Made in Ukraine, Verified by Evrika - about Evrika

Made in Ukraine, Verified by Evrika - about Evrika

Languages: RUS - ENG

Evrika - is a Creative Association(artist collective) with exact philosophy: "To create is to exist". Evrika members are selected and then may be called evrikists.

At the same time, Evrika acts as a hub - a place where you can come with an idea, skills or resources and create something together. For now, the hub has open access.

You can get an assessment to your product from Evrika: 🇺🇦Made in Ukraine, Verified by Evrika. It can be got exceptionally by those cool inventions, the creators of which admit that it is made in Ukraine.


By uniting the best Ukrainian minds together, we will be able to make our country the center of world innovations, technological innovations and the homeland of the best artists. And as soon as we put things in order here, we will deal with the rest of the world.
So far, Evrika has just begun its existence, we are taking small steps. For the 2020-2021 years, I - the creator of Evrika - plan to provide funding for the organization, which will give us the opportunity to provide financial support to other cool Ukrainian projects.
And if there is no wind, we will grab the oars


Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness

Martin Luther King Jr.

Evrika members (evrikists)

I personnel

  1. Venskovich: Instagram
  2. Shymon Maksym: Telegram - Blog
  3. Romanov Vladyslav: Instagram
  4. Tolo-Tolo / Instagram
  5. Alina: Instagram

Important! There are two personnels in Evrika. The 1st one makes decisions and is responsible for organization development. The 2nd is the members of the Creative Association. Membership in Evrika shows that you are joining the creators of the new world!


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