Make Love Sex

Make Love Sex


Make Love Sex

Rachael Pace is a noted relationship writer associated with She provides inspiration, support, and empowerment in the form of motivational articles and essays. Rachael enjoys studying the evolution of loving partnerships and is passionate about writing on them. She believes that everyone should make room for love in their lives and encourages couples to work on overcoming their challenges together.

Even though sex and making love belong to the same category, there is a difference between both concepts. When it comes to sex, your urge can be satisfied within few minutes through quick sexual intercourse.
However, making love is more extensive. It can be likened to a leisure journey where you take all the time in the world to enjoy .
Undoubtedly, women enjoy sex , but when you make love to them, you have taken it to a new level. Many people don’t know how to make love to a woman because they are unaware of its technicalities.
Not to worry, in this piece, we’ll be divulging some of the secrets involved that will spice up your love life and help you make love the right way.
Almost everyone has an idea of what sex means, but making love is a much deeper concept that a few understand.
The idea of sex is getting in the mood, taking off your clothes, and entering the real action only to last for some minutes or maybe longer. The average sex lacks the emotional connection , which is the basics of making love.
If you have sex with the person you love, it does not mean that you are making love. The act of making love is usually for special occasions because of the high intimacy level involved .
It is important to know that you cannot make love every night because it will get boring. All it takes to make love is a romantic gesture , nice words that help you and your partner build up the right emotions to facilitate the process of love-making.
This research study by Zahra Mehdizaheh Toorzani and other authors delves into the study of sexual satisfaction. It helps couples build a better sexual relationship that improves their mental and physical health.
The act of making love to a woman is not as simple as A-B-C. It would be best if you had the right direction to spice up your love-making techniques.
If you are keen on proving to your woman that you love her and are serious about her , you need to make love to her more, instead of the regular sex .
Here are the best ways to make love to a woman that will make her love you more:
Some people think that cracking jokes and acting silly will help to lighten the mood when having sex .
The truth is, to properly make love to a woman, you need to show you are serious about it.
It would be best if you approached with an intimate and serious tone that shows her that you are ready to connect with her emotionally . This will also help to get her in the right mood for lovemaking.
To know how to make love to a woman starts from what happens during the day. Ensure you are gentle with your words and actions around her. She will say you are nice, but she would not be unsure of what you have up your sleeves.
The build-up of events from during the day to evening when you meet on the bed determines how well you make love or not.
If she had a stressful day at work , it might be challenging to get her into the mood for lovemaking. So, please do your due diligence by helping her unwind in her most preferred way.
If she wants a massage, provide it for her. If she wants a warm bath and a little sleep, don’t stop her. While doing any of these, ensure you pamper her optimally.
You should have an idea of how the atmosphere should be before making love to your wife. It should not be the regular thing you are used to.
You can go out for dinner where you pour out your mind to her. Let her know how special she is to you and how you will do anything for her.
This will help you set up the lovemaking mood.
Suppose she is your wife, the best place to make love would probably be in your home. 
However, it doesn’t stop you from trying out places like a hotel or even a car! In comparison, if she is not your wife, you can go over to her place, or she comes to yours. 
More so, you could get a hotel room that allows you to build a lovemaking mood .
For making love tips , sometimes you need music to get you in the mood. In this case, you need slow-paced music that will help you build the lovemaking mood.
Making love usually comes with a slow and sexy pace, and music with slow jazz is appropriate.
For your woman to be pleased with you in bed, you need to make love to her the right way. Watch this video to what to play when you are making love:
When you want to make love, watch out for the lighting in the room. If it is the regular one, consider changing it to something cool and dim.
On the other hand, if you can’t change it, you can switch off the lights and adjust the curtains to allow little light in. Another alternative would be to get some candles beforehand and light them when you are about to start .
If you want to know how to make love to a woman, you need to realize that you will achieve better results when she has sufficient time to relax and focus.
Take your time to eliminate distractions and duties that you might have to attend to. 
Also, provide her with enough support to ensure she settles down gradually into lovemaking at night.
Some partners make a mistake when they are about to get started with lovemaking; they start touching some regions because they know the lady is wet.
One of the trademarks of love-making is patience; if you are in a hurry to make love, you will not enjoy the whole process .
When you make love to her, it is not the time to start trying out new sex positions or techniques. This is the point where you start with what you are used to but more intimate.
As you handle your woman’s body, let her know that you appreciate her for being sexy . You will be able to build passion this way because your bodies will be in charge, and it would reflect the hunger in your eyes.
