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Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth
Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth
WTF Was This Cop Car Sex Scene Doing in Sons of Anarchy ?
Jennifer Hudson Achieves EGOT Status, is True American Idol
'More to Love' Existed Precariously Between Empowering and Exploitative
Jennifer Hudson Achieves EGOT Status, is True American Idol
'More to Love' Existed Precariously Between Empowering and Exploitative
I watch Sons of Anarchy every week and I've put up with some foolishness, but Tuesday night's episode might've boasted the show's dumbest scene yet. In it, a female cop asks her biker informant-turned-lover to publicly do her on her police car to prove his affection. Did I mention it all goes down as another biker dude sits atop his hog nearby, staring blankly at the couple?
This FX show's showcased many unbelievable storylines in its run, but Lieutenant Althea Jarry (played by Annabeth Gish) wouldn't go out like that, dude. In this fan's opinion, the show just jumped the shark. I'm officially hate-watching now.
Sons of Anarchy purports to be about men, but it's really about Gemma Teller Morrow, her dark past and the Charming, California kingdom over which she rules, including the Samcro biker gang. Starring Katey "Peggy Bundy" Sagal as Gemma, the show, created by her husband Kurt Sutter, boasts two of the most complex, conniving and well-written female characters I've seen in awhile.
Tara Knowles (played by Maggie Siff) was Gemma's daughter-in-law and nemesis because she dared to take Jax Teller's attention away from his mother. She (SPOILER ALERT) died in season six. Gemma and Tara's fights, both cerebral and fisticuffs, were great television. Forget the dudes; Sons is a tale about how strong, evil and dastardly women can be, which is why Tuesday's scene with Jarry and her informant-cum-lover Chibs (played by Tommy "That guy from Braveheart " Flanagan) was so … out of place and disappointing.
It is true that Jarry's reputation to-date has been compromised by accepting dirty money and sleeping with Chibs, but otherwise her character's been mostly respectable. Being plugged on top of a cop car in plain view of a stranger was not her modus operandi, which is why the scene dripped with the cheesy, unwarranted male panting of an 1980s PG-13 film.
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As a long-time fan of Sons and this being (thankfully) the show's final season, I'd like to make one request; please don't ruin the series with any more dumb scenes like the Jarry-Chibs made-for-television porno. Kurt Sutter, you're better than this.

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Wardrobe Malfunctions That Ended Up In The Movie


Wardrobe Malfunctions That Ended Up In The Movie

By AJ Caulfield AND Brian Boone / Updated: Feb. 8, 2022 1:40 pm EDT
In cinema, a little allure goes a long way. The mystery of what's left to the imagination, the suggestiveness of certain imagery, the scandalous nature of some film and TV scenes—Hollywood capitalizes on all that coquettishness. But sometimes the "scandal sells" approach goes a little further than intended when an actor's clothing stops cooperating and they flash more skin than they intended, or when they're simply wearing something they definitely shouldn't be. 
Any skilled costume designer, dedicated director, or eagle-eyed editor would remedy accidental near-nudity or glaring mistakes on set or in post-production to ensure the public never spotted the garment glitch. That's usually how it works, too — except in the case of these wardrobe malfunctions that skated past a hundred sets of eyes and somehow ended up in the movie.
Even if you've never seen Closer , Mike Nichols' Oscar-nominated film adapted from Patrick Marber's searing stage play of the same name, you've certainly seen the character Natalie Portman portrays. Bubblegum pink wig, dangling crystal earrings, and a purple star-encrusted, fringed-out bustier? That's Alice Ayres, also known as Jane Jones, the young exotic dancer from America who arrives in London, meets and falls for British writer Dan Woolf (Jude Law), and makes a pretty naughty declaration about the most fun thing a girl can do. 
Though many would be forgiven for presuming Portman bares it all as Alice, they'd be mistaken, as the actress defies her character's line of work and stays totally clothed. Director Nichols reportedly destroyed all of Portman's previously shot nude scenes in the editing process, and in the final cut, she only flaunts a bit of midriff, some backside, and a peek of décolletage now and then. But thanks to a wardrobe malfunction that happens during an unfortunate moment in a booth opposite Clive Owen's Larry Gray, a lot more is shown. While talking to Owen's Larry — in an already intense scene, we might add — Portman crosses her legs over the edge of a booth, causing her bra to slip down about an inch too far. Needless to say, it ended up in the movie anyway.
