Make My Cock Hard

Make My Cock Hard


Make My Cock Hard
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BASICS Triple Cock Ring Set (3 Pack)
DOMINIX Deluxe 1.75 Inch Stainless Steel Donut Cock Ring

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Here’s what can kill your hard-on...and what can save it.
If you have a penis, then you know it has a tendency to be a little, uh, temperamental sometimes. When you want it to stay hard during sexual activity, it goes soft. Then, when you finally manage to sustain an erection, you end up ejaculating too quickly . It doesn't get along so well alcohol , even when you’re in a sexually arousing situation, and—speaking of substances—studies show there might be a link between erectile dysfunction and smoking weed . It also tends to show up in a big way at inopportune times , like in the middle of your important presentation for work. As far as sources of pleasure go, the penis can be pretty damn frustrating.
According to a study published in the American Journal of Medicine , 85 percent of penis-owning men between the ages of 20 and 39 say they “always” or “almost always” can get and maintain an erection, which means 15 percent of men in the prime of their life have a tough time getting hard, at least occasionally. The same study found that of men between the ages of 40-59, only 20 percent said they could get a healthy enough erection for sex most of the time. In other words, solid wood is far from a foregone conclusion.
Though you may never be able to predict how your penis will behave with 100 percent accuracy, there are steps you can take to make sure that when it comes time to perform, your erections are as healthy and strong as they can be. So without further ado, here are 16 tips to help you stay hard.
Did you know that a cock ring can help you maintain an erection ? This O-shaped toy fits around your penis and helps keep blood in the shaft, where you want it. A cock ring also helps prevent venous leakage , a form of erectile dysfunction where blood flows to your penis, but has trouble staying there. ( Giddy , a new cock-ring-like gadget designed to treat ED, may also help guys with venous leakage maintain stronger erections.)
There are four types of cock rings, all of which can help in the erection department:
To learn more about the different types, check out our guide to cock rings . And here's where to shop some of our favorite cock rings on the market .
The pelvic floor muscles play a role in sexual activity, explains Robert Valenzuela, MD, a board-certified urologist and Promescent medical advisor. “Contractions of the pelvic floor muscles (called Kegels) help produce an increase in the penis pressure and the rigidity of the penis.” In simpler words, Kegel exercises—where you contract and release your pelvic floor muscles—can help strengthen your erections. Here are some tips on exactly how to practice Kegel exercises .
Kegel exercises are also a component of a practice known as “penis rehabilitation,” adds Michael Ingber , MD, a urologist and urogynecologist at Garden State Urology. “Just like after shoulder surgery, when you might see a physical therapist to work on the muscles, strengthening them, and increasing range of motion, the same thing is true for the penis, the muscles, and nerves that play a role in erectile function.” That’s why many urologists recommend early penile rehabilitation—which includes Kegels—shortly after events that affect the erectile nerves of the penis, such as prostate cancer surgery. “This is done in conjunction with medical therapies like Viagra,” Ingber says.
According to WebMD , research has shown that foods bad for the heart are also bad for the penis—which makes sense, since the heart and penis both depend on blood flow to function properly. The Mediterranean diet —which includes, fruits, whole grains, heart-healthy fats like nuts and olive oil, red wine, and vegetables—is a good place to start.
"The link between the Mediterranean diet and improved sexual function has been scientifically established," Irwin Goldstein, MD, director of sexual medicine at Alvarado Hospital in San Diego, told WedMD.
According to Ryan Berglund, MD, a urologist at the Cleveland Clinic, bloodflow is the key to a healthy erection, and there's nothing that encourages bloodflow like aerobic exercise. Not only does it keep you in shape, it builds the body's nitric oxide, which helps maintain erections.
While running is great, stay off the bike if you can help it . “Endurance cyclists who spend a long time on their bike seats may have more trouble with ED,” says Erin Michos, MD, an associate professor of Medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
“This is because bike riding can compress the pudendal artery, which provides blood flow to the penis,” Ingber adds. “Using a special bike seat (split-seat) along with wearing special shorts can help prevent ED.”
In a study conducted at the University of Kentucky, researchers found that when asked to rate their sex lives on a scale of 1 to 10, men who smoked averaged about a 5, while nonsmokers rated theirs a 9.
One reason is that smoking is a known cause of impotence, and there’s some evidence that smoking affects erection strength—and size. In one study, researchers found that smokers’ penises are smaller than those belonging to nonsmokers.
“In addition to damaging blood vessels, smoking may cause damage to penile tissue itself, making it less elastic and preventing it from stretching,” says Goldstein.
We have yet to hear a better reason to quit.
Though few things are worse for your erection than a cigarette habit, coffee can actually help you out below the belt. A study by the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston found that men who consumed the caffeine equivalent of 2-3 cups of coffee per day were less likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction than those who preferred to wake up with caffeine-free beverages.
If you’re finished producing offspring (or you’re sure you don’t want kids), consider investing in permanent renovations at the sperm factory.
