Made To Squirt

Made To Squirt


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Are you looking to get your partner to enjoy a good orgasm in bed? You may be wondering how to make her ejaculate? There is a lot of confusion surrounding the concept of female ejaculation , also known as squirting. Some people go as far as to equate the term squirt to urinating. It is to help you know everything about squirting and how to make her squirt that we provide you with this self-guide.
Squirting is an act unlike urinating that arises from an involuntary reaction to G-spot stimulation. So, to get a woman to ejaculate successfully, it is essential to rub her G-spot. Squirting also occurs only sometimes due to G-spot orgasm , not all the time.
This activity is similar to urination because it involves the participation of the urethra and the skene’s gland. The fluid contains pee, urea, uric acid, creatinine, and small amounts of prostate-specific antigen.
Sometimes the amount of fluid is so tiny that it becomes almost impossible to differentiate between squirting and the natural arousal seen in a woman. The sensations associated with squirting vary from individual to individual.
Some women experience more intense orgasmic experiences than others. It is, therefore, necessary that you know how to make her ejaculate depending on her needs. Some women also complain about squirting sensations related to G-spot stimulation, such as tingling or an urgent need to urinate.
Squirting happens in a female when prostatic fluid, that is, fluid from the skene’s gland, is ejaculated through the urethra. As for the reasons for squirting in women, researchers still do not fully comprehend what triggers it.
One theory suggests that if you want to understand how to squirt her truly , you will need to understand the factors that enable the development of a woman's body in the womb. It is also a fact that the reproductive anatomy of the male and female are analogous to each other.
For example, the penis head of a man and the clitoris of a woman develop in similar ways. Hence, squirting occurs simply due to the female prostate (skene’s gland) or its analogue for many researchers. It only means that they believe a woman squirts only when stimulation of the female prostate occurs.
A 2013 study found that many women squirt weekly and even daily. This research also found that 29% of women who squirt regularly discovered that their volume of ejaculate measures up to 2 ounces. Therefore, it is important to know how to make her squirt the right way.
Many men in a committed relationship may wonder, how do I make my girlfriend squirt? Well, here is a step-by-step guide for you to make your girl squirt easily:
Ensure that the environment surrounding you and your partner is clean before the squirting begins. It is done by making sure a towel is used so both of you can enjoy the orgasmic moment to the fullest when it arrives.
This way, you can avoid stressing over the possible mess that could happen due to squirting.
Create for your partner an environment that puts her at ease so that she does not feel embarrassed.
Foreplay plays a crucial role in getting your partner to squirt successfully. It is, therefore, essential that you gently caress her breasts, which are sensitive to touch from the top, bottom, and sides. Foreplay involves playing with your partner’s body and touching her softly throughout.
The G-Spot is generally located on the vaginal wall facing the stomach's direction. So, it is critically important that you use two fingers to tap, stroke, and caress it to discover the right area.
For some females, squirting happens when G-Spot swells and oozes with blood. If you notice it in your partner, do not panic, and continue moving your fingers in the vaginal wall.
When you are stimulating the G-Spot, it is essential to let her be free to use techniques that work for her. In other words, ensure that she is under no stress to squirt.
Do you ever wonder whether you can get your partner to squirt while having sex? Here are three positions that will stimulate her G-Spot and clitoris, leading to squirting.
This position provides the perfect angle for reaching the vaginal wall. With this position, it is also essential to hold a vibrator against your partner's clitoris to make squirting a possibility rather than remain a probability.
If you want to know how to make her squirt with a penis, then spooning is a position that you must try. In this move, your penis faces the G-Spot directly while the clitoris remains open for stimulation.
This is the best position for your partner to simultaneously experience G-Spot and clit stimulation. It is a move that will help her keep control and prevent her from thinking too much.
When it comes to providing your partner with an opportunity to enjoy a good orgasm, a question that should pop up in your mind is how to make her squirt? Here are some easy tips to make her squirt:
One of the best tools to use is sex toys to stimulate a great squirt in your partner. There are several vibrators and massagers available in the market that are very effective.
A few good words of encouragement with your partner would go a long way in eliminating any discomfort she may be feeling and putting both of you at ease.
You must take squirting as a bonus and not get disappointed if it does not work out. The key lies in hitting the G-Spot the right way and arousing her sexually.
Overall, if you want to know how to make her squirt, then you need to ensure that your partner’s G-Spot does get stimulated. The more you become aware of how to squirt her, the more effective the whole squirting experience becomes.
Since squirting eventually leads to the release of prostatic fluid through the urethra, it does serve as a suitable lubricant for sexual intercourse.
Squirting is only one technique that you can use to enjoy sex with your partner, and therefore if you have the misfortune of not experiencing it, it is no big deal. There are other ways to enjoy making love to your partner.
However, if you wish to enjoy this experience, learn to locate your partner’s G-spot and give her a good orgasm to enable her to squirt easily.
