Maitrise Nidalee

Maitrise Nidalee


Maitrise Nidalee
Everything you need for Nidalee Jungle. The highest win rate Nidalee build, from rune set to skill order to item path, in Platinum +. LoL Patch 12.16
Everything you need for Nidalee Jungle. The highest win rate Nidalee build, from rune set to skill order to item path, in Platinum +. LoL Patch 12.16
Nidalee Runes Nidalee Jungle Rune Build
Toughest Matchups These champions counter Nidalee Jungle
Toughest Matchups These champions counter Nidalee Jungle
Skill Path Most popular ability leveling order

platinum_plus All Challenger Grandmaster Master + Master Diamond + Diamond Platinum + Platinum Gold + Gold Silver Bronze Iron
12.16 Version: 12.16 Version: 12.15 Version: 12.14
Empfohlene Builds Empfohlene Builds

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Nidalee ARAM Build Guide LoL Patch 12.16 NA
Tier: S Win 44.62% Pick 10.05% Games: 33081 KDA: 4.38 Score: 59.07
Copyright © 2022 METAsrc LLC isn't endorsed by Riot Games and doesn't reflect the views or opinions of Riot Games or anyone officially involved in producing or managing Riot Games properties. Riot Games, and all associated properties are trademarks or registered trademarks of Riot Games, Inc. Made with in Boulder, CO
Welcome to the METAsrc statistical Nidalee ARAM build guide, 12.16 NA. We have calculated the highest win rate item build, best runes for Nidalee, mythic items, skill order, full item build, starting items, summoner spells, item build order, trinkets, and counters. METAsrc Champion Build Guides for League of Legends are based on statistical analysis of the latest match data, so you can trust that our stats are unbiased and always up to date.

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Javelin Toss / Takedown (Q)


Bushwhack / Pounce (W)


Primal Surge / Swipe (E)


Aspect Of The Cougar (R)


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+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor

Harder to kill longer the game goes. Need to dodge initial cleaver or you'll get run over even with pounces.
Runs you over if he gets in range - keep your distance. Don't bother saving W to dodge his stun if he has Q up.
Extremely squishy but he just runs you over. Dodge initial Q and you maybe have a chance depending on how low he gets.
His W outlasts your passive duration and can just wait out your stack and win the all in. Early on if he's low or W is on CD you might be able to kill.
If he jumps on you it's pretty donezo, but you can win fights if you have vision of him and land spear on him. Extremely hard matchup because there's no counterplay once he's already on top of you, but with proper tracking and positioning you can bait out good fights.
You never beat him early unless he eats like 10000 spears and is one shottable, but falls off super hard.
You lose most trades, but if you dodge E with pounce, bait out shield with autos there is more room to outplay. Save spells for when the shield is off or you auto lose.
More burst and a lot of safety from having ultimate. Can win all ins if you dodge his initial or second q proc.
If he has ignite + conq he will win every fight. Can win some 1v1s if he goes ghost + pred. If you bait out W can try all inning.
Much higher burst than you but outplayable. Keep your distance and never commit unless you can one shot with cougar. If he wastes E to gapclose on you can kite away and re-engage to win all in.
Need to track spellshield. If he shields your spear you lose. Otherwise just play to range advantage and only commit to cougar all in once you can one shot. He can run you down with Q ms bonus so don't position too upclose.
You'll never be able to kill him and jumping in will guarantee you get cc'd. He has much better objective control and wins skirmish with his w, If W is baited out you can win fights. Otherwise play away from him - he can't really bully you unless you int into him.
Actually has very underrated damage. Can only win all ins if you dodge his W proc + auto. Ult engage is extremely large range, but otherwise just keep your distance.
Out bursts you, can dodge and maneuver around your spears, and pretty much wins every single all in when her ults up, although it's on an extremely long CD.
Wins duels vs you and can chase you down, but has extremely poor clear which you can punish. Don't waste spells on her shield and play to range and punish if she wastes abilities to gapclose.
Can never get into melee range of him unless hes oneshottable. Have to keep your distance.
Wins duels vs you and gets really tanky in 1v1s with aftershock. Dodge Q and land your Q. Hard to 1v1 later game gets.
He can cancel your pounce with his E and typically has enough damage to win duels. Have to keep your distance.

+ Huge range
+ Very mobile
+ Extremely fast clears
+ High burst skill rotation
+ Reliable gap-close

Nidalee is a snowbally carry jungler with extremely fast clears and great ganks. She has decent early burst, being able to bully a lot of weak junglers early on, and also has the ability to jump on enemies from long range due to her Javelin Toss . Her Pounce also grants her great mobility, and her overload of spells allows her to powerclear incredibly quickly. This allows her to pressure lanes and rotate around the map really quickly early on, and also makes her an incredibly fun champion to learn and master. The best Nidalee players can completely take over a game on their own.

