Makeout Sexy

Makeout Sexy


Makeout Sexy
Перечень фильмов, конечно, отнюдь не исчерпывающий, но семь картин действительно привлекли в своё время немало внимания смелым подходом к откровенным сценам, несмотря на то что иногда на экране демонстрировалось соитие дублёров.
"Нимфоманка" Ларса фон Триера (2013)
Фильм рассказывает историю эротических переживаний женщины от рождения до пятидесятилетия, которая подаётся от имени героини по имени Джо, поставившей себе диагноз "нимфомания". В фильме есть множество откровенных сцен. А режиссёр сообщал, что в его кинокартине покажут только реальный секс. В результате для исполнения сексуальных сцен были приглашены порноактёры.
"Отголоски прошлого" Пола Моррисона (2008)
Большинству из нас Роберт Паттинсон известен по роли Эдварда в культовой саге "Сумерки". Но мало кто знает, что задолго до того, как стать этим вампиром, он снялся в роли, где ему пришлось доставлять удовольствие самому себе. Это был испано-британский фильм "Отголоски прошлого".
В основе сюжета — история любви парня, девушки и ещё одной девушки, которые вместе постигают все радости секса. После разрыва с любимой главный герой всё чаще воспроизводит в памяти романтические моменты. И всё в реальности. Никаких дублёров, всё крупно и в 3D.
Драматический триллер, в центре сюжета которого история молодых Маркуса и Алекс. Началось всё, когда в одном из обычных подземных переходов кто-то изнасиловал молодую французскую девушку. Ровно через два часа в этот же день был убит один из посетителей популярного клуба. Фильм, конечно, ужасает сценами насилия и слишком выраженным реализмом происходящего на экране, но союз Моники Беллуччи и Венсана Касселя остаётся очень горячим. Особенно если учесть тот факт, что на момент съёмок они уже были в браке.
Тяжёлая история, разворачивающаяся вокруг несчастной пары, которая отчаянно пытается оправиться от трагической смерти своего сына. Кинолента начинается откровенной сценой страстного секса, снятой в фирменном стиле Ларса фон Триера и завершающейся падением ребёнка из окна. Эта смерть травмирует психику женщины. После чего муж увозит её в загородный дом, где они отдыхали прошлым летом, надеясь, что это поможет обоим. Кинокартину не раз называли эротическим хоррором и выделяли в отдельный жанр. В интимных сценах здесь не использовали дублёров.
Фильм рассказывает о правлении римского императора Калигулы, вошедшего в мировую историю кровожадным и жестоким правителем. Откровенные сексуальные сцены в картине появились благодаря его продюсеру Бобу Гуччионе. Он, как издатель порножурнала "Пентхаус", захотел добавить их без ведома режиссёра уже после того, как съёмка была завершена.
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Make eye contact. Meet your kissing partner's eyes and give them a little smile to show that you're ready for some action. You can also gently lean your forehead against your kissing partner's, put your hand on their face, touch their leg, or even give them a quick peck on the lips before you really start kissing. This helps start a connection and gets your partner more ready to kiss you; if you swoop in without any warning, the kissing session may be unexpected -- and not in a good way. [1]
Research source

Your eye contact doesn't have to be super intense, especially if you're just starting out with this person. Just a few seconds of eye contact should get the message across.

Move slowly and gently. This is very important. The best way to prevent head-butting, elbowing, and clanking teeth is to do everything slowly, especially in the beginning and when you're changing positions. As time progresses, you can introduce more passionate kissing techniques, but they can only be sustained for so long. Always return to a slow, comfortable pace. Start with a kiss on the lips, then, if you want to French kiss, slowly move your tongue into your partner's mouth as they do the same. [2]
Research source

Once your tongues are in each other's mouths, you can move them slowly in a circular motion, move them on top of each other, or do whatever feels good without moving too fast or getting sloppy.
Remember that if you're making out for the first time , you have to be extra cautious before you begin. The first time is about figuring out the person's comfort level, boundaries, and favorite maneuvers.