There's something special about the Star Wars film universe's far-reaching, wide-ranging appeal. Though creator George Lucas reportedly owned up to purposely making his prequel installments more friendly to a younger audience (heck, he even created Jar Jar Binks using Disney's Goofy as an inspiration ), a vast majority of Star Wars fanatics are adults. And apart from an innuendo or two likely meant to make the older crowd chuckle, the franchise has remained largely squeaky clean...with one notable exception.
In Return of the Jedi , actress Femi Taylor portrays Oola, the green-skinned Twi'lek slave dancer Jabba the Hutt holds captive in his palace. Before Oola meets her grisly death at the mouth of a hungry Rancor, Jabba makes her strut about in her skimpy outfit while he watches — and grabs hold of Oola's chain during the sequence, making her stumble and causing a wardrobe malfunction that makes her costume reveal something you'd never think you'd see in a Star Wars movie. The slip happens in the blink of an eye, but it definitely ended up in the movie. The fact that Lucas was a stickler for scrubbing up Star Wars footage for home releases makes it especially bizarre that this malfunction didn't end up on the cutting room floor. 
This David Mamet political thriller is nothing if not potent, featuring a stacked cast glistening with the likes of William H. Macy, Val Kilmer, Tia Texada, Clark Gregg, and Ed O'Neill, as well as a ton of action-packed scenes that keep you riveted in shock and tension. Things get so heated in Spartan , in fact, that one of the film's brightest stars, Kristen Bell, falls victim to a bosom-centric wardrobe malfunction during a fight scene. Bell, who portrays the fictional U.S. President's missing daughter Laura Newton, takes a punch so powerful that it sends her tank top all askew. The result? She unwittingly flashes the audience. Clearly, the editors didn't think it scandalous enough to snip out. 
Watchers of Vanilla Sky aren't left wanting additional adrenaline-pumping action, an extra smattering of stirring sci-fi, or more eyebrow-raising decisions that make Tom Cruise's character seem genuinely dangerous. One of the most noteworthy scenes in the film involves such a move made by Cruise's David Aames, who captures Cameron Diaz's Julianna "Julie" Gianni, his one-time lover, and straps her to the bed. Diaz, wearing a sheer dress, attempts to flip herself over on the mattress, and in doing so, accidentally shifts the top of the garment out of place. The actress is quick to fix the wardrobe malfunction mid-scene, pulling the gown into its original position, but the chest-exposing take wound up in the film's final cut.
Julia Roberts is another Hollywood pro who understands the perils of a too-see-through nightie and the complexities that come with playing a character whose morals are a heck of a lot looser than her own. The actress' staunch stance against going nude for the silver screen wouldn't seem to jell well with her role as "hooker with a heart of gold" Vivian Ward in Pretty Woman , but, like Natalie Portman in Closer , Roberts remained covered up over the course of the film. 
However, when one scene sees Roberts' Vivian strip down (offscreen, of course) into her skivvies for an intimate night with Edward Lewis, the full-time corporate raider and part-time womanizer played by Richard Gere, audiences get a clear view of exactly what Roberts was trying so hard to keep hidden. While many may assume that the bare-chested shot is actually of Roberts' body double, since she reportedly used one (Shelley Michelle, to name names) for some up-close sequences in Pretty Woman , her face is visible in the moment of malfunction.
Acts of physical passion and a focus on human anatomy are closely linked to the horror genre, what with all the sexy scenes sprinkled between slayings, so it doesn't come as too much of a surprise to hear that Jim Gillespie's 1997 slasher I Know What You Did Last Summer includes a touch of sensuality. That's all well and good—until such a moment pops up in an otherwise completely innocent scene. As Sarah Michelle Gellar's character Helen Shivers, a gal who's definitely not the brightest tool in the shed, desperately tries to escape death, she attempts to climb a rope up to safety and away from the killer. Her decision is a pretty dim one , but it's nothing to think twice about—that is, until the camera shows Gellar frantically pulling the rope toward herself and we see what's underneath her shiny, ill-fitting dress.
