Make Sex Toys

Make Sex Toys


Make Sex Toys
Delivers mind-blowing orgasms every time.
Very realistic feeling sleeve and a very popular choice; ideal for a first time Fleshlight user.
An unusual criss-cross texture, peppered with small nubs, adds interest to the ​texture.
​Fleshlight & Fleshjack Deals This Week
Directions to Make a Folded Towel Masturbator Fold the towel a couple of times into a long, narrow shape. Place a latex glove on one of the narrow ends. The cuff should be hanging over the end. Fold the towel in half over the glove. Take the end of the glove cuff and stretch it to fit over the towel ends. Secure with a rubber band. You should now have a tight, rubber covered hole. Lube up and enjoy!
Directions to Make a Rolled Towel Masturbator Fold the towel in half, lengthwise. Put the toothpaste tube inside the glove and place it on the towel near one end. The cuff of the glove should be overhanging the long folded edge of the towel. Start rolling the towel around the glove and tube. After a roll or two, start folding the edge of the cuff back around the towel to hold it in place. Continue rolling until you reach the end. Pull out the toothpaste tube and secure the roll with one or two rubber bands. Lube up and enjoy!
Directions to Make a Sock Masturbator Stack two pairs of socks and lay them side by side. Fold each pair of socks back from the toes and lay them with the fold underneath. Lay the glove on top of one pair with the cuff sticking out 1-2 inches. Put the second pair on top so that the glove is sandwiched between them. Wrap the cuff of the glove over the ends of the socks. Take the third pair of socks and wrap them around the middle of the sock-glove sandwich. These can also be used to adjust the tightness. Secure the ends with rubber bands. You masturbator is ready to use. Lube up and enjoy!
Directions to Make Toilet Paper Roll Masturbator Remove the tube from the toilet paper roll by pulling and wiggling it out. Push the glove through the roll and pull the cuff up and around the edges. Lube up and enjoy!
Directions to Make a Pringles or Lays Masturbator If you are using a long can then start by pushing one set of sponges into the end of it. Bend them so they fit around the sides of the can. Sandwich a glove between the last two sponges. Push the ‘sandwich’ into the can, bending the sponges so that they fit around the edges. Wrap the glove cuffs around the opening of the can to hold the whole thing in place. Lube up and enjoy!
Directions to Make a Party Balloon Masturbator Blow a little air into a balloon and tie the end. Do not inflate it too much; all four balloons should be able to fit comfortably inside the container without making the ‘hole’ in the middle too tight. Repeat for the other three balloons and place them in the container to check the width. If the hole between them feels too tight replace a balloon with one that has less air in it. Secure each of the balloons to the edge of the container with duct tape over the knots. Push the fingers of the latex glove through the center of the balloons and (very carefully) pull the cuff over the edges and around the opening. Lube up and enjoy!
Perhaps you’re away from home and feeling horny; the idea of using your hand just does not appeal but your favorite Fleshlight is safely stored back in your bedroom. Maybe funds are tight and you can’t afford to buy a Fleshlight right now. Or maybe you’re just a tinkerer and enjoy the idea of creating your own homemade sex toys.
If any of the above describes you at all a homemade masturbator might be the perfect temporary solution for you. I say temporary because, for me, nothing really beats a genuine Fleshlight.
The realistic feel of their Superskin sleeves is like nothing else available and the variety of textures they offer means you’ll never get bored of them. (Can you tell I’m a fan?).
But they are expensive to buy and their bulky size means that they are not always practical to transport.
A simple homemade sex toy can be a cheap and simple alternative in a pinch. This article takes an in-depth look at some of the options and how they compare.  
I have an extensive collection of real Fleshlights and love using them. However, I am always willing to try something new so I set out to find the best options for homemade pussies / masturbators and test them thoroughly (all in the name of science, of course!).
I also compared them to some of my favorite Fleshlight sleeves to see how they measured up.
Before You Start: What You Need to Make These Homemade Masturbators
There are many videos online which show you in detail how to make different DIY sex toys and masturbation sleeves. So many, in fact, that finding the good ones is not easy.
I was looking for masturbators which can be cobbled together quickly and easily with normal household items.
I spent some time browsing the best of the videos on YouTube and selected a handful which seemed to meet my criteria. Then I searched my house for parts, went shopping for the rest, and began.
Fleshlights used as a reference in this article are:
I created each of the DIY pussy masturbators and tried them out myself. Here I will share the results of what is probably the most interesting and enjoyable DIY project I have ever undertaken!
If you are curious about trying out a real Fleshlight then you can find dozens of articles and reviews in the Fleshlight section of Merry Frolics. You should also see the Fleshlight Guide to find out what are the best Fleshlights .
Here are the BEST Fleshlight deals:
TIP: If you are considering making any of the masturbators described here (or any other homemade sex toys for men) I’d recommend using a good quality lube to make sure you get the best experience. You can buy lube or make your own lubricant by following the instructions here .
