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Home Blog Magento 2 Tips 6 Most Common Canonicalization Errors
6 Most Common Canonicalization Errors
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User Guide for Magento 2 Zero Downtime Deployment
5/139 Zluky Ave Ternopil, 46010, Ukraine +38 097 771 88 90
© 2015 - 2022 Magefan Language: English / Ukrainian
Implementing canonical tags helps to avoid duplicate content issues and indicate what pages you'd like to see in search results. However, it brings results just in case you implement canonical tags correctly. There are a lot of misconceptions about canonicalization which lead to a completely opposite of what you expect.
In this guide, we'll discuss the most common canonicalization mistakes with rel=canonical so you can avoid them while working on your SEO strategy.
If you think things like typos are your biggest problem when you add canonical tags to your website, I have bad news for you. Sometimes mistakes with rel=canonical are hidden in such plain sight it is hard to spot them.
Nevertheless, here are the most common canonicalization errors you should know about and avoid.
Like many other HTML tags, tags also accept absolute and relative URLs. However, when applying canonical URLs many make the mistake of defining absolute URLs incorrectly. 
Relative URLs include only the "relative "path, while absolute — the full path to the resources page which is differentiated by the http:// schema. 
In simple words, if you include the full website URL without the http:// it will cause an indexing error and rel=canonical might even be ignored. Use either relative or absolute URL, but make sure you do it the right way.
One of the most common canonicalization mistakes is using multiple canonical tags for the same page. They could be added by a theme, SEO extensions , your CMS, etc. Regardless of the reason, having multiple declarations of rel=canonical sends wrong signals to the search crawlers. As a result, all of the canonicals will be ignored altogether.
If you don't want your rel=canonical to be disregarded, make sure to add it to the of page HTML, NOT . It is also good to include the canonical URL early in the section to avoid it being thrown into during parsing.
The rel=canonical tags are used to define the main version of the page to avoid duplicate content. However, content in a series of pages is not duplicated. Correspondingly you can't add rel=canonical from all pages of a series to the first page unless you want them to be ignored by search crawlers.
This canonicalization error most often appears on category pages. So if you can't add links from each page of a series to the "view all" page is it recommended to use rel=prev/next tags for category pagination.
Make sure all URLs you canonicalize are not blocked in robots.txt or used together with the noidex tag. If the link is blocked in robots.txt, no search crawlers will be able to crawl and index it.
Moreover, if you use noindex tag and canonical tag it will send contradictory instructions to the search crawlers. And though search engines will prioritize canonical tag over noindex, it is still not recommended to use both.
The same goes for the 4XX HTTP status code. Make sure canonicalized links don't return 4XX HTTP status code so search engines can see the rel=canonical and transfer the "link equity" to it correspondingly.
If you manage a multi-language store you've probably heard about hreflang tags and how they work. However, you should also know about the canonicalization error that appears if you use hreflangs with canonical tags. 
For those who don't know, hreflang tags tell search engines about the language alternatives of the same page. So hreflang tags tell search bots to follow and index all of those pages while canonical tags tell them to index only the main version of the page.
If you canonicalize only one page in a series of alternate pages while hreflang tags specify there are different alternatives of the page, it will only confuse search engines. So, each alternative language page should contain a self-referencing canonical. 
Canonical tags play an important part in your SEO strategy since they define what pages you'd like to be pulled out in search. While these rel=canonical mistakes don't look too complicated they can cause you a lot of trouble, especially if you have a lot of pages to edit the canonical for. 
That's why we recommend resorting to the solutions that manage canonical tags automatically. 
If your store is based on Magento, check out Magento 2 SEO Suite Ultimate Extension which covers canonical tags on all of your website pages and plenty of other vital SEO-related features.
Does it help or not? Let us know in the comments below .
Mari is a content writer and customer care manager with more than 5 years of experience. She is a constant source of stunning content ideas who can't get enough of the latest content marketing trends. Mari is an avid learner, a bookworm, and a real wit. ...

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Compatibility: Magento 2.2.0 - 2.4.4 (CE, EE, ECE, B2B)
Check this 2 minute video to overview its configuration page in the M2 admin panel.