Keep your hands busy. This doesn't mean that you should frantically paw your kissing partner every chance you get. However, you'll be more comfortable kissing if you don't keep your hands neatly planted on your lap. Once you're comfortable, and especially if you're sitting down, try to explore your kissing partner's body -- as long as you're both okay with it. Basically, just keep your hands moving from time to time, so you don't get stuck in the same old boring position. Try cupping their face, touching their waist, or holding hands. [3]
Research source

Tease your kissing partner. You can still play hard to get in the middle of a make out session. When it's going great, just pull back for a second and look into your kissing partner's eyes. Locking eyes will be sexy and will make your kissing partner want to kiss you even more badly. Though you shouldn't try this move all the time, once or twice per make out session will do the trick.
This is also a great move if you need a little break from so much kissing.

Remember to come up for air. Taking a little break from kissing is perfectly fine and can even help get you back into the kissing mindset. If you're tired but don't want to stop yet, just come up for air, slow down your kissing pace, or don't be afraid to take a quick bathroom break or ask for a glass of water. If you're not feeling comfortable with so much kissing, then you won't be able to enjoy yourself or give your best effort.
It's okay. Taking a break from time to time will actually make you a better kisser.

Talk a little. A little verbal communication will keep things interesting. It's not a good time to start a deep conversation, though. Just a small phrase in a soft voice, especially when accompanied by eye contact and a smile will communicate closeness during the make out without saying a whole lot. You don't have to be silent to be sexy, and if you want to say something, as long as it won't ruin the mood, go for it. [4]
Trustworthy Source

PubMed Central
Journal archive from the U.S. National Institutes of Health

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Obviously, you shouldn't switch the subject from anything romantic completely. Now's not the time to ask about the math homework.

Keep things light. This isn't the movies, where it's all perfect and planned out! You're both human and there will be awkward moments here and there, no matter how many instructions you read. If anything awkward does happen, be quick to mend it with some light laughter or a gentle push. Making out is just as much about having fun as it is about being turned on. [5]
Research source

If you're fumbling awkwardly, really, it's better to make a joke about it than to pretend you're Mr. or Ms. Smooth.

Kiss your special someone's face and neck. Vary the kissing routine by moving away from their lips occasionally. Again, move slowly. If you move too quickly, they might not know what you're doing and next thing you know, your lips are crashing into their nose. Kiss the corner of their mouth gently, making your way along their jawline. You can move up to your partner's temple and forehead, or down to their neck.
Try giving your kissing partner a slightly wet kiss on the neck and then blow on it so they feel a shiver.

Stroke your kissing partner's hair. If your partner has short hair, run your fingers through their hair along the scalp from front to back, all the way down to their neck. If your partner has long hair, you can run your fingers down their hair, letting the strands run through your fingers. The head is one of the most sensitive parts of the human body. Don't underestimate the hair as an important place to touch during a make out session. [6]
Research source

Keep in mind, however, that some hairstyles are not conducive to this. If they have their hair tied up or it's quite curly, your fingers might get trapped. Instead, run the tips of your fingers slowly along the top and around their ear, as if you're tucking a stray strand behind their ear.

Give a few gentle bites. Hey, biting your partner's neck, ears, or even their bottom lip can do wonders for your make out session. Don't be afraid to try it once you're comfortable enough with your partner to experiment. Take a very gentle bite of their bottom lip, and then work your way over to nibble on their earlobe or neck and see how your love responds. If administered correctly, the tiny bite can make your partner go crazy with pleasure.

Be forewarned: the gentle -- or not so gentle -- bite is not for all tastes, but if your special someone likes it, they will really like it.
If you're nervous about this move, practice on your hand first.

Whisper in your kissing partner's ear. Whispering in your partner's ear is a great way to keep the passion going when you take a break from kissing. Just take a break, lean in to your special someone's ear, and whisper something short and sweet that lets them know how much you like kissing. Just say, "You're so sexy," or, "I've been wanting to kiss you all day," and your boyfriend or girlfriend will love it. [7]
Research source

As you're talking, you can breathe on your partner's neck to make them shiver.

