Making Man Cum

Making Man Cum


Making Man Cum

Make a Man Orgasm - 3 Ways to Make Your Man Ejaculate Fast

MLA Style Citation:

Harradine, Michael "Make a Man Orgasm - 3 Ways to Make Your Man Ejaculate Fast."
Make a Man Orgasm - 3 Ways to Make Your Man Ejaculate Fast .
20 Oct. 2010
10 Jul. 2022 <­a-­Man-­Orgasm-­-­-­3-­Ways-­to-­Make-­Your-­Man-­Ejaculate-­Fast&id=5239600 >.

APA Style Citation:

Harradine, M. (2010, October 20). Make a Man Orgasm - 3 Ways to Make Your Man Ejaculate Fast .
Retrieved July 10, 2022, from­a-­Man-­Orgasm-­-­-­3-­Ways-­to-­Make-­Your-­Man-­Ejaculate-­Fast&id=5239600

Chicago Style Citation:

Harradine, Michael "Make a Man Orgasm - 3 Ways to Make Your Man Ejaculate Fast." Make a Man Orgasm - 3 Ways to Make Your Man Ejaculate Fast .­a-­Man-­Orgasm-­-­-­3-­Ways-­to-­Make-­Your-­Man-­Ejaculate-­Fast&id=5239600

