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Компания Alcaliber, занимающая одно из первых мест в мире по объемам легального производства морфина, получила разрешение Испанского агентства по лекарственным средствам и санитарной продукции AEMPS на выращивание марихуаны на участке площадью более 1 гектара. Предприятие, занимающие в мире лидирующие позиции по легальному производству морфина, стало первым в Испании обладателем лицензии на разведение, производство, импорт, экспорт и продажу конопли для фармацевтического сектора. В общей сложности на сегодняшний день агентство AEMPS получило около запросов о выдаче разрешений на выращивание марихуаны. На протяжении нескольких лет пациенты и исследователи требовали разработки национального регламента, касающегося разведения медицинского каннабиса, и недавно на рынке появились первые медикаменты с содержанием каннабиноидов, а минувшей осенью компания Alcaliber заключила альянс с канадским предприятием CanopyGrowth с целью обмена знаниями и производственными практиками. Что касается Политехнического университета Валенсии, то его лицензия разрешает работу с коноплей особому исследовательскому институту, занимающемуся вопросами генетики растений. Специалисты учреждения разрабатывают новый вид растений, который можно будет выращивать легально благодаря высокому содержанию веществ, интересных с медицинской точки зрения, и практически нулевой концентрации тетрагидроканнабинола, который оказывает психотропный эффект. Исследователи начали работу в году по заказу компании-спонсора Hemp Trading и надеются получить результат уже через пару лет. Новости Недвижимость Испанский банк распродает квартиры по тыс. Почти 10 тысяч евро в год уходит на жильё у среднестатистической испанской семьи Сколько стоит построить одноэтажный дом в Испании? Простые, но важные советы для тех, кто переезжает в Севилью 30 квартир в Аликанте в удачном районе и по привлекательной цене Как правильно использовать герметик во время ремонта Покупка квартиры и переезд на ПМЖ в Аланью: гид по району Оба В какой стране купить недвижимость? Доход в евро и недвижимость от 30 Евро 20 волшебных домов на море в Испании за умеренные деньги Прогноз на год: где лучше купить недвижимость — в Турции или в Испании? Альмерия - гастрономическая столица Таксисты Барселоны грозят новой масштабной забастовкой Эта весна в Испании будет теплее, чем обычно В Мадриде вводят новые требования к туристическому жилью Испанский Виго вошел в пятёрку самых комфортных для инвалидов городов Европы Авиакомпания Iberia объявила о наборе пилотов Добраться из Мадрида в Барселону на поезде AVE можно будет за 10 евро Аэропорт Мадрида в январе был одним из самых непунктуальных Кафедральный собор Сарагосы признан самым красивым в Испании В Барселоне создали приложение для выбора тенистых маршрутов На канатной дороге в Испании побит мировой рекорд скорости 14 лучших испанских вин для жаркого лета Что стоит посмотреть в Испании на машине? В Европе снизилась продолжительность жизни. В Испании развивается производство медицинской марихуаны. Темы: Общество.

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JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Luckily for you, there are many places where you can buy cannabis legally. In this article we explain the best ways to buy and smoke marijuana in the capital of Spain. We also answer some other important questions, such as: Is it legal to smoke indoors in Madrid? And is it legal to smoke on the streets of Madrid? If not, what are the fines? There is no short and simple answer to the question whether or not cannabis is legal in Spain. It is still highly illegal to sell cannabis in Spain. However, cannabis possession for personal use is not illegal in Spain on private property. You are allowed to smoke marijuana in the privacy of your own home, and you are even allowed to grow up to two plants per household in private properties out of the public view. Smoking cannabis on the streets of Madrid is something that happens quite a lot: if you walk through the city, you will surely encounter the smell of burning cannabis in many places. But although it is fairly common to smoke outside in public in Madrid, the police can fine you and take possession of your herbs. It is also legal to sell and buy bongs and other cannabis paraphernalia such as pipes, cannabis seeds, CBD oil in Spain. These products are easy to find throughout the city of Madrid, and can also be ordered online legally take a look at our assortment for online orders delivered to your doorstep in Madrid. There are several ways to buy weed in Madrid, and it may be surprising to you that it is possible to buy weed legally in the city. The overall quality of weed in Madrid is quite good. There are many people growing small amounts of cannabis with the intention of selling it or at least part of the harvest , and as a result there is a lot of weed available for sale. Thanks to the good climate and the good availability of growing supplies such as high-quality seeds, nutrients and grow lights, most illegal dealers sell weed of fairly good to really high quality. The prices of cannabis in Madrid vary widely, but are not very high compared to the Netherlands, for example. These prices are similar on the Canary Islands and in Benidorm. So where do I find them? Although we cannot give precise information, your best bet to buy weed from a dealer in Madrid is to ask some locals. Restaurant