To know how to make love to a woman, you need to show that you desire everything about her . As earlier mentioned, she should see it in your eyes and how you touch her. Do not be in a hurry to open the honeypot.
Take your time to provide her with much pleasure when you are in bed. Ensure she understands that you are not in a hurry to penetrate her.
When you know what your woman needs during lovemaking, she will keep coming back for more. Know what helps her achieve orgasm, and work towards making it easier for her.
Also, give her the chance to communicate her needs to you, and ensure you meet those needs.
It is not romantic to tear a woman’s clothes off when you want to make love to a woman. This is not advised because you will not be helping her achieve a sweet sensual experience.
You can do many things with her clothes that will turn into a delightful pleasure for her . When you start, make it slow and steady to build her mood.
One of the best ways to make love to a woman is to make your foreplay more emotional than physical. You cannot achieve this instantly when you are in bed because it starts from how you go about your daily activities with her.
To get started, you can spoil her with a surprise date, sweet words, romantic and dirty text messages . You will be able to appeal to her emotional side that way.
When you explore the various erogenous zones in a woman’s body, you give her the impression that you appreciate everything about her. 
You can start with a light touch to see how she responds, then experiment with a bit of pressure and speed to see if she is game. Watch for her feedback to give you the needed guidance to make love.
At some point, you might not know how to sustain her horniness, and if you have kissed and fondled her, it might become monotonous if you repeat those acts. In this case, you have to get creative.
Think of something out of the box that she would not see coming. A sensual massage might do, or you can eat her out gently.
On how to make love to a woman, knowing the right sex position/style is important. Do not use Doggy or other related sex position because it does not meet the lovemaking purpose that builds intimacy.
Usually, styles like missionary are great positions when you want to make love.
During the act of lovemaking, let your communication skills be active . When you have done enough foreplay and exploration, she might begin to show you that she is ready to receive.
If she clearly mentions this, don’t be in a hurry to satisfy her just yet. Continue to provide her with enough sexual thrills that would make her legs shake.
To know how to make love to a woman, pay attention to her clitoris. This is the part of her body that helps her achieve orgasm.
Hence, focus on providing her clitoris with stimulation because many women find it hard to achieve orgasm from just vaginal stimulation.
A great way to turn a woman on is to take and remain in control. This is called dominance.
When a man and woman are making love and you are dominating as a man , it does not mean that you are oblivious to what she wants. While you are in control, focus on what she wants while fulfilling your needs too.
At this point, the atmosphere is heated, and you might be tempted to perform faster since you are highly sensually absorbed.
However, avoid this and instead focus on making each thrust deep, slow and passionate sex . Let it take an eternity to both enter and leave her.
It is usual for you to feel uneasy at some point when making love. So, you can look deeply into her eyes at some point while you experience pure sensual bliss. Don’t repeat this act frequently for you not to remain uneasy.
The act of knowing how to make love to a woman entails that it is more about them than you if you are a man. Making love means a lot to women because it gives them a sense of security , safety, and purpose with you.
Allow them to enjoy the whole process from start to finish without rushing them. When you do this repeatedly, they will repay by being dedicated and committed to you because they feel safe with you.
Another way on how to make love to a woman is to let her know how much you feel and care about her . 
When you are thrusting, caressing, or performing other acts in bed, whisper these words to her to keep her in the mood.
After lovemaking, she will remember those words and keep them in her heart when she is probably alone.
When you are done making love to a woman, leaving the bed and freshening up is inappropriate. She will get the impression that all your act was to get between her legs.
Hence, remain in the sheets and cuddle up with her. This is a great way to make her feel appreciated after the end of lovemaking.
Michael Morgenstern’s book titled: How to make love to a woman is an insightful guide for proper lovemaking. The book contains interview answers from women from all walks of life, helping everyone discover how to satisfy them in bed .
One of the easiest ways to keep a relationship or marriage rock-solid is to know how to make love to a woman. This is beyond knowing the best sex styles or strategies to use in bed.
Rather, it is about making your woman know how much you love and appreciate her.
Hence, do not be in a hurry to get started so that you can satisfy your sensual needs. Instead, be patient with her while you guide her all through the lovemaking period.
To learn more about how to make love to a woman, check out Drew McPherson’s book titled: How to make love to a woman . The book helps you channel your inner passion into achieving physical intimacy and emotional connection with a woman.
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Use safer sex practices . It can be easier to relax and enjoy yourself if you feel confident that you are practicing safer sex. With this in mind, make a plan to make your sex life as safe as possible. If you can, before you have sex, get to know your partner, and talk openly about your sexual histories. Use a condom or dental dam every time you have sex, and for the complete act. [1]
Research source
Haavio-Mannila, E., & Kontula, O. (1997). Correlates of increased sexual satisfaction. Archives of sexual behavior, 26(4), 399-419

