money Selling Domain Names

Making Money Selling Domain Names

Selling domain names can be quite profitable for webmasters. This is particularly the case if the webmaster sells a domain name that has an existing line of traffic.

In these situations domain names can generate thousands of dollars for their webmasters. There have even been domain name names that allowed webmasters to collect millions in profit.

With a little bit of basic knowledge, you can emulate such success for yourself. This article will provide that information through an easy to follow step-by-step guide.

First, you will need to find a search engine keyword that is highly searched yet not used much by other websites. You can do this by using a keyword analyzer.

The best keyword analyzers are those that you pay for, such as Word Tracker or Keyword Analyzer. The reason why these are preferable over free ones is because they let you know how much competition you are facing with a potential keyword.

Free ones only tell you how much the keyword has been searched. If money is a problem, try to get a paid keyword analyzer that is offering a free sample, such as Word Tracker. You can upgrade to the paid version once you return profit from the sale of your domain name.

With your keyword chosen, you will need to get a domain name and web hosting. Why do you need web hosting if you’re going to sell just the domain name?

It’s because you’re going to need a website to drive traffic to that domain name. Without a website visitors won’t want to return to whatever domain name you selected. This lessens the main element that gives a domain name profitability: traffic.

Anyway, try to get a package that will include both web hosting and a domain name at the same time, since you won’t have to worry about transferring anything later.

When you choose your domain name, make sure you include your selected keyword in its phrasing. If you find that your selected keyword is taken as a domain name, try making alterations like saying “a1”, “123” or “101.” For example, say the keyword “Careers” is taken as a domain name. You could say “A1 Careers,” “Careers 123” or “Careers 101.”

Alternatively, you could try searching for a related keyword that isn’t taken as a domain name. Either way, keep trying until you get a memorable yet keyword-rich domain name that still has a .com extension.

Now, you will need to create a website for your domain name. It doesn’t have to be big… even a one-pager could do the trick, if you don’t mind a website so simple.

Write an article related to the keyword you chose and create a simple site using Microsoft Word, (make sure you save the document as an .HTML file).

Sign up for Adsense and/or an affiliate program, so you can offer additional resources for your visitors. You will also earn a commission if a sale is made or a clickthrough generated, (depending on the program you joined).

Once your website is uploaded, you need to focus on traffic-building. You can get an initial boost by buying traffic, though make sure the company you buy your traffic from uses expired domain names rather than bots or even incentive traffic, (such as paid emails).

But even after this you will need to try to build up inbound links. These are websites that link to you. Post your site on any free site, such as directories, message boards or online classified ads.

Also, make sure you submit articles to free article directories. Additionally, try to initiate link exchanges. You can do this by emailing the webmaster or finding link exchange networks such as Link Market.

Keep building up your links until you get a steady stream of traffic. If you get enough traffic, you will get an Alexa rating. If the rating is pleasing, find a domain name appraiser and see how much your domain name can go for.

This will give you some idea of how much you can realistically get, but don’t get discouraged if the number seems low. Why? It’s because some people will care more about the traffic your domain name is receiving over the supposed SEO elements of it.

Either way, when you feel you are ready put your domain name up for auction. You may even want to include your original website, though this is optional.

When the domain name sells, you will need to transfer it over to the new webmaster’s account… your web hosting company can help you with this.

With your profit you may want to consider doing the venture again with an expired domain name. This will get you a traffic boost without having to go through the actual process of traffic-building, (if you decide you don’t want to do that).

Internationalized Domain Names and Homograph Attacks

With normal spoofing a scammer tries to get personal information by sending fraudulent emails masquerading as an official website an individual might be working with.

While some fall for the deception, many know better since the domain name in the email doesn’t resemble the domain name they usually use to access whatever site. However, what happens if a domain name looks exactly like an official website?

This, in combination with a more ‘professional’ email, could trick someone into giving away all of their personal data. And when this happens they will eventually become victims of identity theft.

But, how can a scammer acquire a domain name that looks official? It’s through the unfortunate practice of the homograph attack.

What is a homograph attack? A homograph attack is when a person makes an internationalized domain name, (also known as an IDN), look like a traditional domain name associated with a popular website.

They are able to do this because of the way internationalized domain names work. Basically, internationalized domain systems use a different type of coding system than the ASCII-based domain names Americans are used to.