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By: Jessica & Lee Founders of Diskret_Adult_Life ( Phone Sex )
Remember to spread the love! Share this blog with “@diskretadultlife” on any major social media platform (FB,IG, Twitter) and we will pick a winner each month to win a free orgasmic g spot vibrator to use for your next squirting orgasm!
Is there a city of Atlantis made of gold? Who really killed JFK? Where is Cleopatra’s tomb?
I swear squirting belongs in the world’s most mysterious and controversial topics!
We hear tons of questions a day like:
My man wants me to squirt but I cant, what should I do?
While there is a ton of interest, mystery, and pleasure that revolves around how to squirt; unfortunately, the information out there on it is very limited and misleading.
So, we decided to dump tons of time, research, and money into cracking this mystery wide open!
The questions above are all valid, so we are going to dissect them with some of the leading sex educational experts (and masters of squirting) on the planet!
Its time for you to squirt, drip and tremble with extremely intense orgasms!
Here are the first 3 steps on how to make yourself squirt:
I think it’s important if you have never squirted before to take the time to understand a few things all on your own:
I’ve always been a firm believer in experimenting sexually alone before trying to do it with your partner (whenever possible).
It allows you to really take your time. You can focus on how something really feels. What works well, what doesn’t?
This can be done in the privacy of your own bedroom with zero judgment and zero nerves.
If you want to know how to squirt you need to understand the triggers “down there”.
It might sound boring (half of you might have already skipped this section) but for those that didn’t… I put it as step #1 for a reason.
Its literally the most important thing you need to understand!
The G-spot is the most important area to focus on when learning how to squirt. It’s located about 2-3 inches inside the vagina on the upper wall (facing your bellybutton).
The G-spot has often been described as a texture similar to a small raspberry.
If you are not aroused, it will be much smaller and harder to find. So, if you are not exactly sure where it is, make sure you are feeling around after some good foreplay when it will be engorged.
It expands as blood flows to your pelvic region when you get turned on!
When it gets bigger it feels soft, spongy, and slightly ribbed to the touch. It is literally a small patch of extremely sensitive nerve endings that have one purpose… Bringing you super intense pleasure!
The clitoris is also important when learning how to squirt. While the vast majority of women squirt through stimulating the G-spot, the clitoris is important for great foreplay.
Stimulate your clitoris to get turned on and ready for penetration. When your wet and craving more, start penetration and focus heavy on the g-spot.
Blended stimulation of clitoris and g-spot can also produce great squirting results, but it depends on the woman. Everyone responds differently to multiple forms of stimulation.
When you stimulate your g-spot you are also stimulating the skene’s gland. Sex experts also call this the female prostate gland. That’s because its located around the walls of the urethra and drains into the urethra (same as a male prostate gland works on men).
The skene’s gland is where you squirt or ejaculate from.
There is no direct way to stimulate the Skene’s gland but by preforming great g-spot stimulation you can indirectly hit it. A study done in 2002 showed that the size of the Skene’s gland drastically differed from woman to woman.
This means if your Skene’s gland is small or non-existent it can be much more difficult to squirt than some women where it is large and more present. I will cover more of this later.
It can become really difficult to squirt if you’re not in the appropriate setting. Hell, it can be really hard to even receive pleasure if you’re focus is drawn elsewhere.
This is why it is so important you “set the mood”.
In other words, make sure your very comfortable and relaxed. Getting to this relaxed state of body and mind is different for every woman but you should know what works best for you.
Here are a few tips to help get you in the mood:
If you want to know how to squirt, you need to understand what gives you pleasure.
It can be different from woman to woman, so the best way to understand this is through pleasurable experimentation!
Masturbate, masturbate some more, then masturbate again! Yea, its that simple and that fun!
Here are multiple forms of foreplay you should give a try:
After trying multiple forms of foreplay you will get a feel for what really gets your gears rolling!
You don’t need to focus much on your g-spot during foreplay. Focus on everything else and spend a good 30 minutes working yourself up to where you really want that orgasmic release.
As you get turned on, your Skene’s gland and g-spot will swell, making it easier to find and stimulate. Remember the Skene’s gland is near your bladder and urethra so this arousal and pressure may give you the feeling of having to pee (that is normal and perfectly okay).
Now that your g-spot is engorged it should be easy to find and very sensitive. This is absolutely key when understanding how to squirt!
Now that you know how to prepare yourself to squirt, lets get into the technique side. After all, you want to know the best way to squirt right?
Lucky for you the best and most pleasurable way to squirt often is one of the easiest way to do it.
Like most woman, I learned to squirt by using my hand then later turned to g-spot vibrators and dildos to make it easier and more pleasurable.
While I think learning to squirt with my hand was much more difficult, it did let me feel my personal anatomy out. I understood where my g-spot was, what it felt like to stimulate and apply certain motions.
That lead to me purchasing my first g-spot vibrator and I have literally never looked back!
Would I use my hand to squirt today?
Let’s just say I even pack a mini g-spot vibrator for when I have to travel for work!
But we will touch base on how to use your hand first if you want to take the more “learn the hard way first” approach like I did.