TIP: Several of the masturbators described below make use of latex gloves, which can be found easily in most grocery stores – usually next to detergents in the housekeeping aisle. They are likely to be the most easily available item but are not ideal in my opinion; they are usually too short for full penetration. There is also the possibility that poor quality gloves will tear and make a mess.
You can upgrade by using a dentist's latex glove, which is softer and more durable. Alternatively, use a condom (XL size) instead of a glove. The condom is softer and allows deeper penetration.
Towel masturbators are made with just three everyday items: a small towel, a latex glove, and a rubber band. These towel, or sock, masturbators are also called fifis. The term fifi comes from prison slang; inmates use towels, latex gloves, and Vaseline to make hands-free masturbation devices.
This is perhaps the simplest of all masturbators; it takes minutes to make.  
An interactive, robotic Fleshlight sounds amazing, but how good is it in practice?
The new Quickshot Launch is a great improvement over the original Launch. Read the  Fleshlight Quickshot Launch review.
In this version the towel is rolled instead of folded. You can use the same items, with the addition of a toothpaste tube or similar to maintain the size of the canal.
Despite following the instructions, I had to use some trial and error to get the towel masturbators right. My first attempts were both way too tight.
The toothpaste tube I used to create the channel in the rolled towel version was too thin so the whole canal was far too narrow. When making your own, try to find something which is suitable for your size. Your erect penis is probably bigger than you think!
The folded towel version is slightly more forgiving but be careful not to make the entrance too small. The tightness is defined by the size of the towel: if the folded towel is thick, the glove cuff will squeeze it too tight and the opening will be too small.
TIP: If you have trouble with the glove staying in place then you could secure it with a piece of string tied around the fingers and pulled through the rolled or folded towel.
Both towel masturbators felt pretty good, considering how basic they are. Once I got the tightness right, the folded masturbator felt great to push into. The narrow opening widens out quickly but you can easily control the tightness further along with your hands.
The rolled towel version, with its uniform canal width, was more to my liking. However, it was a lot more difficult to get this one right; it has to be the right width all along as there is very little ‘give’ in the sides to let you push through tight sections.
The glove does limit the penetration depth in both masturbators; you cannot push all the way in like you can with a full sized Fleshlight .
They are also a lot less intense than most Fleshlights as they don’t have any specially created textures to enhance the pleasure. Find out what are the most intense Fleshlights.
If anything, the texture of the towel (which could be felt through the glove) was a little too rough. This might not be a bad thing – it depends on your preferences – but is it a very different sensation to the smooth feel of Fleshlight’s Superskin.
A sock masturbator is even easier to make than a towel masturbator. You are likely to have all the kit to make this at home already and it is a lot easier to adjust the tightness.
Like the improvised towel masturbators, sock masturbators became popular in prisons where inmates needed to get creative with the items they had to hand.
They can be made with any socks of the right thickness - I used ankle high sports socks as I didn’t have regular ones. However, regular sports socks are probably best, especially when you need to wrap the socks around the end of the masturbator.
You can move or remove the rubber bands to adjust the tightness in different sections of the sleeve. I took off the one closest to the opening to make it less tight.
I was surprised at how well the sock masturbator worked. It is quite smooth – smoother than the towel masturbators above – and I liked the extra softness too. The sensation is not dissimilar to that of the Quickshot (a short, open-ended Fleshlight) but the lack of textures makes it less intense.
I found it easy to control the tightness with my hands. The only real drawback of this one is the relatively short penetration depth of the latex glove.
This is the easiest masturbator on this list. There are just two parts to it and adjusting the tightness is simple.
That’s it! Really, really simple to make and ideal when you’re in a hurry.
Adjusting the size of the channel is simple; if you need a looser fit you can remove more of the toilet paper from the middle before inserting the glove.
The inner channel of the toilet paper masturbator felt nice and soft – similar to the sock masturbator above. The type of toilet paper you use will affect this feeling: the softer the better.
At first I found it a little too tight but this was easily corrected by removing more paper.
Once again, the depth of penetration is limited by the size of the glove and (in this case) the size of the roll. This is not the end of the world but can be frustrating if you are used to the full penetration of a real Fleshlight sleeve.
While the toilet roll masturbator is enjoyable enough, there is no real texture to speak of. Overall it is quite enjoyable but less interesting and not as intense as a textured Fleshlight .  
The sponge masturbator is likely to require a shopping trip as you probably won’t have all the items you need to hand.
A tall cup is a possible alternative to the Pringles can. If you do use a larger can then an extra set of sponges can be useful: set them at the bottom of the can to stop the others from sliding out of position.
You can also make a version of this masturbator with a narrower can and a XL condom.
Sponges should be nicely soft and flexible – if they are too hard then they will feel inflexible and unpleasant.
The idea of using a Pringles can with its leftover coating of grease and salt did not appeal to me at all so I tried a Lays can (which I washed thoroughly before using).