Michael Harradine  |  

Submitted On October 20, 2010

It's great to know how to make a man orgasm at will giving you total power over how long sex lasts for. You know that by having your man under your control gives you the power to achieve anything you desire.
A mans mind works differently to a womans, a woman needs to feel good to have sex right? well a man needs sex to feel good! they are the complete opposite. So by either failing to pleasure your man right, or by lacking the skills to make him feel good, what will he do? Likely find it elsewhere and you want to avoid that at all costs dont you??
Here are three ways to make your man ejaculate.
1. A great way to make a guy explode is to use specific sex positions that make him ejaculate fast. There are two positions that do the trick every single time. One is you on all fours, the combination of seeing your body in this position and how it feels inside means most men only last a few seconds.
2. Another way to make a man orgasm is to dress up for him because men are very visual about sex this works a treat. Go up to bed before him and get ready then when he cones up and pulls back the covers his eyes will pop out, he will be erect instantly and ejaculate in seconds. You know a man watches porn, well this sets what his expectations are. How many adult films feature the woman in a bath robe and pyjamas? So the point is expectation is key.
3. This is the very best way to make a man orgasm, in fact it can achieve this within thirty seconds. Is fellatio (oral) and this when done with this little tip will make any man climax. OK all you need to do is keep the sucks short and fast, don't try and take him deep just suck the very tip of his penis which is the most sensitive part of it. You will be amazed at how fast you can make a man orgasm by doing this.
There are lots more ways and techniques but of them all fellatio will ring his bell (pardon the pun) louder than anything else. So if your man had trouble ejaculating or you just want to make a man orgasm faster then it's fellatio that you need to master.
Imagine having your man literally begging on his knees for more intimate action from you. Once you master the tips above and can control your mans most inner sexual desires, guess what?? He is going nowhere!! What will be on his mind all day long?? Simple.. the thought of what is going to happen when he walks through the door to his lady. So that leaves you with one task at hand (well and mouth) and that is to be so seductive and learn the new skills you require.
You know there are several ways to learn these new skills you require. You could ask a friend? but hey that could be embarrassing to admit your failings to someone you know right? you could sit up all night on Google looking for free tips about the subject, but then your missing out and what is your man doing whilst you are doing this "research"?
There is a sure fire way to learn, and learn fast and that is by clicking the link below and reading the guide. Literally right now there is no better or faster way to learn what you need to get your man permanently under your control.
For an amazing guide on How To GIVE A GUY HEAD [] that covers all this and much,much more i strongly suggest you read BLOW BY BLOW [] the complete guide to fellatio
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When you have sex with a man, watching them experience an intense orgasm is pretty rewarding. It’s like, “that’s right, that was my mouth and vagina that knew how to make a guy cum fast.” Sure, it could have been some other woman, but she probably doesn’t know the techniques that you do.
Helping a man have a mind-blowing orgasm is not as easy as it looks. That’s why we’re here to tell you how to make him cum faster, harder and flop down on the bed like a man who’s totally satisfied.
If guys were honest about sex, nothing makes them happier than a girl who knows how to make him cum harder than anyone else. [Read: The average penis – 10 easy answers that’ll make you a know-it-all ]
The great thing about making someone have an insane orgasm is that they want you to experience that feeling as well. They want to make sure that you have what they just experienced too. So basically, it’s a win-win.
If you want to learn how to make a guy cum fast so you’re the one on his mind all the time, these tips will help you out. [Read: Penis facts – 18 shocking and weird dick facts you have no idea about ]
If you’re not genuinely having a good time, he notices. The same goes for you. You should actually enjoy the experience if you want to make him cum faster.
If you’re bored and just want to get it over with, well, then maybe you should stop having sex with him. When he sees you enjoying the experience, it makes him even more aroused. [Read: Erotophobia: The variety of fears related to sexual intimacy ]
Whether it’s concerning blowjobs or sexual positions, if you want to make him cum fast, find out what really turns him on. Maybe it’s deep throating, anal play, or doggie style.
Now, if you don’t like what turns him on, you don’t have to do it. Then it’s not going to be enjoyable for you and that’s not what sex is about.
You don’t have to spend twenty minutes sucking his dick. Switch it up. You can give him a hand job, a blowjob, ride him, then go back to sucking his dick.
Remember, you want this to be enjoyable for the both of you, so don’t do something because you feel like you must. [Read: 20 really kinky things to do with your boyfriend beyond the bed ]
Men love dirty talk. Okay, not all men, but the majority do. So, don’t feel ashamed to let your naughty side loose with some dirty words.
Tell him what you want him to do, how you feel when he’s fucking you, or call him dirty names. This only makes him want to fuck you harder and faster. [Read: Your guide to making dirty talk sound so much sexier ]
Build up the sexual tension throughout the day. Send him naughty texts and sexy pictures, spend some time enjoying foreplay. It pays off when he’s having sex with you, since the tension built up inside of him all day needs to be released!
Maybe you’re used to the same sexual positions, which isn’t bad, but it’s nice to switch it up. Don’t be afraid to try new things; if it doesn’t work, just switch to another position.
Now, some men find this extremely attractive – when you tell them where you want them to cum. You don’t have to do this if you’d prefer them to cum in the condom; simply tell them you want them to cum inside *that is, if they’re wearing a condom*.
But if you’re open to the idea, tell him where you want it – he’ll love it.
When he’s about to cum, grab his ass and pull him harder into you. Or while he’s fucking you, grab and smack his ass during sex. It shows him that you’re really into it and gives him an extra boost.
Maybe it’s an ego thing, but the point is, it helps him to cum faster. [Read: How to stroke a guy’s ego and make him feel like a man when he’s down ]
