Made To Wear A Diaper

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Ever been forced to be diapered as kid

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Start date

Jan 23, 2022




Diaper Lover

I have never been forced but I wanted to be, yeh now i know it's bad to be forced.

Please keep these story's real and don't come up with fake ones please, thank you.



Diaper Lover Little Incontinent Carer Other

I haven't been forced. But honestly, I don't get the threads of all of this. I'd imagine that getting forced is traumatic and I don't know what's the whoop about being forced into it.




Diaper Lover Incontinent

I do not remember being forced, I have always had some incontinence and... well I am not dumb, wetting my pants at school would be a bad idea. I can vaguely remember times I was forced to have a diaper on when in the car, my brother is younger than I am by three years and was out of diapers well before me. I was in the daily until about seven and at times until I was thirteen. Around ten I would be in diapers on long car rides because if we could not find a bathroom I would wet and if we took more than an hour in the car that was likely.
I wouldn't say I was ever *forced* into diapers as a kid. However, I wouldn't have a choice when being told I had to wear them to movies for example. I understood my situation and knew the chance of me having an accident was basically guaranteed so I wouldn't contest it. Holidays, flights, high distraction events like movies or theme parks all had me diapered. I think because I was so used to wearing for my bed wetting and throughout the day when I was young, I just naturally accepted it up to a much older age and understood that the alternative of ending up with wet or soiled pants wasn't great!

nwm , DiaperDuck and Weatheronthe8s



Diaper Lover Other

One time I was forced to wear a Goodnite sorta diaper when I was 6 due to a โ€œjokeโ€ my family pulled on me where I ended up receiving baby stuff and ended up getting very upset. I ended up being told that it was a joke and the stuff was for my baby cousin. However, as I was walking up the stairs in the apartment, my mom's boyfriend at the time reached out and grabbed me at the top of the stairs. He proceeded to strip my clothes so he could get one of the Goodnites on me and I was so upset and ended up ripping the diaper off after like 3 seconds and running in my room. My memory kinda fades there for the night. I already had a diaper interest at the time, but doing something like that to me as a kid is just scary. The fact I remember this so well so long after it had happened seems to show that it had some sort of impact on me.



Adult Baby Diaper Lover Little

One time I was forced to wear a Goodnite sorta diaper when I was 6 due to a โ€œjokeโ€ my family pulled on me where I ended up receiving baby stuff and ended up getting very upset. I ended up being told that it was a joke and the stuff was for my baby cousin. However, as I was walking up the stairs in the apartment, my mom's boyfriend at the time reached out and grabbed me at the top of the stairs. He proceeded to strip my clothes so he could get one of the Goodnites on me and I was so upset and ended up ripping the diaper off after like 3 seconds and running in my room. My memory kinda fades there for the night. I already had a diaper interest at the time, but doing something like that to me as a kid is just scary. The fact I remember this so well so long after it had happened seems to show that it had some sort of impact on me.



Diaper Lover Other

Wow... That;s traumatic. You could, you know, if you haven't already, turn in that guy for sexual assault. Technically, it was. I would recommend that you turn him in him.



Adult Baby Diaper Lover Little

I totally see what you mean. Iโ€™ve never really processed if this is any sort of intentional abuse or if it was a misunderstood joke. Regardless, my mom dumped a lot of boyfriends back then, but if this is the one I am thinking of, my mom went back and forth to him many times for quite a few years up until around 2012. He still has managed to recognize me in places just in the past few years which is kinda shocking to me considering I struggle to recognize him now. Not sure if itโ€™s worth turning him in though, especially almost 15 years later.

