Magnetic Acupressure Therapy: How TCM Practitioners use Magnets to heal Patients?

Magnetic Acupressure Therapy: How TCM Practitioners use Magnets to heal Patients?

Acupuncture therapy involves placing needles along the meridians of the body. Acupuncture helps in balancing the energy flow and ensures a healthy life for the patient. Instead of using acupuncture needles,Guest Posting practitioners can make use of magnets. It is called magnetic acupressure therapy.

How does Magnetic Acupressure Therapy Work?

Magnetic acupressure therapy combines the benefits of magnetic therapy and acupressure. It helps with regulating the energy flow and blood flow in the body.

A human body has naturally-existing magnetic and electric fields. According to holistic healing practitioners, an imbalance in the magnetic field of the human body causes pain, inflammation, swelling, or congestion. Hence, arranging a magnetic field near the affected body part can alleviate pain, balance the energy flow and improve the quality of life.

When a TCM practitioner places a magnet near the body, it affects the ions, improves blood circulation, and regulates the pain. With the precise use of magnetic acupressure supplies, TCM practitioners can remove blockage and maintain the equilibrium in the body

Does Magnetic Therapy Work? What Ailments can one Treat with Acupressure Magnets?

Magnetic acupressure therapy helps treat various body parts. It has known to help with tissue healing and pain relief. Additionally, the treatment is also useful for improving mobility and weight loss.

It cures:

1. Headaches

2. Arthritis

3. Back pains

4. Migraines, etc.

Are there other Magnetic Therapies?

Magnetic acupressure therapy is one of the new treatment for Alzheimer's common types of magnetic therapy today. Additionally, holistic healing practitioners use different methods to treat patients and boost their overall health.

>> Static magnetic therapy includes attaching a permanent magnet to the skin for easing the symptoms. A TCM practitioner may make use of magnetic acupressure patches to treat patients. Alternatively, patients also use static magnets in the form of jewelry or buy magnetic mattress pads.

>> Other than static magnetic therapy, electromagnetic therapy is also a popular form of treatment. To administer the PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) therapy, the medical professional will use mild electromagnetic currents to treat the damaged cells. It helps in assuaging pain and offering relief to the patients.

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