- Subpar if behind
- Lack of crowd control
- Costly to siege w/o blue buff
- Reliant on spear landing
- Weak in teamfights

Although Nidalee is a powerhouse in the early, she does have substantial weaknesses. She has no hard CC, scales poorly, and becomes useless if behind, making her extremely reliant on getting leads in the early ~ mid game. Compared to a lot of other junglers in the game, Nidalee has a very high skill floor - she requires much more investment into learning proper jungle clears, balancing cooldowns on both human and cougar forms, as well as knowing how to be aggressive without throwing the entire game away. She has little room for error.

Core for escaping, diving, etc. Jack of all trades summoner spell which also has nice synergy with Nidalee 's kit as an assassin. Flash + Pounce can be brutal for gapclosing and one-shotting enemies, while Flash + Javelin Toss can also finish someone off.

For jungling. Buff control and objective control is essential to a jungler. You need Smite for the experience bonuses and ability to secure objectives such as buffs, dragons and barons.

Dark Harvest - No Predator since Nid has innate mobility. The other two are both great. Dark Harvest takes longer to scale due to racking up stacks, but in a solo queue game if you're confident in your abilities Dark Harvest can be much more snowbally. Electrocute is far more consistent so in a more evenly skilled competitive game I'd recommend Electrocute .

Sudden Impact - This boosts Nidalee 's burst after every Pounce , and since ideally you want to land a spear, pounce in, then use your primary burst, Sudden Impact simply enables more damage.

Eyeball Collection - Extra damage is always a plus for a snowbally assassin like Nidalee . Alternatives provide utility and are viable depending on preference.

Ravenous Hunter - Good for duels and sustaining through fights. Relentless Hunter is also a good option for mobility.

Presence of Mind - Secondary tree is relatively flexible, but taking Presence of Mind here helps a lot with mana regen ever since the changes to the rune. Especially with the lack of mana regen from items, this rune helps a lot.
Coup de Grace - More damage that synergizes well with your execute in Takedown .

Prowl : Moving through brush increases Nidalee's movement speed by 10% for 2 seconds, which increases to 30% if she is moving toward a visible enemy champion within 5500-range.
Hunt : Hitting enemy champions and neutral monsters with Javelin Toss or Bushwhack will mark them as Hunted for 4 seconds, revealing them. Neutral monsters are also rooted for 2 seconds. While moving toward Hunted, Nidalee gains Prowl's bonus movement speed and ignores unit collision. Additionally, Nidalee's first use of Takedown and Pounce against Hunted will have an empowered effect.

Active : Nidalee hurls her javelin forward in a line, dealing magic damage to the first enemy it hits. After having traveled 525 units, the javelin's damage will be increased by 2% per 7.75 units traveled, capping at 200% bonus damage (300% total damage) after traveling 1300 units.
Active : Nidalee's next basic attack gains 75-range (200 total range) and is modified to deal magic damage.The damage is increased by 1.5% for every 1% of the target's missing health, for a maximum of 150% bonus damage (250% total damage).

Active : Nidalee lays a trap at a target location that arms after a very brief delay. When sprung by an enemy unit, they will take magic damage plus a percentage of their current health over 4 seconds (max. damage 150 vs. monsters). Traps last for 2 minutes.
Active : Nidalee lunges a fixed 375 units in the direction of the cursor, dealing magic damage to enemies within a 75-radius area around her landing point. Killing a unit will reduce Pounce's current cooldown to 1.5 second if it's currently higher.

Active : Nidalee evokes the spirit of the cougar, healing a target allied champion or herself and granting them bonus attack speed for 7 seconds.
Active : Nidalee claws at enemies in a 180-degree cone in the direction of the cursor, dealing magic damage to all enemies hit.

Active : Nidalee transforms herself into a cougar, gaining a new set of abilities and melee attacks (125 range).
Active : Nidalee transforms back into her human form.

Q into W is the most useful animation cancel for Nidalee . The gist of the technique is that Takedown has a spin around animation that takes place after the damage is applied to a target which you can cancel by immediately uing Pounce when the damage is applied. The result is a much faster skill rotation than compared to a normal Q-->W where you wait out the animation. This is very useful for general speed in waveclear / mobility / jungling.

E into W is a much more subtle animation cancel. Using Pounce immediately after Swipe will cancel a fraction of Swipe 's animation. This doesn't have a lot of useful but is overall for increasing your jungle clear speed.