At about 3 I was put back into diapers because I wasnโ€™t ready to be potty trained or maybe due to health issues since whatever disease was out there I caught. After fighting the first nite and being diapered and being put in the crib with the baby on the other end given a bottle which sent me over the end by throwing a tantrum for which I was given a warning about that I would be spanked I settled down and went to sleep. The next day I woke up wet as usual climbed out of the crib started playing before my mother rediapered me but this time I knew that I needed diapers. I wasnโ€™t too fond of diapers but knew they were needed day and nite. No one in my family or my cousins teased me about them. About four and a half I was out of diapers. Just one time when I was about five my mother asked me to wear diapers for the long trip to Florida for which after she explained why it would be needed I agreed for the trip but when we got home they were no longer needed. It wasnโ€™t until at about twenty-six that I started wearing diapers due to IC issues because of MS.

chuck , Weatheronthe8s and nwm



Adult Baby Incontinent

I can't call it "forced" just was never out of diapers.
In it self, I don't recall ever really caring - in the lower grades of school there were kids that would tease and bully me over it - unfortunately 4th grade I had a teacher that really pushed that too - by making me say exactly why every time I needed to go to the nurses office, and the answer had to be LOUD enough that everyone heard it very clearly. That I would get upset over. But the fact is I knew there would be worse problems if I did not have a diaper on so..., And by 7th-8th grade basically no one was saying anything anymore. Occasionally some new kid, but that got taken care of before I even had a chance to say anything - sometimes by kids I knew in general did not like me! But by then they were all aware and use to it so.
Never really had an issue with family over being ic either (or any other of my multiple issues) - a few times (VERY few) a younger cousin would decide to be a little brat because they did not wear diapers but I was much older than they were, and I did - but that was rare - they also did not dare do it more than once or twice believe me! No I didn't do anything myself - but as soon as their parents found out about it - look out! (and a lot of times when that happened, they were close enough to hear everything!)

Freddie07601 and Weatheronthe8s



Adult Baby Little

I was "forced" to wear diapers (pull ups) for bedwetting. I say "forced" because I actually wanted to wear diapers and act like a baby since I was 3. I wet the bed regularly between 4 and 9, and sometime after I started, I remember one evening sitting on the bed. My mom and my sister left the room discussing something. They came back and without saying a word, they started pulling off my pants and underwear. I saw the pink pull up (Yes, it was pink.) and started kicking my legs to avoid being put into it because of the embarrassment of wearing diapers even though I actually wanted it. Eventually, they got a hold of my legs and got the pull up on me and put me to bed. I was happy to be in diapers, but I was surprised that this one was different. (I only knew about the tape kind.)

I don't know if this counts as forced, but I also remember on a trip to California (This must have been around 4.), we were staying at a family friend's house. They had a little boy who was a little younger than me, maybe 2 or 3. I remember going to sleep one night in my pajamas and waking up in just a shirt and a pull up. The pull ups that I used by then had Muppet Babies on them. My mom probably put them on me while I was sleeping. I took them off pretty quickly and put on my pajama shorts because I was embarrassed.

Unfortunately, my parents and my sister put a stop to my pull ups around 8 when they got me a bedwetting mat.



Diaper Lover Incontinent

I have never been forced but I wanted to be, yeh now i know it's bad to be forced.

Please keep these story's real and don't come up with fake ones please, thank you.



Diaper Lover Incontinent

Not forced to wear but I got put in goodnites when I was 9 for bedwetting and sometimes my mom would have me stand in front of her so she could put one on at night me, like a toddler. Sometimes she would also put me in a pullup during the day if I had an accident or for long trips. When I got switched to depends diapers she would also have me lay down so she could put my diaper on.

DiaperDuck , nwm and Pamper8824

When I was around 3-4 I had already been potty trained during both day and night (unfortunately). The daycare that I went to, which was run by a bunch of Catholic nuns, had kids from 2-10 years of age. I believe their policy was that anyone under the age of 5 would be diapered during naptime, because I remember my friends who were over 5 didn't have to lineup for a diaper change. On my first day, after lunch, they pulled all the kids who "needed" diapers aside and formed a line at the changing table. I was really confused what was happening because I didn't wear diapers anymore at naptime at home!

