Made in France

Made in France


Made in France
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made in france

July 13, 2018

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Bastille Day is Saturday, July 14, and to celebrate France’s national day, we’re dedicating the week to the very best French things. You may be familiar with stories we’ve done on French pharmacy products and cookbooks , but we’re going even deeper this week, from the best books on Paris and French baking to the greatest French pantry essentials and lesser-known French beauty products. Welcome to Made in France Week .
There’s so much to love about French stuff — from cuisine to art to style to sports (“Allez les bleus!”) to literature to beauty — that it’s not hard to see why Americans are so taken with French culture. In light of this, and in honor of Made in France Week , we’ve assembled some of the most uniquely French items you can find on Amazon (usually the best place to find crossover items imported from Europe), from items that were actually designed on French soil to “French” things that you’ll want for no reason at all.
The French are known for their high-quality linens, like D. Porthault’s luxury options that interior designers love . To dip your toe in, you could start with some affordable cherry napkins like these.
And you can’t cross a street in Paris without seeing a baguette slung under an arm or secured in a bike basket. The fresh, crusty real deal can’t be bought on Amazon, but here’s a fake one just for kicks.
The famous Breton stripes in bag form.
Because “pamplemousse” (a.k.a. grapefruit) just rolls off the tongue, and also because these handmade, hand-carved soaps from Marseilles are very French — they also come in Mimosa , Demon , and Patchouli options.
So you could have your own Proustian moment at home.
A stuffy French poodle to affix to a jean jacket or bag.
You really can’t make a traditional cassoulet without authentic sausage from Toulouse — flavored with onions and wine, and seasoned with spices, salt, and pepper.
And a lemon-scented cleansing soap from Pierre d’Argent that’s ecofriendly (of course) and sort of a jack-of-all-trades for scrubbing all surfaces in your kitchen and bathroom. It’s safe to use on metals, too, so you could have at your Staub or Mauviel sets.
We’re big Mustela fans at the Strat for all things baby products . This French baby perfume is a standout, though, that we’ve written about before because it smells good enough to spray on just about everything.
Violinists, cellists, and the like know these French Bernardel rosins for being some of the best for priming their bows (users credit it for their crisp, smooth sound).
Traditionally a sport for old men in the south of France, pétanque is always good family fun (good aim and hand-eye coordination are essentially all you need).
Relieve your tension with a foamy (not flaky) croissant squishy.
A traditional blue steel pan from De Buyer that’s come up more than once this week as the pan that French people turn to , to perfect their thin, delicate crêpes.
Micellar water (a genius, gentle makeup remover and cleanser) is a French beauty secret that we’ve heartily taken up here in the States. Bioderma’s the French pharmacy wonder that’s considered the first and best — and we’ve covered it many times here at the Strat.
The Eiffel Tower in Lego miniature — if only it lit up as well.
To create an authentic Moroccan food experience at home, this terracotta tagine dish (from French ceramics brand Emile Henry) is a must for serving your spiced lamb stew.
If you love wine, you’ll want to have one of these handy clefs du vin for aging cheapo wines on the spot (every second that you leave this Peugeot wine key in the glass adds a year to its “age”).
What, like it’s hard? This paint-by-numbers Monet water-lilies print will let you try your hand at Impressionist strokes.
Addicting strawberry candies beloved by “les petits gosses” (little kids) in France.
A fake picnic spread of French favorites, all the way down to the fake Brie and nearly empty wine bottle.