“The risk of a contraceptive failure can be a big source of anxiety for some men, especially those who’ve had a birth-control disaster—or a scare—in the past,” says Karen Donahey, Ph.D., director of the sex- and marital-therapy program at Northwestern University.
That anxiety can, in turn, lead to erection problems—and cause the same vicious circle that makes performance anxiety such a mood killer.
But if there’s no sperm, the risk of pregnancy is beyond minuscule: A properly performed vasectomy has an effectiveness rate of 99.9%. Depending on your insurance situation, the procedure typically costs between $0 and $1,000, according to Planned Parenthood .
“Many of my patients end up paying $0 for them if they have low deductible plans,” Ingber says. “We can often do these in the office setting, with a local anesthesia, which can minimize cost for some patients.”
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It’s common for men who start having affairs to stop having erections. So common, in fact, that doctors who treat erectile dysfunction often ask their patients if they’re getting any action on the side.
Unless you’re in an open or polyamorous relationship , you’re bound to feel at least a little guilty when you have sex with your partner. Guilt can turn to anxiety, and that can kill an erection.
Erectile dysfunction is common in people who have diabetes (and especially type 2 diabetes), according to the Mayo Clinic . The disease hits the penis with a double whammy: It accelerates the process of arterial disease, and it slows the transmission of stimuli along nerves throughout your body. And, trust us, a numb penis is not a happy penis.
Type 2 is the most prevalent form of diabetes among American adults. There are various ways to prevent it, including eating the right foods and exercising regularly. You should also be vigilant in checking your blood sugar (talk to your doctor about the best methods).
Low testosterone doesn't directly affect the mechanisms involved in your erection , but it does affect your libido, making it harder to get turned on—and harder to get, well, hard . If you notice an uncharacteristic drop in your sex drive— or any of these symptoms of low testosterone —you might want to ask your doc if your T levels are lower than they should be. If they are, your doctor can help get your testosterone back to levels within the normal range.
One vigorously misplaced thrust is all it takes to rupture the corpora cavernosa, the elongated “erectile chambers” that run the length of your penis. Don’t believe us? Try aiming your erect penis at the trunk of a tree—it’s roughly the same density as your partner’s pubic bone.
A complete rupture will require surgery within 24 hours to stanch internal bleeding and reduce the risk of permanent damage. A partial tear isn’t as serious, but it may cause problems later on. As the linings of the corpora heal over with scar tissue, they lose their elasticity—leading to curvature, pain, and eventually impotence.
By some estimates, more than a third of impotent penis-owners have a history of “penile trauma.” To protect yourself, be careful when your partner's on top. That’s the position most likely to cause damage.
In one study , researchers found that men who walk just 2 miles a day had half the rate of erection problems of more sedentary men, says Goldstein. (Twenty minutes of jogging or 30 minutes of weight training will work, too.)
Deposits that clog or stiffen penile arteries can also wilt erections. “Guys tend to think of their arteries as simple pipes that can become clogged, but there’s a lot more going on than that,” says Laurence Levine, MD, a urologist at Chicago’s Rush-Presbyterian Medical Center. “The linings of those blood vessels are very biologically active areas where chemicals are being made and released into the bloodstream.”
The more you exercise, the healthier, cleaner, and more flexible those linings become.
Sorry if reading the word "yawn" made you yawn just now. Actually, we're not sorry—because as far as your body’s concerned, yawning and getting an erection are practically the same thing.
They’re both controlled by a chemical called nitric oxide. Released in the brain, it can either travel to the neurons that control mouth opening and breathing, or go down the spinal cord to the blood vessels that feed the penis. Sometimes it does both (that’s why a big yawn can cause a tremor down under).
We don’t recommend foreplay with your mouth hanging open. But allowing yourself to yawn now and then throughout the day may help prime the neurochemical pathways that lead to good, sturdy erections.
Your penis needs as much shut-eye as it can get. Every night while you sleep , you have between three and five-hour-long erections. You probably noticed this phenomenon the last time you had to pee at 4 a.m.
Those erections are not there just to make life interesting for your bedmate. They work to recharge your penis—keeping it well-nourished with oxygenated blood.
“Theoretically, the more nocturnal erections you have, the more flexible your erectile tissue will become. And that may help keep erections strong as the years wear on,” Goldstein explains.
If all else fails, there is ED treatment in the form of drugs, such as Viagra and Cialis. Talk to your doctor about whether the option is right for you—and know that men's wellness brands like Hims and Romans both prescribe ED medication online and then deliver them straight to your door.
If traditional oral ED medication isn’t working, there’s something called Trimix, where you inject the base of your penis with vasodilating agents, says Jed Kaminetsky, MD, a board-certified urologist and Promescent medical advisor. “It’s actually less painful than it sounds and is effective in over 90% of men with erectile dysfunction.”
However, while Trimix works great, “one has to be aware of complications,” Ingber says. “In some men, this erection can persist and become painful. If it lasts more than 4 hours, it’s called ‘priapism,’ and it becomes a medical emergency where you will need to go to the emergency department.”