Even the former "Governator" has suffered an incident on the set, experiencing a wardrobe malfunction countless fans have since noticed — and the director and editors apparently didn't. During the opening scene of 1984's The Terminator , Arnold Schwarzenegger (as the title character) walks around in his birthday suit before he gets the chance to cover up. Low lighting, clever distant camera angles, and the stereotypically poor quality of the original 1980s footage preserve Schwarzenegger's dignity for the most part, but those naughty bits still made it into the movie — the remastered Blu-ray edition shows the actor stark naked and on full display as he approaches a group of young ruffians.
Director Steven Spielberg's lively adventure pic Raiders of the Lost Ark keenly depicts Egypt in the mid-1930s. But between the earth-toned trinkets and the intricate tapestries that line the city markets, there's something (or someone, rather) that ruins the atmosphere. Look closely in the background of one particular scene, just behind Harrison Ford's Indiana Jones, and you'll spot an extra wearing blue jeans and a T-shirt, casually co-mingling with Egyptian locals in traditional outfits as if he doesn't stick out like a major sore thumb. This wardrobe malfunction wouldn't get so much as a passing glance in 1981, the year the film was shot, but it attracts all the wrong kind of attention in 1936, when the story takes place.
In the same vein as the Raiders of the Lost Ark blunder, there's a moment in Gladiator when some era-inappropriate garments make a guest appearance. Russell Crowe takes the lead in this Ridley Scott historical epic as Hispano-Roman general Maximus Decimus Meridius, a man bent on vengeance following the murder of his family. All-out brawls and impassioned sparring sessions are requisites when it comes to getting back at the person who killed your loved one, and Crowe's Maximus does just that, making each move appear realistic and adding to the overall immersion of the film. What ripped some viewers out of this intense watching experience, however, is the wardrobe malfunction that's visible in the middle of one such fight scene. Crowe's Maximus falls to the ground, his derriere directly facing the camera, and exposes a pair of Lycra shorts under his tunic. The elastane fiber material is great for modern-day workouts, but has no place in ancient Rome. Alas, it still made it into the movie anyway.
Starring Matthew Broderick, Denzel Washington, Cary Elwes, and Morgan Freeman, helmed by Academy Award-winning filmmaker Edward Zwick, Glory earned well-deserved accolades when it debuted in 1989. Critics lauded the American Civil War-set film for its breathtaking cinematography, its stellar cast, and its emotionally resonant narrative. What they loved even more than all that was how the creative team paid " enormous attention to period detail ," praise that's incredibly ironic considering a major wardrobe malfunction that made it to the theatrical cut.
One child, standing in the foreground of a scene, sticks his arm in the air as packs of his peers walk around him. On his wrist, he's rocking a silver and tan digital watch, a piece of technology that without a doubt wouldn't have been around in 19th-century America. The actor in question should have slipped his accessory off before stepping on set, or someone — anyone — else should have caught the mistake. 
The 2009 sequel to directors Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor's black comedy action thriller, Crank: High Voltage isn't exactly the kind of cinematic fare that would warrant high-necked tops, floor-length skirts, and modest suits. Instead, it's the binary opposite: plenty of exposed skin (think perpetually unbuttoned tops and jackets; sleeveless, tattoo-revealing tees) for the guys and skimpy outfits for the girls. Actress Amy Smart , who plays Eve Lydon, gets the tiniest get-up of the bunch: a pair of itty-bitty bottoms that are more like underwear than shorts. Basically, they're a wardrobe malfunction waiting to happen. And, with the help of some awkward camerawork, one does. 
When Smart's Eve hops on the back of a motorcycle in a getaway scene (the cops are after her and Jason Statham's Chev Chelios), the camera suddenly shifts to focus on her backside, where viewers get a super intimate look at her underwear. Because there wasn't enough material to cover her properly as she slid herself onto the bike's seat, the audience also gets a look at a whole lot more.