Test the waters and see if your partner is into it, as many men are scared or uncomfortable with the idea of anal play. However, if he’s down to try it, press your finger on his asshole just to start.
You can then move to insert a finger in his ass. But, you don’t want to do this right away – make him feel comfortable first. [Read: Erogenous zones for men – 8 secret spots that’ll make him cum in minutes ]
Moaning turns anyone on. It also shows that you’re having a great and pleasurable time, so why not let him know by moaning?
If he’s fucking you and you’re loving it, feel free to express yourself. Moan, scream—whatever it is that helps you release your sexual energy and makes you feel good.
Alcohol may give you both more liquid courage; however, it greatly affects sexual performance.
Plus, if you’re looking to make him cum faster, alcohol does the exact opposite. It makes him last for longer, possibly without ever reaching ejaculation. So, if you’re tired of a locked jaw, tell him to drink water before seeing you. [Read: Alcohol’s effects on sex and your libido ]
Ah yes, this little guy. It’s the forgotten spot in a man’s sexual anatomy, but it’s very important. It’s the space between his balls and his asshole. That area is very sensitive and when it comes to blowjobs and sex in general, it’s overlooked.
Apply pressure to it if you want to speed up the process. It’s also a good substitute if he’s not into anal play.
We tend to underestimate dry humping, but if you do it right, you’ll have the guy ejaculating in his jeans. Rub yourself against him, throw in some dirty talk, and keep it going. If you’re both in the zone and things are hot and steamy, there’s no way he won’t cum. [Read: Dry sex: Your how-to guide for dos, don’ts, and the best positions ]
We know what you’re thinking, but I want him to cum fast; why would I go slow? During foreplay, go slow. This will build up the sexual tension between you. Keep building it up, and by the time you have sex, he’ll be cumming in no time.
Who doesn’t like a little role play? The idea of being someone else can be a real turn-on for some people. If you and your partner are in a long-term relationship, maybe it’s time to play a role-play game.
Stay in character, and he’ll cum quickly. [Read: The sexual role play guide for beginners ]
If you’re only focused on making his cum fast, then maybe next time, rethink if you should have sex right now or wait until you have more time. If you’re pressuring him to cum fast, it’s not going to be fun, and he may not be able to.
So, just relax and enjoy it. Get into things, and when he sees you’re really into it – bam! [Read: How long should sex really last? The real score ]
Cowgirl is really a fun position, and it’s a great one if you want your partner to cum fast. Men are visual, and you riding him will do the trick. Plus, cowgirl allows the guy to penetrate his partner deeply, so he’ll cum quick.
We tend to think if we want to make a man cum fast, we need to put all the attention onto him. But that’s not necessarily going to make him cum fast. Try pleasing yourself in front of him.
Touch yourself in front of him and don’t let him touch you. Now that will turn him on.
If guys were honest, the best sex they could ever have is from a girl who does all the work. If you think about it, they go to lengths to make themselves last longer during sexual intercourse in order to “perform” for their partner.
So, ladies, if you want to give your man an orgasm he’ll never forget, give him a treat by letting him lie down and relax as you take charge. [Read: How to be on top: 15 sexy moves to master it and rock his world ]
All men have sexual fantasies that range from the typical to stuff so bizarre that he’ll keep it a secret to the grave.
Now just imagine what his reaction would be if he realizes his partner is actually game to make his fantasy a reality. The trick is getting to know what his fantasies are, so pick your brain and do a little detective work.
You could get hints from bedroom conversations, from the porn or erotica he loves to watch, or you could ask him directly. [Read: 12 arousing sex fantasies to try in real life ]
Like a good machine, pressing his buttons right provides good results. While the penis is pretty straightforward when it comes to stimulation, every man has a different “area of interest” that you can exploit to lead him to a mind-blowing orgasm.
Knowing where these are give you hints on where to touch or what sex positions stimulate his personal erogenous zones. [Read: How to find and stimulate the male g-spot ]
You know how men are quite pushy and enthusiastic when they’re horny? Try doing that to him for a change. Be the horny girlfriend that rips off his clothes and gives him surprise blowjobs at opportune moments. [Read: How to get horny fast: 13 quick tips for instant horniness ]
Earlier, we mentioned how men have those personal erogenous zones and how they help to make him feel better during sex.
If you do something that leaves your hands free, get busy and use those hands to stimulate other areas. Fondle his balls while you blow him, suck on his nipples while giving him a hand job, or use toys. [Read: Erogenous zones for men: 8 secret zones to touch your guy ]
When a man nears his climax, he has a tendency to break away from the action to give way for the release. This is called controlled ejaculation. Men do this as a delaying tactic or as courtesy to you, to move the line of fire.
Using restraints on him during sex makes him relinquish control of his ejaculation to you giving way to a more raw, animalistic, and natural release when he comes.
Mouth or vagina, it doesn’t matter. For guys, it is a real treat. First, he doesn’t have to pull out or to give warning, and second it just feels great and natural.
Of course, if you’re going to do this you need to make sure you’re being safe. [Read: The many tastes of cum: Straight from women’s mouths ]
You’ve just put all that time and effort into learning how to make a guy cum fast. That means you’re a partner who wants to do the best for their mate. Pat yourself on the back.
But, remember that there is a huge amount of give and take in sex. If you’re trying all these new moves to try and get your guy to cum like never before, he needs to put in the effort to give you a treat too!
Now that you know how to make him cum faster and stronger, it’s time to go and practice. Trust us, he’ll be very encouraging of this.
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Want to improve your orgasm-giving skills? (Which is totally OK FYI, if you're a sexual person, wanting your partner to enjoy it is all part of a good relationship.) Sex and relationships expert for Lovehoney Annabelle Knight explains how to make a man or someone with a penis orgasm.
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