owners, people working in smoke shops, or just random Spanish people on the street will definitely be able to point you in the right direction. Especially in touristic locations such as parks, there will be people selling cannabis illegally. The two pictures below show two different varieties of 'real' marijuana that we bought from a dealer in Madrid that was recommended to us by a local resident. Because cannabis without THC is not prohibit by Spanish law neither by most other European countries , it is legal to buy this product over-the-counter in the stores that sell this throughout the city. Social clubs in Spain are sometimes compared to coffeeshops in the Netherlands, where you can sort of legally buy and smoke real cannabis that DOES contain the psychoactive ingredient THC. In Barcelona there are over a hundred social clubs, so cannabis in basically available everywhere. But in Madrid , this seems to be a different story. Where are the cannabis social clubs in Madrid? Locals tell us that most, if not all, of the cannabis social clubs in Madrid have been closed down. There is basically no news to be found about these cannabis social clubs in Madrid from after , so they seem to have disappeared or at least gone very private. To buy weed from a social club in Spain, you must also be introduced by an existing member of the club. In public, it is not legal to carry weed on you in Madrid, or anywhere else in Spain. According to Spanish law, the police is not allowed to search inside your underwear without a warrant, so that may be sort of a legal loophole to safely carry weed in public. In private, however, it should not be any problem at all to have a few grams of weed or hash on you. Please never do this: it is illegal to traffic cannabis from Spain into other countries, and the consequences can be big. Taking cannabis back home with you to another country is a bad idea. What is the best name for cannabis in Spanish? Well, you could just say weed and make some creative gestures, most people will surely understand you. If you want to sound more like a real Spanish stoner, consider using one of these other names for weed in Spain:. You can buy many different strains of legal CBD weed in this shop, without registering or being a resident of Spain. There are various locations of Cannabis Store Amsterdam around Madrid, as it is a chain with more than franchise stores throughout Europe. Paraphernalia such as weed grinders, blunt wraps weed cigar wraps , rolling papers, ash trays, rolling trays, lighters and pipes are also available. The pictures below were taken at Cannabis Store Amsterdam located in the city centre around the corner of Plaza Callao Calle Preciados The central location makes it very easy to find and access the store, and if you have an electric or hybrid car you can park right in front if there are parking spaces available on the street, that is In other words: going by this store gives you the opportunity to see a very beautiful and interesting part of Madrid. The weed that we bought from Flower Farm Madrid tasted very nice Lemon Haze recommended to us by the store clerk and was not harsh on the lungs, although the lemon flavour seemed to be a little too strong to be natural. Many people would actually prefer some added fruit flavour. Address: Calle de Ibiza, 2. It is a beautiful store that seems to focus mainly on CBD-weed and not much else, in the city centre next to Plaza de Tirso de Molina. Unfortunately this store was closed when we tried to visit it, but from the outside it looks like an interesting old-school shop. Their website even mentions Reiki therapy, so this seems to be more of a 'hippy kind of store'. It also seems like there is a San Pedro cactus mescaline cactus in front of the window. Phone: Even CBD vapes! The most popular kingsize rolling papers, such as Smoking Brown , RAW papers and Beuz rolling papers, as well as Cyclone blunts are available here. Grinders, lighters, filters, basically everything you need. You can even order CBD weed online through their website. Unfortunately this shop was closed when we tried to visit it. Address: Calle Minas 11, , Madrid. The Parafernali Grow Shop in Madrid does not sell any CBD cannabis or hash, and focuses mainly on selling growing products for the home grower looking to cultivate their own cannabis. In this shop you can expect to find many different strains of seeds, plant nutrients, soil, grow tents and all other growing supplies you may need. For the smoker or cannabis user, there are also many interesting products in this store. Parafernali has a fairly large collection of bongs, small pipes, and vaporizers. What we thought was very interesting, is that there are also some basic bong downstems and bong bowls for sale in this store. That may come in very handy if you drop your downstem and need a new one quickly. Many Tabacos stores also have weed paraphernalia, such as rolling papers and tips for weed , grinders , ash trays, glass pipes and small bongs. Click here to see all Tabacos stores in Madrid on Google Maps. Legal notice : please be aware that we are not Spanish authorities and therefore we do not intend to give any legal advice or information. If you want to be sure of any questions regarding the laws on cannabis use, production, or sale, please consult the local Spanish authorities. Language English. Currency EUR - Euro.

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