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For the first race of the season, the boys head to Windrock, Tennessee where the rain came with. Austin Hackett-Klaube, Harrison Ory, and Wiley Kaupas, strapped into a mudder and somehow survived.

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A place to get personal things off your chest. Not for opinions, not for relationship advice, and not for preaching.
Throwaway account because if anyone I know reads this, they're gonna know exactly who I am. waves
Backstory Growing up, my mom was always pretty promiscuous despite being married to my dad. They both abused alcohol and fought regularly. She would go out and "have fun" and it was pretty well known that she cheated on him constantly. End Backstory
When I was 16, almost 17, I met a guy (he had just turned 19) that I really vibed with. Let's call him Anthony. We met at a house party and really hit it off. We got to know each other for awhile and I really liked him. Anthony was smart, kind, funny, and we had amazing chemistry. He bought me roses on Valentine's Day. He would randomly pick me up and take me somewhere to hang out. We'd often drive around and just get lost. We would either laugh all night or we'd talk all night about our beliefs and dreams and whatnot. It was magical to me. He seemed so wonderful and caring. He understood me. I understood him. It was just a really fun, meaningful relationship (at least to me, anyway -- I thought Anthony felt the same but you'll soon find out that wasn't the case). Later on, it became more serious and we started having sex.
Awhile into our "relationship," I found out that he was not only seeing two (and probably more) other women, but he also had a baby on the way. Ugh. Being young, naive, and really liking the guy, I stuck around. Before long, I realized that it wasn't going to work and I cut him off altogether. Anthony showed up for a month or two afterward until he finally got the hint that I was done...
...but seeing two different women and getting one pregnant while we were together wasn't the worst part...
Let's rewind back to the house party where I met Anthony. This was a regular spot that my sister and I went to. We were there every weekend. One night, I wanted to leave and I called our mom to pick us up since I was drunk. She came out but as it turns out, she was also drunk and decided to stay at the party. 😑 So, for the rest of the night, I had people coming up to me saying, " That's your mom ?!" At the time, I figured it was because she looked relatively young, was partying with her daughters, and is actually a very pretty woman. That wasn't why everyone was so shocked though...but I wouldn't find out the real reason for another ten years. Ten fucking years!
Everyone at the party knew that I was seeing Anthony. They knew that when they met my mom that night...
...everyone was shocked because apparently my mom and Anthony had a "thing" before I even met the dude. And everyone at the party fucking knew it except for my sister and I.
I didn't find out until a decade later when one of my friends just nonchalantly mentioned it. I asked him wtf he was talking about and he was shocked that I didn't know. Apparently everyone thought that I was "with the shit" meaning that I was cool with getting my mom's sloppy seconds.
She may be my mother but I know how promiscuous she is and if I had ever in my life known she had fucked Anthony, I wouldn't have given him a passing glance. I was SO relieved that I had been tested since messing with him because I knew my mom got around.
I think what blows my mind the most about this is that I fucking introduced him to my mother about six months in and they both acted like it was their first time meeting. It was awkward for me only because she was drunk. At one point, she said something about how she's so ugly and Anthony said, "You're beautiful." I thought he was just being a gentleman but now I realize that I was so wrong and probably missed a shit ton of obvious signals.
It's been a long time since all this went down. I'm now happily married with two kids. The memory popped in my head so I thought I'd share.
TL;DR I met a guy that I really liked and started a serious relationship with him, only to learn that he had several women on the side and had fucked my mom before I met him. 😶
Man that sucks. Sorry your mom acted like she didn’t know the guy, but sounds like you dodged a bullet there.
I think you might be laughing at this in a few years time lol
How's ur mom now? Just wondering...

by Bobby Maximus Published: Mar 7, 2016
Bobby Maximus is one of the world’s foremost fitness authorities. He’s the creator of The Maximus Gym and director of Project Maximus, one of the country’s most elite and hardcore training programs. He’s also the Keeper of Authenticity at Lalo Tactical. This former UFC Fighter and BJJ World Champion has broken multiple power-endurance world records. Follow him on Instagram at @bobbymaximus and check out his latest book, The Maximus Body at
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We won’t sugarcoat it: This is brutal
Doing 100 reps of any exercise isn’t easy.
Doing 100 reps of burpee-pullups as fast as possible may be one of the hardest challenges you’ll ever perform at the gym. It works every muscle in your body and leaves you feeling like your heart and lungs are going to explode.
Here’s how to do it: Stand in front of a pullup bar. Do a burpee, and then immediately jump up into a pullup. When your feet hit the floor, drop into a burpee again.
You can see me demonstrate the burpee-pullup below.
You can’t get sloppy. Every rep is strict or it doesn’t count. The second you feel your form slip, stop.
For the burpee, your chest needs to touch the floor—not your hips. When your hips hit first, you look like a worm. Allow your hands to absorb the eccentric shock as you lower your self.
For the pullup, your chest has to hit the bar. That allows for scapular retraction at the top of the movement. It also forces you to jump higher, so you get a bigger cardiovascular effect.
The height of the bar doesn’t matter—but you want to make sure you’re doing the challenge on the same bar every time you do it. If you go from a 7-foot bar the first time you try it to a 9-foot bar the following month, your scores are going to vary greatly. I can complete 100 reps on an 8-foot bar in 7 minutes and 30 seconds. On a 7-foot bar, I can shave a minute-plus off that time.
If you switch bars every challenge attempt, you won’t be able to track your progress. And if you can’t measure your improvement, how will you know if you’re getting better?
Strategy is crucial during this challenge. If you try to do 100 straight reps, you’ll blow up and it’ll take forever. It’s easier to stay out of a hole all together than to try to crawl out of one.
Follow a rep structure that allows for constant movement, but won’t allow you to burn out too early. I like 1 burpee-pullup rep every 5 seconds. Other people at Gym Jones like 5 reps every 30 seconds.
You could also do 10-to-1 ladders. Do 10 reps, and then walk across the room as your active recovery. Do 9 reps, and then walk. Perform 8 reps, and then walk. Countdown all the way to 1 rep, and then repeat the ladder again. That’s 100 total reps.
You can cram a ton of work into 10 minutes if you push yourself. You may feel as if the walls are closing in around you—and that’s OK. Take a break, and then get going again.
After your last rep, ask yourself: Could you have gone 15 seconds faster? 
Your answer should be: “Absolutely not.”
I Did 30 Burpees For 15 Days and Here’s What Happened
It’ll Hurt to Laugh after You Do This Toes-to-Bar Challenge
38 Dumbbell Exercises That You’ve Probably Never Seen
The Calorie-Killing Countdown Challenge
10-Minute Muscle Challenges Used by America’s Most Badass Trainer
The Dueling Pushup and Squat Challenge
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I want to include some sort of performance counts in my application. Are Windows Performance counters (Perfmon) counters the best way to go. I am just worried that maybe it is too much overhead for what am I wanting which is just a simple average per second count. Is it better to just roll my own?
Trending sort is based off of the default sorting method — by highest score — but it boosts votes that have happened recently, helping to surface more up-to-date answers.
It falls back to sorting by highest score if no posts are trending.
Yes, Perfmon works quite well.
To minimize any overhead, run Perfmon on a remote machine.
I've used Perfmon to collect serious, in-depth, and valuable performance data on a BizTalk server from a development machine on the same network and every part of the process worked very well. I wouldn't even consider any other method of collecting the same kind of performance data without very strong evidence.
No, performance counters are sloppy and should not be used for 'critical' counters.
On high utilized systems performance counters can be updated very slowly and can even be incorrect.
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