Making Area for Your Spirit

Making Area for Your Spirit

How good is the liveable space supporting you? Prefer to know a new method to re-energise your and yourself life? Try spending an hour or so intentionally cleansing and refreshing your own home environment. This straightforward action can dramatically boost your state of wellbeing. On this page, I demonstrate how you can produce a space that nurtures and supports your soul.

1. Tune in your space...

Space clearing isn't about ordinary housekeeping tasks like vacuuming, dusting or tidying away clutter (although they do, needless to say, help!) -- it's really down to utilizing the force of your house. A home needn't be immaculately elegant or totally without clutter being comfortable to exist in -- it has to feel great.

To secure a feeling of this, take into consideration (or check out) another woman's home that you admire. Imagine yourself entering this place. What is the very first thing you notice? How would you feel, being there? There will be something uplifting regarding the atmosphere, isn't there? Somehow merely in the room impacts on the degree of energy and allows you to feel great.

What are the special features of that place that particularly appeal to you? Exceed surface details being a newer renovation or even more expensive furniture or fittings than your house. Are there colours, textures or shapes that particularly work for you? Notice what else causes it to be be right for you -- obtain a feeling of the way the space is arranged. Does this present you with ideas that you might sign up for your own home?

Now imagine that you are a visitor entering your own house and seeing it the first time. What is the first thing you notice? Perhaps there is whatever especially annoys you, such as areas of clutter or something that has to have fixing? Overall, what makes the spot cause you to feel? Are you feeling uplifted, neutral or drained? Visualise yourself walking around each room. Exactly what is the alteration in all those feelings from one room to another? Take note of any particular troublesome areas.

2. Set your intention...

Before you decide to do any clearing, think about whatever you desire to achieve. What sort of FEELING want to evoke in your home? Is there a specific facet of your health that you would like to improve, like greater abundance, more fulfilling relationships, enhanced creativity, better health, deeper spirituality? If you do, take the time to decide which is most crucial area to focus on at the moment.

Then set your intention to consciously build a home space that nurtures and uplifts you. As Denise Linn says: "Where intention goes, energy flows." By focusing your intent on what you want to accomplish, you may intensify the effects of one's space clearing and throw open the flow of their time into that area of your lifetime.

3. Pay off the clutter...

Now get stuck into some clutter clearing! What else could you do in regards to the problem area/s you identified on your own "walk through" earlier? Exactlty what can you do today to evoke a more positive feeling inside your space? Be realistic using what you can achieve inside the time you have. Perform bit today along with a much more tomorrow or next weekend. Understand that it does not have to be perfect, it just has got to feel happy!

In case you have a great deal of clutter or a variety of rooms that want cleansing, choose only one (or possibly a corner of just one) and start there. Commence with the room that represents the facet of your daily life which is most in need of re-energising. For example, work with your bedroom if you wish to give attention to relationships or spirituality, choose your workplace or study for enhancing career or creativity, your home for better health, the restroom for self-nurturing, maybe living room for overall balance and wellbeing.

Open all doors and windows, wear some music and relish the clearing process. Let your intuition direct you to clean and rearrange things in a more harmonious way. I have found it is powerful to convey an affirmation while cleaning clutter -- it keeps the mind focused and your intent clear. The best is: "I am now clearing all blockages and joyously opening to get the abundant flow from the universe!"

4. Cleanse and purify...

When you have physically cleared a room (or rooms), it is time to cleanse and purify the energy with your space. Its not necessary any special skills to accomplish this -- your personal positive intent is that you need. Set aside a second to centre yourself and keep in mind of one's intention, then simply stand it the midst of the space or walk across the space, mentally cleansing and lightening the setting. With practice, you are able to glance at the energy inside the room lift. To check this, when you have finished cleansing, leave the space and then come back in again -- it will feel distinctly better whenever you head into the bedroom.

You may find it useful to utilize a few tools to assist you inside the cleansing process. Below are a few suggestions:

-- use a room spray or burn a variety of essential oils (e.g. eucalyptus, lemon, rosemary or peppermint for cleansing and uplifting; lavender, geranium, rose or sandalwood for harmonising and relaxing) and enable the aroma to permeate space

-- light a sage smudge stick or some sandalwood incense and move about the room, wafting the smoke into any areas where the power feels stagnant or blocked

-- obtain a bell and move around the space gently ringing it, continuing to ring prior to the tone is obvious and pure; this is an intuitive process, so listen carefully and work on any spots where your bell sounds muddy or tinny -- continue and ultimately the environment in the room would really sound clean!

Perform some space clearing and cleansing whenever you're feeling somewhat run-down or the atmosphere at your residence feels sluggish -- it's a wonderful boost!

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