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5/139 Zluky Ave Ternopil, 46010, Ukraine +38 097 771 88 90
© 2015 - 2022 Magefan Language: English / Ukrainian
Magento 2 blog is an extension that allows you to manage your store together with a blog from one place without having to rely on any second platform. There's no need to install WordPress or other platforms additionally in order to have a blog on the Magento store.  It is a professional marketing tool with the best SEO practices for attracting more customers through generating awesome content. Posts, categories, tags, comments, and authors can be easily managed directly from the Magento Admin Panel . You can also use Magento Blog to create a news section on your store.
Looking through the ways to upgrade your store? So, isn't managing a blog the best idea to do it? Magento blog has some distinctive features to make your website stand out. However, Magento Blog Module by Magefan has many other options for professional blogging on eCommerce website.
Really appreciate the followup from the support tech in getting the code implemented properly. This is a well written module, well integrated into the Magento 2 code base. Highly recommend it to anyone looking for a great blog add-on.
Create a professional blog on your Magento 2 store. Manage blog posts and place them to separate multi-level categories . Our blog extension has been already installed over 230 000 times on different Magento 2 instances, and we can be proud of it.
Why are you setting up a blog? To achieve better SEO results, isn't it? With our Magento2 Blog module you'll have: - Blog XML Sitemap - Meta Data Information - Open Graph Meta Data - SEO-Friendly URLs - Canonical URL - Breadcrumb - Rich Snippets (Structured Data) - Robots Meta Tag.
The SEO-Friendly URLs in Blog Extension is highly customizable and very flexible. For example, you can use these varieties of the URLs for the blog posts: blog/post/post-title/ news/article/post-title/ blog/post-title/ post-title/ blog/category-title/post-title.html Hieroglyph , Arabic , Kirilik and other Unicode characters are available for the URL keys.
Giving up a lot of effort writing useful posts and getting no feedback. Sound familiar? Magento 2 Blog Extension allows you to use and manage Facebook , Disqus or Magefan Magento Comments Keep dialog with your readers to gain their loyalty. Let your readers show their appreciation. Receive, analyze and use feedback results in order to make the improvements
In addition to English locale, Blog extension comes with the Ukrainian , Spanish , French , Italian , Dutch (Netherlands) , Portuguese (Brazil) , Chinese , Romanian , Russian dictionaries. You can use the module on Multi-Website Magento without restrictions.
Letting users constantly surf through your blog posts is a great way to create a better website navigation. With the Magento 2 Blog module, you can achieve this enabling the Next and Previous Posts links. This helps you rise the page views and improve user engagement which is great for the SEO.
Except for the links to next and previous posts, there is one more way to create internal links and improve the navigation of your website. Magento 2 Blog extension enables you to add the Related Posts and Related Products. Every single blog post or product page can be far more useful than it already is. Adding as much related information as you want you will create a better user experience.
Once you add related products to the blog post with the Magento 2 Blog extension that blog post will appear on the product detail page which will allow you to give your customers a better understanding of the product. Thus, Magento 2 blog enables you to create a system of interrelated content and encourage your blog readers or store visitors to stay on the website longer improving your customer engagement.
Enable Blog widgets in order to optimize your blog navigation with our Magento 2 Blog module: - Help your customers find the post they are interested in faster with the Post Seach widget. - Allow them to choose some specific posts from the diversity of categories provided by the Blog Categories Tree widget. - Combine relatively similar posts by tags with the Tags Cloud widget. - Notify the reader about some new interesting articles on your Magento 2 blog with the Recent, Featured and Popular Posts widgets. - Show them the history of your blog articles with an Archive widget. - Insert custom blocks, images into the blog sidebar with Custom HTML widget
Magento 2 Blog Extension allows you to create a great users experience adding Media Gallery to the blog posts. Giving your readers a better understanding of the post subject gives them the opportunity to see the whole picture of what you are promoting. Media gallery provided by the Magento 2 Blog module is a great chance to improve customer engagement. Describing some events or products with a lot of pictures you encourage them to use their imagination and visualize how great would it be to be in the place or to have the thing you are describing.
If you use Magento Commerce Edition the great additional feature is available for you - its the Page Builder. Our Magento 2 Blog module is completely compatible with it so you can start using it right after the blog extension installation. Page Builder helps to create awesome Blog content easier and considerably faster.
Bring all your ideas to life with Page builder and Magefan Blog for Magento 2.
Social media have become an essential part of our lives where we get the majority of the information from. Facebook, in particular, is one of the most huge social networking platforms hosting millions of users around the world. Magento 2 Blog Extension allows you to automatically publish your blog posts on the Facebook page. That way you drive more traffic to your website through attractive and clickable blog posts and save a lot of time making the publishing on Facebook automatic. Note: this feature is available only in Blog Plus and Blog Extra editions .
Managing a successful store together with the blog you might want to have a mobile application to continue your brand further establishment or move to Progressive Web App (PWA). Magento 2 Blog extension has REST API and GraphQL endpoints that allow you to request from or add blog data to your external software.
Automatically create AMP pages on your Magento blog. Users with mobile devices get optimized content and fast load. To enable AMP view on blog pages Magento 2 AMP Blog and Magento Amp Extension by Plumrocket is required.
If your current blog is served by another platform, our Magento 2 Blog module includes an Import Withard , that will perform an import of blog posts and categories from WordPress , AheadWorks Blog , Mageplaza Blog , Mirasvit Blog . In addition, we offer paid services to import from: - Joomla - Drupal - - CSV and XML files
Installing Magento 2 Blog you will get a solution with the mobile-friendly interface so that your blog audience will be able to read the content whenever they want and whichever device they choose; be it either a smartphone, a desktop or a tablet. Make your customers’ surfing through your blog post maximally comfortable and convenient.
Looking for the best Magento 2 blog extension you will find that no other blog has as many features as ours! In our Magento 2 blog you can find optimized SEO features, related product rules, open graph tags, author blocks and many others.
However, there is always room for improvement. Do you have any features in mind?
By default Magento 2 doesn’t provide blog functionality. You need to install Magento 2 Blog Extension to be able to manage posts, categories, tags, and authors' pages on your Magento store.
How can I create a blog in Magento 2?
Once you install Magento Blog Extension you need to enable it. The blog page will be added to your store automatically with the /blog suffix. All you need to do then is create blog categories, posts, authors and start generating more traffic with compelling content.
Can I install Magento 2 Blog module via the composer?
Yes, you can. All our modules can be installed via the composer. Once you purchase the extension, you receive keys to the private Magefan composer repository and find the composer installation commands available in the "My Downloads" section.

