Maho Girls Pretty Cure

Maho Girls Pretty Cure


Maho Girls Pretty Cure
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Happy Valentine's Day - with a cute teddy bear, and our passionately loving Ruby Cures 😘
This is very much old news (posted in Feb. 2017), but in case you are not aware, Cure Miracle and Cure Magical are ambassadors for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics.
Please note that the official Tokyo 2020 Olympics Channel video reserved "Pretty Cure" as the ambassador, without reference to any specific series title or Cure name(s), which means the actual Cure(s) and series could change over time, and all the selected Cures serve their purpose under the collective ambassador name "Pretty Cure".
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Key visual of the series featuring Cure Miracle, Cure Magical, Cure Felice, and mascot Mofurun.

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Witchy PreCure! [1] ( 魔法つかいプリキュア! , Mahōtsukai Purikyua! , lit. "Witch Pretty Cure") , also known as Maho Girls PreCure! , [2] is a 2016 Japan­ese anime tele­vi­sion se­ries by Toei An­i­ma­tion and the thir­teenth in­stall­ment in Izumi Todo 's Pretty Cure metaseries , fea­tur­ing the eleventh gen­er­a­tion of Cures. [3] The se­ries, di­rected by Masato Mit­suka and writ­ten by Isao Mu­rayama with char­ac­ter de­sign by Emiko Miyamoto, [4] aired on ANN tele­vi­sion sta­tions be­tween Feb­ru­ary 2016 and Jan­u­ary 2017, suc­ceed­ing Go! Princess Pre­Cure in its ini­tial times­lot, and is suc­ceeded by Ki­rakira Pre­Cure a la Mode . The se­ries' main topic is friend­ship , while the se­ries’ mo­tifs are magic and jewelry. [5]

Mirai Asahina, a thir­teen-year-old girl who is ex­cited by var­i­ous things, goes with her stuffed bear, Mo­fu­run, to in­ves­ti­gate a mys­te­ri­ous ob­ject that fell from the sky. There, she meets a young ma­gi­cian named Riko who is search­ing for some­thing known as the Lin­kle Stone Emer­ald. When dark ser­vants of Dokuroxy come seek­ing the Lin­kle Stone Emer­ald, Mirai and Riko join hands with Mo­fu­run and trans­form into the leg­endary ma­gi­cians known as the Pretty Cures to fight against them. Thus, Mirai joins Riko in at­tend­ing Magic School, where they must learn how to use magic while also fight­ing off Dokuroxy's minions. [4]

The Witchy Pretty Cures are leg­endary ma­gi­cians who once fought against evil, each pos­sess­ing im­mensely pow­er­ful magic and items called "Lin­kle Stones" ( リンクルストーン , Rinkuru Sutōn ) . Today, Mirai and Riko both in­herit the pow­ers of the leg­endary ma­gi­cians in order to search for the Emer­ald Lin­kle Stone. All ma­gi­cians in the Mag­i­cal World can per­form spells with their wands by chant­ing the phrase "Cure Up RaPaPa!" ( キュアップ・ラパパ! , Kyuappu RaPaPa! ) . Using the power of the Lin­kle Stones, Mirai and Riko can trans­form into Pretty Cures by hold­ing hands with Mo­fu­run and chant­ing "Mir­a­cle Mag­i­cal Jewelry" ( ミラクル・マジカル・ジュエリーレ , Mirakuru Majikaru Juerīre ) , and can per­form pu­ri­fy­ing at­tacks with the Lin­kle Stick ( リンクルステッキ , Rinkuru Sutekki ) . By using dif­fer­ent Lin­kle Stones, the Cures can trans­form into four dif­fer­ent styles; Di­a­mond, Ruby, Sap­phire, and Topaz, al­low­ing them to use dif­fer­ent kinds of magic. Cure Fe­lice uses the Lin­kle Smartbook ( リンクルスマホン , Rinkuru Sumahon ) and Lin­kle Stone Emer­ald to trans­form with chant­ing "Fe­lice Fun Fun Flowerle" ( フェリーチェ・ファンファン・フラワーレ , Ferīche Fan Fan Furawāre ) and at­tacks with Flower Echo Wand ( フラワーエコーワンド , Furawā Ekō Wando ) . Later, they re­ceive the Rain­bow Carriage ( レインボーキャリッジ , Reinbō Kyarijji ) to use more pow­er­ful at­tacks later in the se­ries, and the new Over The Rain­bow/Alexan­drite Style.

The Dark Magicians ( 闇の魔法つかい , Yami no Mahō Tsukai ) are the main an­tag­o­nists of the first half of the se­ries, whose goal is to ac­quire the Lin­kle Stone Emer­ald so their leader Dokuroxy can con­quer the Magic World and the No Magic World with his dark magic. They also want the Lin­kle Smarthon after dis­cov­er­ing Ha-chan's power. With the ex­cep­tion of Dokuroxy, his sub­or­di­nates were orig­i­nally an­i­mals which he in­fused with his magic to as­sume hu­manoid form and act in his stead due to his phys­i­cal con­di­tion.