Considering that Samuel L. Jackson has previously expressed his view that nude scenes are "extremely awkward" to film , and admitted that he isn't quite sure his manhood is "formidable" enough to "fill [his] aura," you'd be right to assume that the prolific actor has never in his decades-long career sauntered around in his birthday suit for a movie. As it happens, however, you'd be wrong.
In the 2001 drama pic The Caveman's Valentine , known as Sign of the Killer in certain countries, Jackson strips down and struts past a mirror in a scene likely meant to show off only his buttocks. But, as most malfunctions go, so much more than intended was caught on camera. In a flashbulb moment while his backside is on display, viewers can see Jackson's frontside, too. The Caveman's Valentine never got a Blu-ray release, meaning no one will ever see a high-resolution shot of Jackson's nether region, so his dignity is at least partly preserved.
Like Julia Roberts, Jennifer Love Hewitt is known for her no-nudity-in-films attitude. (She once told People that baring it all isn't something she feels "particularly comfortable with," and that she thinks it's "sexier not to show everything" since "imaginations can do way more.") While she may not have intentionally tossed her inhibitions and her clothes to the corner for a flick, Love Hewitt has actually been partially naked on camera before.
Kevin Donovan's comedy–action film The Tuxedo stars Love Hewitt as the genius scientist Delilah "Del" Blaine, who finds herself in the clutches of a villain intent on drowning her. When he drags her into the pool , Love Hewitt thrashes about wildly — giving a convincing performance as someone who really doesn't want to die a water-logged death, but also giving watchers a flash of her chest as her thin blue dress slips to the side. She isn't exposed for long, and the garment slides back into place the next moment, but the resultant tornado of bubbles that swirls around her can't completely hide what happened.
Peter Weir's 1981 Australian drama war film Gallipoli is noteworthy for a few reasons: It took home a grand total of eight Australian Film Institute awards , boomed in the box office down under , earned a Golden Globe nomination for Best Foreign Film in 1982, and fared well with critics . It's also become known for a vastly different reason: Gallipoli features a bit of Mel Gibson nudity. 
A then-25-year-old Gibson shows off everything he's got during a scene in which his character — Archy Hamilton, the stockman and sprinter with his sights set on the Australian Imperial Force — sheds his colors to go for a swim with his soldier pals. When he dives down to the seafloor, we end up seeing more of Gibson's "downstairs" than we should have. Gibson clearly wasn't given any costume modifications to help prevent any slippage, and the shot wasn't clipped out of the theatrical or home release versions of the film. To make the situation even more eye-popping, Gallipoli is rated PG!
Tom Cruise is a pretty bold dude. From professing his love for now-ex-wife Katie Holmes to Oprah in that infamous couch-jumping incident to his dedication to performing dangerous (and potentially deadly) stunts, the guy is about as far removed from the word "meek" as one can get. Back in 1983, however, Cruise was just a 21-year-old kid who landed a role as Serbian-American high school student and aspiring college football player Stefen "Stef" Djordjevic in the sports drama All the Right Moves . Cruise dipped his feet into daring waters for the film, baring it all for a sex scene with Lea Thompson, who played his onscreen girlfriend Lisa Lietzke. The actor ended up making a wrong move during the scene, though, and his bits were clearly visible for a few seconds. Plenty of other aspects in All the Right Moves warranted the film's R rating, but the fact that this malfunction made it to the final cut could have bumped it to an X instead.
The Michael Bay-directed Bad Boys II is a small slice of heaven for any fan of the buddy cop and action-comedy genres. It's got a leading duo (Martin Lawrence as Marcus Burnett and Will Smith as Mike Lowrey) who work off one another's attitudes and push each other's buttons; a high-stakes mission the pair have to embark on; a seemingly indomitable villain; and the ubiquitous beautiful and badass woman who ends up a love interest for one of the protagonists. Gabrielle Union is that more-than-a-pretty-face character in the film (she plays Special Agent Sydney "Syd" Burnett), so it's unsurprising that she's seen sporting some revealin
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