Make Your Bed Book Summary

Make Your Bed Book Summary

Make Your Bed (2017) is a collection of the author’s ten most valuable personal experiences during his many years of service with the US Navy SEALs. Each is a simple yet priceless piece of advice that will have a positive influence on your life.

About the Author

William H. McRaven is a retired four-star US Navy SEAL admiral. During his 37 years of service, McRaven experienced quite a lot, both in training and in battle. He has led troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

Start the day off right by making your bed, and never underestimate the importance of a teammate.

If you’ve ever seen a movie where young soldiers were struggling through boot camp, you may have noticed their bunk beds and how orderly and neat they’re kept.

It may seem like a small and insignificant detail but a made bed can get your day started on the right foot.

The author and his fellow cadets were taught the proper way to make a bed in Coronado, California, as part of the basic training for being a member of the US SEAL team. And they also learned when to make their bed: first thing after waking up.

If someone failed to follow the bed-making code, they would perform the “sugar cookie” ritual, which involved diving into the Pacific Ocean and then immediately rolling in the hot sand on the beach.

Now, you may be thinking, “What’s the big deal about making your bed?” Well, it may be an easy task, but accomplishing any task first thing in the morning is the best and most productive way to start your day.

It gets the ball rolling, so to speak: by finishing one job, you’ll find it easier to begin checking off the other tasks on your list. And before you know it, you’ll be feeling great and productive – all thanks to making your bed.

Another life lesson from the military is the importance of teammates in your life.

The author learned this the hard way, after a near-fatal parachute jump. Falling through the air, McRaven was struck by another jumper’s parachute, which caused his own parachute to become entangled with his leg. The force of his parachute’s deployment broke his pelvis and tore his stomach muscles from the bone.

During his months of recovery, the author came to learn how important it is to have someone to help you carry on. If not for his wife, Georgeann, McRaven would likely have succumbed to depression and self-pity.

Everyone experiences a time in life when he needs the support of someone who believes in him. You can’t make it through life on your own.

Lessons From The Story


Start the day off right by making your bed, and never underestimate the importance of a teammate.


Don’t judge a book by its cover, and don’t expect life to be fair


Learn from your failures and don’t be afraid to take risks.


Be courageous in order to keep pursuing your goals, and when life gets tough, be the best you can be.


Be strong for others and don’t quit.

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