Deusmast ( デウスマスト , Deusumasuto ) is the main an­tag­o­nist of the later half of se­ries, an evil chaos deity that con­sumes worlds whose fore­told re­turn played in Kushi's trans­for­ma­tion into Dokuroxy. Deusmast came into being from the fu­sion of four god-like mag­i­cal be­ings known as the Never End­ing Chaos ( 終わりなき混沌 , Owarinaki Konton ) who each pos­sess the re­al­ity-bend­ing power of Mugic ( ムホー , Muhō ) . Though Mother Ra­papa sealed Deusmast in the sun, the Dark Ma­gi­cians' ac­tions en­abled Deusmast to cre­ate con­structs in the form of the End­less Chaos mem­bers who pre­pare Earth for Deusmast's even­tual re­turn. Though three of the End­less Chaos mem­bers were sent back to the sun, the seal even­tu­ally broke and a re­con­sti­tuted Deusmast fused the No Magic World and Magic World into one. But Deusmast was killed when the Cures man­age to de­stroy all of them with Ex­treme Rain­bow, sep­a­rat­ing the worlds while send­ing Deusmast into obliv­ion. Deusmast talks with all four voices of the End­less Chaos mem­bers, who form the orb-like eyes re­solv­ing around his body.

A bee fairy from Fairy Vil­lage serv­ing Oruba as his spy to get in­for­ma­tion on the Cures to get in­for­ma­tion about them, tak­ing an in­ter­est in Mo­fu­run. When Chiku­run steals the Lin­kle Stones, the fairy was ex­posed as a spy. After Chiku­run re­trieved back the Lin­kle Stones from Shak­ince, the fairy was for­given. It re­mained in his home­land. Later on, it pro­vides Yamoh with honey in order to make Dokuro­mushe, the spirit of Dokurokushe's sweet tooth, happy.

The se­ries was first re­vealed via a trade­mark fil­ing posted on Oc­to­ber 19, 2015, [3] and was pub­licly an­nounced on No­vem­ber 26, 2015. [5] The se­ries aired on all ANN tele­vi­sion sta­tions be­tween Feb­ru­ary 7, 2016 and Jan­u­ary 29, 2017. The se­ries was pitched to li­cen­sors at Ani­me­Japan 2016 under the Eng­lish name Witchy Pretty Cure , but an Eng­lish adap­ta­tion has yet to be announced. [13]

The Witchy Pretty Cure have ap­peared in the fol­low­ing crossover films: Pretty Cure All Stars: Singing with Every­one♪ Mirac­u­lous Magic! , Pre­Cure Dream Stars! , Pre­Cure Super Stars! , and Hugtto! Pre­Cure Fu­tari wa Pretty Cure: All Stars Memories . [14] A film based on the se­ries, ti­tled Witchy Pretty Cure! The Movie: Won­der­ous! Cure Mofurun ( 映画 魔法つかいプリキュア! 奇跡の変身!キュアモフルン! , Eiga Mahōtsukai Purikyua!: Kiseki no Henshin! Kyua Mofurun! ) , in­clud­ing a fully CG an­i­mated short ti­tled Cure Mir­a­cle and Mo­fu­run's Magic Lesson! ( キュアミラクルとモフルンの魔法レッスン! , Kyua Mirakuru to Mofurun no Mahō Ressun! ) was re­leased on Oc­to­ber 29, 2016.

In the first 21 episodes, the open­ing theme is "Dokkin♢Mahōtsukai PreCure!" ( Dokkin♢魔法つかいプリキュア! , Exciting Maho Girls PreCure! ) com­posed by Aiko Oku­mura and per­formed by Rie Kita­gawa, who pre­vi­ously per­formed the end­ing themes for Go! Princess Pre­Cure , while the end­ing theme is "Cure Up↑ Ra♡Pa☆Pa!~ Ho­hoemi ni Naru Mahō ~" ( CURE UP↑RA♡PA☆PA!〜ほほえみになる魔法〜 , Cure Up↑ Ra♡Pa☆Pa! ~Magic to Make You Smile~ ) com­posed by Ak­i­fumi Tada and per­formed by Rie Taka­hashi and Yui Horie . [15] From episode 22 on­wards, the open­ing theme is "Dokkin♢Mahōtsukai Pre­Cure! Part 2" ( Dokkin♢魔法つかいプリキュア! Part 2 , Exciting Maho Girls PreCure! Part 2 ) per­formed by Rie Kita­gawa and the end­ing theme is called "Mahō Ara Dōmo!" ( 魔法アラ・ドーモ! , Magic Âla・Thanks ) per­formed by Rie Taka­hashi, Yui Horie and Saori Hayami . The music is com­posed by Hi­roshi Takaki, who pre­vi­ously com­posed the music for Doki­Doki! Pre­Cure , Hap­pi­ness­Charge Pre­Cure! , and Go! Princess Pre­Cure . The sin­gle was re­leased on March 2, 2016 by Mar­velous! fea­tur­ing the theme songs from the first 21 episodes. The first of­fi­cial sound­track of the se­ries, ti­tled Pre­Cure♡Mir­a­cle☆Sound!! was re­leased on May 25, 2016 along with the vocal album on July 13, 2016 with the title Lin­kle☆Melodies . The sin­gle for the sec­ond open­ing and end­ing theme was re­leased on Au­gust 10, 2016. On No­vem­ber 23, 2016, the sec­ond of­fi­cial sound­track of the se­ries was re­leased, ti­tled Pre­Cure☆Mag­i­cal♡Sound!! .

A manga adap­ta­tion il­lus­trated by Fu­tago Kamikita began se­ri­al­iza­tion in Ko­dan­sha 's Nakayoshi mag­a­zine from Feb­ru­ary 3, 2016. [16]

Bandai re­leased var­i­ous mer­chan­dise dur­ing the se­ries in­clud­ing watches, bags, and trans­for­ma­tion items.

Witchy PreCure! will also be branded as of­fi­cial Tokyo 2020 mas­cots as mer­chan­dise, along with other well known anime se­ries like One Piece , Dragon Ball , Naruto and Sailor Moon . [17]

February 7, 2016 – January 29, 2017

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