Maddie Fenton Rule 34

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Maddie Fenton (Danny Phantom)















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The Fenton's are just trying to find their way back together after Danny's secret has been revealed and the last thing they need is yet another disaster on their hands.
So of course this is when they notice that more and more portals are popping up in Amity, and with it an increase in ghostly visitors. What is the underlying cause of it all? And how is it connected to the portal in their basement?
Is Danny missing? Or not. Danny isn't missing, he is lost. Fucking 1000 years in the past. However, he found his way back to the present. His plan? Wait for his 16 year old persona to disappear and then take his place after explaining what had happened. It wasn't the most perfect plan. His wife made sure he knew that. But when has he ever heard solid advice?
But then everything he planned was sent to the trash, burned, and shot into a black hole when the fight simply ended. No strange portal to take him to 1000 years in the past. No life in the past.
So what should he do? Obviously continue managing his financial empire while working as a professor at Casper High on World History. Duh. And when some nasty ghosts that Danny fought throughout the ages start appearing in this timeline he is tasked with having to help himself protect the city.
A new kind of danger threatens Amity Park. With no other leads, Maddie Fenton turns to the one individual that might be able to help: Danny Phantom. Meanwhile, after a near death experience, she begins to question everything she knows about ghosts. Updates on Sundays. Currently on hiatus.
It's a late night and Maddeline Fenton waits for her son. But it goes deeper than that. Clockwork is also waiting for the right moment, and it seems this night is finally it.
Maddie made a mistake. She should have never let the Wisconsin Ghost talk her into it.
(P.S For anyone who doesn't want to read smutt just skip first chapter.)
Danny did not want to move to New York. Moving away from his hometown and his only friend? No thanks. His parents didn't give him a choice in the matter. At least they let him continue being a superhero, not that there was really a need for more superheroes in New York. To add to it all, Danny's 75% sure his new apartment is haunted by the dead kid of the people that used to live there, there's definitely some shit going on with the kids at his new school, and he's constantly drained for no reason at all. Something's going on, but Danny's not entirely sure he wants to know what that is.
“We ask only to be reassured about the noises in the cellar and the window that should not have been open.” - T.S. Eliot
Maddie wakes up to an unwanted visitor in the basement and has a realization she would rather go without.
After over twenty years of ghost hunting, Maddie finally gets to put her skills to use.
—¿Cuándo pensabas decírmelo? —pregunto Danny mirando a su madre con los ojos llenos de ira y dolor. —¿Decirte el qué? —Maddie frunció el ceño—. ¿De qué estás hablando? —¿Cómo pudiste ocultarme algo así? —No te entiendo —Maddie se giró para seguir con su invento. —¡Ya sabes a lo que me refiero! —exclamó Danny sin poder controlarse más—. ¡¿Como pudiste ocultarme que Vlad es mi verdadero padre?!
It was around 3am and Danny hasn’t gotten any sleep. But not from ghost fights but because of his thoughts.
So he went to a park. No one was there at this time of night and Danny let it out.
Well, phantom let it out. But it didn’t matter. Danny was Phantom and Phantom was Danny. But he still separated them, even in his head. He didn’t want to admit that he was dead.
Freakshow's staff ended up in Maddie Fenton's possession. With 'Inviso-Bill' unable to lie to her, they get to the bottom of Danny's delinquent behaviors instantly and are left with a moral dilemma: Do they find a way to free their son, or do the keep the Amity Park safe from the most dangerous ghost it's seen to date?
DPREVELATIONSWEEK2022 Day 4: Deliberate
After showing a little too much audacity in the Head Observant's presence, Danny was 'encouraged' to become a researcher of ectobiology (and later ecto-everything under the sun) in order to create a document that opposed his parents' harmful research. After years of writing it, and years of maturing rapidly without any credit, he finally decides to let his parents know who he really is, hoping that he can finally ask for help with his project, and learn to be open about his true self.
He'd be lying if he said he wasn't also doing it because of Vlad; getting to declare that his parents now know his secret is greatly amusing. On that note, Vlad finally gets to make up with his old friend. He even heals his inner child. (If only Jazz were here to see it.)
Featuring: - Some backstory on Danny's research - Some of Danny's findings - Danny's room (very exciting I know) - Gaslighting Mr. Lancer - Forgetting homework (again) - Identity reveal 1 - Family bonding time (minus Jazz, she's at university) - Identity reveal 2: electric bogaloo - and Vlad redemption!
At Maddie's insistence, Danny agrees to attend eight sessions of talk therapy.
Phantom is a hero known throughout the world. He fights for what's right and has been doing it for years. Fenton is a loser known throughout Casper high as a loner never getting close to anyone. To most people they couldn't be more different, how wrong they are.
When Danny went through the ghost catcher, he expected to be cured of the ghostliness that had haunted him since the accident, not to wake up on the lab floor with his parents saying he’d been overshadowed but everything’s okay now. So why does Danny Fenton cry himself to sleep to then dream of flying? Why does Phantom, the ghost who was supposedly possessing Danny, remember a life that isn’t his? Most of all, why do both the human and the ghost feel that something vital is missing, in their very soul?
Or: Trying to cure himself of his powers one month after the accident, Danny accidently splits himself but neither his ghost nor his human half realize what they've actually done.
Phantom is still talking, but she isn’t hearing anything he’s saying.
When the Fentons relocate for a year-long contract, Danny Fenton and Peter Parker find themselves at the heart of a secretive power struggle in an increasingly supernatural world. For the Avengers and the world’s sake, the demons in their shadows must be conquered.
From the author that brought you the Danny Phantom-Young Justice crossover universe of "Recognized." Rated T for themes, occasional language and action, though as a whole it could probably pass for General Audiences.
Maddie Fenton was a scientist, she valued the pursuit of knowledge above all else. Even her own (motherly) instincts that quietly told her to stop.
Promises are hard to keep when you're a scientist.
AKA Danny gets the bad end of the scalpel
Danny found a job as a teacher after graduated from college. Considering that he was from a family of ghost hunters, the school hired him to teach about ghosts. Unfortunately, he never expected that he would teach in the worst reputable school ever. A school that was full of delinquents. If he couldn't handle the kids as Danny Fenton, then he would have to handle them as Danny Phantom.
“Don’t be silly, sweetie.” Her mother smiled. “It isn’t torture if it can’t feel pain.”

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