Using Pounce into Aspect Of The Cougar will help remove the landing animation of Pounce and help you quickly get into human form to auto, heal, or spear an enemy.

Utilizing the animation cancelling technique just described above on a low health target, you can essentially fadeaway hop on a target that you can kill to reset your Pounce cooldown. This technique is very useful for speeding up your clear speed after you're done with a camp.

Using Javelin Toss that will kill a low health target and then immediately changing form to use Pounce will reset Pounce 's cooldown. This is very useful in chasing or escaping when you have a minion wave nearby or weak camps like Raptors or Wolves that you can kill with a Javelin Toss .

This is very similar to Javelin Toss -> Pounce , but instead of using your Q you'll use smite to reset your cooldown. Use Smite to kill a target the moment your Pounce animation starts or just Smite while the animation is going through, although your cooldown reset will be slightly delayed. This is useful for chasing and ganking lanes as jungle Nidalee .

Autoattacking a target, killing it, and then immediately changing form to pounce in a direction will reset Pounce 's cooldown. Do note that this is the hardest technique to pull off correctly and doesn't have that many benefits, but it does help you understand your Pounce cooldown timing a lot better. That being said the technique can be used to get around the map quicker as jungler.

Early on, Nidalee has very decent early levels where she can out-duel most weaker junglers, but eventually takes a slight dip around level six as she doesn't gain any direct combat skills compared to most other champions who do. This may seem misleading to many, but in terms of direct strengths, Nidalee needs one or two items before becoming her strongest. Some may think that since she is strong early, she probably spikes hardest in the early game, but this is incorrect. She doesn't spike hardest in the early game - her advantages are created through pressuring the map harder and faster through her Pounce , which doesn't directly correlate to her own spikes.

The key to a fast and sustainable Nidalee clear is through proper resetting of Pounce via Prowl procs. Javelin Toss , Bushwhack , and killing a jungle creep are three ways to reset Pounce . Start with your Javelin, and fire a max range spear to the first camp before autoing, kiting, and switching between human and cougar. At level two at your next camp, throw a Q and place a trap beneath the camp before you start using Takedown and Pounce . The key here is to get your Pounce in before the Prowl from Bushwhack is triggered to get a reset on Pounce . Kite the camp to avoid some damage when abilities are on CD. Once your cougar form abilities go on long cd's, change to human form and rinse repeat.

After level three, you want to Javelin Toss , Bushwhack where the camps will travel after aggro'd, immediately change form, Pounce and Takedown before the camps trigger the trap, auto and Swipe , change form, auto-attack, kite, and rinse repeat. The reasoning for using Takedown early is that it will come off cooldown before you finish the camp so you can use it multiple times at one camp.

Nidalee has advantages in early mobility because she has a long range initiate with her spear (though hard to land), and a lot of burst in her spell rotations, meaning she's strong in ganking, counter-ganking, and counterjungling. You can play aggressive to gain information and be active in pressuring and rotating around the map. Constantly being active in the game is what enables good Nidalee players to carry. The ideal goal is to gain a sizable lead through fast clears, ganking lanes, and active pressure, where you then can start pressuring objectives with an advantage. It's extremely easy to setup vision with Nidalee because of her mobility, as well, and establishing vision to gain information helps even more to snowball a game.

To determine a game plan, identify the team composition and lane matchups. Look at which lanes have CC to help you guarantee successful ganks and understand how lane matchups will go. For example, if your bot lane matchup is Ezreal Alistar versus Caitlyn Nami , you can predict that they will get shoved in early levels. Alistar has extremely potent CC / engage with a Flash Pulverize , which can set you up for a successful gank, guaranteeing summoners burnt or potentially kills. However, do not just assume that lane matchups will go one way or the other. As a jungler scanning the lanes while clearing is paramount to identifying your next course of action. Your Alistar Ezreal lane might all in level-two and force the enemy bot lane to back, and if you end up around bot lane at that time, you will have nothing to gain, especially if your top lane Maokai could have set you up for a gank by being shoved in if you were around. If you do not help laners that are enabling you to gank, you are missing out on potential windows to snowball the game. That being said, as a jungler you don't want to be wasting time or taking risks in forcing ganks. Make sure that you are efficiently using your time: prioritize ganking over farming if there are gank windows to take. If you waste time ganking lanes that are not gankable and the enemy jungler is competent you will be counterjungled or outleveled the longer the game goes, which is especially brutal on Nidalee , who is reliant on staying stronger than the enemies to be effective. Be smart and active across the map.

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