When it was my turn I clearly remember telling the nun "but I don't need a diaper!!" repeatedly. She said, "yes you do for naptime." I kept putting up a fight and as a punishment, instead of putting me in a normal diaper ( I think they were Pampers) they put me in a pink princess pullup instead. When I woke up from my nap, they pulled me aside for a diaper change (I guess to put me back in my underwear). I told them, "see, I kept it dry! I don't need a diaper" and the nun just said "ok... you can keep it on." That infuriated me! I think this went on for a few days until my parents got involved. Now thinking back I really wish I had just quietly let it continue.



Diaper Lover Babyfur Little

I actually have always thought that the source of ABDL for me is the event I'll detail below. Fortunately, I've had some pretty good individual psychotherapy and have been able to work this specific event as well as my ABDL side, allowing me to reach acceptance and leave behind some deeply rooted self-hate.

When I was around 4 years old, I was in a pretty small kindergarten that was close to my house. Growing up in Mexico during the 90s, private education was the norm for educational achievement, so my parents had me in this small kindergarten while I transitioned to a school with more renown as well as higher standards.

Anyway, I digress... In this kindergarten, the classroom had about 10-12 kids and there were only about 3-4 classrooms. I vividly remember that my class's teacher was a woman that must've been pretty young but looked to be quite mature for 4-yo me, and she punished kids that "missbehaved" (i.e., did not stay quiet or follow set) by public shaming. She would very adamantly and vocally, take said kid by the hand and lead them to the front of the classroom to change them into a baby diaper in front of everyone.

Trust me, I know the way you must feel, as my jaw also dropped when I was recalling this memory during my therapy in a way that was only matter-of-factly, without even thinking twice about how odd--much less traumatic--this had been. I did not think twice about this memory until I was 27, reliving it and coming to terms with the fact that I had been subject to trauma during my early years by public shaming, being diapered, and forced to stay diapered for the rest of the schoolday.

After that experience, my fascination was set in stone. Diapers were something to wear when you were naughty and whenever I wanted to feel as if I were doing something very improper. Everytime I went with my mother to the grocery store, the diaper aisles would grab my attention. Or when we went to the pharmacy, I would look at the adult diapers and I recall thinking to myself: I hope I still want to wear diapers when I am an adult and am able to get my own.



Diaper Lover Sissy Little

I wore Goodnites till I was eleven; but even after I retired wearing them, I'll admit I've always had dreams of being forced to be diapered again.



Diaper Lover Little

I wasn't really "forced" to wear diapers but being a bedwetter till late teens at 16 diapers are sort of needed for me . My mom didn't really forced me in a way and i knew i had to wear them else its wet sheets etc . Holidays and traveling internationally , theme parks etc all of these i had to wear diapers as the journey there i might fall asleep and i was "made" to wear diapers although i knew i had to wear them as well even though i was like about 16 years old and when we arrived at the destination such as a theme park i would be told to keep it on since we wouldn't want to waste more time finding a restroom for me to change out of my diaper plus how inconvenient it is to change in and out of it when going back seeing that i am already wearing my diapers , not to mention according to my mom i can actually use my diaper when the lines are long not needing to get out of the queue . At the time quite frankly i am also used to wearing diapers despite me being 16 as i am always diapered to bed for my bedwetting issues .

electricBread and Weatheronthe8s

I was forced into a diaper for wetting my pants. And that was the nicest thing the shit head taking care of me ever did in response to an accident.



Adult Baby Sissy Little Other

I was threatened with diaper punishment many times between 7 and 12. I had a cousin who was not only threatened with it but got put back in diapers many times, including once when my family and I visited his family. He was humiliated by his dad for it, too, forced to wear a thick cloth diaper because the toddler Pampers no longer fit him. So we played games together that night, he wearing only a t-shirt, tennies and a cloth diaper. I was so envious and wished they could've put me in a diaper, too. I wanted to wear a t-shirt, shoes and a thick diaper badly that night. Perfect Toddler Mode.

I haven't been forced. But honestly, I don't get the threads of all of this. I'd imagine that getting forced is traumatic and I don't know what's the whoop about being forced into it.

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