Keep mixing things up. The most important thing to keep in mind as you make out is to keep things interesting by trying something new every once in a while. Just sitting there with your hands in the same position, kissing in the same way, will get old fast. So, mix things up between pecks on the lips, gentle love bites, passionate French kissing, and doing whatever else you need to do to keep things interesting.
You don't have to try 10,000 new moves in the middle of a make out session. But trying at least two or three different things can help spice things up.

Let your kissing partner know when you need a break. There are two post-make out options: either you move on to something more and get even more hot and heavy, or you realize that you want to take a break. Assuming you want to take a break or stop kissing, slowly move away from your partner, giving them one last, passionate kiss. You don't have to end things abruptly. When you feel like you're getting tired, or know that you have to leave soon, then you should slowly start removing yourself from the situation, limb by limb.
Don't apologize about it. Everyone needs a break from time to time.

Let your kissing partner know how much you liked it. Give your significant other some validation by giving him a big hug, one last kiss, or a big smile -- or even by saying, "That was amazing," or "I love kissing you." Even "I can't get enough of you" will do the trick if you mean it. Your special someone should feel confident and good about what just happened so it can happen again.
Don't be shy. You don't have to blurt out "I love you!" but hey, if you had a hot time, let it be known.

Leave your kissing partner wanting more. As you finish up the make out session, you should make sure that there's a repeat on the horizon. When you're done kissing, you should still stay sexy, be affectionate, and leave your kissing partner wanting more. You can say you can't wait to hang out again when you say goodbye, or even send a cute text saying what a great time you had earlier.
Though it may be hard to stay in the mood forever, try to keep things sexy for as long as you can after the make out session. That will make your kissing partner even more eager to see you again.

How do you ask someone to make out?

That depends on how well you know them and how comfortable you feel. If you’re getting the sense that they’re really into you and the mood is light and upbeat, you might try something simple but playful, like, “Hey, wanna make out?” If you’re less certain, try something like “I’d really like to kiss you right now. Is that okay?” If they agree, you could try asking if it’s okay to go further. For example, “Can I touch you here?”

It’s natural to feel shy and awkward when you’re making out with someone for the first time. With practice and experience, you’ll get a better idea of what works and what doesn’t, and you’ll begin to feel more confident. Just go with the flow and make sure to respect your partner’s boundaries and listen to their feedback.

What’s the best way to kiss someone while making out?

That’s up to you and your makeout partner. Experiment with different types of kisses, such as passionate French kisses or more gentle, teasing kisses. You can also experiment with kissing them on places other than the mouth, such as their neck, face, or hands.

What if the other person wants to go further than you do?

Whether you feel pressured to take another step for the first time, or don't feel comfortable repeating something you've already done, say so to the person involved. Don't stick around if he or she resorts to manipulation or guilt-tripping.

How do I know if someone wants to make out?

Someone who wants to kiss usually faces you with the whole body, maintains eye contact, and doesn't move away from a hand on the arm or shoulder. With someone shy or difficult to read, sometimes you just have to go for it! Move in slowly and romantically, giving the other person a chance to back out.

What makes a make out session different from a normal kiss?

A make out session is a kissing session that lasts at least a couple minutes. It sometimes involves "heavy petting," but not always.

I've kissed on the lips before, but I don't understand how to use your lips to deepen a kiss.

If you've only brushed lips lightly, you can add a little pressure next time (within reason). Another way to add passion is to part your lips just a hair during the kiss.

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 510 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 11,301,871 times.

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Last Updated: December 9, 2020


While kissing someone you like for even a few seconds can be electrifying or intense enough on it's own, making out takes kissing to a new level. If you want to make out the right way, then you have to know how to sustain your passion, mix things up, and make your kissing partner feel appreciated. Whether you've been with the same person for a while or you're kissing someone new, read on to find out how to make out like a pro.

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