Only latex and polyurethane condoms protect against STIs and HIV . Polyurethane condoms may break more easily than latex. Use a condom any time you have vaginal, anal, or oral sex . [2]
Research source

A dental dam is a latex barrier that you can use when performing oral sex with a female partner. It can help prevent the spread of STIs and HIV. [3]
Research source

Females should also consider getting the HPV vaccine to help prevent problems like genital warts and cervical cancer . [4]
Research source

HPV vaccines may cause fainting or allergic reactions in some people, so talk with your doctor about whether the vaccine is right for you. [5]
Trustworthy Source

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Main public health institute for the US, run by the Dept. of Health and Human Services

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Love the body you're in. Feeling self-conscious or embarrassed of your body can make sex needlessly uncomfortable. If you struggle with body image issues that are negatively affecting your sex life, then make it a priority to rectify what you can and accept what you cannot. Accepting your body is key to a happy self and the first step to better sex life.

Try looking at yourself in the mirror and make it a point to find a new positive about yourself each day. [6]
Research source

You can also make it a point to get to know your own body in a sexual way. People with vaginas who masturbate have significantly more sexual satisfaction than those who do not [7]
Research source
Hurlbert, D. F., & Whittaker, K. E. (1991). The role of masturbation in marital and sexual satisfaction: A comparative study of female masturbators and nonmasturbators. Journal of Sex Education and Therapy, 17(4), 272-282

Knowing what feels good for yourself will help you communicate your needs to your partner.


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Communicate openly with your partner . Communication with your partner will improve your sexual satisfaction and help with your intimacy. [8]
Research source
Davis, D., Shaver, P. R., Widaman, K. F., Vernon, M. L., Follette, W. C., & Beitz, K. (2006). “I can't get no satisfaction”: Insecure attachment, inhibited sexual communication, and sexual dissatisfaction. Personal Relationships,13(4), 465-483

Research source
Byers, E. S., & Demmons, S. (1999). Sexual satisfaction and sexual self‐disclosure within dating relationships. Journal of Sex Research, 36(2), 180-189

Research source
Haavio-Mannila, E., & Kontula, O. (1997). Correlates of increased sexual satisfaction. Archives of sexual behavior, 26(4), 399-419

It can be hard to establish and maintain open communication with your partner, especially if you aren't comfortable with sex and what you want. Think about what you can say and still feel comfortable and safe.

No matter how well you may think you know each other, your partner isn't a mind reader. If there is something you want to change about your sex life, then it's important to talk about it. If your partner is really committed to you, then they will be willing to listen and respect your needs. [11]
Research source

Communicating your sexual needs can even be a good bonding experience for you and your partner. [12]
Trustworthy Source

Mayo Clinic
Educational website from one of the world's leading hospitals

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