A fruity, floral candle (that Jennifer Connelly loves ) from the historic French candle brand Cire Trudon. They’ve been around since the 1600s, and are also known for their intricate candle busts of Napoleon and Marie Antoinette .
Even if you’ve never set foot in one of Paris’s fancy Mariage Frères tea salons, now’s your chance to nab one of their deliciously aromatic teas , like this chocolaty Wedding Imperial one.
Blow off some steam with this “color your way to calm” coloring book, illustrated by Zoé de las Cases, of some of Paris’s most famous sights.
We love a good trompe l’oeil , and this one’s a throw pillow disguised as a loaf of French bread.
There are thousands of types of tarot cards out there, but purists believe that the Tarot of Marseilles ones are the end-all, be-all. Filmmaker Alejandro Jodorowsky is somewhat of a tarot nut , so here’s a Tarot of Marseilles deck he designed himself.
Disguise your pills (or jewelry) in these discreet boxes shaped like crispy macarons.
This adorable Nanoblock kit helps you build the Louvre in miniature, minus the crowds and selfie sticks (and they also make kits for monuments like Notre Dame and the Arc de Triomphe ).
And French Open fans will appreciate some Roland Garros merch from iconic tennis brand — you guessed it — Lacoste.
Or, if you’re one of those who likes to “roll their own,” you could go for some ultrathin, yet sturdy French rolling papers.
To keep your mustache groomed and shaped, here are some premium mustache-trimming scissors from Garrett Wade that are made in France.
As this survey of French chefs just goes to show, the French love a good confiture (or preserves), which is why we suggest this jam pan from French heritage brand Mauviel for creating your own — its pricey copper pot and pan sets are wedding-registry favorites.
And if you want traditional, bubbling hot garlic-butter escargots, you’ll want to aim for one of these escargot pans from France’s premium cast-iron brand Staub.
An homage to the cancan dancers at the Moulin Rouge, from French fan-maker Duvelleroy (which has been around since the 1800s).
The best way to enjoy a soupe à l’oignon (French onion soup), potpie, or side dish is in one of these Le Creuset mini-cocottes with lids.
Sadly, you can’t buy an Hermès silk scarf directly from Amazon, but you can scoop up one of their orange-tinged bath and fragrance products, like this elegant carved soap.
And if you want to go straight to the source for France’s signature hat, here’s a wool beret from French brand Laulhère that’s been the standard for berets since the 1800s.
If you’re a wine lover , you can enjoy some Malbec in a carved wine glass from one of France’s oldest glassware brands, La Rochère.
Some fake petits fours to remind you of the delicious sweets to be had in France.
This fake bouquet won’t smell like the lavender in Provence, but it sure looks like it.
It’s not quite primed for the Grand Prix, but your kid could go places with this vintage racing car designed by French toy brand Vilac.
And here we present the Poupoupidou, a French magnetic clip that clamps your skirt down while you’re riding your bike.
If you’re frugal like the French are when it comes to conserving water, you could invest in a hand-shower — like this one, designed by legendary French designer Philippe Starck — to switch on and off while you lather up.
And because Amélie is such a quintessential French movie, we were tickled by this Eiffel Tower music box that plays the theme from the film.
Before the “freedom fry,” there was the French fry: the tastiest way to enjoy potatoes.
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The Strategist is designed to surface the most useful, expert recommendations for things to buy across the vast e-commerce landscape. Some of our latest conquests include the best women’s jeans , rolling luggage , bed sheets , coffee makers , and bath towels . We update links when possible, but note that deals can expire and all prices are subject to change.
Every editorial product is independently selected. If you buy something through our links, New York may earn an affiliate commission.
Every product is independently selected by (obsessive) editors. Things you buy through our links may earn us a commission.