My verdict is that the sponge masturbator is just ok.  The sponges I had bought were too hard and didn’t envelop my penis as well as I would have liked but I think the experience might have been better with softer sponges. 
Like the other homemade masturbators, this one doesn’t really compare to a real Fleshlight as there is no texture to speak of.  
The balloon masturbator is one of the most unusual designs on this list; it is easy to make but will require a shopping trip unless you have party supplies on hand.
I found that I needed to replace one of my first balloons as I had over-inflated it.
I also tore the first three latex gloves I tried to use so I would recommend having spares of both items on hand.
Fitting the glove over the container edges is quite a difficult step – I finally figured out that loosening the glove by stretching it first helps to secure a good fit.   
Pushing into the party balloon Fleshlight felt really good; the tight hole has just the right amount of pressure to make it interesting.
Inside, the hole opens out and the sensations are a lot less intense.
Overall, the entry is way better than any of the other DIY pocket pussies. However, the deeper penetration isn’t as interesting compared to the sock or towel masturbators.
This recipe did not work out well for me but I decided to include it here anyway. More adventurous readers might want to try it for themselves.
The instructions I followed are here: . I doubled or tripled the times but ended up with a too-solid sleeve so you will need to experiment yourself if you want to try this one!
I did manage to make a solid cornstarch shape but it ended up being far too hard to use as a masturbator.
I admit I gave up after this first attempt as the idea never appealed to me anyway. A cold masturbator? No thanks! The experiment only solidified (get it?) my feelings.
The outcome of this experiment surprised me: the homemade masturbators I tried (with a few exceptions) were a lot better than I expected them to be.
I must admit I was very skeptical before I began. I have owned many Fleshlights over the years and nothing else I have tried even comes close to them for realism and enjoyment.
I expected the homemade Fleshlights to be disappointing (and a bit embarrassing). So I was very pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed trying some of these designs.
Everything I needed was either already in my home or a quick (cheap) supermarket trip away.
The process of making each of the masturbators (with the exception of the last) was a lot easier than I expected. Getting the sizing right was fiddly but once you have figured it out it should be easy to repeat.
My favorites were the soft and flexible Sock Masturbator and the easy-to-make Toilet Paper Roll Masturbator.
My conclusion? Homemade male sex toys and masturbators can be decent alternatives to real Fleshlights. They are not the same (not even close) but they are a great way to get a little bit more pleasure from your masturbation sessions.
If you really want to level-up your masturbation nothing beats a Fleshlight. The material is soft and pliable, the textures range from gentle to intense, and the orifices are sometimes very realistic.
If you have ever considered getting one I would strongly encourage you to start shopping. For help deciding which one, see my Complete Guide to Fleshlights or the detailed reviews elsewhere on the site.
Disclosure: Please note that some of the links above are affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you decide to make a purchase. If you click an affiliate link and make a purchase, you help support this website. Please note that: 1) I do not and will not recommend a product just because I’m an affiliate. 2) I do not recommend products just for the sake of making money. 3) I recommend products because I think they are valuable to my readers. 4) I respect and value my readers too much to write anything other than my own genuine and objective opinions and advice.
The Best Fleshlight Sleeves and Textures – A Complete Guide to Fleshlights : Want the best Fleshlight? Find the most realistic, cheap, or intense Fleshlight sleeves and textures. Read in-depth sex toy reviews and recommendations. How to choose the best Fleshlight sleeve
How to Use a Fleshlight – The Basics and How to Enhance the Experience : How to use a Fleshlight is fairly obvious. But if you want to get the most from your Fleshlight experience then there are a few tips that can help. Learn how to use Fleshlight.
How to Buy a Fleshlight : Buying a Fleshlight online is simple. The shipping and billing is safe and discreet. Still, there are a few caveats that you should know before ordering. Learn how to buy a Fleshlight.
How to Clean and Take Care of Your Fleshlight : Cleaning Fleshlight is simple. Just use plenty of warm water. Still, sometimes this may not be enough. Learn how wash, dry, and take care your Fleshlight. Learn how to clean a Fleshlight.
Fleshlight and Male Sex Toy Deals, Discounts and Coupons : Fleshlight and other male sex toy deals, discounts, and coupon codes. Save money with always up-to-date deals. All discounts are tested to work. Learn how to buy a Fleshlight at a discount.
Quickshot Boost & Vantage Review: Smallest and Cheapest Fleshlights : The Fleshlight Quickshot models are the cheapest and smallest Fleshlight models. They are also a great introduction to high quality male masturbators. Read Fleshlight Vantage and Boost reviews.
Fleshlight Quickshot Launch Review : The Quickshot Launch brings the sex fantasy even closer, by taking you one step further from the manual action of masturbating. Read Fleshlight Quickshot Launch review.
Here are the BEST Fleshlight deals:

58 Homemade Sex Toys For Men & Women (Improvised & DIY)
7 Easy Ways to Make a Homemade Fleshlight Pocket Pussy
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