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User Guide for Magento 2 Zero Downtime Deployment
5/139 Zluky Ave Ternopil, 46010, Ukraine +38 097 771 88 90
© 2015 - 2022 Magefan Language: English / Ukrainian

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Home Blog News and Updates Magefan News and Updates - May 2022
Magefan News and Updates - May 2022
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User Guide for Magento 2 Zero Downtime Deployment
5/139 Zluky Ave Ternopil, 46010, Ukraine +38 097 771 88 90
© 2015 - 2022 Magefan Language: English / Ukrainian
It's been another month of hard work. So we've prepared a lot of updates to make our extensions even more useful and beneficial for you.
Let's review what's new for you this May.
New features of the Magento 2 SEO Extension !
You can manage even more SEO features for better visibility, ranking and traffic now. We've added a cross-linking feature, so you can now add internal links for one keyword across multiple pages with just s few clicks .
Besides you can now configure the rel=PREV rel=NEXT for category pagination pages and define max-snippet, max-image-preview, max-video-preview meta robots . 
If you had any issues with the product meta title templates, please update the extension. We've fixed the issues with the mask values being saved in the database.
Website speed contributes not only to customers' experience, but SEO as well. So using WebP images benefits you for a number of reasons.
In this release, we offer you to improve WebP images converting by cron and bin/magento command . You can set only the latest images to be converted to save the bandwidth and avoid an overload.
We've also improved compatibility with AMP pages, Magento 2.4.4, PHP8.1 and MagicToolbox MagicZoom extension. The issue with the missing CAPTCHA Image is now fixed too.
Adding product information to the order grid allows you to see what was purchased right in the grid and filter orders by product attributes. However, that's not it.
Now you can add a configurable product options in the order grid and view color, size, and other attributes for better navigation and order management.
If you're looking for a ways to improve brand awareness across your team and make your admin panel more brandable, there is no better tool for it than Magento 2 Admin View Extension.
However, if you want to differentiate between your store views, you can now set a color shema per store view . Moreover, the module is totally compatible with Magento 2.4.4 and PHP 8.1.
Running static content deployment is always "painful" for customer experience since while changes are deployed your website is under the maintenance mode. But with the Zero Downtime Deployment extension, things get a new turn. 
In the latest version we've added the --no-interaction parameter to the composer install command which you can use with other zero downtime deployment commands .
Planning on using Magento 2 Blog extension on Magento 2.4.4? We can assure you it is completely compatible with this version and PHP 8.1 as well. So now you can install and enable a blog on your Magento store and benefit from improved traffic and more engaging content.
Email marketing is better with Mautic on Magento 2.4.4 now since we've also added compatibility to this version of Magento and improved compatibility with PHP 8.1.
Stay tuned to be aware of the latest news and updates. Sign up for the newsletter .
Does it help or not? Let us know in the comments below .
Mari is a content writer and customer care manager with more than 5 years of experience. She is a constant source of stunning content ideas who can't get enough of the latest content marketing trends. Mari is an avid learner, a bookworm, and a real wit. ...

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