So, your fully aroused and know where g-spot is. You understand the sensations around building foreplay to that aching feeling of wanting to orgasm.
Use your lubed up fingers and slide them in to your g-spot, your going to start fingering yourself to squirt.
I always stress that lube is especially important. Just because you’re not dripping wet when you start fingering yourself doesn’t mean you can’t squirt.
Also, lube helps provide frictionless entry, thrusting, and rocking which is key to learning how to squirt.
Now, here are the best fingering techniques to make her squirt!
The pump release technique is one of the most common ways to make a girl squirt!
This is where you place one hand on your lower stomach (slightly above your pubic mound) and with your other hand, slide your middle and ring finger in and start massaging your g-spot.
Continue to massage applying heavier pressure to it.
When you really feel the climax building lock your hand in place, so you are not performing any thrust in and out, but strictly up and down with your arm. Keep your fingers, wrist, and arm all locked in the same position and bend up and down at the elbow.
Continue to thrust up and down in this motion until you feel the need to explode. Keeping slight pressure with your other hand slightly above your pubic mound.
Again, you might feel the sensation to pee or “completely let loose”. When you feel this, let it all go and pull your finger out! You can apply fast clitoral stimulation at this point to send yourself over the top, if you haven’t already!
This explosive release with a well hydrated body will produce squirting results nearly every time! It takes a bit of practice but when preformed right it can be a beautiful thing!
If locking and thrusting up and down does not work, you can always try a thrusting in and out motion instead. Some women require this gliding over the g-spot motion more than the applied pressure pump and release.
This one is simple but effective if you want to know how to squirt!
Slide your index or middle finger in and tap on your g-spot. Just use the tips of your fingers. You can experiment with the amount of pressure and speed required. I suggest starting slow and light then working your way up.
Once again when the pressure builds, try pulling your finger out and clenching those PC muscles for your full body release!
This technique for squirting works well. Slide your index finger in and locate your g-spot.
At this point begin to curl your fingertip over your g-spot. Such as telling someone to “come here”.
This will allow you to rub your finger back and forth over your g-spot, adjust speed and pressure as you see fit.
This technique and the push button seem to tire out my fingers very fast. That is why they invited vibrators for thisexact motion! This vibrator can actually simulate the come-hither motion with combining clitoral stimulation!
If you have used your fingers to squirt all the “props” in the world to you. But if you haven’t been able to squirt this way… Join the club of thousands of other similar women.
Using your fingers is not the best or easiest way!
It might be nice to start with this technique to feel out exactly where your g-spot is and how much pressure feels good.
But once you know the ins and outs of your vagina (literally) its time to find a much easier way to squirt and climax.
While you can feel things out with your fingers, unfortunately your fingers don’t vibrate, change vibration patters, and have the perfect geometry for girth and stimulation. They definitely don’t massage your clitoris and g-spot at the exact same frequency!
So, you guessed it… If you want to know how to squirt you should be experimenting with sex toys!
Sex toys come in all shapes and sizes…
You have long ones, short ones, fat ones, skinny ones, curved ones, wavy ones, powerful ones, quiet ones, and even phone-controlled ones!
With a million different types of vibrators out there, how will I know the best vibrator to make me squirt?
Lucky for you, that’s our specialty!
These vibrators have been proven to be global best-sellers for a reason.
I was astonished when I visited the manufacturing facilities and there were conveyors full of these vibrators as long as the eye can see!
Why the hell are they selling so many of these vibrators?
I was curious and skeptical at first.
That was until I tried some of them…
Mind-altering orgasms from such a small simple device? What kind of magical orgasm wand was this?!
Needless to say I had to change the sheets multiple times a day.
After testing 20+ g-spot vibrators from the top manufactures worldwide, here is my top 5 countdown:
The enigma vibrator looks simple, but if you want to know how to squirt this thing has it mastered!
The long swooping angle is the key to all the magic.
I don’t have to twist or contort my wrist to hit my g-spot anymore. The angle allows you to comfortably hold your hand straight and rock or thrust the enigma at will.
I love keeping the Eningma inserted, and slowly rolling the bulbous head over my g-spot. I turn on the very powerful motor and let the vibration, pressure, and kneading work my body into a gushing spout!
While I don’t require clitoral stimulation to squirt, the large flexible nub is a major bonus!
Now you can experience blended orgasms with the shaft jolting your g-spot and the clitoral nub massaging your clit. It’s double the pleasure!
Allow these deep penetrating vibes to work your body into the squirting orgasmic state you never knew was possible!
Find the enigma here to give you that squirting orgasm you’ve always dreamed of!
The We-Vibe Rave is amazing for 3 reasons.
The first and most important is the strength of vibration. This thing offers the deepest rumbling vibrations I’ve ever experienced! It can go from a graceful tickle all the way to what feels like a jackhammer!
I love slowly warming up with it and increasing the intensity the more I get turned on. When its time to explode just set it to max power and watch it blow your socks off!
The Rave is also amazing due to the firmness it offers. If you want to know how to squirt, it can be difficult with a mushy noodle of a vibrat
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