How to Increase Blood Flow to the Penis to Make It Rock Hard

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Fight back against erectile dysfunction
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The human penis is a very complex organ, to say the least, and it’s also the cause of a lot of anxiety and stress for men across the world.
Recently, physicians from around the globe report that there has been an increase in the number of men who come to them to ask for ways to help them maintain better erections.
Thinking that this would improve their sexual performance and would resolve their body image issues, they often try risky techniques to increase blood flow to their penis, which puts them at risk for major health risks.
From penis fractures to high blood pressure; erection enhancement procedures/pills and exercises might not be as effective or healthy as you would think. You can opt for pills like Viagra and procedures like Vascular Reconstruction surgeries to improve your erections.
However, these are usually prescribed for people diagnosed with erectile dysfunction or similar conditions. So there’s little chance your doctors would approve these without having a valid medical reason.
This blog is a comprehensive guide on how to increase blood flow to your penis; it will describe the anatomy of the penis, how erections work and some safe ways that you can take to maintain better erections.
The penis is erected when blood flows into the erectile tissue that makes up the shaft and surrounds the urethra. So, the more blood that flows into your penis the better erections you can maintain for longer periods and with greater consistency.
To understand the process of erection, it’s important that we understand the anatomy of the human penis because any erectile problems will be caused by problems in the structures that make it up.
The parts of the penis involved in getting an erection are the shaft and the glans but these aren’t all the tissues/muscles that make up the penis. Specifically, the penis comprises of the following structures:
Each of these parts contains tissues like the corpora cavernosa, corpora spongiosum and a network of nerves that control the blood flow into the penis.
The tissue responsible for getting an erection is the corpora cavernosa. It runs down the length of your penis and is capable of holding in large amounts of blood when you are sexually stimulated.
Usually, when your penis is flaccid, the blood flow to the Corpora Cavernosa is restricted just enough to make sure that it gets the appropriate amount of nutrition and oxygen to keep it healthy.
The nerves are contracted because of the tightness of the muscle and so your penis remains flaccid.
When you are sexually stimulated, hormones and neurotransmitters are released from the spinal cord which forces the cavernosal tissue to relax and therefore increase the blood flowing into it.
With this increase in blood flow, the cavernosa becomes stiff and you experience an erection. It’s ultimately the blood flow to your penis that decides the quality of your erections .
If you could increase the amount of blood that flows into the cavernosa tissues, then you could get better erections and perhaps for longer periods of time than before.
Incidentally, this is the same principle that erection pills like Viagra use. These relax the corpora cavernosa to the extent that help develop erections faster and for longer periods of time.
Although research isn’t favorable when it comes to increasing the size of the penis, there is plenty of evidence to indicate that you can increase the blood flow to the penis.
There are various options that you can consider which include natural supplements, exercises, vacuum devices, medication and surgical procedures to achieve better blood flow.
Each of these influences the blood flowing into the corpora cavernosa through chemical/surgical procedures to help maintain better erections.
It’s usually suggested that you don’t adopt any of the pharmaceutical and surgical methods (including pumps) to help maintain your erections because of the side-effects and risks associated with these.
For this very reason, medical interventions are usually restricted to helping treat medical conditions that cause erectile problems.
Natural methods like improving your diet and adopting healthy lifestyles are always preferred over those alternatives owing to their risk-free effectiveness and the general health benefits of these.
The natural methods to increase blood flow to the penis include a comprehensive lifestyle and diet plans which can be implemented for significant improvement in the quality of your erections. These include:
There are certain foods and dietary regimens that can help improve the quality of your erections.
Incorporating them in your daily routines and diet plans will provide essential nutrients that can reduce the risk of ED and improve the quality of your erections. Some of these foods include:
Research indicates that coffee intake is significantly correlated with a decreased rate of erectile dysfunction.
A study conducted on 3,700 men in Greece and the United States found that consuming 2-3 cups of coffee each day reduced the amount of failed erections as observed in healthy subjects and those with cardiovascular disease and obesity.
Experts are of the opinion that caffeine helps dilate blood vessels which can help increase blood flow to the penis which could explain why the coffee intake is related to improved erections.
However, this relationship has to be much more widely studied and the current results aren’t conclusive.
Flavonoids have also been linked in reducing the incidence of erectile dysfunction amongst men and associated with a better quality of erections.
It is said that these can help ease the blood flow through the blood by helping the blood vessels dilate much more easily.
Dark chocolate is a flavonoid-heavy food that you can consume on a regular basis if you’re trying to improve the quality of your erections.
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