However, even with a different coding system, some languages have characters that look similar to characters used in American English.

Scammers exploit this by taking these letters and creating domain names that look ‘new’ to browsers and servers, at least in terms of coding. To the human eye, these fraudulent domain names appear to already be taken, which is exactly what a scammer wants.

They cause further confusion by creating sites that look pretty much like the sites associated with the original domain name that the scammers are spoofing.

Before and even after internationalized domain names became popular, homograph attacks were expressed through spoofing just English characters.

Scammers exploited the visual similarities between ‘O’ and ‘0’ or ‘I’ and ‘l’. Examples include ‘ or ‘’ If a person is not paying attention, they could still become victims, but at least these types of domain names still look unusual.

With internationalized domain name homograph attacks, the above-mentioned websites could look just as they are supposed to, fooling even the most vigilant Internet user.

So, how can a person prevent becoming a victim of an internationalized domain name homograph attack? First, they should never click on any domain name that is given through an email.

Instead, they should enter the domain name manually into their browser. In situations where one is working with a third-level domain that could be harder to remember, Internet users need to copy and paste the domain name into Notepad.

This program will help them determine what character set and coding is being used for the domain name. If it’s not English and ASCII, a person should be weary.

In conclusion, internationalized domain name homograph attacks can cause a lot of havoc for Internet users. However, Internet users should find comfort in the fact that while they do need to be aware of the presence of the homograph attack, the traditional method of spoofing which is much easier to spot tends to be more common.

This is because a person must be both clever and lucky to land an internationalized domain name that looks that much like a domain name that is already in use. It’s much easier for scammers to try and fool people through email hyperlinks.

When it comes to domain name extensions, most people are familiar with .com. Because of this the average webmaster is scrambling to get the perfect .com domain name.

Some may even forego registering a potential goldmine of a domain name in favor of getting a less popular .com. Yet, there are dozens of other domain names available, some of which have gained popularity despite not being a .com.

How can a webmaster determine if their site is going to be in such a league without the traditional .com? This article will explain how.

First, a webmaster needs to evaluate the purpose of their website. If their website is designed to simply direct people to an affiliate page, then it won’t really matter what extension it has, since they are only going to visit it once anyway.

However, if a website is designed for repeat visits, people may not care about the site not having a .com. Sites that contain updated information, games and message boards tend to be the type of sites that get repeat visitors.

Secondly, webmasters need to consider the memorable nature of their domain name. If a webmaster is able to create a witty domain name hack, such as, and their content is good, it may not matter that they don’t have a .com.

A good site that can allow a webmaster to register unconventional domain name extensions is This site offers extensions such as .love and .free. By looking at these extensions, webmasters can start pondering ideas for their own domain name hacks.

If they need help, they can always type the word or letters used in the extension in a keyword analyzer or search engine.

Thirdly, webmasters need to determine whether or not a domain name with an unconventional extension will rank higher in search engines than a domain name with a traditional one.

In fact, consider the above-mentioned example of Honestly, how many people are typing such a domain name in their browser?

While it is certainly memorable, all of the periods associated with it are annoying. Yet, the site still has a high search engine ranking, which is probably how it’s getting its traffic.

Surfers visit it from the search engine, bookmark it and never again have to be associated with its unique URL. This is the type of success a webmaster wants to emulate.

Indeed, if a domain name is keyword-rich and memorable, webmasters need to definitely go for whatever extension is available for it.

Of course, this is not to say that a person must be limited to just domain name. If they want to still use .coms after using other extensions they can.

In fact, the more domain names that point to a site, the more likely a search engine bot will index it higher. So, ultimately, with this strategy, webmasters will have two domain names they can work with.

They can use the one with the unconventional domain name in search engine marketing in hopes of getting indexed high, while the other one can be used in printed media, where people are more likely to be concerned with the type of URL they are entering in their browser.

A webmaster increases their chances of getting a high search engine listing by including a popular keyword in their domain name.

However, if a keyword is too popular, including it in a domain name means nothing, even if the website it’s pointing to is also optimized.

This is why most Internet marketing gurus suggest that domain names as well as their corresponding websites use more specific keywords that aren’t as competitive. One of the best ways to do this is to include keywords based on geography. When such a keyword is used in a domain name, it is known as a geodomain.