Made in FRANCE

Claudie Pierlot Paris
France XXL
Kiplay Vintage
Les Hirondelles
Le Slip Francais
Lingerie Indiscrete
Maison des Canuts
Romain Brifault
Royal Mer
St.James 1889

Emilie a Doudous
Fée Parmôha
Jolee Môme
Juste Inséparables
Little Woude
Margotte Tournicote

ABC - Meubles
Petite Friture

Blanc des Vosges
Dresseur de Table
Garnier Thiebaut
La Maison de Balmy
Mademoiselle d'Ennery
Nicole Germain
Tissage Moute
Tissage de Luz

Advance Paris
Dyptique Audio
Pierre Riffaud
PYT audio

Blanc Bonnet
Ector Sneakers
Le Marquier
Môme Kawet
Villacampa Pyrénées

Capucine Chic

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WELCOME to original-french website. France and design: a long-standing love story! Art, elegance and creativity! These three words describe both the image that
people have of France as well as the world of design! From original French clothing fashions to everyday top-of-the-range or mass-market objects, today design
seems to be a “trendy” factor that is more and more present when we buy things and is now accessible to everyone! Our website will help you
find original French manufacturers and French Brands across the France, their links and their direct e-shops.
Thank you for supporting MADE IN FRANCE.
Many French cosmetics companies manufacture their products on home soil.
Since 2013 in the European Union, there has been a total ban in place on using animals to test cosmetics,
toiletry products and ingredients. That's way, buying French-made products should keep your conscience clear.
This is a list of French beauty products companies manufacturing online connection to their e-shops.

From the early 17th century to the present, France has developed a fashion culture of its own. We can talk all day about how
much we adore French brands, from the French styling tricks owned by the country's sunny girls to the stars and street style gurus you should
look to for excellent Parisian style. But what about the best French fashion brands that enable all the above? There are loads of them.
This is online connection to their e-shops.
In France, shoes are a very important accessory, and often change the whole vibe of an outfit.
Whether they are bespoke or ready-to-wear, are at the intersection between craft and elegance. French shoes are a successful
fusion between traditional shoe-making know-how and more creative, avant-garde design. This is a list of iconic French brands
of shoes and footwear and online connection to their e-shops.
Many of French producers of French toys use designers are from France and many of handmade toys use local craftsmen.
High-quality toys made in France means not only fully safety tested and child safe, but also gives an opportunity for progress creativity of children.
This is a list of French high quality toys, games and kids stuff made in France and online connection to their e-shops.
Country of origin France. French companies built a place where creativity lives and thrives because it’s powered
by people. French fashion of babies clothes has created high quality and stylish clothing for babies and kids.
Parisian insouciance extends to the way women dress their kids too.
This is a French directory and online connection of French Brands to their e-shops.

French gifts can be the expression of friendship, gratitude or love.
If you are looking for a French gift for your wife, girl-friend, mother or another loved person,
here are a French gifts producers that may be of interest as bags, handbags, customized jewels and much more.
This is a list of French gifts and personal stuff made only in France and online connection to their e-shops.
French furniture comprises both the most sophisticated furniture made in Paris for aristocrats,
on the one hand, and French provincial furniture made in the provincial cities and towns many of which, like Lyon and Liège,
retained cultural identities distinct from the metropolis. Today French furniture has ceased to be just for functional purposes.
Utility and comfort are still important but it has moved on to become a fashion statement.
The following are some of the leading furniture brands in France and connection to their e-shops.
For those hoping to create a setting of warmth, elegance, and timeless beauty, French home accessories
can be an incredible asset to achieving the aesthetic. Brilliant selection of French home decor finds its perfect match in
collection of French home furnishings and appliances. French Home Accessories utilizes a muted and chic color palette
incorporating lovely hues of gold, burlap and flax colored fabric, natural wood, and patinas to bring a rich sense
of style and quiet elegance to a room. This is a list of French home decor.
QUALITY À LA FRANÇAISE. When you really feel a «live» experience, the music is taken to a new dimension; the soundstage opens,
the musicians stand in front of you, each instrument is distinguished accurately and the music gives you the chills.This is a list of French
manufacturers who exclusively produce electrical and hifi systems, loudspeakers and many others electro products by made in France.
Connection to online links of French original music instruments and original quality of French HiFi equipment makers.
Whether you’re headed into the high alpine, expecting heavy weather, or want to add a little
party to your summit push, we’ve got for you a list of French companies manufacturing a selection of leisure items,
sports equipment like bikes, walking gear, clothing and other leisure original French products and online connection to their e-shops.
Discover the best selection of French outdoors companies.
French tableware is great to build a French style kitchen or to transform your dining experience.
Discover and acquire historical, new, and innovative origin French brands, sele
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