Geodomains are highly used in the tourism industry. For example, if a person visits, they will see a site that offers information on what a tourist can do if they are planning a trip to Maryland.

However, this should not dissuade other markets from centering in on a geodomain. As long as a product or service can be distributed outside of the webmaster’s location, they should not be afraid to use geodomains that target national or even international audiences.

This is not to say that geodomain marketing isn’t better for some industries than it is for others. Why? It’s because the areas that people live in have their own cultural and sociological needs.

Even if one markets in their own country, people living in one state or province may not have as much of a demand for a particular product or service.

For example, consider a website that is marketing private boats. If they use a geodomain that encompasses an area that is lower-income, naturally, their efforts won’t result in many sales.

This is why it’s very important that webmasters investigate the general characteristics associated with the location they would like to create a geodomain for.

So, how can a person find a geodomain name? Well, chances are state-based or country-based geodomains are taken at least for the most common domain name extensions.

If they can’t get these types of geodomains with lesser known extensions, they can consider combining a geographical term with something else or look for a more specific geodomain.

When looking for something more specific, webmasters will need to consider making geodomains based off of cities, counties and even popular neighborhoods. They need to do this both for their own country and for other countries, provided that their website can meet the needs of an international audience.

In conclusion, a geodomain can be a good method for marketing, if a webmaster doesn’t mind trying to appeal to a local audience.

Research will still be required to make sure a geodomain properly fits what is being promoted, but overall a webmaster will find that with the right geodomain, they will be able to generate more sales with less advertising expenses.

This is because the keywords used in geodomains are not highly focused on in the Internet marketing world, especially those that are very specific. And when this scenario happens, a website has a greater chance of ranking higher in search engine listings.

When it comes to search engine keywords, there are some that are potential gold mines that are being ignored. These are ones in which a word or phrase is accidentally misspelled.

Usually, the search engine will link to results that contain the correct spelling, but it will still show any websites associated with the misspelled keyword.

If one of these websites catches the eye of a surfer, they may visit it. This is why many webmasters will not only create websites around misspelled keywords but also pay money to bid on them in pay-per-click search engine advertisements.

But misspelled keywords can help in another venue of Internet marketing… one’s domain name.

When a popular misspelled keyword is included in a domain name, the search engine bots will be more likely to notice the website. Granted, it won’t get listed with the properly spelled keyword, but even traffic from a misspelled keyword is better than nothing.

A person will just have to decide whether they want their website to be branded with a domain name that has an improper spelling.

So, how exactly can a webmaster make such a determination when they are deciding on their domain name? Well, first they need to look at what their website is for.

If they are just doing affiliate marketing or Adsense promotion, it doesn’t matter as much if their domain name is branded properly. This is because they are not promoting their own business.

However, if they are using a website to promote a company, they will want to try to keep their domain name as professional as possible.

Secondly, a webmaster needs to see if there is profitability in a misspelled keyword. Even though a misspelled domain isn’t as harmful to a webmaster promoting affiliate sites, they don’t necessarily want to make it a first option, especially if the misspelled keyword in the domain name doesn’t get much traffic.

To determine a misspelled keyword’s profitability, a person can look it up in a keyword analyzer. In fact, some paid keyword analyzers, (such as Word Tracker), even have features where a person can see which specific types of misspelled keywords are worth taking advantage of.

If a misspelled keyword fits both of these criteria, a webmaster may want to consider putting it in their domain name. From there they will need to decide if they want that keyword to be included in the content.

If it is then there’s an even greater likelihood search engine bots will index the website according to the misspelled keyword. However, if it’s not there’s still a chance that the website could be indexed according to the correct keyword, though if this ranking is low, it may not be a preferable option.

The webmaster will ultimately have to decide whether their content still looks ‘professional’ with the misspelled keyword. Some words, (such as mesothelioma), are so hard to spell, that a person may not even notice improper versions of it.

If this happens they won’t have any issues seeing it so many times in the content, since they didn’t really know how to spell it right themselves.

In conclusion, including a misspelled keyword in one’s domain name could be an excellent way to covertly get website traffic, at least if a webmaster knows what he or she is doing. If they don’t a misspelled domain name could cause a person to think negatively about a website.

For this reason webmasters must take caution in which misspelled keywords they choose for their domain names along with whether or not they continue to use it in their content.

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